We Are Striking Fear Into the Pagans

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, so here's the challenge, Gospel Coalition. If you actually aren't full of it, like I know that you are, if you're actually not a
Pharisee and you actually believe the things that you claim to believe, then you need to get a gab .com
account right now. All right, all right.
Yeah, Marcus had a great point last night. I don't know if you saw the live stream last night. I had
Marcus Pittman on, the CEO of Lur. It was a great conversation. I always love talking to Marcus, and Marcus made a great point about Gospel Coalition and Big Eva types.
You remember when a lot of people moved over to Gab after Twitter got crazy with the banning and the censorship and stuff like that, and what they were saying was, that place is a wretched hive of white supremacy and racism and anti -Semitism.
And it's like, they got their holy robes on, they were preening their feathers, you know, like a regal bird would preen their feathers, and they said,
I would never, ever touch the gab .com account. Well, you're full of it. Because if you actually want to stand against racism, you actually want, you believe that the gospel can apply to racists and white supremacists and all that, what better place to fight that battle than the place where they all gather, apparently.
I mean, gab .com, that's what, allegedly, it's just a bunch of racists over here. But they will never do it, right?
Because what they actually care about, Big Eva, Gospel Coalition, all these losers, what they actually care about is looking good, appearing like they're against racism.
They actually don't want to do the actual work fighting this stuff. And so they'll never, ever, ever come to gab.
Gospel Coalition, if they really cared about racism, they would have a gab .com account so they could virtue signal all day what they pretend to believe on gab, to hear all these white supremacists could hear the message of truth, right?
But they don't want to do that because they actually don't care about those people. What they do care about, though, is looking good, as if they're anti -racist, whatever, blah, blah, blah.
So that's the thing, guys. Put your money where your mouth is. Get a gab .com account. Get dirty. Come on, roll in the slums with us.
But you'll never do it, so I'm not too worried about it. Because if they did actually do that, my quality of life over here at Gab would be lowered a little bit because I'd have to read their posts and stuff like that.
And so I actually don't really want you here because your message is fake anyway, but if you really believed it, you'd be here.
But you're not, and so you're just going to virtue signal like a Pharisee. But anyway, let's talk about gab.
Because Andrew Torba was actually on the livestream. He wasn't on it, but he was chatting in the comments.
Thank you for joining. Thank you for sharing it. We were talking about gab and why people hate it so much.
And I was mentioning that they've tried everything with Torba. So far, they've tried to call him racist.
That didn't work. They tried to call him anti -Semite. That didn't work. That's the usual stuff. Usually what happens, and I've made this comment before,
I know Big Eva people that the mob came for them in a very mild way, and they instantly caved.
And ever since then, they've essentially had no testicles. That's what they usually do. It usually works, but it didn't work with Torba.
Then they tried deplatforming him. He couldn't get a checking account. I don't even know if he still has a checking account.
He can't get banking anywhere. Apple kicked off Google.
They had to build their servers from the ground up and all this stuff. And they tried that. It still didn't work.
They were still building. Because the thing they don't understand about Torba, I think he's doing this for the glory of God, right?
And so he's going to work heartily. I'm sure it's not easy. It's hard work. But he's going to work heartily as unto the
Lord as if the Lord was his boss, because the Lord is his boss. And so he's going to build the servers he needs to build.
He's going to do what he needs to do in order to accomplish this mission. And so they can deplatform.
That's what they tried. They tried it. So first they tried the threats. Then they tried deplatforming. And now, the next thing is now they're tempting him.
Now they're tempting him with money. So they've got investment bankers that are saying, hey, well, maybe we can invest in you.
And Torba's too smart for that, obviously. He's checked into some of these guys. BlackRock, all the usual players.
It's dirty money. I don't think Andrew's going to take it. But they'll try more things, because they hate
Gab. And the question, though, is why do they hate Gab, right? And I've got some theories about that.
And we talked a little bit about this last night. Andrew says the reason they hate Gab is because they can't control Gab. And I think that that's definitely part of it.
They can't control Gab. It's just a free -for -all over here. You can't post porn, obviously.
You can't post threats, obviously. But the point is, if you have a belief that's objectionable, you can put it out there.
And Big Eva and the powers that be, they're really one in the same. Big Eva are the powers that be, at least in a very minor way.
They hate that. They hate not being able to control the spin, to control the message, to control the narrative.
And they can't do that here on Gab. Now, here's the other thing, though. I think that that's part of it.
I think the other part of it, though, is that they're recognizing that they've made a big mistake, a huge mistake.
