Potpourri Part 2 : Mary



The Need for Preaching (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio Ministries. We are back in the studio today.
I'm glad for that. We are going to work on items in the news.
I like to call potpourri for 500. Just a variety of different things that come up.
Sometimes we'll teach on a topic. Repentance, miracles, are there apostles today? How does
God speak? What does the letter of Hebrews teach? There's a variety of things we can talk about. I just try to think of something interesting.
And if I was listening to the radio station, I would like to have something that provokes me to think critically, to think that I need to engage my mind, not just emote.
And one of the reasons why I like WV &E is in the past you've seen Christian stations and they are dominated by psychology.
Well, you might say they're Christian people, it's Christian psychology. But when you look down through WV &E's list and you see people like Alistair Begg and John MacArthur and R .C.
Sproul, J. Vernon McGee, there are some men who can really bring it and preach the word of God.
And it's not one counseling show after another. And so I applaud them for that.
And so what does that have to do with anything? Nothing, but it's my show. So I like to talk about things that are biblical, not psychological.
And so we like to kind of push the buttons a little bit. And so I have a variety of things here to talk about. And this is kind of potpourri today.
Again, I got a new book from the publishers today. I don't even really wanna almost say which publisher it is.
The Eden Diet, E -D -E -N, Diet. You can eat treats, enjoy your food and lose weight.
Rita Hancock, M .D., big piece of chocolate, triple layered cake right there. So it's kind of shavings on the top, chocolate shavings.
The Eden Diet, I guess they had chocolate cake back in the Garden of Eden. And you can eat treats, enjoy your food and lose weight.
Isn't that amazing? It's exactly what I want. And this is what I talked about last week on the show, when things are too easy, guess what?
They're too easy. It's too simple. Appeals to our laziness. You know, what's the latest kind of diet?
Let's see what it says on the back here. We have Rita Hancock is a Christian physician with Ivy League nutrition training and studies of obesity psychology.
She draws upon her faith and personal success overcoming childhood onset obesity to help those in bondage to food, eating, dieting, lose weight and keep it off permanently.
She lives in Oklahoma City. Well, so far, I like it. Don't you? So far, I like it.
And she says here, she explains why traditional restrictive diets cause you to fail at weight control 80 % of the time.
They cause you to block out your God -given internal sensations of hunger and eat according to unnatural restrictive human rules.
This is not how God the creator designed you to eat. You were made to eat when you feel hungry, not to ignore those signals and eat for emotional or intellectual reasons.
And so then she gives a test. So here's what I'm thinking so far. I have not looked through the book.
I've not looked through the chapters. I've not done anything except I saw the title. That was it. Nine times out of 10, when there's a
Christian book on diets, it reverts back to Mosaic law, the law that God gave, the good law that God gave to Moses.
And he gave that law for many reasons, for many purposes, but primarily he gave that law to the people back at Sinai so that they would be different from people of the world, that they would be different than the pagans.
And while it is wonderful that circumcision is supposed to be on the eighth day, and we found out now that boys have more potassium in their system at day eight than other days.
And so that's a good thing to stop the clotting of a circumcised boy, or there's lots of trigonosis in pork.
So therefore God says, don't eat pork. But more than that, it's to make them different, to make
Israel as a nation different than the pagans. And so I'm curious to find out here live on the air, we're gonna unveil this like Geraldo in Al Capone's tomb.
Let's find out. Dr. Rita advocates a simple technique called the apple test. Well, that's not too bad.
I've got two apples on my table right now, my desk, which can help you decide when it's time to eat.
The premise of the test is that when you're physically hungry you'll eat anything, even an apple. If you crave a particular food like chocolate cake on the cover of this book, oh,
I do kind of crave it, except I don't know, I think you need something to cut it with. You ever eat something so sweet that you've got to cut it with maybe milk or something like that?
Imagine sitting on a plate next to a perfect, shiny, beautiful, perfect, bright red apple.
Ask yourself, am I hungry enough to eat the apple? If the answer is no, you don't get to eat the cake. You may want the cake, but you're actually not physically hungry for it.
Inside, you'll learn many more techniques like this to recognize and fight the temptation to eat when your body doesn't actually need food.
It's called the Eden diet. I guess the apple, fruit. Was that an apple back then?
I don't think it was. And you will never look at or crave food again the same way.
Well, that's quite fascinating. And I open up this, these little liner notes here. And I'm just wondering how
Christian is the book? That's my question. I think it's fine for Christians to read books that aren't
Christian. I read a book the other day called "'Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers." And if you're 50 years old or older, you ought to read that book, "'Invasion of the
Prostate Snatchers." I kid you not. And so I'll just look at the title. And the first thing you do is you look and you say, okay, these are the contents, table of contents.
