

Pastor David Mitchell



All right, guys, well, we're in Roman chapter 11 still and still working through this passage where Paul said that someday the
Lord might very well pluck off the Gentile branch off of that olive tree and plug back in the
Jewish branch. And I believe that's going to happen during the tribulation period.
And I can tell you about where I think it'll happen, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.
So we'll just let the scripture show us that in a moment. And you see, if you agree with me that that seems to be what the
Lord saying when we get to it, find it. Yeah, thank you so much. You can just chunk it.
Might chunk the baby accidentally. By the way, Fern was back there singing with y 'all.
I don't know if you could hear. She literally was singing. So you'll have to recruit her,
Maddie, pretty soon. All right.
So let's just talk about where we ended up last time with this particular verse.
If you remember, there are seven seals. We already talked about those. The first four are the four horsemen that are pretty famous, even in movies and stuff.
They talk about that. They don't get it right, but they talk about it. So it's kind of famous. And then you have three other seals.
And the seventh seal is where we got to last time. So let's read what the scripture says is happening at this point.
And when it opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about the space of an hour.
Now, a lot of bad things have already happened. If you can just think back to the first six seals.
I mean, you've had a fourth of everyone in the world killed already. Several billion people killed already by the horsemen that brought war and also earthquake and war and some other things all combined together killed about a fourth of the population in the entire world.
And you're not even into the worst part of the tribulation yet. I mean, that's just the introduction.
And so the seven year tribulation period is not just about Israel.
It's about the Jew and the Gentile. It's about Israel as a nation, but it's also about the church.
And the fact that we've been talking for several weeks about these two olive trees and what they have to do with and also the branches that can be pruned off and engrafted in.
The Apostle Paul indicated that if the church is not careful, she shouldn't be boastful that the
Lord broke off some of the Jewish branches and engrafted in the Gentile branches.
And the church has been predominantly Gentile since after the first, say, 50 years of the life of the church.
So for 2000 years, it's been predominantly Gentile. And the Lord said, you know, don't get boastful because the reason the
Jews were broken off is because of unbelief. A lot of the Jews weren't really
Jews. They weren't really Israel because they weren't circumcised in the heart. They weren't born again.
They were fakers. They were religious people. And I mean, those are the people that kill Jesus or the fakers.
Right. And so Israel as the spokesman of the gospel to the world was broken off because of her unbelief.
God said in the end times, the church had better be careful because she could be broken off because of unbelief.
And I think I see that happening in the book of Revelation. We'll talk about that as we get to it. But anyway, those six seals have happened.
I think the twofold purpose of the entire tribulation period is both for Israel and the church, not just Israel.
And those who came up with the proposition that it's only Israel, they did that to make their their theory try to work.
And their theory is incorrect. And it doesn't work. And the church is in the book of Revelation time and time again.
You'll see many of them today, if I can go kind of fast. They say that the church is gone after chapter three.
And they say that's where the rapture happens. That's not true. The church is all through the book of Revelation. You have you have the church in heaven, the martyrs who have died, looking down and seeing their brothers and sisters on the earth well into the tribulation period and saying they're cutting their heads off.
Lord, when are you going to come back and stop this? So it's a joke, really.
I have little respect for it anymore. The theory that the rapture happens before the seven year at the front end.
It does not. And I say that dogmatically. It does not because it won't fit scripture.
It won't fit properly. It won't fit any scripture that's in context anywhere in the Bible. Old Testament, Daniel, Joel, Revelation, Paul's epistles.
It doesn't fit any of it. So I think as we go through, we establish that. But this is this is important here because we've had the six seals and we're getting to the seventh seal, which is going to include the seven trumpets.
And when that last trump sounds is when the rapture happens. So that in itself will end all controversy in my view, but we'll see what you think and what you guys think.
But here we see something amazing and astounding. All of God's creation that are already in the heavenlies at this time, stop and have a time of silence.
Now you've seen like foot professional football games or things like that where some important figure has passed away or when nine 11 happened, you know, different things, terrible things that happen.
They'll have a one minute of silence. You've experienced that, right? Who's experienced that? Everybody that watches football anyway.
But, and it's kind of awesome when you have, you know, 85 ,000 to 90 ,000 people quiet for a whole minute.
But imagine all of these angelic beings that say, holy, holy, holy, and worship
God all the time with loud music and loud praising. And all of a sudden it just stops and just goes to total silence for a half an hour.
And do you think this might be about to introduce something horrible on the face of the earth that even they are fearful of?
And yet they've been praying for it because they've been killing their brothers and sisters on the earth. Lord, when will you come?
But yet when the Lord shows that he's about to make it quiet, because it's too awesome for them too.
So imagine what it's going to be like for the earth dwellers. And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven.
Listen, they couldn't speak. They couldn't sing. They couldn't praise God for half an hour because of what they saw, whatever it was.
I'm not sure this thing. Yeah, now it's working.
And I saw the seven angels which stood before the God and to them were given seven trumpets.
So the seventh seal is going to contain the seven trumpets. And this makes the book of Revelation a little difficult because it has layers of things happening.
And a little later, you're going to see seven bowls poured out. And so it's interesting.
But we're putting together a chart that'll be helpful. And when we get it finished and correct and up to date, we'll print them out and have them up here where everybody can take it home.
So now you have the introduction of the seven angelic angels that are going to blow the seven trumpets.
And when you get to the seventh trumpet is where the rapture is, where the great resurrection.
