The Day After


Talked a lot about some of the amazing statements being made after the installation of the new regime in Washington. Looked at statements from Lecrae, Charlie Dates, and Anthony Bradley as well, especially as the latter two attacked Virgil Walker. Also looked at Russell Moore’s article on how to pray on inauguration day. Had to record and upload as the net went down in our entire neighborhood (though it came back up during the show, we just pressed on rather than restarting). Visit the store at

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So I don't know, you think this will help hide, you know, from all the leftists coming after?
Oh yeah, well the mask, yeah, but everybody's got the mask now, so, you know, if you, yeah.
But yeah, what do you think? Think this'll throw them off? Nope, it won't throw them off at all.
But anyways, well right now we're throwing off because we are recording this program.
The half an hour before the program was supposed to start, everything just died. And thankfully, well thankfully,
I'm not sure if that's the right term to use, but it's the entire neighborhood, which is not the best neighborhood in the city of Phoenix, but there you go.
And so they say it's gonna be like three hours, and you know how that works.
They throw something out there and it's, you know, it could come back up during the middle of the program.
Probably will, for that matter. I'll probably have stuff all of a sudden flying up on my screen and distracting me and everything else.
But anyway, could not put the program off tomorrow. We've got a big rally down in Phoenix.
Looks like we're just gonna dodge the rain, just, it's iffy, but we're just gonna dodge the rain.
And some of you might say, why are you even bothering to try to have abortion abolished in the state of Arizona?
I mean, Biden is today reestablishing global funding for abortion from the
United States. And removing all the restrictions that were a part of the
Trump administration, for which he got next to no credit, because I honestly don't think most woke folks are really pro -life.
I really don't. Sorry. I just, your worldview is showing. You don't have it well covered up.
Anyway, why even bother? Well, it's very obvious that, for example, on the subject of marijuana, marijuana is still a restricted substance in the
United States by federal law. Tell that to every state that now has dispensaries all over the place.
Nobody cares. And so our message to the state of Arizona is going to be, you need to do what's right in light of the facts.
And of course, we keep challenging those who support, those who use such moral cowardice as calling this reproductive rights, women's health care, again, the utilization of language to avoid the reality of what you're actually doing.
And so we're saying no, and we're calling
Arizonans to do what's right in the midst of a flood of what's evil.
Just came across on my cell phone where the Internet's still working.
Abigail Schreier, again, her book, Irreversible Damage, on the absolute insanity of the transgender movement.
Abigail Schreier on Twitter. On day one, Biden unilaterally eviscerates women's sports.
Any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biological male athletes to women's teams, women's scholarships, et cetera.
A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls. Yes, it's true. Transgenderism is horribly anti -girl.
It's anti -boy as well, for that matter. It's just, well, it's anti -human because it's not real.
It's a fantasy. It's a mental disorder that is now being used and put into law, is really what you've got going on here.
And then when you put people in your administration who are suffering from that mental disorder, you're really telling us everything we need to know about the worldview that you told us you had, that you told us openly.
We tried to tell people, and we tried to say, you know, they're saying. And so when
Lecrae says, feels good to be on the right side of history, my response to Lecrae is, but it doesn't feel good to be on the wrong side of eternity.
And that's where you are, bro. That's where you are. You're on the wrong side of eternity. You're fighting for the wrong team now, and you're just going to see it over and over and over again.
So it's amazing.
Executive order demands that all federally funded institutions affirm people's gender dysphoria rather than treat it and to help inflict their psychological stress on other vulnerable people.
That's the logical, rational way of looking at it. That's not the way it's going to be stated. But there you go.
And what it's doing is it's just taking us back to the Obama years. Because right toward the end of the
Obama years, that's what they did. And then Trump said, no. And Trump was not strong on this.
Oh, my goodness. Trump was not strong on this. I was worried. I expressed on this program my concern that if the
Equality Act came up and actually made it through the
Senate, even a Republican Senate, I expressed my concern that Trump might sign it.
Because Trump was very, very clearly very weak on the issue of homosexuality, transgenderism.
It was primarily Pence that was pushing back. There was internal warfare in the leadership at that point because Ivanka and the others, they didn't have a particularly good worldview.
I mean, we did not have a lot of choices in 2016. But the choice in 2020 was whether you'd ever have a choice again.
That's where things had changed radically in only four years. And so not surprised at all that immediately the
Biden regime, I'm not even sure what to call it.
Because Biden, when he's doing things that were done under the
Obama administration, you could say that's Biden. I just don't know how active
Biden actually is in any of this. I just don't see strong evidence that Biden is all that functional.
I think he's noncompetent. And so we've said this for a long time. That's what's going to be going on and what we're going to be dealing with.
But there you go. Let me see if I can, where did this go?
Well, I thought, oh, it's up here. Many, many, many things. So immediately, the transgender stuff in the
United States, and then, of course, even more begging of God's judgment, reinstating
U .S. funding for global abortion, which, again, was one of the positive things that Trump had done. The utilization of our funding and, of course, eventually, the
Hyde Amendment, now that they took the Senate. And how that was done is a relevant issue.
