Touring Israel with the Pactum


Listen in as Pastor Mike and Pastor Pat are on location in Israel!


Welcome to the back them with some compromise. No, welcome to the back and with no compromise This is
Pat Abenroth with Mike Grimes. We are oh, wait a second This is Pat Abenroth with Mike Abenroth because it's no compromise radio
Mike Ready to have some fun. Do you know what it's good to be here today path you said some compromise radio now, but I'd Prefer the new name of no compromise radio.
It's called no content radio Okay, we'll get the no -co so otherwise it would be so -co
So, you know, what's all the background noise? What's going on? What do you do? No, it is February something it's a
Monday February 25th, maybe I Don't say rack. Sorry, and we are in downtown
Jerusalem on the west side the good side for fancy And so if you did a cars, um, oh, it's 65 degrees a little hazy
It's been great weather we're here leading a tour together Omaha Bible Church Bethlehem Bible Church 45 people
See the sites having a great time. So the Bible has finally come alive Which is something we try not to say to people right we say the book you'll read the
Bible like you never have before But it's be good. Yeah, but it's it's been alive You know, one of the things that I appreciated was yesterday you're going from Jericho area up to Jerusalem Right, and sometimes you can be going from north to south and you're going up to Because it's more elevated right right and so that part you can if you know geography or an archaeology and stuff like that I think it probably helps you get the layout better, but I'll leave the
Holy Spirit I'll let him help us understand the Bible better So we're going home in a few days, so we figured we would record a little bit and get a little inspiration from the cars the motorcycles
Inspiration tours. I think they're like sirens. I saw someone today that said something like that Well, what we want to talk about on this episode is we want to talk about traveling to Israel Not because we're selling anything.
We don't have any Jesus junk to sell Let's play this as a re -run in two years before we take the next see what it's like So because you learn so much there's so many interesting things
People want to go to Israel, maybe sometime in their lifetime Seems like it would be an interesting thing to do to talk about what it's like to travel to Israel What's good about the tour guide?
What's bad about a tour guide? favorite parts things to see worst parts Little insight.
I like that. It makes good show and even if people aren't ever going to come to Israel my Senses they're still gonna enjoy what we have to say because It's enjoyable.
Well, since Mike Grimes is in here. I is Mike it is an avid rod I'll try to offer more to the
Steve a spurt seeing who was chattelings. Well, this is gonna be good I think you should saddle up your horses and we'll just move some frosting horses
It's true. And we did go to the grocery store today next door. So we got some I bought things today that I couldn't even read the label and you had
Google Translate He doesn't get the care or there. He is. That was pretty cool. Yeah, you got some drink with mint in it
Uh -huh, and it's like wow, we didn't know it had me and we might have a sound tech a sound engineer
Security guard with us on the balcony. Nobody's been like me what we want me. It's he's scary. He's got your back
We won't say who right head fit. We was gonna be sick. We won't say who it is Patrick Ennis, but He's here with us
Last time we went to Banyan wood a street that was kind of cool. I thought the whole time his name was Patrick canvas Speaking of Banya hood of Street, which is kind of a modern, you know
It's new Israel, but it's not the Israel from it's in the New Jerusalem But not the Jerusalem from above a new city in the old city.
So with that in mind best shawarma ever. I Think it's right up there I mean, I don't know the place that you go to in San Diego Pat and how she feels right out there shawarma guys in San Diego, but this is like legit because it's
Jerusalem when you can bribe him a little bit. Hey, we're bringing 17 Okay, so here's what happened my slide when we went so we got like 17 people in line
I'm first trying to show people how to do it you get the loft of bread not the pita and you get the amba sauce and the whole thing trying to play tour guide and I Said, you know,
I brought all these people here. I brought him here and we you know from America I think it maybe he'd give me a little something. No Mike gets up there and says
I brought all these people here I'm giving me something free And they did
I totally did well, I as an older brother, but all serious in the said what she learned and grow and really proud of you and Once in a while the
Lord just gives you one of those little don't forget. I'm your big brother I thought you out there few and far between you outdid me for shawarma
For sure ask me what my favorite thing so far in his favorite. Oh, how about if I ask you?
