You Must Learn to Hate in Order to Love (reupload audio fix)

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1 Corinthians 13, this is a passage of Scripture that if you grew up a
Christian in the United States you've heard preached on many times, and you've heard it as an encouragement, you've heard it as a rebuke, you've heard it every which way.
Even a lot of unbelievers know this passage. Here the Apstle Paul says that if I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not love,
I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have all faith so as to move mountains but have not love,
I am nothing. If I give away all I have and if I deliver my body up to be burned but have not love,
I gain nothing. And then of course, you know, love is patient, love is kind, we all know that. The end of this passage says, so now faith, hope, and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.
This is, this is, if it doesn't move you, then yeah, maybe gotta check your pulse or something.
But I have to be honest, my experience in evangelicalism has oftentimes led me to a place where these words ring hollow.
Yeah, I can't explain it really. Well, I can, I think. But at the time when
I would hear this, and there'd be times when it was very moving, very emotional, but I'll be honest, many times it rung very hollow.
Because I don't know if I can say most, but I can say many times you hear these words, and the kind of love that would be being described here is nothing that Walt Disney Corporation would disagree with.
That's the kind of love that they're talking, especially when this is used as a rebuke.
You know, if I speak in the tongues of angels and men but have not love, I'm a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
That verse has been used to beat people over the heads for so many years.
I don't know when it started, but it's been used very often in that way. And it rings hollow many times when people say it.
There's, there's certain verses in the Bible that are used so often that I think, you know, we, we almost just go into autopilot, and we auto -correct, and we just kind of fill it with so much information that's really not there, and it makes it so that it's, it's disfigured.
It's disfigured beyond all recognition. And I wonder, you know, if, if you've thought about this recently, you know what
I mean? Why, why is it that these words ring so hollow sometimes? You know, and, and, and you see this.
It's often, it's often used these days to sort of almost like excuse complete degeneracy.
Just abject degeneracy. You know, this, in the news, there was that pastor in, in, in the
South who, he, I guess he had some kind of alter ego where he would cross -dress and had a following of people that liked to see him dressed up as a fat woman.
And it's just complete degeneracy, right? Complete degeneracy. And it's a, it's a mainstream form of degeneracy these days.
It's not uncommon to see a man dressed up as a woman or a woman dressed up as a man, and it's a perversion, and it's deviant behavior.
And we all used to know that was deviant, deviant behavior, and some of us still do, but, but, but we're not, not even allowed.
So maybe even some of you have cringed for me calling it degeneracy or calling it deviant. And then, you know, this guy, of course, he gets found out, and he ends up killing himself over it, which is very sad.
And then you get the calls from, from, from liberal pastors who say, see, this is why we shouldn't stigmatize this sexual deviancy, because it drives people to suicide.
It hurts people. And the fact that that perspective is relatively common.
And even if you don't agree with that liberal pastor completely, still, there would be a desire from many solid brothers, conservative people who understand the gospel, who love the
Lord, there would be a push to maybe soften our language around this perversion that is plaguing our culture.
And that is a sign of a lack of love.
And I don't mean a lack of love for the sexual deviant. That's not what
I mean. I mean a lack of love on the part of people that would seek to soften just how degenerate and how arrogant and how
God -hating that behavior actually is. That's a, that's a lack of love.
People who would try to speak softly and kindly about such degeneracy, they have not love.
They've become a noisy gong, a clanging cymbal.
They've got it exactly backwards. It's not the person who says, that kind of deviant behavior should not be tolerated amongst a civilized people, a
God - it should not be tolerated, it should not be, you know, stepped around and just kind of sidestepped.
No, it should be confronted head -on with strong words and with hatred.
You should hate that, the fact that there is deviancy celebrated in our culture, in every area, in every institution.
So you should hate the fact that there are people who claim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who witness to the
Lord Jesus Christ and the supposed love of the Lord Jesus Christ, who seek to soften that.
Maybe not talk about it so much. To maybe, to maybe, to maybe say, well, you know, you know, it's maybe it's not
God's best for you, like stupid stuff like that. That you should hate.
And Paul is not wrong when he writes here in 1st Corinthians 13. He's completely right.
But we understand this completely backwards. This is a verse that I think less people know.
This is not a coffee mug verse. This is not something that you'll hear over and over and over again.
But this is also the Apostle Paul in Romans 12. He says, let love be without hypocrisy.
Let love be without hypocrisy. He goes on, abhor what is evil and cling to what is good.
Abhor what is evil. That's what he's talking. When he says love without hypocrisy, what he's saying is, no, no, you have to hate what is evil.
You have to hate what is evil. You have to cultivate this within you. You must learn to hate what is evil.
And if you don't, then your love is hypocrisy.
It's hypocrisy. And this is why, like, and of course the media doesn't doesn't see this, right?
So of course the media, they hate the Lord. So they're gonna say, oh see, this is the result of you stigmatizing cross -dressing.
You know, they die. What's actually the result is that less people will do it, which is good.
When you decide to rebel against your Creator to the degree where you're cross -dressing, that's not good for the soul, to put it bluntly.
Mildly, I guess I should say. That is poison to the soul. When you're living a lie, when you're living a contradiction to what
God has said, and you're hiding it, and maybe even you're not hiding it, maybe you're living in open rebellion.
But when you're doing that, on the inside, you are wasting away, little by little by little.