There's only two resurrections in the Bible, the first resurrection and the second resurrection. The first one happens at the end of the church age, at the end of the seven -year tribulation period.
I'll at least say after the seventh trumpet blows. So I won't say at the end of the seven years because there's a lot that it is towards the end.
But it's not like one day. There's a lot of stuff that happens in there. But it's at the end of the trumpets.
It's right in that area. And the first resurrection has to happen before the rapture because the apostle
Paul said, we will not precede them. And in the Greek, it means, or he said, prevent them.
But in the Greek, it means we won't precede them, but they shall rise and we will go up together with them.
You get that, right? So the rapture cannot happen before the first resurrection.
And the first resurrection is spoken of in Daniel, for sure, and in the book of Revelation. And Paul talks about it.
And it's well -established where it is. It's after the seventh trumpet blows. That's why my
Jewish friend, Russ, who asked me to consider one thing, two actually, but the first one he mentioned is how many last trumps can there be?
And I knew right there. He had me beat if we were to argue because I had in my heart, the Lord, the
Holy spirit had been put me under conviction about the theory that I had taught, which I learned from my mentors and which they teach in all the seminary.
Not all the seminaries, but a lot of them. I just knew it didn't fit. But when he asked me that question,
I knew right there, I'd be studying for about a year. And I've been studying ever since. I don't know how many years it's been now since he mentioned that to me, because I know where the seventh
Trump is. And anyway, they're about to start to blow. So let's see what's going to happen.
And the seven angels, which had the seven trumpets, prepared themselves to sound. And that's why it was quiet for 30 minutes.
Wow. Okay. So here's a little bit of review there.
Right in here, you can see the first six seals. You had the white, the white horse, the red horse, the black, the pale, and that's nation subdued, anarchy, famine, death of a fourth of all people in the world.
And then persecution of the Christians, where your family will turn you into the authorities to be arrested and killed.
Over 100 ,000 people were turned into the FBI after January 6th by their children and family, because they thought they saw them at the
Capitol. They turned them into the FBI. 100 ,000. That's never happened in the history of America. That's prophecy. And many of them are arrested now for just freedom of speech
March. Right. And some of them were doing things they shouldn't, but most of them weren't. Anyway, that was interesting.
So now we're in the seventh Trump seal, and you can see that at the top. Right. Going right across.
It won't work on the TV right across there. And then you have the first trumpet, second trumpet, third trumpet, fourth, fifth, and sixth, and then the seventh
Trump. And then some other stuff. We don't have room to show that, but we're not going to get to that today anyway. So we may get to the first part of it.
So that kind of gives you where it fits into the whole of the end times chronology.
And I call it the biblical end times chronology, not the theological, because it's a whole different theory.
But the biblical chronology, which is found in Matthew chapter 24, which was
Jesus Christ's chronology. It's found where the Apostle Paul speaks of the rapture and other places in his writings where he says after the tribulation, then the
Lord will gather his people. And then Daniel puts it in the same order. So it all fits because God can't contradict himself.
So that's kind of what we're looking at. So now let's talk about these seven trumpets. And the first one, and we're not going verse by verse to Revelation.
We're in Romans, right? So I'm just going to give you the highlights in the scriptures, and you can go check these things out if you wish.
But the first trumpet is hail and fire and blood. That's in Revelation 8, 7. All of that is cast upon the earth, the
Bible says. So when that first angel stands and sounds his trumpet, there will be hail and fire and blood on the earth, and the rivers will turn to blood, kind of like when
Moses, you know, the curse is on Egypt. Some of those same ones come back because those were curses against the gods, the false gods of Egypt, which are still a lot of the false gods of the whole world.
And then trees and the green grass is burn up as climate change. But guess what?
It's not caused by man. Our cows, I won't tell you how they think cows, you know, because I've told you before.
I don't know why I felt freedom to say it once in a sermon, but not today. But anyway, so it's not caused by man.
It's caused by God and it's in the scripture and it starts to happen at the first Trump, which has,
I'm assuming hasn't happened yet because I haven't seen the rivers turned to blood yet, but it will happen.
Now, climate change can be, I believe is happening now. And there are a lot of signs of this tribulation period that are going to happen before the seven.
Let's see. What do I do with my water? I messed up today. Matt, that water on the front pew, would you bring it to me?
No, right here on the front pew. You'll see it when you get there. I believe climate change is already happening and I don't think it has anything to do with man, although the sinful state that man is in could contribute to it.
Perhaps. I don't think man's big enough. Thank you so much. I don't think man is big enough. I think the earth and the atmosphere and in the heavens can cleanse themselves from anything
Matt little man can do. But so I think God is beginning to change it because it brings, it's going to bring some tribulation and the
Lord in his grace and mercy.
Grace is extended towards his people. Grace and mercy extended towards his people. Mercy is extended towards the goats.
He extends his mercy towards them too, in some regard, because there are warnings like COVID was a warning.
COVID was meant to teach you what it's going to be like when you cannot travel freely. When the government will make rules of how you have to be, whether you like it or not, you're gonna wear a mask, whether you believe they work or not.
And you're not going to get in a hospital and get health service. If you don't wear that mask or wear whatever they want you to wear, whether it's a chip in your forehead or hand, you'll have to have it to get medical hair care, to go into a grocery store, to get on a ship or an airplane or to travel past a border of a state, or maybe even of a city.
You're you're now used to that. God in his mercy has shown you, you need to prepare and have things ready before that is put in place where you can't move about freely.
Does that make sense? All right. Well, he's also in his mercy showing us what climate change can look like in a small way, but here it's going to happen in a big way.