But it's done. It's over with. Despite all of Paula White's chanting and everything else.
Oh, man, there should be a reckoning going on over there. I'm not sure how much of a reckoning there's going to be.
But there should be a reckoning going on for all the people who were saying the most crazy, insane stuff.
And not just the QAnon stuff, which I don't think anyone ever really actually understood.
But all the charismatics who were just all over.
Trump is God's Cyrus and all the rest of this blather.
Yeah, well, OK, good. Hopefully you all pack up and move someplace else.
But the idea of using our funds, the Hyde Amendment is in deep trouble.
Our funds are already being given to Planned Parenthood. They're already being used for abortion. But once you get rid of the
Hyde Amendment, then it's just straight into the coffers of Planned Parenthood and your taxes will be running the abortuaries.
And you cannot help,
I cannot help but think back on preaching through the topic of blood guiltiness in the
Mosaic Law. And the fact that that concept is just basically utterly unknown to almost every
American that I know, and certainly to almost every American Christian I know. Blood guiltiness?
What? What? Yeah, well, are you sure it's going to stay back up?
Well, you know what? Most people watch the recording as it is. How long?
We've been running for 15 minutes. Rich is telling me, as I predicted, I'm tired of getting predictions right.
OK, I'm tired of it. I'm just getting sick of it. Rich tells me the
Internet's back and that's what I expected. It would come back up before time is over and we could jump right into our regular time slot.
But the reality is, why? Most people listen to the recording and we'll get it up as quick as we can.
And let's just, I don't want to have to repeat things. You never get things right the second time around.
So there you go. So anyways, back to this issue. Biden is set to reinstate
U .S. funding for global abortion. Hyde Amendment goes, this is part of the culture of death.
And you need to understand these two things, the transgender thing and the abortion thing, are deeply wedded in the worldview of the new regime, as they were in the
Obama administration as well. And this is all a part of the culture of death.
When you deceive a young woman into the destruction of her body so she can never have children, you are fundamentally destroying one of the most beautiful aspects of her life.
This is the culture of death. So you murder little girls in the womb, and then if they make it out of the womb, then you protect the people who murder them by destroying their bodies through deception and foolishness later in life.
And not much later in life. 13, 14 years is not a long period of time. It's all part of the culture of death.
Jesus said he is the way, the truth, and the life. And when you really step back and start looking at what secularism does to man, it's always a negation of the life that Jesus gives.
It's that battle. It's culture of death. Culture of death. Being seen in the
Biden regime, even as it goes on. There was a, where did it go?
By the way, just in passing while I'm trying to find this. Oh, there it is. It, too many, too many things on the screen.
There, Rebel Alliance Media posted an article, and I think
I did retweet this. If your internet's working. The TGCC, that's the
Gospel Coalition Canada, article that never was. And this is an article that Dr.
Joseph Boot was asked to write about their advocacy in Canada of remaining open despite the provincial mandates in Canada.
And so he wrote the article, and then TGCC decided that that's not what they were looking for, and so they didn't publish it.
So Rebel Alliance Media has, if you just go to rebelalliancemedia .com,
all one word, get past the Death Star, and you will be able to read the article from Dr.
Joseph Boot. I'm actually going to be joining Dr. Boot and the folks from Ezra Institute on, we're going to be recording on Monday about current events and things that are going on.
And I was supposed to speak at their summer meetings.
I've been invited again, and the problem is I don't think I'd be allowed across the border. I really don't.
I do not believe I'll be allowed across the border into Canada by that time of this year.
I see further travel restrictions coming. I see vaccines demanded, and I'm not doing the mask thing.
So, by the way, that also reminds me, this is exciting, though the internet issue does not encourage me at all.
We may have to get a satellite uplink someday just simply to bypass all this stuff, and then all the satellites will get shot down.
But our intention right now, see, Rich is back in the world of living. First few times
I saw him, he wasn't. It was a little bit like Herman Munster, okay?
Because Herman Munster never moved very fast. He was always sort of in slow -mo, and that's what
Rich was when he first came back, was sort of in slow -mo. He's pretty much back to his regular, as energetic as someone of his age can be, self.
And so that's a good thing. Lost 10 pounds. I may need to get it just because I'm struggling.
I mean, I had a great race this morning, but I just can't peel any of it off anymore. It's horrible.
Anyway, be that as it may, we are going to attempt on Tuesday to have our first studio edition of The Dividing Line.
We would have done this weeks ago, but some people's immune systems aren't as good as other people's immune systems, and that's just sort of how it goes.
So we are going to try to have our first studio edition of The Dividing Line, where we're using the new studio just to do the program.
And I'm going to try—I mean, I'm speaking tomorrow at the rally, very short.
I've got—I'm preaching on Sunday, and I've got the recording on Monday, as this is
Tuesday. So we'll see. But what I want to do, because we have this beautiful—it's called a flipboard that I can hook up a tablet to.