Say goodbye to the diet mentality. There is no bad food. Bad food. Chubby hubby
Ben Jerry's, bad food. Rediscover your hunger signals. Less food, more joy.
The Eden diet in action. Feed emotional hunger the right way. Temptation fighting tools.
Okay, now see, that's interesting to me. Page 177, temptation fighters. And so we like temptation fighters.
And she quotes Andy Rooney, the biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books. How not to eat what you've just learned how to cook.
Now see, I think that's funny. But I'm just wondering, is this a Christian book? Well, I want to put this on the book table.
You know, here's a patient that she's got. I gave him the injection. I talked about the temptation story.
Satan couldn't have manifested as any other animal. He had to be a snake because snakes don't have arms and legs.
They can't hold people down with their tiny little snake hands and force them to eat forbidden fruit. The only weapon talking snakes have is their voice.
They can only make suggestions. And then their victims have to choose how to respond in face of their assaults.
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. Well, there are a few Bible verses in here. But overall,
I think I'm going to have to pass on the Eden diet. Matter of fact, I'm getting kind of the munchies right now for chocolate -covered pretzels.
But I think I'll eat an apple instead. If you want a diet, just get a good diet book.
I don't think you need a bunch of Christian verses. You know, the Weigh Down Diet by an anti -Trinitarian, et cetera. Okay, let's keep moving.
That was seven minutes. And that was, I have to admit, quite boring. I'm almost ready to retape the section.
But I'm just going to keep plowing on because after all, I'm only human. And after all, sometimes what
I do is probably boring. But we're on to the next one. Here's a prayer from catholicculture .org,
catholicculture .org. And would you ask your friends to pray this prayer for you? Or would you say, no, thank you?
Is this a biblical prayer? Or is it a non -biblical, an un -biblical prayer? Or I guess
I could say non -biblical. But what do you think when I read this from catholicculture .org?
And for those of you thinking I'm picking on somebody, I'm not trying to pick on anybody. I just randomly get some of these things and thought, you know, this is good for us to just think about to whom do we pray?
Who is the mediator? Hebrew says that there were mediators throughout time.
There were angels. Jesus is better than the angels. There was Moses.
Jesus is better than Moses. There was Aaron. Jesus was better than Aaron.
And so we go from a largest circle to the smaller one getting tighter in the realm of what goes on as a mediator.
And Jesus is the great high priest. Jesus is the sacrifice. Jesus alone is superior.
And he is the mediator. According to 1 Timothy chapter two, what does the
Bible say? 1 Timothy chapter two. Well, I won't read that until I read the prayer. www .catholicculture
.org. And here is a prayer. Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Heart of Mary, according to the heart of God, pray for us. Heart of Mary, united to the heart of Jesus, pray for us.
Heart of Mary, organ of the Holy Ghost, pray for us. Heart of Mary, sanctuary of the divine trinity.
I almost wanted to make a comment there, but I'll keep going because you don't want to interrupt your own prayers. Pray for us.
Heart of Mary, tabernacle of God incarnate, pray for us. Heart of Mary, immaculate from thy creation, pray for us.
Heart of Mary, full of grace, pray for us. Heart of Mary, blessed among all hearts, pray for us.
Heart of Mary, throne of glory, pray for us. Heart of Mary, most humble, pray for us. Heart of Mary, holocaust of divine love, woo, pray for us.
Heart of Mary, fastened to the cross with Jesus crucified, pray for us.
I'm about ready to throw up my Eden Diet apple. It continues, catholicculture .org.
Heart of Mary, most humble, pray for us. Heart of Mary, oh, I already did that part, and getting, you know, vain repetition.
Heart of Mary, comfort of the afflicted, pray for us. Heart of Mary, refuge of sinners, pray for us.
Heart of Mary, hope of the agonizing, pray for us. Heart of Mary, seed of mercy, pray for us.
Immaculate Mary, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts according to the heart of Jesus.
Let us pray, oh, merciful God, who for the salvation of sinners and the refuge of the miserable, was pleased that the most pure heart of Mary should be most like in charity and pity to the divine heart of thy son,
Jesus Christ. Grant that we who commemorate the sweet and loving heart may, by the merits and intercession of the same blessed virgin, merit to be found according to the heart of Jesus, through the same
Christ, our Lord, amen. Now, without expositing that blasphemous prayer, without giving every little detail that I could,
I'm just, you should see my hands now, I'm almost white knuckled, just trying to restrain myself. If you thought the
Eden diet thing was boring, maybe you won't think this is so boring. I just, it is beyond me.