And here's the mistake that they've made. So they started banning us on Twitter and stuff like that.
But you see, the advantage of having us on Twitter and having us in their little realms and their spaces and stuff like that is that it's kind of isolating, right?
Because think about two years ago, right, when all this stuff started unraveling. How isolated did a lot of you guys feel?
You felt like you were going crazy. It's like, am I nuts? I mean, everyone seems to have changed.
And you felt like you were alone, maybe not utterly alone. You had your family and maybe your church, but even a lot of you lost your church because they closed down and they were preaching racist doctrines and evil, demonic teachings.
So a lot of you guys lost your church. But even if you had your church, it was like, man, there's only a few faithful Christians out there.
And then you see every corporation's gone total Marxist and fascist. And you're like, man, I'm all alone.
So when we were in their spaces, we kind of had this feeling like we were all alone. And then we abandoned their spaces to a great degree.
Some of us still have a Twitter or whatever. A lot of us don't, but some of us do. But we're on Gab, though, too.
And what's amazing about Gab is that we've kind of woken up to the fact that we're actually not alone, right?
There's a lot of us out there, and we're all finding each other now. I keep reading stories on Gab of people that found a new job at a
Christian company who's overtly Christian, that they're never going to bow the knee to Caesar. They're never going to do anything that Caesar says that they have to do if it's immoral.
They're not doing it. They found companies that they can buy products from, they can do business with in exchange, they can sell their labor, they can be employed, all of this kind of thing.
And we're realizing that we're not alone. And actually, when we're working together, we can accomplish great things.
And I think that Torba's vision with Gab is an example of this. And he seems like a humble guy to me.
I've never talked to him. But whenever you mention something about how Gab is awesome or whatever, he gives the glory to God.
And I think he's kind of exemplifying what I'm talking about. He's building a platform, essentially from scratch.
He can't use Amazon servers, because they kicked him off. So they meant it for evil, but now he's built something that they don't have any control over.
God's turned this into good, right? So here's what's happened. So we're all on Gab. We're all kind of condensed into this small community now, and small, relatively speaking.
But we're realizing that we're not alone. And we found each other. And I can't tell you how many conversations
I've had with software engineers from big tech, you know, these companies that are planning their exit strategies.
Some of them are not, but at least are aware that they need to have something on the side and stuff like this. Like, we're everywhere, guys.
We're realizing that God's people are all over the place. You think you've infiltrated our organizations, we've done and been infiltrated yours.
And so we're everywhere. And we're recognizing that we're not alone. And that is so amazing.
That's something that Gab, I think, has made possible. Now, God doesn't need Gab, obviously.
God can do whatever he wants to do in any way he wants to do it. But I believe, frankly, that he has used
Gab .com as a way to sort of encourage the saints. Because you go on it's different, guys.
Look, there's despair on Gab too. Don't get me wrong. There's despair. But there's a lot of positivity.
There's a lot of encouragement to be found on Gab. I can't tell you how encouraged I've been to see
Christian businesses starting and thriving and doing and getting more business than they've ever thought possible because of Gab and Gab ads and stuff like that.
It's just so amazing and encouraging. Marcus Pittman wrote an amazing blog about an optimistic eschatology, an eschatology of victory here on earth.
And the reality is that he could have gone through the official channels, tried to get it on Gospel Coalition or some of these official blogs.
And even if they allowed it, which they probably wouldn't because Marcus is unwashed. He's unclean, according to these people.
Even if they allowed it, though, how many people would it go to? Probably not that many. But Torba sent this article out to 4 million people and 4 million inboxes.
They got a message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and his complete victory and how we must unconditionally surrender to Christ.
It's just unbelievable, guys. I just, I am so encouraged by Gab. And it's just amazing to see people building.
There is, again, there's still some despair here, but the overall sense I get on Gab is one of optimism, is one of building.
Have you guys seen the No Quarter November video this year where Doug is fishing on a boat that's currently burning?
And he's like, this is what we're supposed to do. Just do what you're supposed to do, no matter what's happening around you. That's what you see on Gab, man.
That's what you see on Gab. It's amazing. And so I'm so grateful to be a part of the community here on Gab.
And, you know, obviously there's sinners on Gab. Surprise, surprise, of course. But the reality is that it's so far a net positive that it's not even worth even saying.
It's just amazing. This is the thing, though, too. I don't know if you've noticed this, but I've certainly noticed that the pagans are, they certainly seem to be displaying a little bit of fear.