I can put Accordance up there, I can put Olive Tree up there, and I can write on things, and I can circle things.
See this here? And we can then switch between me standing there, and you can see it, with then just bringing that up.
Right? Rich is saying yes. Rich is saying yes!
That's what Rich is saying. And so I want to do an exegetical foundational study from Romans 13.
There's a lot of discussion going on in Romans 13 right now. There's a lot of good stuff being said about Romans 13. There's a lot of bad stuff being said about Romans 13.
Romans 13 is being used as a bat on certain people's heads. And the problem is, a lot of folks are jumping to theology books, books on government, commentaries, and stuff like that, before doing the exegesis.
And you've got to dig into some of the foundational issues that are found there.
Peter's words. I find consistency in all of the biblical texts that deal with the issue of government in the
New Testament. The role of government is to reward the good and punish the evil.
There is an assumption that there has been a sufficient revelation of God's law in the heart to know the difference between the two.
And so I think that comes out very clearly in the description in Romans 13 of what governmental authorities, if it even is saying governmental authorities, there's a question, there's a lexical question that needs to be addressed in regards to the phraseology.
And it's a whole lot easier to be able to circle this stuff and point to this stuff and things like that.
So that's the plan on Tuesday. It means I've got a lot of work to do between now and then on lots of different things, but that's the plan on Tuesday.
So keep that in mind. I think that'll be really cool. If it works.
If I'm back here after 10 minutes, then it won't be quite so cool. You know, that will be less cool than we thought it might be.
Okay. A fellow by the name of Lance Mann, who is a pastor of,
I think it's Solid Rock Baptist Church down in Texas, posted a tweet this morning.
And it said, but didn't MacArthur and Buck and Johnson and the rest of the evangelical prophets say if Biden slash
Harris got elected, they would cancel God? And this is over a tweet from Jack Jenkins that has a picture in it.
Well, okay, there it is.
Per feed, President Biden, his family and Vice President Harris and her family are watching the
Interfaith National Prayer Service this morning. So here's everybody dutifully in their absolutely worthless.
This is a lie masks protecting themselves from no one being protected from nothing.
But it is the lie that you have to live with today. And many, many people believe the lie, and it's they're very, very associated with live.
But anyways, here they are in their in a room in the
White House, I assume, watching the Interfaith National Prayer Service.
Okay. So obviously, we all know
Dr. MacArthur did not say, Tom Buck did not say, Phil Johnson did not say that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would cancel
God. And they did not say that there would not be this kind of religiosity associated with the new regime.
In fact, most of us would say, well, of course, there will be. Because this is going to be the new way of doing things.
You can't really see it. But if you look on the big screens they're looking at, even the person speaking is wearing a mask.
Even everyone is masked. And it's an interfaith thing. Do you really think the Lordship of Christ is being proclaimed?
Do you really think that there's anyone saying there is only one way of peace with God, and that is in and through Jesus Christ, this thing?
No, we all know that. This is the same kind of empty, formalistic religiosity that is standard fare.
So why take a shot at John MacArthur, Tom Buck, and Phil Johnson for not having said what they said?
And at the same time, basically communicating the idea, hey, this isn't all that bad.
Look, they're watching on big screens an interfaith national prayer service.
And I wrote to Lance. Man, I haven't seen any responses yet. Of course, Twitter died.
So who would know? But yeah,
I don't see anything here that's popped up now that Twitter is back. I haven't seen any response from Lance, man.
But basically, I asked him, do you support this kind of interfaith national prayer service?
I mean, you're a Baptist pastor. Do you think this is an appropriate thing?
Do you think that at the same time that President Biden is reestablishing international funding for abortion and mandating that boys can use the facilities that your daughter is using in high school?
Do you think watching some people mumbling on a big screen is indication of deep, serious spirituality?
I haven't gotten an answer to that. But I do expect that Big Eva is going to try to defend the
Biden regime as much as possible, damage control, all along.
I mentioned over the past couple of days, there's been some amazing tweets from some
Christians with high melanin counts. And one
I mentioned earlier was from Lecrae. It feels good to be on the right side of history, which, of course, is the anti -racism, pro -life, from womb to the tomb, care for the marginalized, anti -Christian nationalism, anti -abuse of power side.
I would suggest to Brother Lecrae that he might want to just step back and watch for a little while.
And I would ask, do you think it's an abuse of power for men to be allowed in women's bathrooms?
To have your 13 -year -old daughter have to, well, as was reported when this was being done at the end of the
Obama administration, there were girls who were literally not going to the bathroom all day at school and then just rushing home so they could use the restroom facilities.
That's not good for you, by the way. I fully understand that.
I fully get it. Is that an abuse of power? I think, Lecrae, it is. What do you think? I think it's an abuse of power.
Anti -Christian nationalism, I don't even know what you think that means. Do you think Horn Man was a Christian nationalist? This is another boogeyman.
