F4F | Michael Brown Hitches His Prophetic Wagon to Chuck Pierce


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now real quick question, have you heard how Michael Brown is using the coronavirus and apparent prophecies coming from Chuck Pierce and one other fellow as a way of testing whether or not
God is still speaking today? If you've heard about this, yeah go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video. Ring the bell so you can be notified when we update the channel. Strange things are going on and the best way
I could put it is is that Michael Brown, you know, is sticking to his charismatic guns.
You got to give him at least credit for that. But the problem is is that now he's held up Chuck Pierce and one other fellow, we'll talk about this, held up Chuck Pierce as a guy who apparently heard from God.
And so what we're gonna do is we're gonna test to see if Chuck Pierce really heard from God.
And we can do this even before the Passover. That's the best way I could put it. And so we got a lot of ground we're gonna cover.
Hopefully it's not too complicated, but if you haven't heard of Chuck Pierce, we've covered him a lot extensively on the podcast of Fighting for the
Faith, but also in the Cuckoo Banana Town segments on our YouTube channel, as well as the
Prophecy Open Mic segments. Yeah, Chuck Pierce is a guy who's made regular appearances here on Fighting for the
Faith. And what we'll do is we'll put a link up here to the video that we did on Chuck Pierce when he retuned the
Mexican border. If you have not seen Chuck Pierce retuning the
Mexican border with a tuning fork, you need to watch this video.
And the best thing I can say is please do not be drinking any hot liquids when you watch that video.
So yeah, just saying you need to watch it because this will show you the type of person that Chuck Pierce is.
But let's get the desktop up and running. And we're heading over to the stream .org, the stream .org.
And Michael Brown recently on March 30th published a post basically saying this is a great time to test contemporary prophetic words.
And then on his program, The Line of Fire, he kind of reiterated the same point. And the best way
I can put it is, is that Michael Brown continues to ask the wrong questions. And I almost think he does this on purpose.
And by asking the wrong questions, he somehow keeps coming to the conclusion that, hey, this is a, these guys are really hearing from God.
And so the idea here is, is that, in fact, let me see if I can make this just a smidge bigger.
Hang on a second here. My eyes are much older than they used to be. But, so here's how he argues.
He says, because I believe in the scriptures, I believe the gift of prophecy exists to this day within the church.
Now, a little bit of a clarification. And that is, is that people who are cessationists believe that the apostolic sign gifts have ended.
And by saying that the apostolic sign gifts have ended, basically that's going to include the, the office of apostle and prophet there are closed.
Now, if you're sitting there going, well, see, that proves there's a problem, Chris, because you're denying the existence of the five -fold ministry.
No, I'm gonna do an entire episode of Fighting for the Faith, probably the next one that, that I do, going back into the history of the
Charismatic and Pentecostal movements and definitively prove that the Charismatic and Pentecostals have always been restorationists.
They sit there and they claim that they're continuationists, but I was in the the
Charismatic movement and in the latter reign 30 years ago. And I know full well that 30 years ago, the latter reign was excited about their claim that God had restored the office of prophet, and then through the the life of C.
Peter Wagner and his work, and even Cheyenne in his most recent book, they claim that God has quote -unquote restored the apostolic office.
So anybody who claims to be a continuationist and say they believe in five -fold ministry, yeah, listen, no you don't, because all of the
Pentecostals, and we're gonna go all the way back to the beginning of the Pentecostal movement to Azusa Street, and show you definitively a man who was intimately a part of the
Azusa Street revival, was not a continuationist. He was a restorationist.
So Michael Brown has got a problem here, and that is that all the historical data shows that Pentecostals and Charismatics are not continuationists.
They are restorationists. So he can sit here and say, because I believe in the Bible, I believe that God's gonna keep talking until the end and stuff like that, but he's got a historical issue to deal with, and that is that Pentecostals and Charismatics and the
NAR are all restorationists, not continuationists. Like I said, I'll dedicate an entire episode of Fighting for the
Faith to this topic, probably the one next after this one. Anyway, so he goes on to say, is the
Spirit saying anything to us today about the end of COVID -19? Now I'm gonna note that Michael Brown seems to have overlooked the fact that Sean Bowles, who claims to hear directly from God, he claimed back in late
February that the coronavirus would not turn into the pandemic that everybody feared, and it's since become a pandemic.
He gave a false prophecy. He's ignored that, and then also good to note here,
Justin Peters recently did a video where he went back through all the prophecies that were given on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural at the beginning of 2020, and you know how many of the prophets were foretelling that God told them that there would be a global pandemic?
Well, on the Sid Roth special edition for the prophecies of 2020, none of them, not even one, prophesied that the coronavirus pandemic was coming, and I would note this, that of all people,
Rick Joyner on a video he did recently, a couple weeks ago, acknowledged the fact that none of the prophets heard anything about the coronavirus pandemic, not one of them, not one, and so Michael Brown, well,
God's still speaking today, and so he's basically holding this out as some kind of a litmus test, you know, a
Chuck Pierce prophecy and also a prophecy from Tracy cook, you know,
I think that's his name, who appeared on It's Supernatural, holding this out as a litmus test to say, see, this is a great opportunity for us to prove that God is still speaking, and I'm gonna note that Michael Brown has strategically avoided dealing with the
Sean Bowles issue, which he needs to address. He really does, because Sean Bowles straight up gave a false prophecy, and since then he's now lying, you know, claiming that God told him that this was all coming.
Yeah, I'll probably cover that on a dumpster fire that I'm working on that can't even keep up anymore.
The mountain, the mountain of the bovine scatology coming from the Charismatics and the
Pentecostals is too much to keep up with. It's like, it's mind -boggling, but I wanted to address this issue.
So anyway, he's basically saying, is God saying anything about the end of COVID -19? I'm gonna say, no, he isn't.