I think they're afraid of what's going on Gab. I think they're afraid that we're starting to make these connections and find each other and we're leaving their businesses.
We don't want your filthy money. We're starting our own things. And, you know, even if we can't get the fancy pants right away, like Big Bear says, you know, we'll be okay.
God will provide for us. And they even are starting to write fear porn about us.
Yeah, that's right. Fear porn. I found this on DrudgeReport .com. This is an article from The Guardian and it's about Moscow, Idaho.
It's about Doug Wilson's church and all the related Christians there.
And it's just lamenting. The fear in this person's article is palpable and nothing could make me more happy because the pagans should fear the people of God.
They should. It was funny that one of the things in here, there's a couple funny pieces in this article.
You know, Doug Wilson, if you remember, he said that it was moral potentially to get a fake ID for the fake vaccine cards, which
I totally agree, of course. And listen to this one. The post was met with outrage, including other prominent evangelicals.
And so I clicked it. I was like, oh, who was it? Prominent evangelical, you know, Russell Moore, maybe. Maybe Tim Keller.
I click it and it's a link to a tweet from Anthony Bradley. Anthony Bradley, the prominent
Anthony Bradley. Oh, man, I don't know if you find that funny, but I do.
Then the other part, though, was when they said that the fear is so palpable.
He said, oh, look at this one. Insiders who spoke on the condition of anonymity said all members tithe 10 percent of their household income.
The horror, 10 percent of their household, they tied that for real. Wealthier members are expected to make even larger contributions.
Wow. Look, they're terrified. You can see this is fear porn. I'm supposed to read that and be like 10 percent.
I mean, they're giving 10 percent to God and be terrified. And you should be because, you know, we're not wasting that money.
We are using that money for God's kingdom because we're building
God's kingdom as yours burns to the ground. And we're laughing while we do it.
That's the other thing, too. We're laughing while we do it. But that's actually not the one I wanted to talk about. This one is this one is the funny one.
Hold on a second. So they're lamenting about how many Christians have moved to Moscow, Idaho, and they're worried that they're actually going to be successful at turning
Moscow, Idaho into a Christian town. Let me see if I can find the thing
I wanted. Here it is. Listen to this. Listen to this. Christ Church was founded in Moscow in the 1990s, and experts who have studied the church estimate the size of the congregation and its offshoot churches at about 2000 or 10 percent of this total city population.
They had to bring in experts. They called in the experts.
I mean, they're so worried. They're calling in experts. Can you study this and see how many people are in this church?
I can't believe it. Two thousand people. That's 10 percent. You know how easy it is to control a population, a city with 10 percent of the people on your side?
I mean, this is huge news. I think they're trying to downplay a little bit, but 10 percent is massive.
And by the way, a lot of the businesses in the city are owned by Christians, too.
Let that strike some fear into you. Here's the reality, though, guys. This is amazing. Also, I was mentioning this to Marcus as well.
A lot of this city's population has to do with the college that's there in town. And colleges are going the way of the dodo.
And so once that's done, it's over. The Christians are there. They're being fruitful and multiplying.
And the colleges, the days are numbered there. Moscow, Idaho will be one for Christ.
And I don't think it's going to take that long. And I hope that strikes fear in your heart, because it should.
And if it doesn't, you need to get your head examined, because here's the truth, guys. We want to do this everywhere.
We want to make every town a Christian town. We want to have Christian laws. That's right.
Christian laws and Christian judges and all of that. And that should strike fear into you.
In fact, the Bible guarantees that it strikes fear into you. I know that it does.
So even if you want to put on a brave face and you say, oh, this doesn't. Are you kidding me? One town in Idaho and I should be scared.
You can put on a brave face. But I know that this fear porn works on you pagans, because the
Bible tells me so. Here's Deuteronomy 28, verse 10. Now, of course, this is talking about Israel, but there's application that's easy to make for the people of God today.
Here is what the word of God says. And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the
Lord and they shall be afraid of thee. Amen.
Amen. You will see that we're called by the name of God, the name of the
Lord, Yahweh, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. That's our God. You're going to see that and then you're going to see us start to thrive and you're going to be terrified.
My suggestion is to repent now while there's still time, because if you don't, you will perish.
You will find that your fear is completely founded. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless you guys.
God bless you, Andrew. I'm praying for you. By the way,
I've got a video coming about the psychedelic mushroom eating Christian shaman who used to be the editor -in -chief for the
Relevant magazine and his little Christian atheist friend. So that'll be fun. Hope you found this helpful.