What's your favorite thing in Israel so far? Other than recording shows for the Pacton and this is like this.
I'm having a lot of fun. I So far think maybe Pat while Sea of Galilee is up there while Understanding geography and how far it would take
Jesus to walk at Bethany to see Lazarus and all that right now I'm still loving that Pontius Pilate stone that they uncovered
At Caesarea by the sea and it's in Latin and so they didn't have any archaeological evidence for hundreds of years about Pontius Pilate and they find this artifact it says
Pontius Pilate and We saw the fake one in Caesarea Philae. We've seen that many times with us
Hello and we saw the original one in the Israel Museum today first time I was cool
You know back to what we talked about before theology Thrives you to be a good historian if you want to do theology, you've got to know history like Machen said because To hope had a bid route.
This is a Narnia. This is a real place. He's this was a historical person Yes, he's more than a man.
He's the God man I understand that but he was crucified under Pontius Pilate and you've got the
Apostle screen the Nicene Creed and it ties it right in So I just love that Pontius Pilate stone
I Touched it. I kind of got the anointing a little bit. I Didn't have to sleep that night.
I would just it just we just brought the old So, you know, I actually was it I got a phone call from Josiah He just walked through has a
Castello with your wife Kim And so I had to step away because you know when you're traveling and your son goes
I gotta answer the phone and so I did not see the real stone today me museum And so I asked
Lisa on our trip. I said when are we gonna see the stone? She said, oh we already did And I said, well,
I didn't see it. So can I say I saw it, you know since I was here and I said no
I'll say I've been to the place where the real one is. Okay, perfect But then later on the way out
I was able to touch it That then I told him the story when there was a famous evangelical preaching at our church and I told him the story about when you and I were at Princeton where we saw the holdings and The rod of orthodoxy then though a special it wasn't made out of bone
It was made out of ivory ivory to number. He is Archibald Alexander Princeton seminaries on his deathbed
He symbolically passes the rod of orthodoxy to Charles Hodge and so that evangelical was preaching in Omaha Bible Church one time and I told him the story and Then he preached at a seminary like the next week and told the story but pretended like he'd seen it
Well, so you can do the same thing with the Pontus pilots, I think actually Charles Hodge that named his son
He I think you're right all Alexander hot. Yeah To do to confess. I told that person the story today because I I like to shatter people's dreams of Their favorite celebrity pastors being sinless
I know and you know Here's the good thing Pat the 45 people in the bus in our
Omaha Bible Bethlehem They know that we're not sinless I'm not worship the
Avendroth brothers. You heard it here for sure. Okay, let's talk about let's talk about the benefits benefits of touring
Israel What's good about it? we you know we make fun of people saying it makes the Bible come alive because the
Bible is alive by the Spirit of God in our hearts and But what are the benefits? Well, I think
I just will start big -picture Pat just to go overseas anywhere if you go outside of the country anywhere
Perfect. It can make you thankful for your home country because you know, America is not perfect It can make you understand other cultures and you think oh, what does
Israel do and what about the Middle East concourse? What about that? What about the suit?
What about the money? What about the culture? So I think travel anywhere is beneficial That's good specifically
Israel or even how about the Middle East? We're so safe here I'm nowhere else.
We can feel this safe in the Middle East and there's something cool about the Middle East That is so true people are always afraid when
Israel trip is getting closer and they hear about some bombs on the West Bank or Syria or Lebanon and Pat I always say don't worry about it.
Every hotel has a Bunker and this one does too. I Like I've been to at least one hotel in Israel where you know
The guy the security guy in the front sky like some kind of losing It's it's tough it's edgy.
I kind of like it. I like it. I Like the geography as well.