At least two Charismatic prophets say that he has spoken, pointing to mid -April as the time of a major shift.
What we should make of this? What should we make of this? Now I'm gonna point something out, and that is that we just played
Prophecy Bingo with Lindsay Knotts now.
She's the gal formerly known as Lindsay Davis. She's now Lindsay Knotts, and Lindsay and her husband
Zach, and we were going through all the prophecies for the beginning of March, and none of the prophets were already by then saying anything about a global pandemic coming.
We noted that, and all the vagaries of what constitutes prophecy, and so if you're not familiar with this concept, we play
Prophecy Bingo from time to time. Now I put this Prophecy Bingo card generator together back on April 25th, 2017, and if you go to fightingforthefaith .com
and click on Bingo, we'll put a link to it down below, I would recommend, go ahead and let's do another round of Prophecy Bingo, because we're gonna take a look at prophecies given by Chuck Pierce, of all people, regarding the year 2020, and we'll take a hard look at what was said about his so -called prophecy for 2020 related to the
Passover this year, and I strongly recommend that you do this with a open
Prophecy Bingo card, because here's the thing. Today's so -called charismatic prophets do not say anything.
They spew word salad buzzwords, and the same buzzwords that they say today have been the buzzwords they've been saying for decades.
Even when I was in the charismatic movement, they were using these exact buzzwords. So I've gone ahead, and I have clicked on the
Prophecy Bingo card generator, and here's my card for today. Now I'm gonna take a free space here, and I'm gonna see here,
I want to, because I thought I saw, yeah, here it is, okay. Now since Michael Brown has said the word shift already, we're going to go ahead and throw,
I'm gonna mark off shifting, because he's claiming, let's go back to his claim, that two charismatic prophets have spoken, pointing to mid -April as the time of a major quote -unquote shift.
Now this is nonsense, by the way. This is as vague and vapid as it gets, and because of the vagaries of this, anything could quote -unquote fulfill this prophecy.
And I'm gonna note, he hasn't, you know, already Michael Brown is on his back foot, because he's defending the indefensible.
Now if Chuck Pierce said that on April 16th of 2020,
God has spoken and told me that the U .S. government will announce, via Donald Trump at 3 .30
p .m. Eastern Standard Time, announce the, you know, a new treatment that has been proven to cure the coronavirus 95 .4
% of the time, you know, now that would have my attention. But he didn't.
And I'm gonna note that Sean Bowles, back on the 28th of February, prophesied this wouldn't turn into a pandemic, and it did.
So he gave a false prophecy. Again, Michael Brown needs to address that. But saying that there's a shifting coming, this isn't a prophecy.
That's a prophecy bingo word. And I would note that even if you could somehow claim that Chuck Pierce got it in the right neighborhood,
I would note that after we listen to a bunch of his prophecies, you're gonna see for yourself, this guy is a machine gun of word salad and prophecy bingo words.
You And by way of a kind of a metaphor here, I don't know if you're familiar with the concept of the infinite monkey simulator.
The infinite monkey simulator, basically what this proves, and I'll just kind of show this, is that the infinite monkey simulator works with the premise that if you were to sit a monkey down in front of a keyboard and just let him start banging on the keys, you know, randomly like monkeys do, that there's a real chance that the monkey might actually string together, you know, a phrase from one of Shakespeare's plays.
He might string these words together by random chance to be or not to be.
But after that, it's gonna come out. Yeah, and the infinite monkey simulator kind of proves that point.
So you get the idea. So I don't care how accurate you think Chuck Pierce is.
I mean, if he says, oh, in the year 2020, around Passover, there's gonna be a major shift.
Again, this is a prophecy bingo card thing here. But you're gonna see for yourself when we start listening to the other prophecies that he's given for 2020.
Everything else has been completely... Yeah, and that's not tongues.
That's just... You get the idea. So already, because Michael Brown has said the word shift, we'll note that thing.
Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to let Michael Brown speak for himself just a little bit here, because I do think this will be helpful.
So back on March 30, on the line of fire, he talked about this, and I want to let you hear for himself.
So he's basically kind of decided this is going to be a litmus test. We're going to test to see if God's still speaking via these two prophecies, one from Chuck Pierce, we're going to look at that, and the other from Tracy Cook, I think is his name.
I understand a lot of the skepticism. I understand a lot of the mockery because it seems prophecies are just nebulous.
And then you got some corrupt guy on TV prophesying to get money from you and stuff like that.
And then you have gatherings of prophets and they predict what's going to happen the next year and it doesn't happen or it's too nebulous.
Yeah. Like, none of the prophets at the beginning of the year from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders said anything at all about the coming pandemic.
Not one. On the other hand, I give example after example of specific words, things God's spoken to me or through others for me or me for others that have come to pass.
Now, a little bit of a note here. I do not mean any disrespect to Michael Brown, but just because he claims that he foresaw that a voice told him that something was going to pass and it came to pass doesn't mean that's the voice of God.
Just because a prophecy comes true doesn't mean that that's God who's speaking. So like I said, he's asking the wrong question.
So let me show you the question again he asked. Is God still speaking? Wrong question.
The question we should be asking is, is God speaking through so and so? And then the next question is, where do
I go today to hear the voice of God? Where can I go? And so, yeah,
I would say the answer is the Bible. But I'm going to show you Deuteronomy 13. Deuteronomy 13 says this.
If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or wonder and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, let us go after other gods which you have not known, let us serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams.
For the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
In other words, you know, whether or not you're a cessationist doesn't matter here, okay?
If you want to, just take the prophecies, test them, and you can't test whether or not somebody is a true or false prophet merely based upon whether or not their prophecies come true.
