Megachurch Pastor Blasts Christians For WHAT NOW?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Ed Young is the pastor of Fellowship Church, which has a congregation of over 30 ,000 people spread over multiple campuses.
This man leads a huge mainstream megachurch. In the clip you're about to see, he is responding to the claims that some people make about quote, not being fed spiritually at the church they attend.
Here's what his response to that particular statement is. Watch this. You're born again, you're saved, you're power washed, then you begin to progress.
Here though is what happens to many, many people. They remain in the high chair.
That playpen whining, Gerber dining, nap timing baby.
I, I, I, me, me, me, my, my, my,
I want to get fed. Whenever you hear someone saying, I am not getting fed, just realize you're talking to someone who has a dirty diaper.
Gerber, you mean you can't feed yourself? That's got to be one of the saddest things
I've ever heard in my life. I am not getting fed. So he says quite a few things here, almost all of which are deeply concerning to me, as they should be to you.
The first claim he makes is that if someone tells you that they're not being fed spiritually, just know you're talking to someone with a quote, dirty diaper.
In other words, people who say they're not being fed at a particular church are saying that because they are immature and dependent.
This is what the dirty diaper analogy is meant to convey. He also says that people who say things like,
I'm not getting fed spiritually, are characterized by a me, me, me mentality.
That is to say, people who make this statement are selfish and self -centered when they say these words.
But is this what the Bible says about people being fed or not fed spiritually? No, not at all.
First Peter 2 .2 says, quote, like newborn infants long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation, end quote.
So we know that Christians should long to be fed spiritually. We should have a desire for spiritual food.
The Bible tells us to. In John 21 .17, Jesus asks Peter, quote, do you love me?
And he, Peter, said to him, Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you. Jesus said to him, feed my sheep, end quote.
So it is the responsibility of the leaders, the elders of the church, to feed the sheep of the
Lord. That's why they're called shepherds. Just to cover the passages I've brought to you thus far, first, we know that we should long for spiritual food as Christians.
We're commanded to. Second, we know that pastors ought to diligently provide that spiritual food.
They should, quote, pay careful attention to themselves and to all the flock in which the Holy Spirit has made them overseers, end quote.
That's Acts 20 .28. So again, we ought to desire spiritual food, and pastors are told to offer that food to us by God's grace, according to his word as leaders of the church.
But stay with me, because there's another layer to this. We also know that there are certain pastors who will not feed the sheep properly or adequately.
If all pastors fed their sheep exceedingly well, there would be no need to command them several times to remember to feed the sheep well.
This command is evidence of the fact that some people will not fulfill the command. In fact, natural people will not fulfill it at all, apart from the grace of Christ.
Indeed, we live in a world in which it is self -evidently true that many pastors are more interested in lights, music, clothing, trends, fads, and celebrity culture than they are in any kind of serious study of God's word.
Therefore, there will inevitably be some Christians who are not getting fed. You can't get around that.
There will be some Christians who have every right to accurately say that they are not getting fed spiritually, and we should feel for them.
After all, in Matthew 4 -4, Jesus says, " shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
There are many churches that do not emphasize serious preaching of this word, and therefore the congregants of these churches will not be fed spiritually.
So I say to you again, biblically, there is precedent to accurately and lovingly say that you are not being fed spiritually at a particular church or under a particular leader.
There is no indication in Scripture that this automatically makes you an immature or selfish person.
In fact, I would say that being able to discern the fact that your church is not feeding you properly, that may very well be a good sign that you are becoming mature as a believer.
It may be a good sign that you're becoming aware of sound doctrine. It is certainly not a guarantee that every
Christian who says that they're not being fed spiritually is somehow always being selfish and immature. That would seem to contradict both
Scripture and common sense. Yet at the very same time, Ed Young confidently declares that these
Christians are all whiny babies with dirty diapers. But I think there's another reason that Ed Young may be accustomed to hearing the phrase
I'm not being fed spiritually. Maybe it has less to do with the Christians who say that phrase, and much more to do with the fact that these
Christians are attending churches like the one he leads. I know that's a strong statement, but I think I can back it up.
First, I want to note that contrary to God's clear command in 1 Timothy 2 .12 against women being church leaders,
Ed's wife Lisa is a pastor at their church and has even given sermons before the entire congregation.
This is a serious compromise and a contradiction of God's Word for the sake of the culture.
In addition to that, watch this video of Ed Young talking about the New Testament in a song he made.
Those with ears, let them hear the New Testament today. It starts with four writers who had lots to say.
This fantastic four had different views. They're the God Quad Squad who spread the good news.
They were four accounts, but agreed as one. And God's movement began.
Then a call was made on Saul who had a fall and became Paul. He had no writer's grant because he wrote letters for us all.