It's going to kill everything. There's the trees and the green grass is going to be burnt up. And that's something.
And that's just the first Trump, second Trump. And this happens after the six seals that we've already gone through that have killed a fourth of everybody on the earth.
The second Trump, remember there was a 30 minutes of silence before that first one blue.
Now the second one, a huge meteorite. The practice of revelation, eight, eight is going to fall into the ocean.
They've had so many come near the earth lately, and they don't always make it real obvious.
It doesn't hit the main news, but you can find it. You can find it. If you Google it, they have had several show up that they didn't see coming.
That came within a few hundreds of thousands of miles of the earth, but close enough where it caught the scientist's attention and they didn't see it coming.
And there it was. So this is going to happen in our future and it will make
COVID look like nothing. Because when that thing hits the water, it's going to, apparently it's going to land in the ocean.
That's God's mercy too. Because what if that thing hit New York city? Well, there's something else that's going to hit
New York city, but it won't be that, but probably going to be worse. Just as bad as that, not quite as bad, but a third of the ocean is corrupted by this, which means all the fish die.
And what's fascinating is in Zechariah, it might've been Zephaniah earlier, a few sermons back, I saw the far prophecy of the old
Testament prophet. And it said, and the fish died. That hasn't never happened yet in history. That's never happened where, where a massive loss of fish life anywhere on the earth has happened.
So this future it's coming in the future. And this is going to be the first one that causes it. A third of the fish and the sea creatures will die because of this event.
A third of all the ships that are happening to be on the ocean with when this thing hits, it will be destroyed.
This is a fake news. Won't be able to cover this one up. It'll probably be
Republicans or president Trump that caused this though. Right. In Zephaniah chapter one, two through four.
Oh, I got ahead of myself. So it's not, it's not Zechariah seven. I says
I will utterly consume all things from off the land. See, that's never happened. That's future.
Sayeth the Lord. This is how I know there's such a thing as a near prophecy fulfillment and a far, because it's in all the prophecies.
You see stuff that's happened and you can go back in history and point where it happened, but you see stuff that hasn't happened.
And that's the end times part. I will utterly consume all things from off the land.
Sayeth the Lord. I will consume man and beast. I will consume the fowls of the heaven and the fishes of the sea.
I never saw that till this last month. When I started putting this study together, I said, wow.
I said, I seem to remember somewhere in the book of revelation that talks about that. Well, it was the second
Trump. And, uh, that's funny. I said, they blamed that on Trump.
Didn't there it is. So that's never happened.
Uh, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked, uh, and I will cut off man from off the land.
Sayeth the Lord. So millions of human beings will be killed throughout these trumpets.
Not yet, but more. So at this point, we've, we've got, uh, a fourth of humanity has already been killed before these trumpets started.
So now I don't know how many were killed in the ships that were just destroyed. Um, I don't know how many will die of thirst because the waters are turned red, which means you can't drink the waters.
It mentions the rivers too, not just the ocean. So do you think you might, should have well, yeah, that's the secret.
See, the Lord has got the information for how to prepare all in the scripture. So we're going to have to use your well, because we don't have well water.
See, I've already been invited though. Your wife invited us. I don't know if she told you. I knew you would.
All right. Um, did we get all those? I will cut off men. I will also stretch out my hand upon Judah.
So, so you see, it's like the whole world because when you kill all these fish, that's not just Israel, right?
But now he points to Judah. So it's both Gentile it's worldwide tribulation, but, but it's also for Israel's sake, but it's not just Israel only.
We'll see that again and again today, if I can go faster and I will cut off the remnant, um, of bail from this place.
So why is God bringing the tribulation period because of idolatry and worshiping other stuff besides him, even other
Jesus's Paul said, there's other Jesus's other gospels, other spirits, even churches today, especially in America are worshiping a
Jesus. That is not the biblical Jesus because they say things about him that if you read scripture, he wasn't like that.
So it's a, it's a Jesus they've invented because it feels good and that's idolatry.
Just is not quite as bad as bail worship, but maybe from God's holy viewpoint, it might be as bad. Almost. It's bad.
It's idolatry, but it has to do with child sacrifice that's going on in America.
I mean, most of, most of you, uh, who, who did the
Jesus movie, uh, Matt, uh, Mel Gibson, most of, you know, Mel Gibson, right?
Kind of a cool actor, isn't he? Have you noticed how Hollywood has sort of given him a cold shoulder since he made that Jesus movie, they call him crazy.
They make him look crazy in all the pictures they take of him. You know, they Trump up things like he cussed at a
Jewish person or something. You don't know if that's, that's probably fake news, but they've done all this to do a character assassination.
Guess what? He said, though, he said, look, I'm going to tell you guys some stuff going on in Hollywood that most people don't know about.
And he talked about witchcraft and killing babies and walking in the baby's blood and taking their blood and taking the adrenaline out of it and injecting it in themselves to make themselves feel younger.
And then all kinds of sexual exploitation of children in Hollywood. And you know, what's the dude that died in the actually killed.
They suicided him in prison. Epstein Epstein, right? Do you, do you know, uh, the
Microsoft guy, uh, he and his wife just split up, right? Gates and his wife just split up.
It's going to be a huge divorce settlement, billions of dollars. You know why you don't have to meet it.
You know what his attorney said? The reason was that he had an affair with a young employee a few years back, but do you know what
Melinda said? The reason was. He'd been hanging out with Epstein. Did you know that I taught y 'all something you didn't know, maybe, or maybe you did already know, did you know?