I'm more than perplexed by people who say
Christianity and Catholicism are on the same team, that they're friends, that they're comrades, that they're both
Christians. You talk to a Catholic and say, what kind of religion are you? They, 99 % of the time, won't say,
I'm a Christian, I follow Christ. They'll say, I'm a Catholic, and that's exactly right. At least they're honest.
But here, do you know how painful that is? And here's why it's painful.
People say, well, you know, you just wanna bash Catholics. No, you know what I'd like to do? I'd like to stand up against anything and anyone and any system and any catholicculture .org
website who posts something that defames and that denigrates and that assaults
Jesus Christ's perfect work. Jesus Christ's perfect work.
No wonder Muslims who don't know much about Christianity think that the Trinity is the
Father and the Son and Mary. There's so much Mary worship.
And whether it's Pope John Paul having his vestments with, you know, always yours being buried in a tomb, in a casket rather, that talks about, you know, always yours,
Mary, you can't run from this fact that the Catholic church worships, venerates, esteems
Mary higher than the Bible does. Now that's just true. Now you could say, well,
God works through, God speaks through the magisterium, through tradition and through the Bible. And therefore those are our three places where we get information and facts.
Well, that would be true. That's where the Catholic church does get that. But two of those don't always teach what the
Bible teaches, tradition and the magisterium. And so when people start saying, Mary pray for us, we're never to pray for saints.
You've got to go searching far and wide to find a few apocryphal books like Maccabees that says something about prayer for the dead, trying to figure out some kind of prayer for the saints to come up with that.
You don't see it in the Bible. You don't see it in the New Testament or old.
And you certainly don't see Mary involved with sin atonement, with penal substitution, with mediatorial work.
You don't see that. It grieves me because if Mary were on earth today, if somehow she could come back to earth and she could appear in Medjugorje or any other place and she would appear, you know what she would say?
She wouldn't heal people. She wouldn't say, you know, I'm over there on the rock and there's some kind of figure that looks like me and there's some kind of tears.
There's water with a little saline exactly like tears coming out of there. She wouldn't say that. You know what she would say?
If Mary came back today, she would say this. There is one mediator between man and God.
There's one and there's only one. And he is the man, Christ Jesus.
There's one God, one mediator also between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself, 1
Timothy, as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time. And I, like Paul, was going to tell you this, saying what
Mary would say. Mary would want all the esteem and all the honor and all the glory and all the praise and all the dominion to go to Jesus.
Read the book of Revelation. If you're a Roman Catholic today, open your Bible to the book of Revelation and look at heavenly worship.
Look at how they're worshiping God now. And you will see how they're worshiping God and the
Lamb on the throne. That's what you'll see. By the way, you're not gonna find any kind of Unitarian worship up there because it's
God and the Lamb, God and the Lamb, God and the Lamb. And I don't know if there's any worship in heaven right now,
God and the Lamb and the heart of Mary, God and the Lamb and Mary.
When you pray things like she's the holocaust of divine love, she knew she was a sinner and she knew she needed a savior.
And that savior was her son. She was fallen. And the reason why
Jesus was born perfect is because the Spirit of God superintended that to happen.
And the Holy Spirit made sure that Jesus was pure. We don't have to say, well, if Jesus was pure, he'd have to come from somebody who was pure.
Well, because we just gotta keep going backwards. No, the Holy Spirit, he was the agent that made sure that Jesus was without sin.
No sin nature, no sin indwelling, no sinful flesh, that he was perfect, the perfect God -man, and that he was protected from the sinful body of Mary.
And see, once you start saying she didn't sin, then you can say, well, let's see, wages of sin is death, Mary died, can't have
Mary die, she needs to be assumed and zoomed up to heaven because if you don't die, you kinda just go straight up to heaven.
See, there's all kinds of problems with that. I will not pray to Mary because she wouldn't want me to, she can't hear it, and it blasphemes
God. Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed art thou among women. Show me where that is in the
Bible to pray, and I'll be glad to pray it. Show me in tradition, show me in the magisterium, and then
I'll show you verses that say don't pray that way, and I'll pray like that over my dead body. I never wanna pray that way because Jesus is the
Savior. Jesus is the mediator. I want someone to represent me who was perfect.
Say, well, you know, Jesus would never say no to his mother. What does that have to do with anything?
Jesus would say no to his mother when she's trying to bypass his redemptive purposes in John chapter two.
Of course he would say no to his sinful mother. Mother, quit sinning. And if you tell me something to do and you're sinning,
I'm gonna probably tell you that. Or he'd just submit to sinful leadership. Listen, hail
Mary, full of grace, heart of Mary, pray for us, refuge of sinners.