It's another one of these terms you make up and then use to slather all over anybody who doesn't agree with you.
It's an abusive language, again. It's Orwellian. But pro -life from womb to the tomb, you promoted with your skills a
Democratic candidate for Senate who has now been sworn into the Senate who will be using his authority to murder black babies at an ever greater rate.
I'm sorry, the level of hypocrisy to me is explosive. It's like, how do you look at yourself in the mirror and then utter these words?
How does that work? And of course, anti -racism, we know, has now been defined as being racist.
That's the kindy stuff. You are convicted of white privilege no matter what you do.
You've got it. I mean, when Kathy walked over to you and tried to polish your sneakers, a
Christian response would have been, sit down, sir. Sit down. That is not right.
That is wrong. And your response was, how about some stock? What do you say?
What's to even be said? I don't know. I don't know. But that wasn't as bad as Charlie Dates.
Now, Charlie Dates, I've seen the name a number of times before, pretty well known. I think he led his church out of the Southern Baptist Convention over the
CRT issue. And if you don't know what the CRT issue is, that's the, of course, the resolution number nine from the last legally held convention.
The concept of critical theory being applied to race, gender, all these things.
And he is a black pastor. And he responded to Virgil Omaha Walker.
Now, Virgil, as you know, the Just Thinking guys were just on Cooper stuff with John Cooper.
I listened to that. I was, by the way, and John listens to this program.
And I am very thankful for John. John and I talk a lot. And he's a blessing in my life.
But John, I haven't mentioned this to you because I just didn't want to express my hurt.
But when you were on my program, you wore the
Just Thinking podcast hat. And then when they're on your program, you wore the
Just Thinking podcast hat. I just thought I'd mention, because I know that you have some other hats you could wear.
But, oh, well, just kidding, just kidding.
Anyway, Virgil Omaha Walker, Virgil and Daryl obviously have for a number of years now been speaking about critical theory, trying to provide a biblical understanding of ethnicity and Christian unity and things like that.
And, of course, they're both melanin rich.
They're melanin rich, much more melaninized than I am or than John Cooper is, for that matter.
And so Virgil had posted this. What CRT -Lite,
L -I -T -E, advocates realize is that you're too smart to embrace this godless philosophy.
So in an effort to seem moderate, they say, I don't affirm CRT in totality.
Scripture is clear. A bad tree bears bad fruit. Forsake CRT and CRT -Lite. Scripture is sufficient.
And that was addressed to Charlie Date. Now, there were two responses to this tweet that I want to look at.
Why do I keep doing this? You can do this. Why should I have to be describing it? The first is
Charlie Date's response. And his response here on the screen says,
Some Hebrews preferred Pharaoh to Moses and Egypt to Canaan.
Harriet Tubman found it harder to get slavery out of the slave than they get the slave out of slavery. The boondocks had
Uncle Ruckus. Now we have you. Scripture is sufficient and was misused to enslave your ancestors.
Yeah. Rich, you hadn't seen that? Oh, yeah. Yeah, this was big.
What was that? Two days ago? Is this the 19th? Or, yeah, two days ago. The boondocks had
Uncle Ruckus. Now we have you. If I said anything like that, that'd be the end.
They're... When you tell a community long enough that they cannot commit a certain sin, it will massively foster that sin in that community.
The Black community has been told for many years now, you cannot be racist. This is a racist tweet.
This is a real race. This is a sinfully racist tweet. This is...
This actually falls into the biblical parameters of what racism would actually be.
Not all the redefinitions and the silliness that we have today, where anti -racism actually becomes racism.
I mean, the war on language. The war on language. Thankfully, that's one of the things
I love. When you expose yourself to Scripture with regularity, the consistency of Scripture over time helps you to remain grounded in a world that is constantly attacking language.
That's just a side thought. Something that's come up recently, but think about it. There is more reason now than ever for you to be constantly exposing yourself to Scripture in a consistent fashion, because you're constantly being exposed to the attack on language outside of the realm of your personal devotion, your dedication to Christ, your study of Scripture, and,
I would hope, your local church. But this is racist in the
Christian sense of racist, and hence the sinful sense of racist, and hence Charlie Dates was called over and over again by people, before I even saw this, was called repentance by many, many people for what he did here.
But notice the rather scary part to me. Scripture is sufficient and was misused to enslave your ancestors.
What does that have to do with CRT? If it was misused, then it was a misuse and can be demonstrated to be such.
But it remains sufficient, which means you don't need CRT, because CRT brings things in from another worldview that is in conflict with the
Christian worldview. It is not based upon God as the creator of all men. It does not derive itself from God being the creator of all men.
In fact, it is fundamentally in a state of denial of God as creator, any type of critical theory is, because it breaks down unity and connectedness that creation makes.
It's a part of, there's one creator, he made all this, he made it for a purpose, therefore there's unity.