Yeah. She goes, she's when Matt introduced Emily to me, she said, dad, the only problem you're going to have is she's more conservative than you, which is kind of true.
But anyway, uh, can you believe that though? Well, if he's hanging out with Epstein, that that's who brought the billionaire who brought in a lot of this stuff to Hollywood people and tempted them with it.
So God's going to cut that stuff off from America. He's going to have to cut America off because a lot of our politicians,
I mean, Bill Clinton was in there with it, doing it. Hillary was doing it from what my kids tell me.
I'm sure their sources are accurate. So, um, the leadership, once the leadership of a nation go corrupt,
God usually has to eliminate the nation because you can't fix it from the bottom up. Usually because they've got the rockets and the jets and the army tanks and they let you have a 22 and a shotgun.
And that's going to be about it. Once Biden gets done with us. All right. So I will cut off the remnant of bail from this place in the name of, uh, chimerians with their priests, false
God worship and stuff like that. And then the third trumpet hits a great star from heaven falls called
Wormwood. They even name it in the scripture. God gives it a name. The world will also name it that this is prophecy.
So the world will call it Wormwood. This is apparently bigger than the, um, the one that hit earlier and destroyed the meteorite that hit earlier in the second
Trump. This is a bigger one. So this is like several huge events are going to happen from the heavenlies where meteor, huge meteorites fall and hit the earth.
A great star from heaven falls, not a star. It's it's a meteor and it's called
Wormwood and that's in revelation eight, 10. It makes a third of the rivers and the fountains, the water is bitter.
So now even the rivers, the other one made him turn red. This one makes it where if you drink it, you die.
See, it says, uh, many men died from drinking the water. So water is going to be a problem.
And I believe this is because they reject the world rejected the water of life, which is
Jesus Christ. And the water of the word, which is the Bible fourth trumpet, a third of the sun and the moon, the stars are smitten.
No daylight or moonlight for a third of the world is what I think that means. That is my interpretation.
I don't believe it means that a third of the sun disappears and a third of the actual moon is gone. And the third of the stars,
I think from man's vantage point, as John was watching this happen from an earthly viewpoint,
When he got the vision is because of nuclear warfare. This is my interpretation.
This part, nuclear warfare, you have nuclear winter and the, the sun is hidden by the dust that surrounds the entire earth.
No crops will grow at this point. And you're, you remember how we already had famine. One of the horsemen was famine.
So I already had famine, but now we've got a real problem because the sun only shows on approximately a third of the earth at part of the time.
And the other time you can't even see it. And like the scripture says, the sun turns dark and the moon turns red because I believe it's because of dust in the atmosphere and three woes are now pronounced.
So now the fourth Trump, all of a sudden you have three woes that are pronounced and those three woes happen between now.
And as we go on out towards the end, so it's quite layers, layers of condemnation and the wrath of God coming upon the world.
The fifth trumpet is the first woe. So when the fifth angel sounds his trumpet, the first woe happens, another meteorite falls.
Now that's how many as three, another meteorite falls and opens the earth.
Now get this and smoke from the bottomless pit darkens the air.
Well, we know from scripture, from Jesus and his parables, some of the parables that he taught that Hades is in the center of this earth.
Both the place where used to the old Testament saints were kept in a place called Abraham's bosom, which was like heaven and across a gulf, a great gulf was fixed between that and the hell part.
Well, the saints of the old Testament have already been taken to heaven now because Jesus presented blood.
So now they're in heaven. So the only thing in the center of the earth now is Satan's people, all the tears and the goats that have died in the past are down there and they're alive, very much alive and they're in torment.
And some of the demons that created the problems before the flood were actually chained early because see who else is in here because, because they were having sex, sex with human women.
And it was considered so bad being outside of God's order for that event that God chained them.
The most of the demons are still can run around and bother us. Right? I mean, they're everywhere, but those are not, they've been chained in hell ever since they did that to women on the earth.
And then the flood came and those demons were chained. So there's some that are still down there, but now what's bad about this is that God is allowing this meteorite to literally hit with such force that it opens up hell.
And that's not the ultimate hell, which is called the lake of fire that hasn't come to pass yet.
I mean, maybe it exists somewhere in the universe. I don't know where it is, but this Hades will be poured into it at the great white throne judgment.
So for now, this is the same as Hades is actually what it is. And so it's opened up and the smoke from it will fill the air, like a volcano and creatures that look like locusts, possibly some kind of flying war machine or some technology that these demonic creatures have created.
They come up out of this pit and they hurt the non -elect. Now I don't think it's interesting that the
Bible says that. So people ask me all the time, do you believe in election? Well, you better when you get to this point, because if you're not one of God's elect, these things are coming for you.
And if you're now, here's another indication I've been telling you guys, it doesn't say you're saved from the tribulation saved.
It says you're saved through it. I didn't say that clearly. So let me say it again. My mouth is talking faster than my brain this morning is working.
So it's a problem. All right. I didn't get enough coffee. I bet that's it. So it doesn't say that you're saved from the tribulation.
It says you're saved through it. Just like Noah and his family was saved through the flood.
They weren't saved from it. They were saved through it by the arc, which is a picture of Jesus where we're going to be hidden.
If, but it's conditional, it's not just an unconditional promise that all of God's children will be hidden because many of them will be martyred, but it's a conditional promise to those who read the scripture.
And it says that if you read the book of revelation, the word of God itself says there is a special blessing to the person that reads that book.
And the reason I believe it says that is because the keys to not being martyred are in there or having the best chance of not being martyred are in there.
