Walk As He Walked


Ascension Presbyterian Church - Longwood, Florida Rev. Christopher Brenyo "Walk As He Walked" 1 John 2:5-6 June 16th, 2024


We start in your Bibles to 1st John and chapter 2 be reading the first 14 verses 1st
John chapter 2 My little children these things
I write to you so that you may not sin and if anyone sins we have an advocate with the
Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and He himself is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only
But also for the whole world Now by this we know that we know him if we keep his commandments he who says
I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him
But whoever keeps his word truly the love of God is perfected in him
By this we know that we are in him He who says he abides in him ought to himself also to walk just as he walked
Brethren, I write no new command to you But an old commandment which you have had from the beginning the old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning
Again a new commandment. I write to you Which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining
He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in darkness until now
He who loves his brother abides in the light and there is no cause for stumbling in him but he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness and Does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes
I write to you little children because your sins are forgiving you for his namesake
I write to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning I write to you young men because you have overcome the wicked one
I write to you little children because you have known the father I have written to you written to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning.
I have written to you Young men because you are strong and the Word of God abides in you and you have overcome
The wicked one this is God's holy and infallible word.
Please pray with me Lord, I pray that we would keep your word
That your love would be perfected in us that we would know that we are in you
Lord I pray that you would cause us Abiding in Christ to walk as he has walked.
We ask all this in Jesus name. Amen Please be seated
Contrary to the bulletin we will be only considering verses 5 & 6 today and the title of the message is walk as He walked walk as He walked
For those of you who are in need of an outline, it's very simple in verse 5
It says keep his word that is point one To organize your thoughts and Second it says walk as he walks that's found in the end of verse 6 walk as He walked the believer in the
Lord Jesus Christ must keep his word and Walk as he walked
The spirit of this age is aimless It lacks direction and purpose
And of course because we live in this world that infiltrates the church the world seeks its own immediate gratification
And it seems they have no sense of right and wrong. But in reality, they are suppressing the truth and unrighteousness
The world in its system and its adherence act without wisdom the objective truth about who
God is and what he has done in Christ is replaced with a malleable subjective truth without anchor or mooring
Brethren the genuine believer has an aim a direction a purpose
You are called to keep his word and to walk as he walked
This way is the path of salvation joy Thanksgiving and Meaning the question to be answered today is how?
Should I live? John's problem was myriad.
There were many Difficulties that were facing the church so we can tell from internal evidence and that's what
I've focused on to this point But I want to give you some clues about the worldly wisdom of the time
John's problem here that he's addressing is that people saw
God as an intellectual exercise Saying I know
God Without being conscious of any ethical obligation to obey him
Another group of people would say I have had an emotional Experience I am in God and he is in me now you say well that sounds like today
And of course, there's nothing new under the Sun There's the intellectual ascent a philosophical approach to God and then an experiential one.
I am in God God is in me they to neglect his word
The only way that we can show that we have union with Christ is through imitation of him
Intellect and experience must be combined with moral action and Obedience As I told someone recently when
I'm preaching on obedience I want you to think that man is a legalist when
I'm preaching on God's free grace I want you to think that man's an antinomian. I want to push you to obedience from the backdrop of Christ and his grace.
I Am NOT saying that we earn salvation in any sense, but because we possess
Salvation it follows and it is necessary and is part of John's argument
It seems this was James's argument as well. Doesn't it that we must have a tendency toward obedience
We must have a yearning and a desire to walk with him and walk in his ways
Now if you are a Christian and you're not feeling that so much I implore you and I urge you
I beseech you to go in this direction obedience matters because it reflects the
Transformation that has occurred because of the grace of God in the person and work of Christ In the fifth and sixth centuries before Christ the the
Greeks were convinced That they could arrive at God through the sheer process of intellectual reasoning and argument
To that classical Greek and of course this mindset has Thoroughly influenced the world by this point
Curiosity was not a fault but a highly esteemed virtue and in fact in many respects
It could be said that curiosity was the highest virtue for the
Greek mind for the
Greeks The way to God was through the intellect But by the time and the writing of the
New Testament letters The Greeks in latter times here sought to find
God in emotional experience this is not so much knowing God as Feeling God we have that in our time too today, don't we?