There's a doctrinal element to it then. And so I'm going to demonstrate that there's no way
God is speaking through Chuck Pierce. No way God is speaking through Chuck Pierce. If God were speaking through Chuck Pierce, then we have a problem, and that is that the
God of the universe, the God who made the universe, needs to be locked up in an insane asylum and he's no longer safe to communicate or be around because he's gone nutso.
I'll prove that to you. But so Michael Brown, by claiming this is some kind of a litmus test, already fails biblically because this is not the test, all right?
And so he's kind of set it up so that if anything happens, you know, that can be construed as a shift during the season of Passover, and Passover is not a day, it's a season, you know, so I think it goes to the 16th of this year, and I forget the day it starts, but maybe like the 6th or something like that, 6 to the 6th, something to that effect, you know, that during that season, you know, anything that can be considered a shift, well, then
God is still speaking. No, that doesn't follow, because Scripture is clear that somebody can actually give a true prophecy, and the reality is that a shifting coming is the most vague of all vagaries, okay?
And we'll even take a look at the details here, because the details are actually important. But you know, that doesn't prove anything.
So coming back then to Michael Brown, let's listen a little bit more here. There's no question that he's speaking and he's revealing, so has he given warning that this was coming?
No, he hasn't. That this virus was coming? And is he saying anything about when it's going to stop?
No, he hasn't. This is a great opportunity for us to judge prophetic words.
For the skeptics and mockers, let's see if some of these specific words come to pass. If so, that gets our attention, and they center on the
Passover and the blood of Jesus. Okay, so these specific words center on the Passover and the blood of Jesus.
We'll take a look at the details in a minute. On the other hand, if they don't come to pass, then for those of us like me who are charismatics, all the more do we need to look at things to say, okay, what is going on?
What's going on is you guys are not hearing God's voice at all. So Pastor Jimmy Evans, preaching for Gateway Church, an online service this past Sunday, this is what he had to say.
Now, I'm going to go to the link that is provided for Evans here in the world right now.
Now, Amos 3, 7 says, surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets.
Now, already we've got a problem. And that is that Amos 3, 7 is being quoted out of context.
And this is always the justification. This is always the justification for today's modern prophets, because surely the
Lord does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets. Now, I'm going to note, you'll see this on the next installment of Fighting for the
Faith where I prove definitively that those who were there at Azusa Street were not continuationists.
They were restorationists. Okay, so we've got a problem, and that is that even the people, the leaders involved at Azusa Street recognized that there were no prophets from like the end of the first century, you know, second century, beginning of that, until Azusa Street.
Yeah, so we've got a problem there. But is that really what Amos 3, 7 is saying?
That God's not going to do anything unless He reveals it to His servants, the prophets?
Well, let's take a look at Amos 3. We're going to apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
And listen carefully to what this says. Hear this word that Yahweh has spoken against you,
O people of Israel. Who's God talking to?
Israel. This is a prophecy spoken to Israel, ancient Israel, not modern
Israel, the ancient, you know, theocracy of Israel prior to their being overrun by the
Greeks and then the Romans. Yeah, so this is a word spoken, so the context matters here.
Against the whole family I brought up out of the land of Egypt. Who's being referred to here?
So you only have known of all the families of the earth, therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to meet? Does a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey?
Does a young lion cry out from his den if he has taken nothing? Does a bird fall in the snare on the earth when there is no trap for it?
Does a snare bring up from the ground when it has nothing, when it has taken nothing? Is a trumpet blown in a city and the people are not afraid?
Does disaster come on a city unless Yahweh has done it? For the Lord God does nothing without revealing a secret to his servants, the prophets, talking about the ancient prophets of the theocracy of Israel, not talking about the ongoing, some ongoing prophetic office, and the context shows that definitively.
So when somebody takes Amos 3 -7 out of context and says, therefore
God's, we've got modern day prophets today and God's talking to them to give us a heads up as to what's going on, they've already twisted
God's word and they're DQ'd, they're disqualified. Because if God were speaking to them,
God would be saying, stop twisting my word. So already we got a problem and that is that Jimmy Evans here is teaching false doctrine.
But the person he's pointing to is crazy. So let me back this up. Evans says, surely the
Lord God does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants, the prophets. God does nothing. He doesn't do anything unless he reveals it to prophets.
Yeah, he started the whole global pandemic without telling anyone it was coming. Because God doesn't want us in the dark.
First of all, God doesn't want us in the dark. Really? You've just misquoted Amos 3 -7, misquoted it out of context, made it say something it doesn't say, and then claimed that God doesn't want us in the dark.
Yet the entire Pentecostal movement, they're not continuationists. They're flat out restorationists.
There were no prophets. And the sign and the charismata, those all disappeared shortly after the apostles, according to their metanarrative, and didn't come back until after Azusa Street.
There's Bible prophecy, but secondly, there's prophets that are telling us what's happening. Let me tell you about two of them.
Wait till you hear this one. One is Chuck Pierce. One is Chuck Pierce.
Really, God's speaking through Chuck Pierce. If that's true, we're doomed.
We're doomed. That's the best way I could put it. But let's listen for a minute. I've known Chuck for 20 years.
He's the most accurate prophet I've ever known in my life. Okay, I have to get through this prophecy, but this is ridiculous.
I have been covering Chuck Pierce on Fighting for the Faith for a decade. He doesn't say anything.
He is the master of prophecy bingo word salad.
He's amazing at it, but he says nothing. I digress.
Let's get Evans talking here. Keep your prophecy bingo card out and ready here, because you're going to need it.
I've heard him prophesy many things, worldwide events, before they happened over the last 20 years.
This is well documented in his books, in his talks that you can hear on YouTube and things like that.
Yeah, we're going to be checking out his talks on YouTube. Chuck had a word last September, September of 2019, that the nations would come into turmoil until Passover.
That's April 8th to the 16th, Passover. I'd like to see that in context.