So you have to pay like we saw one this morning. You need some well water. All right. Another one is you're going to need to be in the mountains, not in the cities thing.
There's all kinds of hints for what we need to do to prepare. You need to learn how to fish. If you don't know how you need to learn how to hunt, maybe if you don't know how, and Charlotte's excited because she's going to get the pluck, the birds we shoot and cook them and stuff.
And she'll like that. She'll probably delegate that to Katie and Jenny, but these things come and they began to hurt the people, but not the elect, not
God's people because it says it's going to hurt the non -elect the ones who are not sealed.
People are not killed by these things, but they are tormented for five months.
See how specific that is. They're tormented by them. So whatever they do, doesn't kill you.
It just makes you miserable. All right. Now what's interesting about that is there's another scripture that says, you know, people will seek death and cannot find it.
So what kind of technology has been given to you via vaccine? By that time, you'll be given some vaccine that has stuff in it.
It makes you, you can't die. And even when you want to die, you can't die. Interesting.
Cause there's things much worse than death. If you don't believe that read Fox's book of martyrs stuff, it's already been done to Christians and Jews in history by Satan's people, the tears.
Well, I got ahead of myself again. It's in this, it's in this, in this trumpet. I don't have the scripture up there, but it's in somewhere near verse 11 and revelation chapter nine.
It says men will seek death and cannot find it. Their King was the Antichrist.
That's the Bible says in verse 11. So by now, the Antichrist has taken over political power of the whole world.
He raised his hand, said, look, I know you just lost your economy. I can fix it. You're going to have money again.
You can be wealthy again, follow me. And then he goes around conquering and to conquer and he eliminates all the borders and consolidates every nation into one nation, one world.
And he's the leader of it. This begins to happen at the fifth Trump there in revelation nine, one, the sixth trumpet happens.
And this is the second, whoa, revelation nine 12 and following 200 million soldiers from the east.
These are Chinese soldiers, 200 million, not thousand. There's never been an army of this size, but back in 1980,
I read an article in either time magazine or if life was still around, I can't remember now which one probably have it in a file folder at my house somewhere.
But in that magazine, it said that at that time in the eighties, that China could arm a 200 million strong army.
And that was 1980. So think about that. 200 million soldiers will cross the
Euphrates river. They're going to be riding on war machines and they will kill a third of the population of the world.
So they got more than just war machines. They got nukes and missiles that can be fired.
And the interesting thing is America is behind on hypersonic weapons. Russia has them in China probably has them and we don't have them yet.
And so it's interesting, pray about this because the air force gave
XOs aerospace, a company that I own a lot of the stock in a contract to build a hypersonic missile for them.
So our company may be the company that builds these missiles for America. Now let's hope they're not used on Christians, but they might be hope not.
We don't know where America is going to fit in this thing completely. Do we, we know that she'll be there to protect
Israel for a long time. We don't know how long. So I think not all the way through the tribulation period.
I don't think America will, will be the most powerful nation all the way through the tribulation. She'll lose her power just like England did in world war
II. America's going to lose it during this time period, I believe. So a third of the population now a fourth has already been killed.
So what do we got 8 billion right now? What's a fourth of that 2 billion. So 2 billion have already been killed.
So now you only have 6 billion left and now a third of them are killed. Makes the math easier. Another 2 billion, right?
Billion people be killed by this army. So they're going to be massacred by soul trained professional soldiers and by their nuclear weapons.
I believe those not killed repented, not of their idolatry murders, sorceries and fornication or thefts.
Those are the things God's chasing the whole world for right there. It's listed. And they did not repent even when that happened.
And that's something, I mean, you've already had all, you've got six Trump's meteors almost destroying the whole world.
All of these things, the, the water turning red and they still don't repent. And then an army so fierce that it goes around and kills a third of the people that are left, still not repenting, not coming to the
Lord. And I hear people all the time and they're wet. They mean well, and they're brothers and sisters that we love, but they say, well, what we need is revival.
Well, it's true. What we need is revival. What we're going to get is this. It's the opposite of revival. The world is not going to be revived.
You're not going to see another Billy Sunday revival. I don't think that's David Mitchell. That's not scripture there, but I don't think we're going to see that.
I think we're in the apostasy now where Paul said there has to be a great falling away from the truth before the
Lord comes before the antichrist arises. So before, before which Trump was it where he came in there and was it the fourth?
Let's see. Where did
I say that he rose up? Maybe it's this one. Yeah.
The king is their antichrist. So revelation nine is where the antichrist rises up.
But and now I forgot my thought that I was going to say about that. Hey, what was it?
Need the choir to remind me where I was. Probably going to lose that one because I had to focus and figure out where I ruined it.
Well, I guess it wasn't too important. I'll go back and I'll listen to the tape and I'll figure out what I was going to say and I'll say it next
Sunday. How about that? All right.
So there we are. No one repents. I guess I was talking about revival. Wasn't it? Yeah. And then
I, then I'll follow the trail. Then I was talking about a great apostasy fall, falling away from the truth happens.
And what I was going to say is all of that has to happen before the antichrist showed up.
And that is right there. So before the fifth Trump. You have to have a falling away from the truth in the whole world.
And that doesn't happen just like a blink of an eye. It's gradual. And it's been gradually happening since the.
Oh, probably 1920s. Certainly since the 18 hundreds, when the church was very strong in the 16, 17 hundreds, 18 hundreds, you had worldwide revivals that happened.