Critical theory is a negation of that. So, how is this not just a blatant admission on Charlie Date's part that he does accept
CRT? And what then does scriptural sufficiency mean if you actually embrace
CRT? Its meaning is gone. Its meaning is gone.
So, there's that. Then, around the same time, around the same time, we had this one.
And I'll move over to this camera over here, if we could. Thank you. Dr. Anthony Bradley.
Again, in the last program, we talked about the beady and the trajectory to the left.
And trajectories increase the farther they go. It doesn't just stay a nice, it goes faster.
And Anthony Bradley's on the same trajectory. At one time, nine years ago, ten years ago, nowhere near where he is now.
And Dr. Bradley has a deep and abiding animus toward Reformed Baptists.
Well, Baptists as a whole, but Reformed Baptists especially, because he's Presbyterian. And so, there is that added, you guys just don't get it, element of things.
And so, notice who he's responding to. And do you think he may have seen this because Charlie Dates responded to it?
Makes me think so. Or maybe the other way around. Could have gone the other way.
But he's responding to the same one. And unfortunately, the way you've got that there, it cuts off the top. At least on my screen, it does.
When it goes up there, it goes and disappears. Here's what Dr. Anthony Bradley said.
Some people have no idea. Let me just point out, Dr. Bradley is extremely condescending in social media.
I hope he's not that way in person. But he's extremely condescending in social media.
Just so much so that I don't really think he realizes it. Some people have no idea what the sufficiency of Scripture actually means.
So, he's talking about Virgil, who's been doing this program all this time, who's now working with G3, just as Daryl is now at Grace Community Church.
And they have no idea. So, Virgil has obviously never, ever thought through what the sufficiency of Scripture means.
It's confused with exhaustive. Well, you know what? That's what
Roman Catholics do. And you know what? See, there's always an element of truth.
It's just when you apply it to someone that you shouldn't apply it to, it becomes untruth. So, some people, and if he wasn't quoting
Virgil, then there would be truth in the statement that some people have no idea what the sufficiency of Scripture means.
And you want an illustration of this from what we have said over and over and over and over again over the years? How many times have we had to warn people?
And I mean, we're talking since this program was on in the 90s, that the reason
Roman Catholics get away with what they get away with in misdefining and misrepresenting the Sola Scriptura is because people on this side do think that the sufficiency of Scripture means that every answer you could ever want to ever question has to be found in Scripture, which no one makes that claim.
And so, when Roman Catholic apologists raise issues that Scripture does not address, they're like, aha!
See? Sola Scriptura is not true. That's not what sufficiency of Scripture means. And Virgil Walker would be fully familiar with the
London Baptist Confession of Faith, which, of course, Dr. Bradley would be very down on.
But if he studied it, he would have to know that it would be pretty hard for him to be down on it, since it's taken freely from Westminster, Savoy, and the places where it differs.
It actually has some really important differences, such as affirming the active and passive obedience of Christ, hence precluding the abuse of certain movements within Presbyterianism.
Anyway, it's confused with exhaustive.
People really need a confession of faith so they don't get these definitions consistently wrong.
Mr. Walker's is completely misguided and represents a lack of education. Well, again, Dr. Bradley is one of the most condescending social media people
I've ever seen. He truly, truly is. I've not seen him actually come out and engage these subjects against the people that he is so condescending toward, but there you go.
Virgil does have knowledge of confessional issues.
And Dr. Bradley is not the first Presbyterian to feel like Baptists don't take the time to read their stuff.
The problem is Reformed Baptists do. We read all sorts of Presbyterian stuff. My experience is the
Presbyterians don't read our stuff because they don't think we have anything, which we do. The covers of our books are generally very boring, but other than that, the content is great.
People really need a confession of faith. And then down below, notice it says, The G3 folks need a confession of faith.
Sufficient doesn't mean exhaustive. It's really embarrassing. Now, what's really embarrassing is that Dr. Bradley is so condescending that he has not taken the time to actually find out what he's talking about.
Dr. Bradley, you need to remove this and apologize because you face -planted.
Big time. Big, big, big, big time. You have no idea what you're talking about. You have not taken the time to listen to the stuff in G3.
There have been numerous Presbyterians that have spoken there and are very much in line with what is being presented.
You don't know what you're talking about, and you just think you're all high and mighty. The fact is, you couldn't defend what you said in these tweets for anything, and you know it.
But that's why you don't even bother responding to people. It's a sad thing to see.
It just goes along with the Charlie Dates style of condescendingly dismissing the central reality of what
Virgil was saying, and that is there are people who want to engage in bringing
CRT into the conversation without fully affirming what its orthodox presentation is.
Orthodox within the academy, that is. Borrow certain points and drag them in.
He was right about that, and yet he is attacked by numerous people completely inappropriately and indefensibly and arrogantly in the process.
There you go. Okay. I just got to mention in passing something that I found out this morning.
A little lightheartedness before we go back to some heavier stuff. Jake Angeli, the wooboo horns man from the capital, the guy with no shirt on and the
Viking horns and up there in the Senate taking selfies and then being interviewed and talking about...