I'd like to see the actual prophecy in context. On January 26th,
Chuck had a word that he gave publicly, that there would be a massive plague -like invasion that would test us through Passover.
I'd like to see that one too. I talked to Chuck yesterday, because I didn't want to miscommunicate what he was saying in this word.
I said, Chuck, are you saying that this is going to be over at Passover, Easter?
He said, no, but there's going to be a transition. He said, a season is going to end.
Transition, season, end. New season, here we go. I thought I had that. Okay, let me see.
Let me make sure. Activation, increase, suddenly, supernatural, acceleration. Got it. Okay, coming back to Evans here.
Let's keep going. Season is going to begin. He said, when the Lord spoke to him about that word, about this lasting until Passover, he studied
Passover. The Lord said to him, this year is going to be a true Passover. What? The Passover is a type and shadow of our being delivered, saved by the blood of Christ, who is our
Passover lamb. It points to him. Well, what happened in the original Passover in Egypt?
You remember, there were plagues. God came to Egypt, and he judged them for what they had done to the
Jews. There was plague, after plague, after plague, until the final plague was the death of the firstborn.
God said, every family has to take a lamb, and you have to slaughter the lamb, and take the blood of that lamb, and apply it to the doorpost of your house.
When I see the blood of that lamb on your house, I will pass over, and death will not come to your home.
Yeah, which is a picture, a type and shadow picture of our salvation, because we are saved by the blood of Christ.
Chuck said to me, it is time for God's people to remember the power of the blood, and apply it to their lives and their home.
Remember, how does one go about doing that? Every family had to do it individually.
This was not a group, a national thing. It was an individual thing. What I'm saying to you is, the blood of Jesus, by his stripes, we are healed.
He set us free from the power of the devil. He defeated the devil. He gave us eternal life. There's power in the blood of Jesus, and it's time for every husband, wife, father, mother, child.
It's time for every family to remember the power of the blood of Jesus, and apply it to the doorpost of your house.
Chuck also said, how does one remember the blood of Jesus, and apply it to the doorpost of their house?
How does one go about doing that? Chuck also said that he believed there would be a tremendous redistribution of wealth.
By the way, that's a prophecy buzzword. I need to check my card. Okay, listen again.
The power of the blood of Jesus, and apply it to the doorpost of your house. Chuck also said that he believed there would be a tremendous redistribution of wealth that would take place during this time.
Let me remind you. When I was a charismatic, that was a major thing that was being told to me.
Here it is, wealth transfer. Okay, so wealth transfer, that is a prophecy buzzword there.
Yeah, I'm just saying here, this isn't a prophecy.
This is a spewing of the standard charismatic and NAR buzzwords.
This is not a prophecy. Okay, let's keep going here. When the children of Israel left
Egypt, they left rich. God said, ask the Egyptians for their gold. So we're going to get rich here.
Why didn't Michael Brown cover this part? Egyptians gave them a tremendous amount of gold, and they left.
Now, unfortunately, they took that gold and built a golden calf. They misappropriated the funds that God had given them, but later they used that gold for the temple that God built.
So I'm saying, God's going to do miracles during this time, and you may be suffering right now financially, but I want you to stand up.
I want you to believe in the power of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection in your life for miracles to come in your life.
That's what Chuck is saying. So Chuck is saying you're going to have miraculous, there's going to be a miraculous wealth distribution in this time.
Is that we must remember that the power of the blood of Jesus and what Jesus has done and who we are, but we have to do it individually.
No one can do it for us. So you have to do this individually. I still don't even know what I'm supposed to do. We have to do it individually.
No fear, no fear, not being down or depressed. We stand up and we declare we're the people.
Declare. We declare. Hang on a second here. Decree and declare. There we go.
Filling up my prophecy bingo card here. Weird. Yeah.
We continue. We're the people of Jesus and we have been delivered from the plagues, from death and hell.
And so Jim Laffoon is another prophet. All right. Now here's the other one that Michael Brown pointed to, and this is
Tracy Cook. I'm not familiar with this fellow, but he was on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural special coronavirus prophecy edition.
And let's test this guy. All right.
I'm going to refresh this so that we get to the right time. All right.
So he was in Honduras. Lord, what do you want me to tell your people? All right.
He's just taken Amos 3 -7 out of context. He's a false teacher already. And I said,
Lord, there's so much fear and panic. How can I see for the world that just one of the prophets, there's 7 ,000 more that needs to bail.
And the Lord gave me a two -hour dream and showed me the corruption that's in the government of China and the corruption that's in the
United States. And so many, even about Russia and on and on and on.
On and on and on. That sounds nebulous to me. And the Lord took me in this scientific lab and I saw them creating this virus and they're going to use it through vaccine to to try to stop life from living.
And they're going to do it through some type of machine. I saw it in the dream and shooting into the air and didn't rub it on people's clothing.
It was just spreading. But the good. So they're going to shoot something into the air and it's going to get on people's clothing.
News of it is we're going to come to the first stage of this in April of 15, 16 during the
Passover season. All right. So first stage, we're going to come to the first stage of this
April 15, 16. Not sure what he's prophesying here. That the blood is going to be applied.
So the blood will be applied, though. How? In what way? And anytime the blood was applied to plague
Passover. Sounds to me like you just read
Exodus like 12 and somehow decided that since the
Passover season is coming up, we can just misappropriate the details of the Passover account in Exodus to our current situation.
So the blood of Jesus, the blood of Yeshua is going to cause to ram it to come alive. The blood of Yeshua is going to cause us to ram it to come alive.
I don't think he's saying anything. Boy, that sounds so wonderful. Did God show you?
Because I still am interested a little in politics. Did God show you who's going to win the election?
So that was the prophecy, apparently. And Tracy Cook didn't say nothing except for Passover, April 15, 16 blood of Jesus.