And when you're wasting away, and you're in such abject rebellion, violent things tend to happen.
And so you got to learn to hate. If you don't know how to hate, your love is hypocrisy.
And so, of course, we look at this passage in 1 Corinthians 13, and it's beautiful.
But you have to understand love for what it actually is, not the hypocrisy that is spread by so many people that lead our evangelicalism.
Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy or boast.
It is not arrogant. Can you think of something more arrogant than not hating that which the
Lord hates? As if you get to decide? As if you get to have a position that's nicer than Jesus?
Can you think of something more boastful than to say things like that?
Love is not rude. It does not insist on its own way. That's exactly what
I'm talking about. When you don't hate that which the Lord hates, you are insisting on your own way.
You become a noisy gong. You become a clanging cymbal.
It's not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
Love bears all things. Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. The greatest of these is love.
Now it's true, of course, that hate even gets perverted, and certain kinds of hate, things that we should not hate we do hate, and that's our sin nature.
It comes naturally to us, and so I would argue that your hate, you need to practice it.
You need to practice it, and you need to develop it. It needs to be in line with Christ.
It needs to be in line with the Lord. It becomes too easy for us to love that which
Christ hates, and to hate that which Christ loves. It becomes all too easy to do that.
There is so much about life in the
United States in 2023 that you should make a habit of hating with a complete hatred.
There's so much out there that is just so fake, it's so evil, and you should hate it.
But on the flip side, you can't let hate consume you, of course, right? You can't hate for hate's sake, and that's why
Paul says, cling to what is good. Cling to what is good and have joy in what is good.
Hate what's evil, yes, but cling to what is good. I would argue that one of the most messed up things about us is that we don't understand, really, what love actually is.
Love without hypocrisy, and some of that is our besetting sins, and some of that is our sin nature, and of course we are all warring against that as Christians.
But I would argue that even some of what's presented to you as the ideal, as the precious moments, sentimental kind of love, the stuff that's indistinguishable from the love in the show
The Mandalorian, I would argue that sometimes that stuff ends up becoming our goal, and so what we end up with is a goal, a standard of love that is hypocritical to the core.
You need to search yourself for this. This is something that each person needs to decide for themselves where they're at on this spectrum, because if you look, if you read the pages of Scripture and you look at the things that the
Lord hates, and you look at yourself, do I hate that? Do I hate that?
Do I hate that perfectly? Do I hate that with a perfect hatred? Or do
I try to browbeat people who hate the things that they should hate better than I do?
Do I try to browbeat them with 1st Corinthians 13? This is a time for honesty, man.
You need to look at yourself in the mirror, and you need to be honest with yourself. Do I have a hypocritical love?
Do I love the things that it's easy to love, that even the pagans love? Because pagans, they love when you speak softly to their favorite sins.
They love when they can count on you to hide the things that they want to hide.
Brent Leatherwood, that worm sitting there with his crocodile tears, talking about how the person who leaked the anti -white
Christian manifesto is a viper. It's hard to even process my emotions about that.
I hate that with as much perfection as I can muster.
I hate the fact that that man is put up as a leader for the church, as an example to follow for the church, and people, these weasel men will fawn all over him.
So Christlike. So Christlike. I hate that.
I hate that so much. Anyway, this is probably the most serious
I've ever been on my YouTube channel. But it's just all happening, man.
It is all happening. And I think what bothers me the most is that even though I'm aware of this, about the fact of hypocritical love and just the fact that this is just so commonly misrepresented in evangelicalism,
I'm aware of it. I've been on the receiving end of these people browbeating me because of my tone and things like that.
And I've been on the receiving end of that many times. So I know that that's out there. I know that hypocrisy is out there.
But the thing that bothers me the most about it is that I haven't,
I haven't, I'm not innocent. I don't hate well enough.
And I want to. I want to love perfectly. I want to hate with a perfect hatred.
I want to, but I don't yet. Not good enough.
Not good enough. And I would argue probably that if you're listening to this you probably feel similarly.
I don't hate the fake world that's out there enough. I don't love
God's truth enough. So we need
God's help in this, man. That's all I can say. We need to pray and we need to seek the
Lord and to ask him to just sit there and ask him,
Lord help me to hate with a perfect hatred. Help me to defeat and root out any bit of the fake love that Paul calls hypocrisy that is within me.
Help me to do it completely. Help me to have total victory over it. That's what we need right now.
That's what we need right now. That can turn the tide. You know, I think oftentimes in the
Bible God will like whittle down an army, you know, to such a small number of people that are faithful to him, that are willing to go to war.
He whittles down the army to such a small number that it's no wonder, like there's no question that it was
God who gave them the victory, right? There's no question about it. It was like 300 men versus, you know, thousands.
And so clearly God helped you there. The glory goes to God. And I believe that that's probably how
God's gonna work again in the United States. I believe that. I think that this tide is gonna be turned by a small number of people, most likely.
But that doesn't mean that we should go about doing the work of whittling this thing down ourselves, you know what
I mean? Instead, we should be wanting to be called in that number. We want it to be a large number.
We want it to be a number where we can do this work, right?
So we should have faith that God will do it with a small number, but we should not be seeking to make that number small ourselves.
We should be doing everything that we can, that we know how to do, to turn this tide. And so I think we all need to take a good look in the mirror.
Anyway, I'll be back with my normal content some other time.