Christ, faith, grace, glory to God were his names. If they'd been around,
Paul would have used these. In that video, you can clearly see Pastor Ed Young with fake chains, fake tattoos, a baggy shirt, dressed in modern secular musician -style clothing.
It's clearly meant to be funny, cringey, a matter of parody. But the content he's talking about is the
Word of God. Let's not forget that. He even says that if they had been around at the time, the Apostle Paul would have used memes to get his point across.
This is all him jesting, of course. I'm not saying that he always dresses this way or always acts this way, or that this is how he preaches from the pulpit, of course not.
But I think this next part is extremely concerning. Watch this. What he said on a piece of wood.
He gave his all and paid a price. The debt we owe, he paid the sacrifice.
They nailed him to a tree and he took his final breath. But the third day he arose and conquered sin and death.
So yes, this whole thing is meant to be a parody and a bit tongue -in -cheek. That's what it's all meant to do.
But in that video I just played, we have Ed Young saying, quote, On a piece of wood, he gave his all and paid the price.
The debt we owed, he paid the sacrifice. They nailed him to a tree and he took his final breath.
End quote. This is where I think it goes way too far. There is serious weight to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to his death on the cross.
In fact, there is ultimate weight to it. There is no event in history that is more important. Jesus was brutally beaten.
He was killed, spat on, abused. He experienced the greatest physical and emotional pain anyone has ever experienced.
And here we have a pastor, apparently a minister of Christ's gospel, who leads a 30 ,000 -member congregation, dressing up like Drake, doing a cringy, silly parody song, as he talks about Jesus' sacrifice and paying the price for our sins, and being murdered on a cross.
Hebrews 12, 28 says, quote, Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe, for our
God is a consuming fire. End quote. We should be talking about the death of Jesus with a level of reverence and awe.
This is acceptable worship before the Lord. I know he didn't necessarily mean to make a worship song, but I think reverence and awe should characterize the way we talk about these important Christian beliefs.
I believe this video is treating the most important truths of the Christian faith flippantly and irreverently.
So again, I will say, perhaps the reason people are saying they're not getting fed in their church has a lot less to do with their own spiritual maturity, and a lot more to do with the fact that their pastor makes videos just like the one you just saw.
Now, could there be some people who claim they're not getting fed just as an excuse to hop from church to church?
For sure. That's more than possible. In fact, many people do that. But that's not a guarantee. And I think that there are thousands of seeker -sensitive churches that are legitimately producing
Christians who are spiritually malnourished. That video you just saw is just one symptom of the underlying issue.
The fact that he has made his wife a pastor at his church is yet another sign that they have deviated from God's clear command for the sake of the feminist culture.
But the last thing Ed Young says in the video is probably the most concerning part of all. Watch this again.
You mean you can't feed yourself? That's got to be one of the saddest things
I've ever heard in my life. I am not getting fed. You mean you can't feed yourself?
That's got to be one of the saddest things I've ever heard in my life, says Pastor Ed Young.
This is his response to anyone and everyone who says that they aren't getting fed spiritually at a particular church.
But Christians are never commanded to lead and feed themselves. As we've already covered,
Jesus tells Peter to feed his sheep. In Acts 20 -28, the elders of the church are called to be overseers and leaders of the flock of the
Lord. You do not see people being told and commanded to oversee themselves, to preach to themselves, to lead themselves, or to feed themselves spiritually.
If everyone had the ability to adequately feed themselves spiritually, there would be no need for the office of pastor.
This is quite simply a rejection of the central obligation of a church elder. What if every politician in the
United States simply said, govern yourselves, go make your own laws? What if the policemen and the national guards and the military men stood back and said, protect yourselves, enforce the law yourselves, if someone breaks into your house, don't call us?
What if the pilot of your plane said, land this thing yourselves, you're a bunch of adults, figure it out? Following in step with Peter's analogy about spiritual infants in 1
Peter 2, suppose we use that line of logic here. Imagine if a mother told her infant child, feed yourself, grow up, you know how to do this, parent yourself, get over it.
That would be absolutely absurd, right? That is precisely how absurd it is for a pastor to tell his own congregation that they ought to stop relying on church leaders for anything, and instead learn to be adults and feed yourself.
It is unbiblical and simply irresponsible to do that. The fact is, if you go to this man's church or one that is like it, you should say,
I'm not getting fed, and then you should leave. Go somewhere with an all -male pastorate, that's what
God commands. Go somewhere with multiple elders who put the preaching and teaching and esteem and respect of the
Word of God at the center of their ministry. And remember, without the grace of God, none of us would be fed spiritually in the first place.
Without the grace of God, all of us would talk inaccurately about the Scriptures. All of us would trample these truths underfoot.
I am no better than Ed Young. Neither are you. I'm a sinner in need of God's grace and His Word every day.
Only Christ lived a perfect life. Let's trust in Him. So let's pray for Ed Young that he would stop this nonsense and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.