He didn't actually prophesy anything. He didn't say anything.
This is not a prophecy. Now, I'm going to belabor the point here a little bit regarding Chuck Pierce, because let's just say this guy has made a career of saying nothing now because I want to cover a lot of Chuck Pierce's prophecies specific to the to America in the year 2020.
You'll note the name of this YouTube video is is recalibrating the heart of America 2020.
And this was recorded at the end of February of this year. So you'll know this is talking about 2020.
And we're going to listen carefully to what he's saying. But I want to make something clear. And that is, is that I am intentionally speeding him up so that we can cover a greater amount of territory.
I'm in no way trying to make him sound funny. I'm speeding up the video two times so that we can hear more of what he's saying, because I want to cover several different videos.
So with that said, let's listen to recalibrating the heart of America 2020 and what
Chuck Pierce was saying was coming for America at the end of February. This season we have entered into is a very unique time.
The word of God says in the prophet Isaiah Isaiah 43. Behold, I do a new thing. But OK, hang on a second here season.
I need to see if that's in my. I'll pray blessing assignment, activation, acceleration, suddenly restore.
OK, I don't know. I don't see any seasons here. OK, coming back in the midst of it.
We we see him this year doing a new thing in a new era. This is not the same as we've ever been before.
I like the word that we heard. It's we've not been this way before. We have shifted into an era that means shifted into an era.
I know I already got shifting. OK, activation, promotion, atmosphere, outpouring, speak into blessing, just kind of, you know, familiarizing myself with this card.
The historical shift is now occurring this year. This year that shift occurs. And yet the prophet also said, will you not perceive it?
In other words, we could shift and miss the ship. So we're not missing anything here in Arkansas. OK, now
I'm going to I'm going back this up a little bit. I want you to hear that. He's claiming that a shift is coming, but we could miss it.
Does this sound to you like, you know, the the the change of, you know, of the pace of growth of the coronavirus or the flattening of the curve or finding a cure for it?
Not at all. So, in fact, I'm going to put this now at normal speed and I'm going to back this up just a little bit, because back in February of this year and February of this year,
Chuck Pierce was giving us very specific information about the shifting and seems to have made it clear that it's possible to miss it.
So, yeah, in other words, we could shift and miss the ship.
Say out loud, we're not missing anything here in Arkansas. And yet what has happened is this new era.
See, it's not just about a new year this year. It's not just about a new decade this year. It's actually about a new historical shift that's occurring.
That's why I feel like it's so important for meetings like this, because we're seeing a major atmospheric change go on right now in the
Earth. And in the midst of it, this new era that we're talking about has now broken in to the atmosphere that we're in.
There's three heavenly realms. We stand here in this first round. All right. So I'm going to back that up because I think
I saw one of my words. Atmosphere. Atmosphere. Yep. There we go. A new era, a new atmosphere has broken in.
Is this a prophecy? No, it's not. This is just Chuck Pierce doing a great job of spewing the standard charismatic buzzwords that don't mean anything.
Let me back this up again. We're seeing a major atmospheric change go on right now in the
Earth. And in the midst of it, this new era that we're talking about has now broken in to the atmosphere that we're in.
See, there's three heavenly realms. We stand here in this first round and this new atmosphere. Realm, by the way, is a prophecy buzzword.
I don't think I have it on my card, though. Oh, let's see here. No, I don't.
Oh, I do. I do. So, yeah. All right. We continue.
I'm doing well on this card, man. I'm not even cheating. OK. Heaven has broken in.
Therefore, we have accelerated changes that are taking place around us. All right. Going to back this up.
I want you to hear it again. Accelerate is one of our prophecy buzzwords. See, there's three heavenly realms. We stand here in this first round and this new atmosphere from heaven has broken in.
Therefore, we have accelerated changes that are taking place around us. All right. Acceleration.
Hang on. I need to see if that's on here. Anointing outpouring breakthrough assignment.
Presence activation. Maybe. Let's see. Here it is.
There it is. Man, I'm filling up my card quick. How is that possible?
Hmm. All righty. Let's keep going. Another thing that's happening is
God is setting his order in place. And in his order, he always has first. Judah is going first. Now, Judah just in the praise team.
Judah is that apostolic prophetic people that gather together and they know how to use sound to overthrow the enemy.
See, that's what a meeting like this is about. They know how to use sound to overthrow the enemy. Have to put a plug in for our video that we did on him retuning the
Mexican border. So this is a sample of one of our previous videos. Like I said, we'll put a link to it down below.
But we also have a link to it up in this direction here. I really want you to see this.
Yes. The sound of entry is being realigned at the
Mexican. Here's the back. The sound of entry is being realigned. Yeah, he knows how to use sound.
All right. Yeah. So let me back this up just a smidge. Listen, again, the praise team is that apostolic prophetic people that gather together and they know how to use sound to overthrow the enemy.
See, that's like tuning forks and what a meeting like this is about. An apostolic prophetic people gathering to really bring us in all the way.
As you see a progression from a place where we've been in captivity, we've come out, we've moved to the wilderness, and now we are ready to go into our promise.
And that's what's happening. As I stand here in Arkansas this time, I want to say you are on the verge of a major entry into a manifestation of God that you have asked for and waited for.
Let's thank God into a manifestation. Manifestation, I think, is one of our prophecy buzzwords. Yeah.
Bummer. Okay. I think he said the word supernatural, but I'm not going to cheat this time.
We're moving out of maintenance. We're moving into revival, awakening, and here's really the word for right now, conquest.
The word for right now is conquest. Spoken at the end of February. I loved what I heard about those 75 counties coming into a new prayer awakening.
That means if you're calling for awakening is a prophecy buzzwords of those counties. It means that there's going to be lightning strikes in every one of those counties.