I need to have a dramatic experience and encounter with God. I need a mountaintop experience
The Philosophizers among us they want to only stay in the realm of ideas
And when we started first John I pointed out to you That the truth is found not in some mystical or some intellectual realm
The truth is found in the person of Jesus Christ the truth is corporeal the truth is
Incarnate in Christ, and of course that figures in to our message very strongly today
They sought a highly emotional experience and as such it was
Transient What happened to the big revival in Kentucky Just went away.
It's transient. It found God in an abnormal experience
And its aim was to escape ordinary life, but there was another worldview and It was the scriptural
Hebraic Christian worldview and It's a different way about thinking about God and knowing
God Knowledge of God has come not by man's speculation or by some exotic experience of emotions but by God's own
Revelation should be in Sunday school. You'd appreciate this a little bit more. We've been talking about these subjects the
God who revealed himself was a holy God and His holiness brought the obligation to the worshiper to be holy
Now I want you to think for a moment. I think in our sinfulness we tend to One of these two we have a connection to either the philosophical interest which
I think is the reformed people's struggle or The experiential one which may be the charismatic people's struggle
Both are not illegitimate I Think you should really feel and experience the presence of God the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit I Believe that the truth of God and his word should captivate every synapse and cell in your brain
But it can never be divorced from the reality that John is calling us to That to know
God to be united to Christ to love him Means I want to walk in his ways
Obedience is very important One author has said that John can conceive of no real knowledge of God What does not which does not issue in obedience
John can conceive of no real knowledge of God Which does not issue in obedience
Knowledge of God can only be proved by obedience to him To know
God is to experience his love in Christ and to return that love in Obedience Let's look at the text again whoever keeps his word
Truly the love of God is perfected in him What does it mean to keep his word?
Well, we study the language and its usage in Scripture. It means to watch over or to guard to keep intact
So in order To have the love of God perfected in me.
I have to Keep his word. I Have to maintain and preserve it
That doesn't mean I take the Holy Scrolls of Scripture and lock them in a vault and say, okay now
They're not going to be destroyed it means I take every jot and tittle of God's most holy and excellent
Word and I Apply it to my heart in life. I Have to know what it means and then
I have to take that truth and I have to keep guard over it I need to watch it.
I need to maintain it. I need to preserve it. I need to keep it intact
So you can see that it's comprehensive In an age when we just talked about it today in Sunday school where people have divergent ideas about creation and every other thing
It seems it is fitting for us as a lifelong pursuit that we would keep his word intact
Every jot, every tittle, every horn of the Hebrew letter, every bit of it parsing every verb understanding every concept laboring with great diligence and the sweat of our brows to know the mind and will of God and then to act upon it
It's all very basic, isn't it? whoever keeps his word
Truly the love of God is perfected in him now The first application for you today.
I want you to think if there be some want in your keeping of the word
Do not be discouraged today you have a Savior who is Christ the Lord You have an indwelling spirit who is at work and finishing and completing and laboring to bring you to full maturity, but but you and your own
Sensibility today you need to say Oh Lord cry out to him in your heart even in this moment
God make me one who longs and desires to keep your word
And that requires you to spend time in and reading it and meditating upon it the righteous man meditates on his law day and night
Jesus Christ the righteous man meditated upon the word Day and night you and I and all of our vocations and callings
We need to be thinking and dwelling and meditating upon the word That we might keep the spirit of this imperative that we might keep his commands
Now the second phraseology that I think needs some explanation Is the next part that says truly the love of God is perfected in him
When I think of perfect I think of Absolute perfection
I think of no mistakes Everything with exacting precision is
Just as it should be but that's not really the scriptural usage of perfect That we might be mature and complete lacking nothing we recently learned about To be perfected it's also where the root word of teleology comes from it's to bring to its end
To bring to its completion To consummate to reach its end state to reach the end and aim
God is at work and the Holy Spirit particularly in the work of sanctification employs the
Christian himself To grow up to this full maturity
That the love of God in its fullness Might be manifested in him.