I I've always I think I cheated my way through any kind of geography class growing up I'm just lazy and dumb that wish
I wouldn't have But now I care about geography and I care about the geography of Israel.
It's so cool Pat I think every day we probably average between 10 ,000 and 20 ,000 steps per day walking and We've had buses taking us around to Again, it had it helps me being here in Israel to say.
Oh, there's Bethany Lazarus Mary and Martha were there Jesus walked over our
Jesus is on the Mount of Olives and he goes to the Garden of Gethsemane and Kidron Valley and through some steps and around we go just are you walking as a cup heard him?
How far of a walk is from here to Capernaum? He had to go through Samaria that part really is
He's good for me to understand how far they had to walk in some ways It seems like everything's closer than I thought and then the next minute is the opposite It seems like everything's further away than I thought.
What did he keep telling us? New Jersey is that Israel is the size of New Jersey? Yeah, yeah, we should make a pilgrimage across,
New Jersey We can land at the priesthood we could touch the rod of orthodoxy and call a celebrity Christian pastor
Tell him the story and calling now. Oh My if you're just starting you're just tuning in my cave and Roth with that Avon drop we have a bodyguard and We are on the fifth floor of an
Building in Israel. So if you hear the traffic, it's because we're recording outside We're doing an episode on Israel and traveling to Israel.
What's good about it? What's bad about it? And I also love the Sea of Galilee It may be one of the reasons why
I like the Sea of Galilee is the Roman Catholic Church can't build a Cathedral or a monument or a church or building?
It's it's peaceful to get on the evangelical boat where they want to I heard somebody they were lip -syncing
El Shaddai or so that the boat captain, right? Who is
I? Listened to I think maybe was Daniel block He said I know 13 languages when people
I was seeing that I think Amy Grant song our mech Michael W Smith El Shaddai El Shaddai Europe here on a man who died said
I don't have any idea what that is It's not any language at all in the head. You're a common thing
We go to Sea of Galilee. It's neat because you can see okay 13 miles long six miles wide
Herman wind Choppy how long they take to roll across etc. But what was that whole thing where I saw you you like that's some of the water and you were
Gargling. Well, you know I had I had a little bit of nuts upset stomach and I looked it up on the internet and said something about I don't know some
Franciscan brother so and father around by so -and -so said, you know, you just consume eight ounces and It'll cure all
Hey, well, I had enough sense to do the same thing, but I used a lifestraw Okay, I actually brought a lifestraw on the trip because you know, you never know.
Okay, there's that this is a legit question This is this is you know, we're joking around. We're having fun sleep to problem
People drinking diet 7up. So yeah, it's nice trying. I think I've got diet 7up. You have diet
Sprite. I have diet Sprite We grew up drinking tab. Remember at home fresh mom mom would go to Weight Watchers.
So we had yeah We did Weight Watcher colas. Uh -huh Well, I would go with mom and she was a little she hadn't tab or fresca.
They were both pretty bad Remember that why are we talking about that mom? Let us eat three ice cream cones of a name to South Dakota I'll never forget that and why do we have an addictive personality?
Okay, so traveling to Israel people would like to be holy They would like to say no to sin and yes to righteousness to use technical language mortification and vivification but instead of Union with Christ and other things that walk in my faith
Why what's in a person a real Christian even Pat who has to touch an icon?
Kiss the natal star of Jesus But to do something pour some holy oil on their head little dabble do you prel on there on their
Armpits, I mean, what is it? May okay. Let's think about it from the most positive side.
There's something in us that longs for a Solution, right?
We know we have a problem. So people try all of these things So I think that that that's built in because we know we're broken.
Maybe we long for The real I don't think that's altogether bad and yet the reality is
Jesus Left he ascended. He's not here, but he left us with the
Holy Spirit. So that's good But I think what's the question is what's most real? What's most real?