You need to start watching when the lightning strikes in those counties because that will represent a timing measure of an awakening and a move of the spirit for that county.
I decree right now that lightning is about to strike all over Arkansas. This guy's not a prophet.
God's not speaking through him. Now, this new era we've entered in is a Holy Spirit movement era.
We're coming back into a movement of Holy Spirit. You come to a place like this, Pastor Scott, I think all of us know that this place has a history in it, and now it's on the verge of coming into a new awakening.
And so we're ready for a new move of Holy Spirit. A wineskin that is...
Wineskin is one of our prophecy buzzwords. I don't think it's on my card though. Okay.
Nope. Okay. Coming back. More kingdom than it is church.
See, we're in a kingdom meeting tonight. All of a sudden we're saying we can't build quite yet because we haven't seen the pattern of the kingdom within us be spoken forth so we know how to build our future, but right now we're starting to move and build our future.
And so because we're coming into this new dimension of Holy Spirit... Dimension is a prophecy buzzword.
Spirit man must be ready and must be awakened. Now, I always look usually from a
Hebraic standpoint at what the year really is going to look like, and I start around Rosh Hashanah time, which is September and October. So...
So note here, he's reviewing what he claims God told him was coming for the year.
And this was in February. Actually, I started looking at this new era in last September. However, the last two years,
I've asked the Lord as we crossed over into the new year, did he have something to say to our culture about the year we crossed into?
And last year, of course, he said, when I asked him about 2019, he said, I want you to just plow through. That's why we ended up plowing through this nation going all the way from East coast to West coast.
This year, 20 is very significant, just as the Hebrew year 5780 is significant. 20 is significant.
20 means an open hand. 2020 means a double hand is open. So 2020 means a double hand is open.
That's what he was saying in February of this year. We're talking month, month and a half ago.
It was as if the Lord is saying to us, get ready, you're going to grab hold of a new portion. You portion is a prophecy buzzword working and using your hand to bless, using your hand to anoint, but get ready.
There's a new portion coming, new portion coming. And when I started looking, notice he's not talking about the
Passover. He's not talking about the pandemic at certain words that God was saying for this year, here was the list he gave me redefining.
He said, I will take my people through a redefining time because they have to know who they are in a new way. So redefining, because they have to know who they are in a new way.
I then began to see the importance of us realigning. It's almost like, as we cross into this new era, we're coming back and we're moving forward all at the same time.
And so he's not only redefining us, but he's realigning us real line. He's getting us ready.
He's realigning heaven and earth. It's real mining. I do want his alignment. One of my words, hang on a second here.
Simon anointing, shaking out, pouring breakthrough alignment. I'm taking it. I'm not cheating here because yeah, he's talking about realignment.
I'm going to say alignment fits there. Okay. Another prophecy buzzword, man.
I'm close to a bingo too. Wow. Okay. Let's keep going. It's amazing what's going on.
But one of the words he said play was recalibrate. He said, this will be a year that I recalibrate my people and my plan.
Now what that actually. He's going to recalibrate his means is it means it sets a new measure in place so that a new energy can come in and a new change.
It also means he's going to fix things that have been broken. He's not saying anything.
This will be the beginning of a lot of broken things that have been in this state being fixed again.
So a lot of broken things are going to get fixed in 2020. It seems like a lot of fixed things were broken.
It's going to create a lot of movement. And then I thought about you movement play in system with this word recompense.
It means things that you've lost along the way in the midst of all your wars over the last era of 70 years, all of a sudden in this year of 57, 80, 80 means in Hebrew is the word pay recompense means you are entering into a season of payback.
I want you to say. He doesn't know
Hebrew either. He just does not understand.
Payback is coming to God's people. That means things you've lost things. You didn't have total victory in.
There's a payback coming and you need to start decreeing every day that the Lord is recompensing you, that he will pay back anything.
The enemy has attempted to rob from him. Also in the season, there's this restoring a power that's going on with us. See, we've all restoring a power touches a power.
We've all been in revival states all coming in 2020 time, but we're in a restoration of power.
Now put your hand on somebody next to you and say, all of your strength and power will be restored. Yeah. After you heal from, uh, you know, the
Corona virus. And then really what this new era of 80 is that we crossed over into and where we've got the double portion hand extended.
All of a sudden we're resetting our future. Certain things are having to be reset on our behalf.
You're you're so we're resetting things that weren't working in fullness. You're turning off, you know, how you reset your phone.
You're turning it off. When it comes back up, everything's going to be working in a new way. It's not going to be like magic. It's going to be like supernatural change.
And all of a sudden you've crossed into a dimension that you couldn't get into before. Dimension is a prophecy buzzword.
I don't think it's on my card though. I think, yeah, he did say supernatural.
I'm taking it. Okay. We keep going. Now let's look at 80 for just a second because 80, this is what the letter in Hebrew looks like.
Notice it's like a structure, but out of that structure comes an opening. The word 80 is linked with our mouth.
It's linked with the word. It's linked with expression. It's linked with vocalization. It's linked with speech. It's linked with breath and it's linked with wind coming in.
It's linked with breaking the power of scattering and from other seasons and a reforming going on. So all of a sudden there's a couple of verses that are so key.
One is this. You will decree a thing and it will be established for you and light will shine on your way. Again, he's not saying anything.
He's just spewing buzz phrases. This era, we start making an opening for what has been prophesied in other seasons.
While you're decreeing it, you're going to start seeing the opening happen. It also means this. It means one of my favorite verses about Isaiah 45.
It says, I am the God of Israel, the Lord God, your maker. I want you to command me concerning your sons and your daughters.
Command me concerning your sons and daughters. Now I'm here to announce we are getting ready to see two generations rise up and come back into the kingdom presence of God.
Two generations are going to rise up and come back into the presence. And he says, command my hands to work.
That shows us the Lord is putting a lot of trust in us as we move in this era. Now what you say becomes very key in this season.