You and I are to be striving after this maturity this
Completion. I think I'm only gonna have you turn to one place today. Let's go to the book of Ephesians in chapter 4
We're going to see just How central this is and this idea for the life of the church if you
Didn't know this the doctrine of the church is largely found in the book of Ephesians If you have a handle on Ephesians, you probably have a good doctrine of the church let's look at verse 11 and following of Ephesians 4
It says and he himself gave some to be apostles Some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and teachers
Now I want you to listen carefully because this part rolls off our tongue, but then the next part the 13th verse
It has something is very powerful for us verse 12 for the equipping of the
Saints for the work of ministry the duty of the pastors and elders and the church is to equip the
Saints that They might do the work of ministry You might say I wish we had more elders so we could get more work accomplished at Ascension Well in actuality, you are actually the ones who are supposed to do the work
So congratulations, you have more to do and it continues.
It's a very incredible Argumentation and a line of reasoning by Paul here under the inspiration of the
Spirit They do the work of the ministry after being equipped so that the body of Christ itself would be edified and built up So this is very beautiful picture
It's like the thriving and flourishing family the husband's working in the fields
He brings in the produce in the game. The wife prepares it. She cleans it.
She cooks it really well skillfully She feeds it to those little children and they grow up like gigantic olive shoots around their table
It's kind of a picture of what's happening in the life of the church And this builds the church and the church is strengthened that the people are engaged their laboring their life has purpose and meaning in Christ and they're serving and loving one another and it
Keeps going in verse 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the
Son of God to a perfect man That perfect word is the same that we're using here in 1st
John 2 to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ Paul James John Peter they're all calling us to grow up to full maturity
We don't want the little limp keys to stay little kids forever We want them to grow up Everybody says, oh, is it sad when someone leaves the house and gets married?
I love it when people leave my house and get married I want them to leave and have a bunch of kids and have their own families there's a very real sense that you and I need to labor and be diligent in this pursuit of growing up to full maturity
And the way this is accomplished is by us keeping his word knowing it
Meditating upon it being sure of its intention and purpose and then acting upon it appropriating living according to it
There's another practical benefit of this maturity and strength This full knowledge this mature knowledge of the
Son of God this perfect man this Growing into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ It leads to greater peace and unity in the church it says then we should no longer be children tossed to and fro
And carried about by every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men and the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting
But speaking the truth and love may grow up in all things into him who is the head
Christ From whom the whole body joined and knit together by whatever
Joint supplies according to the effective working by which each part does its share causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love
These themes are found throughout the scripture now. Let's go back to our text in first John 2 whoever keeps his word children parents
People of Ascension let us be the ones who labor in the first instance here to keep his word that the love of God may reach its end and it seems that that sanctification is
His aim this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus that you would be sanctified, right?
Let's look at verse 6 It says he who says he abides in him ought to himself also to walk just as he walked now when
I think about the holiness of God, I think about the the absolute purity and consecration of God and his holiness
But then there's that sticky command from Leviticus and first Peter be holy as I am holy
I cannot be as holy as God. He is other than me. I am NOT like him, but There's something here
Somehow now in Christ I have as an objective and a life pattern my scheme of living is holiness
And I was just thinking about this How do we reconcile the disconnect and we've all kind of experienced this
We love the idea of God and his holiness or so we say But we don't love holiness for ourselves is our love for God perfected if we have a disconnect and an inconsistency an
Irreconcilable difference between loving the holiness of God on the one hand We're sitting in awe of his splendor and his majesty
But on the other hand to say I don't really love holiness That's a big problem
There's a deficiency in our religion So we were right to say in theology proper about the character and attributes of God.
God is holy. Holy holy But what a disconnect to say holiness is not that important for me.