Well, there was a real Jesus The Eternal Son before there was ever a temple in Jerusalem So The reality is that the dwelling of God came down in a unique way, but it was was a type it's a shadow
So there's that and we want to go back to the types and shadows. I think because we're sinners I'm just rambling trying to think it through but We have to remember that in Hebrews chapter 2
Jesus talks about how he's in the midst of the congregation Right. He's he is there uniquely when his people gathered through the power of the
Spirit That's more real than anything at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre anything any kind of Jesus junk any
Kind of slab where Jesus we know the ascension happened here because we have
Jesus footprint because that's a thing. I Don't know why it is and what it is, but with we get confused.
We were shadow huggers It's so true. Our guide thankfully though has said things like this is the general area, right?
This is the Mount of Olives. You don't know exactly where Jesus did this that of the other I think of SOS Johnson Pat when
He would talk about V for Nate in interpret in few kind of I say it on out
Involves Temple ornaments who come abraded All these things and how
Roman Catholic Church seems to do the same thing when it's not faith alone We're a stop ordinary means of grace when it's not paper
I eat Bible wine and bread for communion and water for baptism
Will you forget the ordinary means of preaching and sacraments then what else will do?
Vacuums must be filled and I think people underestimate What worship is on a
Lord's Day Sunday, right? We don't feel different. We don't sense the presence of God He's not somehow
We know giving us a Something going on in our bosom, but there's a supernatural
Happening when it comes to Lord's Day worship Absolutely with Christ. She's absolutely I love the
Sinclair Ferguson story or the story that he tells about, you know a first century early church in Jerusalem and the temptation would have been to go back is
They didn't have anything. They didn't have the smells and bells. They didn't have the sacrifices They could hear the singing and what do they have, you know in some kind of flat some other
Christians persecuted persecuted singing some songs maybe and Reading some scriptures and somebody preaching that's all they had
And when when you read the book of Hebrews like that thinking with that in mind it helps you because we're not like the
Catholic Church with all the stuff and the smells and the bells and It could be tempting to say
I need something real. I need something tangible When in reality we have what's most real of all and that would be the
Lord Jesus Christ himself by the power of the Spirit We've got it all wrong when we're looking for the stuff as we are before even the spirit and I think that helps for The Israel trip people to say that that's not
Christianity all these different people We see around here the religious people whether they're
Jewish or Christian Orthodox They're all clamoring for these holy sites and things they could buy a special olive wood and everything else
Obviously if you want to buy a souvenir or a trinket fine But that's not Christianity What is
Christianity and I'm glad you brought up the Ferguson story. I mean, can you imagine after seeing the temple with the gold and the marble and the big lingers and the
Trumpeting and the smells and then now I'm on the run getting persecuted for this Jesus that I believing in But once you have
Jesus you have everything you do with pride You have nothing as far as all of those other things, but you have everything because you have
Jesus the Son Atonement once -for -all sacrifice. I love Hebrews for that reason.
What's your favorite part so far? It's my favorite part so far I think Caesarea or as they say
Caesarea by the sea Because of the Pontius Pilate stone because of I love the ocean run of the sea.
That's cool That's probably most fascinating to me knowing Peter was there preaching to Cornelius kind of the
Gentile day of Pentecost Acts chapter 10 and around there. I love that I also love the people that were with in the sense that it's so fun to share something we love
And we've experienced but you know fairly well with other people because you know, they're loving it
You know, it's helping me them to make more sense of things So that's pretty fun Yeah, I like to watch the faces of people and all of a sudden you go over the hill and there's
Jerusalem Are you you're descending from Dan and there's the Sea of Galilee?
People getting in the boat and we had a neat experience this time instead of going on the little boat To the
Sea of Galilee Center and you know doing a circle or something We went all the way across and it made me think we had an engine
It took a long time to get across the disciples whether they had sails or whether their row were growing and or both how long it takes to get across there and I'm starting to think about the watches and everything else and you did a good job by bribing the
Dude, I don't think we talk about bribing on the back down. Okay What I meant by bribing was it was an ancient
Hebrew word, that's right. That's Talked about. I'm just giving out somebody a tip.