And one of the things I've noticed in past seasons, we've spoken things that have allowed words to limit the move of God.
So the words we've spoken have limited the movement of God. That sounds like magic and witchcraft to me.
And the Lord says, starting tonight, he wants the words of limitation that has held back what he wants to do in this state broken off of the state.
Now we'll do that in a moment. And see what this whole decade, knowing some of the history of the move of God in the faith movement of blessing and speaking, it's amazing to see all of a sudden we have come into a reality of understanding the power of blessing with our mouth.
Not name it, not claim it, but the power of creating a blessing in the atmosphere. Creating a blessing in the atmosphere with your mouth.
Blessing. There it is. Okay. Man, I am close.
But man, this card's filling up fast too. And sending it out to go to work. And so what you say becomes important.
Prophetic revelation becomes important. And Arkansas has always had a prophetic anointing on it, but it's always had a ceiling over the prophetic.
And the Lord says, I am here to announce to you, going in this era, the prophetic ceiling that has been over Arkansas is getting ready to break.
Prophetic ceiling is going to break. That means he's not saying anything. We're going to hear the voice of Arkansas come forth.
It also means that we're going to know the heart. See prophetic people, they just don't speak truth. They know the heartbeat of God.
They know how God's heart feels about a situation. And we're going to enter into a dimension that we've never entered in before. So let me summarize the era we've been in.
All of a sudden, this era is about the voice that comes out of your house right here. Put your hand right here.
There are things stored in you that need to be released. There are things you've heard. There's things that's been spoken to you.
All of a sudden, God is quickening those things again. The word is quickening. He's speaking those things.
Notice back in February, he wasn't saying anything about the pandemic at all. And we are entering into a very supernatural dimension.
And God's people are about to awaken to the supernatural in a way that they haven't been awakened before. Awaken to the supernatural.
And I am here to say, Arkansas, get ready. You're going to be uncovered for the gem that you really are in this nation.
Scratching itching ears there. Now, here's where I want to be prophetic with us. When I started coming into and praying about this meeting this week,
I actually saw an angel of war standing here in Arkansas. Saw an angel of war there?
Let me describe what I saw. This angel of war had a blowtorch. And I'm going to show you in a minute why.
He had a blowtorch, really? And it didn't have a sword like you think biblically. It actually had a blowtorch. Tell somebody, get ready.
You're about to be lit up in a new way. I know that doesn't sound good. I said,
Lord, what are you showing me? And it was almost like this angel was a welder and was about to cut a new form of the body of Christ, but not just the body of the government here in Arkansas.
And it had to have this fiery torch to bring you into your next season.
So a fiery welder's torch is going to create a new form of the body of Christ to bring you into your next season.
And that brings me to something that is hard for me to believe, but I don't really think I have shown you here in Arkansas what
Arkansas really looked like from heaven when the Lord caught me up into heaven on May 31, 2008.
So he got caught up into heaven, you know. And he claims to be an apostle. I've been here. I've decreed things. But, John, let's show the map.
Let me share something with you. In 2008, I was in a meeting in Arkansas. All right. Now, that's one video.
And like I said, I've sped it up so that we can cover some more ground. Let's take a look at Chuck Pierce's The Shaking That Unlocks the
Glory. The shaking. Now, this is what he told me at the end of the quarter of last year. He said, it's not that my people aren't breaking through and coming into the heavenly realm with me, but they're not pulling down their promises and getting them moving in the earth.
They're not wearing what they have seeded into the heavens. Now, hear what I'm saying to you. And he said, now, I am. Oh, breakthrough.
Hang on a second here. I think that's one of my words. Yep, there it is. Man, I'm not getting bingo, though.
Bummer. OK, let's keep going here for my people to wear what they have been putting in heaven, in the bowls in heaven.
And I'm getting ready to pour it out on them so they wear it. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. The bowls in heaven are the bowls of the wrath of God.
Have you read Revelation 16? I'm going to slow this down to normal speed and back this up just a little bit, because that was frightening.
I am ready for my people to wear what they have been putting in heaven, in the bowls in heaven, and I'm getting ready to pour it out on them so they wear it.
The bowls in heaven are like the bowls of God's wrath and judgment and fury. Have you read Revelation?
Now, that means we're in this incredible call.
And I do want to go ahead and give you some time frame. I believe this will go through August of next year. OK, so there's a time frame that will go through August of next year spoken in August of last year.
It's very key what we are being called into as God's people, how we're going to be walking in faith, how we're going to be seeing into heavenly realms.
We're entering a whole new era ahead. And so when the Lord showed me this, I said, well, what about this year? What's it going to look like?
Because I usually operate in hell for over 40 -something years on the Hebrew calendar. But I asked Him in January, on January the 1st, what are you saying about this year?
And the Spirit of God spoke to me, and He said, plow through it. No matter what goes on, plow through this year ahead.
Now, that's 29. Now, here's what you want to think. That's why Ain't No Grave was so important. Unless a seed goes into the ground, dies and goes into the ground, resurrection power can't come forth.
And what the Lord showed me was there had been lots of death and lots of seeds sown over the last 70 years, over the last 40 years, over the last seven years, over the last year, over the last decade.
And He said, I am ready to plow up those seeds that have died in other decades. I'm ready to unlock the ground, aerate the ground, break the iniquity off the ground, and cause what has been seeded to start coming up.
Tell somebody, get ready and watch. A whole new crop's coming up. Most accurate prophet that Jimmy Evans has ever heard.
Now, I grew up on a ranch, and we would have to choose a field, and we would have to determine what we were going to plant in that field.
But before we would determine what we were going to plant, we had to prepare it. Now, this is what makes it so important for us, because just as you saw that plumb line come down from heaven, this year the
Lord says, I'm going to start sending down words that have been sown up in the heavenlies. But when you start plowing up the ground, you have to set a plumb line across the ground.