I Don't really love holiness. The things I really enjoy are worldly things and again, first John John in his first epistle is not kicking us out of the kingdom, but Drawing us closer in he said you should love these things because these are the best things
We should love holiness because holiness is so much better than wickedness righteousness and purity is so much better than Defilement, but you see we have to acknowledge in the church in our own lives in homes
We esteem the positional place of God is holy, but we ourselves don't love holiness as we ought
There's room for us to repent to lament and hope
But also to rejoice because we have an example to follow
The Lord Jesus Christ It begs the question. What does it mean to abide?
I Think if you needed something to read on this glorious Sabbath afternoon read
John 15 and the vine and the branches a very appropriate text is probably the
Locus classicus text of abiding in Christ To abide means to not depart so in verse 6 listen to what it says he who says he abides
It's not the one who's abiding the one who says he's abiding. It's like those errors I pointed out in the very beginning.
There are people who are saying I abide in God. I've experienced God God is in me and I am in God they might say
He counters that with his truth. He says he who says he abides in him Also ought to walk
Just as he has walked To abide means to not depart
Jesus is the way the truth and the life and abiding means
I don't depart from that truth We recently talked about give me the old paths from Jeremiah There's a path that Christ has trod ahead of us and we walk in that path
We don't move to the right or the left We do not depart We continue to be present with him
We desire to maintain an unbroken fellowship with Christ We want to stay and adhere to his party his people his purposes
And Christians are said to be rooted in him knit together
To him by the Spirit that they have received from him So therefore we cleave to him and hold fast to Christ and Maybe most strikingly and exciting to me when you kind of peer into this word and its usage in the
New Testament It is to abide in Christ is to have Christ exert his power
In you that you would dwell in his presence and Walk in his power
So it's not surface level. It's not superficial. It's deep to abide is to go very deep with Christ and To be unshakable and unwavering in our devotion and our allegiance to him
Well the last word definition I need to give to you is the idea of walking
My first became a Christian. I thought it was funny that people talked about the
Christian walk I don't understand what that means kind of a strange kind of church jargon to the
Hebrew mind The scriptural mind the way it's used in Scripture. It is not the act of pedestrians
It's not just walking as we think of it To walk as he has walked
Once you think about this the righteous one Jesus Christ the righteous walking in perfect obedience submission to the
Father To walk is the course and manner of life
Now this makes sense because Most people in the ancient world their primary mode of transportation was walking
It's how they lived It refers to conduct how you conduct yourself.
How do you regulate your life and For the
Christian it means to live a life that is conformed To the
Union that you have entered into with Christ So, how's your keeping you're perfecting you're abiding
You're walking Some more material to help us understand the walking when you think about the
Christian life as a walk. There's There's a path It's set forth in Scripture.
There's a purpose. It's to grow up into Christ's likeness and there's a destination which is
Complete sanctification and glorification at the end of things
This walking as a Christian and I'm asking you and pouring you
To get out and walk as Christians This requires effort
Movement action The walking with God is not passive We are passive in our
Salvation, but we are not passive in our sanctification. We are active
We must every day choose the path that we're going to walk on There's a way in which to walk the path is a way of life light love truth and Righteousness and I think a next one big part of why
John is writing is we must continue on the path repentance and new obedience gets us back on the path of Righteousness you say
I've blown it. I've not been walking with him. Well today Start walking again Using that I was thinking about The Mehar girls and I was thinking about this and the idea of walking it's fresh in my memory when a
Little baby girl was starting to walk. She fell down on her little bottom and she got up again
She fell down and she got up again The Christian life is an infant getting up and walking
They're stumbling there's falling but but there is a resolve in that little child they don't even know it
It's almost unconscious They get up and they stand and they walk again so to we as the
Christians as the followers of Christ, we must get up and Walk, there's another thing.
It's very important And DJ you're gonna find this disappointing.