We showed our gratitude. Yes. It was a tip It was just a thanks. Okay, don't play your music and and I don't want to hear
Stephen trip Curtis Because it's driving me crazy
I I Think also one another favorite bar was Capernaum I love going to Capernaum because you have the first century synagogue floor original they built on top of it
But that's pretty cool with faith and that's where Jesus actually taught So I think that's pretty good.
I did not do but I always tell people I'm gonna do I can't believe I forgot that I'd love to go to the
Sea of Galilee and skip a rock Because you think Jesus did when he was on my Jesus it would have been a prop it would have been a perfect skip
Oh, I wonder how many what it would have been seven skips right because number for perfection.
That's exactly right. But you know Maybe could have been 40 skips.
Okay. Yeah seeing the desert We think of Oasis.
I mean like Sierra Desert see what the deserts like here the wilderness rather Yes, I like that and thinking
Jesus 40 days. What do you do out there for 40 days? Tempted by see I like that you kind of get a good idea of of what's going on Seeing the path from Jericho to Jerusalem that 18 -mile treacherous path
That's a good backdrop for the Good Samaritan parable. I like that a lot I also really enjoy the fact that we've been coming along enough.
We've done this enough times There are new discoveries right there. They've come up with things
They've discovered things that they hadn't discovered in 2008 when we were here, for example So we saw
Magdala Well in Magdala, we I mean didn't you roughly where it was, but it wasn't uncovered
Right, and then more stuff of Magdala was uncovered since the last time board Well, I think somebody had a vision that they told him to start digging in Magdala the guy said, okay
I have to obey the vision of God. I'm a friar. I must obey It affect
All those stories. Can you imagine the stories behind it all? What does it make you think
Pat when you see? Oh, look, there's BB nine Yahoo. Oh, wait a second It wasn't really him, but we are staying close to his house.
Let's speak Western without Jewish people obviously We've seen
Jewish people in the Old Testament and we have you testament it It confirms in my mind is scriptures
I don't need the confirmation visually because I'll just believe the scriptures, but there's a veil put over their eyes
But they cannot see the glory of Christ and they walk around Doing what?
I don't know he but it is professing to be godly but denying the power Don't you don't you learn that which it certainly seems to be the case and you even have to fight some of the just Oh Animasin you might feel toward them for certain things and behaviors and being obnoxious so you have to fight that because you want to be compassionate and kind and merciful, but there
There it's not that they're not believing because of lack of evidence Lack of historicity lack of even what the
Bible says even even today. We heard it from our guide who is Jewish Russian Russian Jewish he said, you know, then it's not that they study the scriptures now, maybe he was wrong
But he says they generally don't study the scriptures. It's a commentary on a commentary on a commentary on a commentary and When they do actually read
Isaiah 53, he said there they can't believe it's actually in the Bible. I thought that was kind of interesting so So true,
I didn't okay So as an aside, I was just joking about BB Netanyahu since we are staying close to his house
I just listened to his autobiography and he said something to the effect that he used to be concerned about all of the evangelical like preachers and people like that in America and Coming to Israel because he was suspicious thinking that they would try to convert and proselytize the
Jews And he said I'm no longer worried about that He said I love them and I welcome them because now
I know they're the evangelical Christian pastors I'm not trying to proselytize or convert to Jews.
They're trying to proselytize and convert other Christians and to become anxieties How about that?
Well, you could probably see how that happens here big time. How terrible is that?
What an indictment that we don't evangelize the Jews. We just try to get other Christians to Support Zionism was
I mean, it's kind of a mirror thing that in the u .s. With this Christian nationalism Me what's the difference?