Have you set your plumb line across the ground yet? He's not saying anything.
Here's another one. Let's listen in. And I really didn't even know if I was going the right direction. And all of a sudden, it's because it's got trees hanging over it from where it used to, they had made a way through there.
All of a sudden, this black moccasin drops down in front of me. And all I could do was say, after I said several things, because like I said,
I was coming back. All I could do was take a shake. And if you don't hit a moccasin, moccasins are mean.
And when there's one, there's lots. And I knew I had one shot at the thing, its head, because it came down. So a water moccasin came down and took it out of his machete and killed it.
Now, there's got to be no coincidence this man has shared this with because it was one of the life turning moments in my entire life that brought me into a new level of awakening with the
Lord. And then I. New level, new level of awakening. Let's see here. Bingo.
I got it. I got it. I didn't even cheat. Like I said, this guy is the machine gun of prophecy.
Bingo buzzwords. This isn't prophecy. This is just complete word salad.
Vapidity. Can't believe I didn't even have to cheat on that. Actually, it doesn't surprise me, but I don't know if I'm right and I could be eaten before I'm out of this thing.
And the Lord spoke to me. It's been really interesting in my life. When I've had to, I've been able to hear him no matter when. I can remember since I'm 11 years old, if I had to hear the
Lord, I could hear him. He said, look up. Now, this is a word for us. He said, do not look down at all this stuff that you're about to go through.
Don't look down here. What I'm saying? I have no idea. Do not look down at what you're about to go through.
Look up. And when I looked up, I could look about a mile ahead and I saw where the trees had an opening in it.
And the Lord said, keep your eyes fixed on that opening in the heaven. And if you'll keep your eyes fixed on it, you will make it through this place.
Now, I believe we have heard tonight where we're headed. So I think as a prophetic act, you just need to raise your machete up for a moment and say,
Lord, keep us looking up and the snakes ahead will have no heads. Let's thank
God for that. And I'm not sure what that means. But from this past weekend, this was from Glory of Zion from their online service that was held.
Not too many people in the audience. That's. We speak to this virus.
We say, start bowing your head. He's decreeing and declaring he's speaking to the virus that hasn't gone well for everybody that's done to the spirit of God.
We decree right now the spirit of God will come forth state by state in this nation.
All of you out there decree his spirit is coming out in nation after nation, starting in Israel, starting in Israel, starting in Israel.
We ask you right now. So starting in Israel, whatever we say, come forward with the spirit of God.
Let the spirit reign in the land. It's time for the spirit of God to come forward.
We just speak your grace to break the curse. Prophecy open my Lord right now. We plead your blood and we plead your grace over Israel right now,
Lord, that you would sweep through that your spirit would rest so heavily on the nation, Lord, and on the nations that it would break this curse in this hour.
Father, we just thank you for that. We thank you for your blood. We thank you for your covering. And we just say there will be a sweeping grace this week.
This week is a sweeping grace. Lord, we say begin with your first nation and work your way through the nations that are honoring your covenant.
And Father, do a mighty word. Let's sing this. Yeah, Chuck Pierce, most accurate prophet.
Yeah, I do want you to hear what Jimmy Evans did say about him because that's just a sampling.
Go through the archives of the Fighting for the Faith podcast, type in Chuck Pierce or right in our
YouTube channel, type in Cuckoo Banana Town or Prophecy Open Mic or Chuck Pierce and just look at the segments that we've done here.
Amos 3 .7 says, surely the Lord God does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants, the prophets.
God does nothing. He doesn't do anything unless he reveals it to prophets because God doesn't want us in the dark.
First of all, there's Bible prophecy, but secondly, there's prophets that are telling us what's happening. Let me tell you about two of them.
One is Chuck Pierce. I've known Chuck for 20 years. He's the most accurate prophet I've ever known in my life.
The most accurate prophet. The man says nothing.
Absolutely nothing. And so Michael Brown has decided that this is the guy, man.
This is the litmus test. Is God still speaking? And Michael Brown has got to come with grips here.
Chuck Pierce is not hearing the voice of God. If God were speaking directly to Chuck Pierce, he would call him to repent of his blasphemies.
Because let me, let me remind us all what the commandments say here.
If we go to the book of Exodus chapter 20, Exodus chapter 20, and we're going to note here,
Exodus chapter 20, verse seven says this, you shall not take the name of Yahweh your
God in vain. And all of these empty words that, that Chuck Pierce, the so -called apostle has spewed vomitously from his mouth.
He is with every prophecy buzzword and the nonsense and non -lucid statements that he has spoken in the name of God claiming thus saith the
Lord. He has broken this commandment. He's broken this commandment so many different ways just in this video that we've documented here.
There's no way that God is speaking through Chuck Pierce or that he prophesied that there would be a change, a shifting that would take place during the time of the
Passover. Chuck Pierce is a false preacher. He's a false prophet and he is a blasphemer.
He is guilty as all get out and he needs to repent because scripture says, you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. So if God is speaking through Chuck Pierce, we got a big problem.
Chuck Pierce speaks non -lucid nonsense. If God is speaking through Chuck Pierce, we have got to be concerned because that's proof that God himself has, well, is suffering from a mental illness and is no longer a healthy in his brain, in his mind.
But that's not something we need to worry about. The reality is this, is that Chuck Pierce is one of the false prophets that God has warned us about, that Christ himself has warned us about, and we should not believe anything that he says regarding Jesus.
We should mark and avoid him as a man who is dangerous and a deceiver and teaching doctrines of demons and who has nothing whatsoever to do with the
God of scripture. That's clearly what the Bible is teaching us in this regard.
So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below. I want to thank you for your support.
We can't keep doing what we're doing without it. But until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.