Baptist Pastor Says God Lives INSIDE The Vaccine?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So there is a pastor in Toronto, Canada, more specifically,
Wendell Gibbs of First Baptist Church Toronto, and he has a rather interesting take, let's say, on the
COVID -19 vaccine. Watch this clip and you'll see what I mean by that. Check this out. And this vaccine has brought enlightenment to a world that is divided in the truth of God's word.
And last week I told you the Holy Ghost, somebody help me now, the
Holy Ghost is in the dose. Why?
Because this pastor emphatically believes that if God is the creator of the heavens and the earth, then
God is in the vaccine. So today we're going to play this crazy video in separate clips and review each part of what he said.
I'm going to show you conclusively and biblically that what this man is doing is worshipping the vaccine.
By definition, it is clear as day that he's exalting and singing the praises of the vaccine from the pulpit.
And to prove this to you, I'll have to play the first part of the clip once again. Watch this. And this vaccine has brought enlightenment to a world that is divided.
So first Pastor Wendell says, quote, this vaccine has brought enlightenment to a world that is divided, end quote.
And this ladies and gentlemen is textbook worship. We live in an age where a Baptist pastor is up on stage singing the praises, so to speak, of a shot rather than singing the praises of God.
In fact, later in the video, he actually makes God and the vaccine virtually synonymous. Like they're the same thing.
The important thing to recognize here is the action of what's going on. He's not merely recommending the vaccine, he's worshipping it.
As Christians, we know that only God can truly bring enlightenment to the world. Proverbs 1 7 says, quote, the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge, end quote. As Christians, we also know that only God can bring true unity to people who are divided.
First Corinthians 1 10 says, quote, I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment, end quote.
We do not simply have unity in the church. We have unity in the person of Jesus Christ.
True unity and true enlightenment come from the one true God of the Bible. But according to this pastor, quote, the vaccine has brought enlightenment to a world that is divided, end quote.
This, my friends, is plain and simple worship in action. And it might be more accurately recognized as worship of the creation rather than its creator.
Romans 1 24 through 25 talks about this when it says, quote, therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator, end quote.
As Christians, we know that we must worship God, but it seems that Pastor Wendell is perfectly content singing the praises of a vaccine in his church.
And what an unholy distraction it truly is. I wish I could tell you this was going to get better, but it only gets more foolish.
Watch this next clip. In the truth of God's word and last week I told you the
Holy Ghost. Somebody help me now. The Holy Ghost is in the dose.
So the next thing Wendell says is, quote, the Holy Ghost is in the dose.
And the first thing we need to recognize about this is not really theological. We just need to recognize how totally and completely cringey this is.
The cringe factor in this statement is way off the charts. It can no longer be measured by any of the normal cringe measuring instruments.
The Holy Ghost is in the dose? Seriously? Did you really think about that before you said it?
I mean, there's so little foresight behind this that I have to assume he must have written the sermon while driving to the church service.
We wonder why people don't take Christians seriously. Maybe it's because foolish people who claim to be ministers of the gospel of Jesus say stupid things like, the
Holy Ghost is in the dose. By the way, if you object to me using the word stupid there, I don't particularly care.
I think the Apostle Paul would have used much stronger language to describe this heresy than what I did. See Galatians 5 .12
if you want proof of that. I mean, seriously, the Holy Ghost is in the dose? What is this world coming to?
But in any case, I digress. Besides being cringey, the statement is also extremely inaccurate with regards to the work of the
Holy Spirit. You see, biblically, the Holy Spirit has many ministries and many activities. For instance, the
Spirit hovers over the waters at creation. Genesis 1 .2 says, "...the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep, and the
Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." Additionally, we know that the
Holy Spirit seals us as a promise of our future in God's presence. Ephesians 4 .30 says, "...and
do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
Also, we know that the Spirit indwells all believers as a demonstration of their adoption as children of the
Lord. Romans 8 .16 says this when it says, "...the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God."
Long story short, the Holy Spirit is active and effective in the world. And He is fully and truly
God. But you know what the Holy Spirit doesn't do in the Bible? And I can't believe I even have to say this, but in the
Bible, the Spirit never lives inside of a fluid that you can squirt out of a syringe. That's called blasphemy, folks, and you should stay far away from it.
The main thing I want to continue recognizing is, again, the worship that's taking place here.
It's all, let's be in awe of the vaccine's ability to unify people powerfully and enlighten us fully.
Let's exalt the vaccine, for the Spirit of God is dwelling within it. That, my friends, is worship of the creation rather than the
Creator, and it is very dangerous. But let's go ahead and move on and find out exactly why
Pastor Wendell Gibbs thinks that the Holy Spirit is living in the vaccine. Watch this explanation.
Why? Because this pastor emphatically believes that if God is the creator of the heavens and the earth, then
God is in the vaccine. So here he literally says, quote, why? Because this pastor emphatically believes that if God is the creator of the heavens and the earth, then
God is in the vaccine, end quote. And there's a really easy way to demonstrate how foolish and ridiculous this man's teaching on the vaccine is.
Literally every argument he just made, everything he just said about the vaccine, could also be applied to shampoo.
Let's review what he said again, and I'll show you. He said, God created the chemical components for the vaccine, and to that I would say, correct, but he also created the chemical components for shampoo.
And then he said, God gave doctors and engineers the intellect to create the vaccine, and again
I would say, correct, but he also gave people the knowledge and intellect to create shampoo. Does this mean that God is living inside my shampoo bottle?
Should we hold up that bottle on stage every Sunday and sing a song about it? Should we sing, Amazing Grace, my sweet shampoo that cleaned a wretch like me?
I mean, what's this guy's point? God is in the vaccine because he created the chemical components of it?
What a ridiculous assertion. That argument would also apply to hamburger meat, rat poison, dog poop, take your pick.
In fact, this whole argument he's presented, it has a name. It's called panentheism. Let me demonstrate this.
Christians are monotheists. We believe in one God. Isaiah 44, verse 6 says, quote,
Thus says the Lord, I am the first and I am the last. Besides me, there is no God, end quote.
The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, were polytheists. They believed in many gods, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, et cetera.
But there are also those who could be called pantheists, and these people believe that the universe is God. This is the view of many
Eastern religions and new spirituality. But then there is also panentheism, and panentheism is the belief that God is in everything.
In this view, God is a supreme being, technically distinct from the universe in some conceptual ways, but he is also within everything that's in the universe as well.
The universe is within God, and God is within the universe. It's all physically a part of him in some way.
The Bible doesn't use the word panentheism, but it does talk about the concept. Again, the concept is found in the passage we read in Romans 1, and that passage sharply rebukes those who worship the creation rather than its creator, those who refuse to make this important distinction.
This kind of messed up worldview is heretical and blasphemous, and the Bible makes that clear. The Bible also makes it clear that God is distinct from his fallen creation.
To say that God is in the vaccine, it's not just inaccurate at some level, it's rank heresy.
It's spiritually disgusting. So in conclusion, this pastor Wendell Gibbs is one of the few honest people in his theological camp.
There are many church leaders who have come to worship the vaccine, but they deny that they do such a thing, and they would be extremely offended if you suggested that.
This man is a fool, but at least Wendell is an honest fool. He outright admits that he's exalting the vaccine.
He does it publicly and clearly for everyone to see. In fact, he literally says that God is living in the vaccine.
A lot of other pastors treat it that way, but they'd be offended if you said it. This statement, however honest it is, is still disgusting, blasphemous, and heretical.
So keep yourself and your family away from this kind of false teaching, and let's earnestly pray that Wendell Gibbs and his deceived congregation would repent of this madness and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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