That just steals the glory from God. There's a rock, there's a redeemer, there's a tall fortress, and whoever runs in it will be safe, and her name isn't
Mary. So you say, quit bashing Mary. All right, well then quit praying to her, and if you quit praying to her, I'll quit bashing her, and I'm not bashing
Mary. I love Mary. I think I love Mary more than every Roman Catholic because I appreciate
Mary for who she was and what she did according to the Bible. And I'm not gonna let some kind of Medjugorje kind of apparition determine my theology.
I want all the glory to God. So here's my question, Roman Catholic. How do you give glory to Jesus Christ and what he did when you pray to Mary, who is a refuge for sinners, who is the hope of the agonizing?
See, all these things we should be saying about God, Yahweh, not
Mary. I don't want Mary to pray for me. Mary's too busy worshiping Jesus, who she said, you know,
I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God who happened to be my son. Hallelujah. Potpourri number three.
We're gonna make this one fast. Stephen Hawking, God not needed for creation. That reminds me of the old story with Nietzsche.
And Nietzsche said, you know, God is dead. And then after Nietzsche died, someone had the T -shirt and it says,
Nietzsche is dead, God. We need to pray that Stephen Hawking's eyes would be open.
You know, there's only one thing worse than living with a body like he has.
And that is thinking one day it'll be over and you won't have to live in such a body.
I have pity for him. I would not want to live in that body. I feel sorry for him. Brilliant man locked in that body.
And then he's going to, if he will not bow his knee to Jesus Christ, he will die. And then he'll be given a body for eternity that will be able to suffer the wrath of God throughout all eternity.
And when he thinks he's going to get relief and a release at death, it will just be the beginning of a horrible eternal existence.
And compared to what it's going to be like in hell forever for anyone, including
Stephen Hawking, his life on earth now locked in that body would seem like by comparison, a veritable heaven.
And so I feel sorry for him, but I don't like it that he wants to go around and say, there's no
God. I think of Psalm 14, the fool has said in his heart, there's no God. And whether it's his affairs or whether it's his liaisons or whatever reason, he has to create a system so that he feels good about his sin.
And so this immoral person in Psalm chapter 14, the fool, the fool who's got a moral problem says in his heart, there's no
God. And what does God do? Eventually, according to Romans one, he just gives their mind over. He gives their mind over to do things that are just very, very horrible and their bodies are glad to follow.
God not needed for creation. And so when he says, because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.
Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing. Why the universe exists, why we exist is not necessarily to invoke
God to set the universe going. Retired last year as the
Lucian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University, the position was once held by Newton.
Well, you ought to pray for Stephen Hawking that God would be merciful to him.
Well, what's next on the Potpourri for 500? CNN .com, author,
More Teens Becoming Fake Christians. That's interesting. The story's by John Blake of CNN and he's talking about Kenda Creasa -Dean who wrote a book and did a study about mutant
Christianity. And she basically says that kids today, young people today want watered down faith and they like God as a divine therapist who is basically a
God who wants to boost people's self -esteem. And she says that this is an imposter faith.
Now, she may be a pastor, she may be a minister for the United Methodist Church, she may confuse
Mormons, evangelicals, and Catholics, but she is right when she knows that the culture today, and sadly,
I think it's because of pastors won't preach and that's a course of indwelling sin, but teenagers want a
God that makes them feel good. Teenagers don't want this God that they have to answer to and that they have to worship.
And so she interviewed all kinds of teens about their faith and did a national study of youth and religion. And so she says a lot of these students, it's not
Christianity, it's just fake. If teenagers lack an articulate faith, it may be because the faith we show them is too spineless to merit much of the way of conversation, wrote
Dean. She's a professor of youth and culture at Princeton Theological Seminary.
I think that's right, spineless Christianity. Even liberals know it. Even Princeton Theological Seminary professors know it.
They know what's going on. She interviewed David Wheaton, an Atlanta high school senior. My friends can't see any benefits immediately to Christianity, they stay away from it.
They don't wanna make sacrifices. So what we do is we wanna preach all the Bible. You don't wanna just preach boosting self -esteem and then kids come and then they reject that because they realize that's not what they're gonna get and that's really not who
God is. Well, let's just preach the Bible. And let's trust God to save who he wants to save through his word.
And so I thought that was very interesting that this therapeutic, moralistic, deist God that's out there, that's what people want.
But my problem is why do evangelicals, Calvinists, Bible preachers preach the same thing?
We don't want to. The gospel is not be good and do good. The gospel is we were not good, therefore the good
God sent his good son to rescue us out of love and out of mercy and out of faithful covenant love, he sent his son to die for our sins and raise him from the dead.
Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.