You had a quit field. You had. You had a
Moody. You had Spurgeon. You had
Billy Sunday later. You had a gypsy Smith even later than that.
And, but you don't see those anymore. And because we're, we have to have the falling away before the antichrist takes control.
So that's already been happening for a long time. We'll continue in my opinion. All right. So now revelation 10, one through seven, another mighty angel roaring as a lion comes about and we have seven thunders.
Now what's interesting is when those seven thunder, when John sees the seven thunders now, what are we in the second?
Whoa. Right. And the second row brings us to the sixth Trump. And during the sixth
Trump. Seven thunders are revealed to John. John picks up his pen and starts to write scripture.
And the Lord said, don't write that. They don't get to know this part. Well, what does that do for us?
I mean, to me, the 30 minutes of silence was pretty scary, but there's information in these seven thunders that was not released to us because probably it's so horrible.
He didn't want us to see it. And there you have that. And now when we get close to the seventh
Trump, I believe is where the witness of the church as the salt and light of the earth ends.
I don't mean that that's where I think the rapture happens. I believe it's where God releases the church from its duty so that she can go hide.
You can't both hide and witness. Can you. It's impossible. You can't witness and be hidden.
So in order for us to obey the Lord and go to the mountains and hide, and he says himself, I, you will be hidden in order for that to happen.
You have to be released from your duty. I've not seen this written anywhere in any books.
Maybe I'm going to write it in the first, I'm going to write a book about this and I hope it'll be, get it done before someone else sees it, get it out and warn the world.
I'd love to get to do that this year. But so you guys, you guys don't tell anybody about this.
Okay. But I believe this is where the witness of the church, its duty to witness is released by the
Lord. Let's see if you see that revelation 10, six and swear by him that liveth forever.
Never that there should be time no longer. Now this is where the, you know, this is going on in heaven and John is witnessing it.
He's watching it and he's writing it down for us, but they didn't let him write the seven thunders down. They had stopped right there.
Then after that, he picks it up and continues to record what's happening. And so now these angels that are, you know, always glorifying the
Lord. Now they swear by the Lord that lives forever. Never that there's no time left.
Now that doesn't mean time ends. A lot of people have misinterpreted that in the past. It does not mean time ends.
It means there's no time left on the earth. Time is over. This age is coming to the, uh, when they asked
Jesus, tell us when the world will end and what the signs are. This is the event they were asking about.
There's no more time. Time is over for the church age. And for this age, this, and you look in the
Bible where it says they asked Jesus, tell us what the signs in the world, the word world is a on, which means age.
So it's talking about the age that was, we were about to be in, which is known as the church age, roughly 2000 years, maybe a little longer at this point.
But when, when that ends, well, this is saying time is over. The church has done.
It's what it can do. If you haven't witnessed yet, it's too late. If you hadn't spoken to who the
Holy spirit led you to speak to, it's now too late at this point. Are you with me? That's what it means when it says there's no more time.
Now watch this chapter 10, verse seven of revelation, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound.
So you have to understand these, these are not only literal sound trumpets that are sounded, but it's also allegorical in the sense that it's not just like you blow the trumpet and that's it.
It also pictures the stuff that happens with that seventh trumpet. Are you with me?
So that can take days and weeks and months to happen. Even though the trumpet is sounded, it sounds like in a moment, right?
This like, it's not all in a moment. There's a lot of things that happen. And one of those things is the rapture, but the rapture cannot happen until the first resurrection.
So the rapture does not happen at the beginning. When they begin to sound the seventh Trump, it happens part of the seventh
Trump, which lasts days and weeks and months. Are you with me? You have to understand that, or you'll get it wrong, especially read the books written about it.
But when he begins to sound, there is something that happens. And you have to understand a very familiar word formula that Bible scholars, people who study all the time, understand about new
Testament language is when you see the word mystery in the new Testament, it has to do with the, the writings of Paul.
It, as far as I know, always has to do with the writings of the apostle Paul. And even Peter said that what
Paul wrote was sometimes difficult to understand. The apostle Peter said that about Paul, he called it scripture.
Didn't he? He said, the scripture that Paul wrote is sometimes difficult to understand because he was shown mysteries by Jesus Christ.
When he was in the Arabian desert on and off for seven years, or how long was it?
Three years. Sorry. On and off for three years. Jesus showed him things that had not been revealed to us yet to the church yet.
And he wrote it in the epistles of Paul. The new Testament letters of Paul is where you find these mysteries, but they always have to do.
Basically what it has to do with was the indwelling of the church by the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit had always been with God's people surrounding them and filling them, but never permanently indwelling their body as he does us when we're saved.
That was new. And that was a mystery that the old Testament saints talked about, but couldn't understand.
They saw it through a glass darkly. They couldn't understand it. The second mystery is just the existence of the church where Jews and Gentiles get saved the same way by the gospel.
That was a mystery that Paul revealed. Another mystery was the mystery of the rapture.
And another was just the mystery, the main overall meaning. If you take all those scriptures where that word is found, you can look them up easily.
If you have Bible software, read every verse has the word mystery in it, the new Testament and the overall meaning is the existence of the church, as opposed to Israel, the church being
Jew and Gentile saved by being indwelt by the spirit. That's the predominant meaning of this myth mystery.
So when you know that, and you read this verse, a light comes on because look what it says, but in the days of the voice of the second angel, when it begins to sound the mystery of God should be finished as he has declared to his servants, the prophets.
Now what's interesting about the word finished. I don't think I put it up there. No. I should have, but I didn't.