I mean, this guy would so fit in during certain days in Sedona that he would not even be noticed walking down the street.
I mean, he is a Sedona -type guy. Problem is, he's an Arizonan, and someone posted under Early Life, this is from Wikipedia, I'm not going to blow it up.
Jake Angeli was born circa 1988 to Martha Chansley. He attended
Moon Valley High School in Phoenix, Arizona, and Glendale Community College, where he completed some coursework in psychology, religion, philosophy, and ceramics.
It just really goes together, doesn't it? Psychology, religion, philosophy, and ceramics.
So I threw that out there, and Summer responds by saying, Hey, hey,
I went to Washington. I wouldn't go to Moon Valley. I went to North Phoenix Baptist Church as a youth in my high school years, and North Phoenix was huge.
I mean, we've got 20 ,000 members. Your youth group is going to be drawn from pretty much every high school in the
Valley. So one of my best friends went to Moon Valley. Scott Sherman went there. Of course, my wife went to Washington, and my daughter eventually went to Cortez, which is much closer to where we live than Moon Valley.
Same road. They're on the same road. They're about, what, four miles, three miles apart?
Something like that. So about 31st Avenue to 7th.
Yeah, three, four miles. Yeah, they're not far apart, but they're rivals. They're rival schools.
And my daughter's going, Hey, don't make it look like I know this guy. But then
I started thinking about Glendale Community College. And religion and philosophy?
1988? Summer was born in 1989. So I just realized there is no way that if this guy took religion and philosophy coursework at Glendale Community College, he didn't take it with Lee Carter.
Had to have. And most of you are going, Lee Carter? Put Lee Carter into the
AOMN search thing. Because in 2007, my daughter and Lee Carter did this, which you would expect.
And he, of course, turned tail and ran. He would not answer any of the challenges.
He was your standard Bart Ehrman clone. Had no clue what Norelli was talking about. Nothing. I mean, he would have folded like a cheap suit in any meaningful debate.
But he was a vile anti -Christian professor. I didn't realize that already in 2007, you could use the kind of language that these type of people used in classes.
It was just astonishing. Anyway. But Hornsman, Jake Angeli, no question he would have encountered that kind of vile unbelief toward the
Christian faith as a student at Glendale Community College, taking classes in religion and philosophy where Lee Carter was one of the primary teachers.
Huh? Oh, they would have gotten that. I'm sure they did. I'm sure he did get along famously.
Yes. So just how small is the world anyways? Who knew that you'd run into that?
Okay, pressing forward here. Well, let me, since we're so close to it, and the other one doesn't have quite as much of a date on it.
By the way, the bundled up Bernie memes are funny, you've got to admit. The first one
I saw was the actual picture of Bernie saying, Here I am attending someone else's inauguration yet once again.
But he has shown up everywhere now. I mean, did you see him crossing the Delaware with Washington?
And someone said he hasn't aged a bit in 250 years. That was good.
Yes, sir? I want to see Biden. Is this your first time for the
Rich Cam since you survived the Rona? Yeah, I want to see Biden and Bernie in the
Muppet Show. The two of them, the two of them, right up there in the balcony.
On the balcony of the Senate. Yep. That's where they need to be. And they're just, you know, mocking them all.
With masks on. Yep, yeah, there you go. You couldn't understand the Muppets anyways. You can't understand them either. So there you go.
There you go. Yeah, I before I read this,
I know I'm not addressing the. Amazing reality, the
W .H .O. on the day of Biden's coronation and the establishment of the new regime comes out and says, you know what?
We're getting way too many false positives on the COVID -19 stuff. It's because you're doing too many cycles.
You need to cut back on those cycles. And basically, if there's no real infection, then.
So you actually start doing that. You actually start counting COVID the way that everything else has been counted.
First of all, the flu is going to come back because COVID wiped out the flu. You've seen that.
I have that. I have the thing someplace. There's been no flu. And some people are actually naive enough to go, it's because we're all wearing masks.
Why would that stop the flu and not COVID? And some people actually think because COVID is special, it's it's a virus.
And they actually personify the thing. No, the reason the flu has been wiped out is because.
All the flu has been being counted as COVID. We all knew that. We've been saying that for a long, long time.
And on this program, a month and a half, two months ago, we went over the
PCR tests, repetitions. I think I played. Did I not play Fauci? I played
Fauci. Specifically stating publicly on a webcast, on a webcast you knew no one would watch, that any cycles past 35 were worthless.
Didn't mean anything. And yet most states have been using 40 cycles to come up with their
COVID numbers. And on the basis of that, wipe out the middle class. OK, that's what they did.
Any honest history in the future is going to go, wow, these people were naive.
So the day Joe Biden is sworn in as president of the
United States, the WHO goes, you know, we need to change how we're doing this.
The result will be a crash in COVID numbers. Just a crash.
A, Obama is inaugurated and the C's stop rising. Biden is inaugurated and COVID disappears.