Do you go evangelize in America? Believers or do you go proselytize believers to try to get them to be theonomic
Christian national for the or even unbelievers, right Right. It's a sad state of affairs
So worst parts favorite parts, you know geography culture Middle East traveling around seeing how things connect
Well, the flight so the flight was rough. I'll say amid to that and that was a that's a tough cookie
I mean, I won't tell you what airline we were on but I think the only beverage service was
Here's a bottle of water get up and you can go to the back and get something else if you want On a 10 -hour flight.
I think it's gonna be 12 on the way home. Just so you know the food Well, I'm going through Rome.
Oh, you're going on a vacation with your wife. Unlike the rest of us underlings I had I need to go kiss some more icons.
Okay, go talk to the Pope This is not enough because you can buy indulgences at the
Vatican. I know I've been there. Oh, there's some there's a place in New York City See pastors
Cathedral Pat and you could go put your credit card in there with you. Oh, yeah It's just so yeah, we went together and it's just a 50 buck deal.
You put it in put it out It's 50 bucks. It goes to I don't know saying we're of whoever st
Patrick's leaders are security was pretty impressive from that airline though with a big Police Attack vehicle parked out front just to flex interviewed us for 20 minutes 20 25 minutes each
It was the the final straw for me. I don't know about you and your line was Big did going to Jordan.
Who do you know in Jordan and all this kind of stuff? But will you gave all your folks the pact of bottle?
It's true They thought maybe there was something in every one of those bonds distributed equally I was nervous because they say made in China Well, maybe there was some kind of a worthless submitted
George some special sauce on there I didn't like that flight, but you know what it's over yeah, whatever flights flights hard, but it's doable and Being tired, you know jet lag adjusting, but our group has been great.
Nobody's Been too crabby or brought beer anything. No, I Is there any negative?
downside, I don't think so we went up to see the gate where Abraham could have walked through and I think you know what for a long flight and Some minor any conveniences with traffic because the traffic is bad here
Brighton people are kind of rude and obnoxious. I mean in America. Here's what we tend to do. Now.
This is a generalization But we say excuse me, right? It's kind of nice in Spanish cone pair me
So hair dough in the May and then in Arabic, it's zoos get out of my way
And just bumping into us and then these different cultures and people from other places Just you know, if you give one foot of space in front of you, they'll take over if you're a tour guide
You know Patrick is sitting there for a guide pushing him over I was wondering what that headlock
Patrick was doing on that lady to guide and sweet. That was interesting No tapped out.
So if people are gonna come to Israel that there are pitfalls they need to avoid They need to be cautious about the kind of guide they get because there are
Catholic guides and Jewish guys and Protestant guides and do some research do some due diligence good talk to your friends who are vain years
Things like that. We've got a great guide this time. There's been a great job What are some other pitfalls maybe to avoid?
Somebody's gonna come to Israel and schedule a trip Well, I probably wouldn't do it during the summer because it's probably gonna be too hot.
I probably would Um, I probably schedule some free time right if you're packed too much and you never have any time off It's a long drop and do it to like good with this when do you with the tour?
You just have to defer there's 45 50 people and if you're not the leader You're not in charge.
You just have to go along. So just be ready to do that Maybe you want to stay a few extra days and maybe rent a car or something like that.
That might be a good thing to do But so far, I mean going up Masada We'll be down to the
Dead Sea and Sodhi. Tell me about your Dead Sea experience. What'd you think of that? I think the Dead Sea is okay.
It's fun. It's different, but I like just watching people's faces Trying to help them figure out how to do it.
So my son Joe sighs with this Oh, it's fun to watch and watch him do it. It's beautiful I can't think of anything in the
Bible about the Dead Sea. What's it? Maybe the salt sea things like that And there's prophetic passage about basically it being healed something along those lines
So there's Mary, how about my ghetto? It is like me get over the tell me ghetto I'm so tired right now.
I don't even remember. I have a little ghetto I like the solid, you know Solomon's stables and those things.