What's interesting about the word finished. When you look it up in the Greek, it's the word that means mature and complete.
And it's over with because like, if you start to build a building and the day you finish it, it's ready to live in it or work in it or whatever you're going to do.
It's finished. Right. It's totally mature. It's done. Whatever the designer had for it to be.
It is that now. And, and it's done and it's ready. And that's what that word means.
So when it talks about the mystery of God, if you understand that's the church, as opposed to Israel in the old
Testament, being the messenger of the gospel, the church is now finished, which we know the rapture doesn't happen there.
So what can that mean? If it's finished, it means it's duty is finished. It's charged to witness and be a light and salt to the world is finished.
It's over. Now you need to go hide. And you have just a little time at that point, uh, from this point to when the seventh
Trump is completely over. Cause all that stuff may take as much as three and a half years. I'm not sure yet.
We'll probably know by the time we finished the study, but I have to remind myself, I have this on a chart
I made years ago, but there's, this is not yet at the point of the rapture, but it is where the church ceases to be the voice of God in the, on the earth.
So the time of witnessing is over at that point for the church. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it up.
And it was in my mouth, sweet as honey. As soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
And that's because it is the word of God. So it's sweet. But the stuff that it revealed was very awful.
Uh, Christians having their heads chopped off Jews being killed mercilessly. And he saw all that.
And that's what made it bitter. Now there's a parenthetical when we get to, uh,
Romans chapter 11, and we have several parentheticals in the book of revelation where it's not chronological.
It's, it's a parent parentheses where he stops. And the Lord gives us detailed information about some event in the chronology, but not necessarily right where the parenthetical is.
Does that make sense? There's there's several of those. And there was given me a read like into the rod.
Uh, and the angel stood there and said, rise and measure the temple of God. So this goes out is talking about a time when the new temple is now built.
And by the way, when you see that new temple built, it's time to already be prepared because when the antichrist slays a pig in that new temple on the altar, at that point, uh, you got three and a half years of the worst tribulation the world's ever seen.
And they're going to be killing every Christian and Jew they can find at that point. So this is the temple and, and, uh, he's supposed to measure it.
And this is kind of interesting. And this is a picture of the one that hadn't been built yet. The future temple that will be built and measure, uh, measure this rise and measure the temple of God and the altar.
And then that worship there. Now who will be worshiping there when he sees this future temple, will it be true?
God's people, or will it be religious people faking? It's going to be predominantly religious people faking the antichrist is leading it, right?
It's it's a new religion. If you study the scripture carefully, it's a new religion. And the antichrist names the name of a new
God that he creates that never existed before. And he's called the God of forces.
That's creepy. Isn't it? That's who they'll be worshiping in God's temple here. Even though this was built by the
Jews for, for the true God. Um, so when the court, which is without the temple, leave that out.
Now we know from studying Charlotte's been going through this through dr. Rocky Freeman's, uh, on our website, part meadows, church .com.
You'll see dr. Freeman's messages. If you look up his teachings on the wilderness tabernacle, you'll learn all this stuff that you need to know to interpret this, but the court that's within without is for where the
Gentiles could worship. So you don't just have Jews here.
You see my point. All those who come up with this false doctrine say that the church is gone after chapter three.
Well, we're in chapter 11 and the church is senior. Now I have to admit that this part is a parenthetical, but if you have the temple already built, you're at least three and a half years into the tribulation.
So we can at least know approximately where this parentheses is happening. Does that make sense from other scripture?
Because the temple is not there and completed. And they certainly doesn't, uh, work, put the pig on the altar until three and a half years into it.
We know that exact date. So it's interesting because this measurement is being measured to be judged by God.
So the Jewish part of it and the Holy of Holies part of it is being measured, which means
God's about to judge it because they're misusing it like they were when Jesus went in with the whips and drove out the exchange money changers.
But they leave out the part where the Gentiles are. They don't judge that part. And the Holy city shall they tread under foot 40 and two months as three and a half years.
So the Gentile armies of the world, including China, perhaps we don't know
Russia and the Arab nations. We'll tread all over Jerusalem and Israel and we'll be in control of it at this point for three and a half years.
So the second three and a half years, um, the Gentiles control it and it may admit, in fact,
I'm not sure I'll be honest. I don't know if that's the first three and a half or the second three and a half, but I know that the swine is offered at the end of the first three and a half years.
So they may be taking control of Israel before. Uh, who knows? Maybe they build the temple.
It's interesting to look into further, but at this point he says, I will give power into my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand, two hundred and three score days.
How long is that? Three and a half years. And I know that's the second hat that's the second three and a half years.
And I'm thinking verse two is also, but here's, what's interesting about it. God just released the church from the duty of being the spokesman of the gospel.
And now he brings two witnesses. One of them will be a secular godly person.
And the other one will be a, like a priest, the Jewish priest, who's also a Christian and they'll be witnessing and telling the gospel.
So these, this is the new salt and light of the earth right here. And they shall prophesy for three and a half years in their clothes and sack cloth.
And these are the two olive trees. If you remember back in Zachariah, we were talking about those and in Zephaniah and the two candlesticks standing before the
God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies.
So they have power like Moses had miraculous power. These two witnesses, and these are true witnesses for the true
God. They're telling the gospel of Jesus Christ because the church has been released from that duty.
Isn't that interesting? So now these powerful individuals and you have the 144 ,000
Jewish evangelists that we read about a little bit previously, they are part of the salt and light now too.
Now that the church is released from that duty. So you've got 144 ,000 Jewish evangelists preaching the gospel.