No, I don't think COVID's going to disappear, but it'll change the numbers. Move along, nothing to see here.
And if you say there is anything to see here, we're shutting you down. Yeah, you bet. Anyway, OK, Russell Moore.
I mentioned on the last program that Russell Moore is just passionate about law and order and tracking down everybody that broke into the
Capitol. He's, for some reason, not nearly as passionate about all the other stuff going on, including riots going on in New York City and other places even right now.
But that's because that's Antifa and BLM. But those
Christian nationalists, we got to go get them. So yesterday morning,
I had just seen so many articles coming across my feed about Romans 13 and especially 1
Timothy and the command to pray for those, 1
Timothy 2, 2 -4, to pray for kings and those who are in high positions.
And so what I did briefly yesterday is I did a string of tweets.
And then if I recall correctly, didn't I post that on Theology Matters? I think I did on the
Theology Matters micro blog, which, by the way, got to set up that RSS feed, folks. Got to get that RSS feed working.
Feedly, whatever you use, get the RSS stuff put together. It'll be very, very helpful for you.
And I went through it and talked about why it's laid out the way that it's laid out and the fact that it's not saying that you have to pray.
Because see, when we say we are praying for someone...
Uh -oh. Wow. Thanks, Tom.
Wow. Sorry. Let me come back to that in a second. This is not a live program, but it's recorded live.
Bradley Mason. Bradley Mason.
We've talked about Bradley Mason. We've feuded Bradley Mason many times. One of the earlier victims of woke -ism, also a carpenter on Twitter, John MacArthur tweeted the following.
It's official. One nation in rebellion to God with liberty and social justice for some.
Praise our great king who delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his beloved son.
I assume that's what the rest of it is. This is a screenshot. I can't click on it to see the rest of it. But obviously, you get the point.
It's official. One nation in rebellion to God with liberty and social justice for some. Which is a true statement.
Very true statement. We've already documented on this program in regards to transgenderism, forcing boys into girls' bathrooms, all the rest of that kind of stuff.
Bradley Mason. What do you think Bradley Mason's response to John MacArthur?
Do you think it'll be an insightful, reasoned defense of transgenderism and homosexuality?
Maybe a reasoned defense from a Christian perspective of global funding of abortion, of infanticide.
Maybe the whole... Well, remember, this is a social justice advocate. And so how do social justice advocates do what they do?
Here's the response. Bradley Mason. He saw too many colored people walking around like they own the place on TV today.
That's how Bradley Mason responds to John MacArthur. He saw too many colored people walking around like they own the place on TV today.
I told you back when Bradley Mason was still trying to pretend to be somewhat orthodox,
I said then, the trajectory here is clear. And everybody's like, oh, no, no, no, no, you can't make that kind of argument.
So that was just sent to me. That wasn't... It's not on the list. Not on the list. Fits with what's on the list, but it's not on the list.
All right. Back to Russell Moore. We'll finish up with this. Inauguration day in a time of crisis.
How to pray. 1 Timothy chapter 2 is quoted. And I was telling you that what
I had done in my article was to point out that when we talk about praying for someone, we assume that what we're praying for is their success, the blessing of God upon their life and their position.
When in reality, the prayers of the Christian people seeking to have peace, to live peaceably, was to protect them from people in authority, to placate them, to make the
Christian people sort of disappear and not be the first thing that the kings and those in authority would go after and persecute.
I mean, when Nero first came to office, he wasn't nearly as wacky as he became later.
But once he did become the monomaniacal nutcase, the demon -infested person he became,
I mean, Nero made the demoniacs of the Gospel of Mark that Jesus encountered look calm.
He really did. So when I say demon -infested, demonized, demon -possessed,
I think that's a calm analysis of where Nero was.
How do you think the Christians would pray in light of 1 Timothy chapter 2 in regards to Nero?
Do you think that they would pray that Nero would be blessed in his murder of his family and all the other destructive things that he was doing?
No, it was a imprecatory prayer, identifying those who are evil and praying for protection for those who are good from them, and that God would curb their evil either by converting them or by taking them out of their office.
And so we just assume, well, you know, you're to pray for your leaders. What does that mean?
What does that mean? We want their conversion, but if they are intent upon the destruction of what's good and right and proper, then we need to be protected from them.
We need protection from them, not blessing upon them. It would be a blessing upon us if righteous rulers were put in their place, which, by the way, is what
Romans 13 is about. That's what righteous rulers do. So in light of the announced evil that the
Biden regime has had said they were going to do and are now doing, they're following through with their announced evil of reinstating and going back to doing evil things in the sight of God and involving us through the use of our tax monies in promoting these evil things.
So in light of that, any meaningful discussion of this from the head of the
ERLC should involve talking about that kind of stuff.
Bring out the reality of what they have promised they're going to do. Well, instead we have, well, we've never seen a woman elected on a national ticket sworn into executive office.
We've never seen an African American or Asian American sworn in as vice president. And we're not really sure what's going on there.