I think isn't that my ghetto down in there? It is that's fascinating to say Solomon's idolatry was horrific
But he was he was an evil wicked man in a lot of ways Oh, I know what would be a good question because I know you bet the answer
Give us a couple books to read before we bury Israel Oh, actually, I don't know the name of the book
But that little book that you recommended to me Actually lands of the Bible lands of the Bible is a newer one that it was outstanding.
I gave everyone a copy of that It's simple to the point. I like that a lot. What's the old
Palmer Robinson? He's got logical Late yeah, the different views of the land and that pulled out the work outstanding
So you're asking me questions. I don't know the answer to so that's okay because we're tired in Israel on location.
What what are we not gonna do next time that we did this town? Not gonna do next. I think this next time
I think we're gonna go to a lot and we're gonna go snorkeling. Okay, we would like that a lot You said we weren't gonna do any crowbar, but why
I think we should do the summer from over here. Let's design a trip Where we're going to mountain bike for a couple days like from Jericho Maybe some hiking mountain biking hiking some some big hiking trips.
He's snorkeling it Swamping in a lot a surf day in Tel Aviv Okay, paddle boarding on the
Sea of Galilee and then some people besides two I think that might have to be for our graduates or something like that.
I think I Write alumni, it's this the alumni trip for the it's me. What could we call it?
I don't let me shoot guns to every kind of fog. Yeah. Excellent. Excellent Have you eaten a lot of fish for breakfast?
I've been avoiding the fish for breakfast, but I've been having a you know, Mediterranean salad with feta cheese on Okay, well in honor of our mother
I've been having fish every morning for our goodness, but now all the fish breakfast have seen the scene
It's just their Swedish what do they call the Swedish fish I Thought not on a pickled hairy.
I thought it was a candy See his fish sweet is rich. Well, I think we maybe have done better shows in our life.
I think maybe we have We have to fill the podcast
Leech because because my is one you it's true inquisitive minds want to know. Yeah do the
Israel trip. It's great It's awesome different culture great travel. Just be very very picky about who your tour guide is and You'll have a better trip that way.
All right. Well from the Holy Land from the pilgrimage the
Typological Holy Land. Oh, I guess we could see this maybe try to redeem it.
I'm preaching to watch this bad and it's talking about Types and shadows and it's talking about why go back to the shadow because Christian nationalism
I know and the word shadow and mean what we think of as shadow the
Sun hits you and Your body blocks some of the Sun around the sidewalk is your shadow
But it also also can mean tracing or outlining. Okay, so I come to Israel I think all these types of shadows and tracings
They've been fulfilled in Christ Jesus So why go back to don't handle don't touch don't taste kosher food this that you're talking about my favorite thing
Yeah, and so we would we I think it was maybe BB Warfield that said in the
Old Testament There were all these things that talked and pointed to talked about and quoted to the
Lord Jesus but the light was dim and Now that we have the New Testament, we read the
Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament and say oh That's amazing the lights on there's no new furniture.
There's no new couch. There's no new table They've always been there But now we see what they are in light of the
New Testament and now we look at the real thing Not the shadows, right? So to redeem our show today tell our listeners
Pat why it's important to read the Old Testament in light of the new So we don't have this kind of crowd because we have one divine author who
Intentionally designed it that way. So in anticipation we have the types and shadows and the fulfillment the substance belongs to Christ So we come to Israel do an
Israel tour and had to have it be a historical tour You're learning about the types and shadows really is what you're doing a lot of the time
But the substance belongs to Christ who lived here yes who died here.
Yes was raised here. Yes Ascended from here. Yes But what we're not trying to do is hey, let's study all this stuff so we can bring it back again
Because we don't believe in regressive revelation believe in progressive revelation So it's wonderful to come to Israel not because we're promoting
Zionism Because or not we come to Israel to say here's where Jesus did it here's where Jesus showed himself to be the substance and Therefore, let's look to him.
He's ascended and we're waiting for his return Miga make Israel great again.
There you go. There you go. Thank you for listening Thank you for listening to the episode. We're glad you do listen to No Compromise and to the pactum