I say that only jokingly You must have companions on the walk
We need to walk with God himself the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, but we desperately need to walk with other believers
We are to follow them as they follow Christ Proverbs 13 says whoever walks with the wise
Becomes wise Children this is why as parents we tell you be careful who you associate with and what material
Media you consume because if you walk with the wise you're gonna be wise But the companion of fools will suffer harm
First Peter 2 says for even here unto are you called? Because Christ also suffered for us
Leaving us an example that you should follow in his steps
Abiding in Christ brings forth much fruit in us without him
We can do nothing We read it just a few weeks ago in Genesis 5
Enoch walked with God Enoch walked with God and was no more for God took him
Colossians 2 therefore just as you receive Christ Jesus the
Lord so walk in him Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught abounding and thanksgiving
Walking in Christ in his manner after his way is nothing short or less than submitting to his lordship and his kingly office
We love Christ We love the idea of Christ conquering the nations.
We say we love the kingship of Christ. We love post -millennial eschatology It must accord if we believe that Then we have to walk in his ways
You see the disconnect. I love the holiness of God. Oh, it's what's so beautiful about him
I don't care so much about holiness. I love the kingship of Christ I love his authority his power.
I Have to walk in his ways Some of the ways which
Christ has walked as he's walked in wisdom He's walked in suffering.
He's walked in the complete obedience to the law of God He's walked in mercy toward the hurting he walked
Rebuking the self -righteous Pharisees and the prideful he walked with complete
Thanksgiving and complete joy He lived for the good of others denying his own comfort
He walked in the light a theme in our book He taught others that they might teach others still
He reconciled men to God he walked in humility He embodied in his person the fruit of the
Spirit How many more things could we say?
About Christ do we love Christ if we love him we'll keep his word and we'll walk in his ways
The last thing I'd like to do is connect something to today
Want to ask you a question. I want you. These are rhetorical questions. I want you to think about it.
Who am I? I'm a Christian That's a cause of great rejoicing
Thanksgiving But but the next question is the really the thrust of our time today
What should I do? Therefore that I'm a Christian I Should keep his word.
I should walk in his ways And if a Christian has kept his word and walks in his ways, what will
His life be like It'll be blessed.
It'll be joy -filled. There will be Rewards, he will have a purpose. He will have an aim.
He'll have fulfillment the love of God and its completion
Will be realized in this way of living transforms our life on the path to glory in fact, there is a glory yet to be revealed in its fullness, but Even now for the people of God it breaks through Think about how useful we could be in the
King's service in our work and our vocation and our calling if we keep his word and Walk in his ways.
What about our marriages our families our relationships? How useful is this idea and application in those realms?
And what about accomplishing a mission and setting forth a vision for ourselves and our families in the church?
What if a wonderful legacy what if they your children engraved on your headstone
He kept his word he walked in his ways these are existential questions and Philosophical and philosophical inquiry they
In particular, I'm going to think about the practical realm for us because of the pop psychology world in which we live in in psychotherapy this idea of existential thought is found of course in philosophy and rhetoric and logic and Psychology I want you to think about there are four major fears in Existentialism in relation to psychotherapy, and I don't want you to think it's so amazing how there's a
Christian answer clear to all of them the first is death huge Fear apparently in the psychotherapy realm a fear of death
Is this a trouble for the Christian? No the Christian Knows that Christ has come and he's brought life in that Abundant and full and not only that he's brought resurrection and glorification
So what a different world we live in versus those who are in that world.
These are Existential questions the idea of what is my existence? What is the meaning of life?
They're out there pondering these things in the church the people of God have the answer
Meaninglessness We have great purpose These are the great fears the world a loss of freedom
The people of God have entered into the glorious liberty of Christ and the last one
Isolation Christian knows nothing of isolation
We know communion with God And his people How should
I live? Who am I? What should I do? Keep his word walk as he walked
And enjoy the limitless blessing of communion with God and His people something to ponder as we approach the table now
Please pray with me. Oh Lord we come to you and we see a lot of defect and shortcoming in our own performance.
I Pray that now and the power of your spirit we'd see the glory of Christ That we would see the perfection the glory the wonder of Christ and this would spur us on to love and good deeds and Because we love you and your holiness
We want to be holy and because we love your word we want to keep it and because we love you
Lord Jesus We ask that you would cause us to walk in your ways that our love and our devotion our profession would not be duplicitous