TD Jakes Says Your Prayers Are “Too Small”!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So T .D.
Jakes is the friend of Stephen Furtick, and he is the pastor of the Potter's House Church in Dallas, Texas.
But in all seriousness, Jakes is what you might call an unhinged prosperity gospel preacher. And for those of you who don't know, the prosperity gospel is the idea that God owes all
Christians health and wealth as a guarantee in exchange for their faith. Jakes is yet another motivational self -help speaker who masquerades and pretends to be a true teacher of God's Word.
And in this video, I want to show you a clip where T .D. Jakes is talking about the topic of prayer. What he says is seriously troubling and deeply unbiblical.
Check it out. Half of the stuff on our list that we're praying about is not big, it's an instant you.
So let's deal with T .D. Jakes' perspective here using three biblical points, shall we? Number one, the
Bible makes it clear that God cares about all of your prayers, big and small. All prayers which are offered for biblical reasons and in a biblical way are significant prayers, not just the ones that relate to so -called big things.
Philippians 4, 6 is a you will have memorized, and it says the following, quote, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
The Bible clearly says that in everything we make our requests known to God, not just in big spectacular events and requests, but in all things is what the passage says.
T .D. Jakes is drawing an unbiblical distinction here because he wants you to think that his Mickey Mouse prosperity gospel motivational speaking
TED talk garbage is compelling and biblical when it's really not. He wants you to think that accomplishing your wildest dreams is what is most important to God Almighty, not your holiness, not your sanctification.
No, none of that matters to T .D. Jakes. Only the speed of your car, the price of your house, and the size of your bank account matter.
And of course, once you've got the bank account size you want, T .D. Jakes will be right there to ask for your money so that he can use it to spread his unbiblical message to the next fool who's willing to believe it.
Number two, the Bible asks us to pray continually. And how are we supposed to do that if we limit the amount of things that are significant enough to pray about?
What T .D. Jakes is effectively saying here is that God doesn't want you to pray about the small things that happen in your life.
God only wants you to pray about big things. But the problem is this. Big things are not always happening in life.
They ebb and flow. They are inconsistent by their very definition. After all, something is not a big event if it happens to you every single day.
That's why we celebrate with a cake and some candles and we sing a little song on people's birthday because it only comes once a year and it has tremendous significance.
And we do not celebrate on every Tuesday, for instance, because that is a day which comes 52 times a year and does not have significance.
The point I'm illustrating is this. Most things that happen to us in life are small things.
But despite this, First Thessalonians 517 says, quote, pray continually. But T .D.
Jakes is teaching from his pulpit that you should pray rarely, not continually and constantly as God commands.
And this is as heretical and unbiblical as it gets. Number three, Jake says that it is offensive to ask
God for something small in life because it's offensive to ask a, quote, big man to do little stuff.
He also says that God, quote, needs a challenge. Here's the problem with Jakes's man -centered teaching here.
Because he is focusing on man and not God, he fails to grasp the fact that God is infinitely bigger than any of our circumstances.
Nothing we can ask him to do is truly a challenge. And regardless of how big or small these things might seem to us, they don't test
God in the slightest. In other words, if we only prayed when we had something to offer God that was challenging to him, we would never have anything to pray about.
We need to start respecting God for the infinitely and eternally powerful being that he is.
That's what leads to true worship, recognition of God's character, not this ridiculous mumbo jumbo that whack jobs like T .D.
Jakes insist on peddling ad nauseum. So in conclusion, T .D. Jakes, a very popular pastor these days, is teaching his thousands of followers to disobey
God's law with regards to prayer. He also told them that they, as human beings made by an infinitely powerful
God, are somehow capable of giving that very God a challenge. So in effect, T .D.
Jakes somehow thinks that human beings, who the Bible says are made from the very dust of the earth, can give
God himself something that would be difficult for him to do. Something that will bring him to his very limits.
What a ridiculous thought, and what a disrespectful thing to say about God. And really, what an inaccurate thing to say about mankind, that we could somehow give
God himself a run for his money. This man, T .D. Jakes, does not have an orthodox or biblical view of the creator or of the creation, which means he has no business being a pastor whatsoever.
After all, you should not be teaching regarding things that you yourself know nothing about. I guess we'll just have to add this to the long list of unbiblical and foolish things said by T .D.
Jakes over the years. So let's pray for T .D. Jakes and all of those who listen to his false teaching, that they would repent of their sin and turn to the truth of God's word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.