Spiritual Transition from Bubble Juice

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Okay, tonight we're gonna do the spiritual transition from bubble juice, which I have to admit
I had to do some Google searching to figure out what bubble juice is We got two different theories on what it is actually but Maybe we'll give both but this is the period where what we do is a spiritual transition
Can we transition from something that someone gives me in the chat room in the striving fraternity Academy those who watch live by the way?
only eight o 'clock Monday nights You can go to striving fraternity org to go to the
Academy watch live you can chat in the chat You give me some a transition to like bubble juice. I get a transition from bubble juice to the gospel
Okay, so I did a quick Google search on what bubble juice is because I had no idea and what
I got was two things one thing that I got was that bubble juice is Is Something to do with Harry Potter some potion or something from Harry Potter the other thing that came up is that bubble juice was a
One gallon thing of bubbles for soap bubbles, so I'm gonna go with that one
Since that was the one that the person who put it in said it was so Can you transition from a gallon of soap?
Used for bubble machines or for blowing bubbles to the gospel Maybe you're at the park and you see people there.
They're sitting there, and they're blowing the bubbles You know I actually have a friend of mine She has this like this big big ring, and she puts it in and blows these huge bubbles and all the kids come and they love to see these
I mean huge bubbles and And then she gets to share the gospel with the parents that as the kids are then they're trying it and she shares the gospel with the parents neat idea
But can you transition from someone that's doing big bubbles or playing with soap bubbles to the gospel?
Here's gonna be my attempt And you try and see how you would do the reality is is that you ever see the little children are amazed
I mean, they're just simply amazed at bubbles I mean, it's just soap and water right but it blows these bubbles
And they they have a fascination with taking the bubbles and just blowing them and seeing how many bubbles they can get seeing if they
Can get to seeing if they can get a whole bunch of see how high they can go how long they can last how big?
They can make it all kinds of things the kids like have a blast It's doing sometimes they try to see how many they can get so you just dip it in the soap and just wave it really
Quick, but it's really getting high -tech now because there's even bubble machines I've seen that where you pour the soap you know mixture the bubble mixture in and it just sits there and blows bubbles you know
I mean so much that has gone into nothing, but a Big bubble that bursts in a second.
I mean it doesn't they don't last I mean the longest one's gonna last is maybe a minute You know in the reality of our life that soap bubble is just gone.
I mean, it's just it doesn't last Sort of like our lives compared to eternity when you think about our life 70 80 even a hundred years compared to eternity
Nothing, but a soap bubble the question We need to ask ourselves is what is gonna happen the moment after we died when our soap bubble life is over and we're standing
Before God, how will he judge us well? He has a standard in which he is gonna judge us his law have you ever lied have you ever stolen?
Have you ever been angry because God says if you're angry with someone he judges as murder of the heart So if we look at God's standard we'd all be guilty
We would deserve hell because God is infinitely holy infinitely just and because of his nature
We have an infinite consequence, but God made a way of escape Infinite God who is outside of time came into time as a man died on a cross to be the payment of sin for you and I and just like our life will be like a vapor like a soap bubble gone in seconds so We'll face
God and there's a day appointed unto man wants to die and then the judgment That's so bubble as short as could be our life will be over before we know it we're gonna stand before God We never know when our day is gonna be hundred and sixty thousand people die every day