And you have these two individuals that are so powerful that someone tries to kill them. Fire comes out of their mouth and they're just destroyed.
And yet people won't listen to them. Is that interesting or not? So then they make it where it won't rain for a while.
And people just hate them for it. They won't, they won't figure out what God's doing this. I better repent.
They don't get it. Right. But this is the mercy of God because he's giving the gospel in a powerful way with, uh, with all kinds of signs that authenticate these men, but they won't listen.
All right. So these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks. See, now you have to understand another word formula in the
Bible. Candlestick is the church. So this is revelation chapter 11. So do you agree with me that after revelation chapter three, the church is mentioned in the book of revelation.
It's right there. It's the candlestick is the picture of it. These two individuals are part of the church.
They're born again, Christians. They're probably Jewish Christians like Dr. Freeman was. And if any man will hurt them, these two prophets, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies.
If any man will hurt them, he must in his, this manner be killed. So these are powerful individuals. These have the power to shut heaven, that it rained not in the days of their prophecy.
And they have the power over waters to turn them to blood, just like Moses and to smite the earth with all kinds of plagues as often as they desire to do it.
So the world hates these two individuals. And I'm going to stop there for sake of time because you're worn out, but we'll pick it up here.
But what's interesting about it is that as long as these people are supposed to prophesy, they are protected by God's power.
And wait till you see how it ends with these two. And so this is now the witness in the world.
You've got the 144 ,000 evangelists, Jewish evangelists witnessing all over the world. You've got these two individuals, which are on, probably not on the main news because they won't want to show it, but all over the conservative news, you'll see these two.
The main news will actually be carrying this because it'll be, they'll be trumping them. They'll be saying they're awful, that everything they do is evil like they did
Trump. You can ask a liberal name one good thing he did. They can't name one because the media they listened to never named one the whole four years.
Right. But he did, he did scores of amazing things for this country that I happen to have itemized and a lot of them memorized.
But, but the thing is, what do you think they're going to do? What do you think the news is going to do to these two people of God, these two men of God, they're going to make them look terrible.
Like there's the devil himself. Look at all the plagues they've brought. Look how they're hurting you. Right. Fake news.
And yet they won't be able to touch them until God allows it. When we get to that part.
So we'll do that next time. Let's stand and have prayer together. And remember, if you haven't had a time of asking, you know, confessing, asking the
Lord to search your heart for any unclean thing and confess that you need to do that before we have our
Passover meal here in a minute and the Lord's supper, because you don't want to go into that with sin in your heart that has not been confessed.
So we'll have a time for that right now. And Lord, we just come to you in prayer.
We thank you so much for your word and how you give us guidance and specific things to be prepared for as these end times come upon us and our children and grandchildren, may they all be strong and be ready.
May all of us be strong and ready. Lord prepare our hearts for a change in the world.
It won't be the same comfortable America that we grew up in the Lord. It'll be a glorious thing.
When we see you come in the air and we're raptured to be with you. And so we look forward to that.
And because of that, we can go through whatever we need to. And Lord, we just ask you to search our hearts right now for any unclean thing and help us confess it to you.
And we know that means just to agree with you that it's sinful and to ask you to cleanse our consciences because you've already taken our sin away and help us to go into this time of, of your body and your blood being pictured.
And what it, what you did for us when you gave your body and your blood for us to save us out of a fallen race of depraved human beings and to change us and create a new man and woman within us and to make us new and to give us the ability to see and hear and know you.
Thank you for that. Lord, now help us to have a time of cleansing and that we might leave this place feeling as good as we did the moment we were saved.
And we ask all this in Jesus name. Amen. Now, if you would do this for me, uh,
I need to give, um, Charlotte and I think Dave Huber, the junior
Dave is going to go back there and help her prepare. And, uh, if, uh, let's see,
Charlotte, do you want the ladies to come first? They need to come. Not yet. Well, she'll let you know when the ladies need to help with the food part.
And, um, so we're going to just stay in here for a few minutes, just like we always do anyways, you'll be maybe three minutes longer than usual and, or you can go out in the hallways, but don't go in there.
Cause kind of, okay, great. Cause we want it to be kind of a bit of a surprise for you.
So hang out here in the hallway, but not in there until we call you, we'll come get you when we're ready and guys, we wish you could do this with us, but, uh, it'd be difficult, but you can do it in your own way.
What now? Uh -huh. Mm -hmm.
Mm -hmm. They just can't get it places.
Yeah. Mm -hmm.
The, the, a lot of the food is shipped on ships. Probably some of it goes.
Right. Yeah. So all the shipping that starts in the ports, there won't be anything there for them because the ships will be sunk.
Yeah. And some, there's a lot of European food. It comes over here and a lot of American wheat and stuff that goes throughout the world that they won't get.
And they're used to getting it. That's part of it. It's part of the famine. And I think it's, well,
I think God has already brought some, some climate change. I think he brought
COVID would shut down. I mean, that's why oil is so expensive now. It's because COVID caused all the drilling companies to go out of business.
And now they can't catch up with demand. There's no way to get everything going again, fast enough. So the price of oil is going to go above 110,
I think within nine months from now. So you might be looking at $6 a gallon.
And that wasn't a big company. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's interesting.
I wouldn't have thought of that, but you being a trucker realize that, I mean, that's frightening to think about.
Wow. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, really? So they, they canned it.
The food came from somewhere else. And who knows where somewhere in the world. And, and then after that, they truck it.
And so they just put down, they just put down a point that it was trucked from. Wow. That's interesting.