We've never seen a man as old as Joe Biden sworn in as president, that's for sure. We've only seen one other
Roman Catholic take that oath, which is interesting. I'm sorry,
I don't see how relevant Roman Catholicism has ever been to Joe Biden as an entire career.
47 years in Washington. If you look at his voting record, if you didn't know, you would never think the guy was
Roman Catholic. You would never think it. And you Roman Catholics, you
Roman Catholics, you've got to understand something. When someone like me looks at that, if by some amazing happenstance a
Reformed Baptist attained to that level of authority and then turned their back on everything they said they believed as a
Reformed Baptist, you know what a Reformed Baptist church would do in that situation? Excommunication.
Separate the sinner, the hypocrite. So when y 'all get around to it, let us know, okay?
But it's been 47 years and you know it ain't happening. And the worst thing that you know is that Joe Biden is going to be good buds with Francis because they see the world in pretty much the same way.
Oh, that hurt. I'm sorry, but it had to be said. Okay, so you'd expect that maybe there'd be some worldview stuff here, but instead we get, well, these are first.
We've got the virus and of course, using the biggest number possible of deaths, sort of expect that from the
RLC. And then, of course, the domestic terrorists that attacked our Capitol. Did mention that Trump wouldn't be there.
And of course, congratulates Pence on staying there. Then how shall we pray?
We should pray for President Biden and Vice President Harris, just as we should pray for any leader of our country, that they would have wisdom, discernment, competence, and a sense of justice.
Well, that's about as milk toast as you can get. It's almost like these people don't have a history.
It's almost like Kamala Harris was not the attorney general of the state of California that went after the folks that exposed
Planned Parenthood. It's almost like nothing they've said during the debates leading up to the election actually means anything.
It's like none of them were the ones actually supporting and voting against the ban on infanticide, the legislation that would have said that if a baby's born alive, you have to give it medical treatment.
She voted against that. It's almost like, well, you know, hey, they need to have wisdom, discernment, competence, sense of justice.
Yeah, they need to abandon their worldview, which has none of these things. Wouldn't you think?
That's sort of necessary. Um, the first step of this sort of wisdom is exactly where Scripture reveals to be in humility.
So they should be humble. Well, Joe Biden will not be king of Israel in covenant relationship with God, but he will need wisdom.
And wisdom always starts here with knowing that one doesn't know everything. Let's pray that our president, let's pray that for our president and vice president.
What if they already claim to know what's false? See, before you can have humility, you have to have repentance, praying, playing with the idea that non -Christian rebels should be granted
Christian characteristics is really getting the proverbial heart cart before the proverbial horse.
You know what I mean? Justice. And then notice what he does is instead of dealing with justice from a
Christian worldview, he goes with the liberal perspective. So he wants to do refugees, open borders, all that kind of stuff.
He's big in that. Russell Moore is big into the whole thing along that line. Speed along a national response to the virus, of course.
And then finally, he does say, and some of the things he is committed to should grieve us.
Promising a continuation of legalized abortion, for instance. That's it. So you've got sentences about things you are hoping he's going to do that bad
Trump didn't. And one sentence about the continuation of legalized abortion.
That's it. That's all they've said. You've got the Equality Act heading.
We should every Southern Baptist Church should have had in its hands published documentation on the nature of the
Equality Act long ago, warning everybody what you can do, how you can fight this.
But that doesn't fit this narrative. Some things the president
Biden has committed to should please Christians and some of the things he is committed to should grieve us. His worldview should grieve us.
Period. Period. We can pray for President Biden the same way we should pray for ourselves.
For success in every good thing that accords with justice derived from scriptural standards.
And for lack of success in every bad thing that doesn't. That's the vast. That is almost the entirety of his legislative perspective.
This is actually more complicated than it seems in a hyper politicized America. Then we're supposed to pray for peace.
And but even beyond the Constitution, geopolitical aspects of peace, we peace in our own homes and churches and neighborhoods.
That's sort of really general. But again, Joe Biden was.
In favor of the violence that burned down our cities last summer.
Remember? He didn't. He eventually came out and said, well, you know, eventually, well, you know, after all the damage had been done.
But at first it was, you know, free speech. Kamala Harris. Videos. All this stuff's going to keep going on.
This stuff needs to keep going on. Right? Yeah.
Anyway, it was milquetoast. It was milquetoast. Southern Mass Convention. Guys, I don't know what you're going to do this summer.
You. You got. Shafted last summer.
And. I don't know what you're gonna do this summer. If you can't see.
That the ERLC. Is. Way, way out there.
Why? Why are you pretending that there is some type of meaningful. We all have the same message.
Really? Really? You do? Doesn't sound like it to me.
Doesn't sound like it to me. Okay, next time I want to get to this one. Just just so you know.
Saw an article from a. Man who claims to be a woman. And I.
Make this very clear. If you are so in rebellion against God's purposes in your life.
That you can actually think that you're a different gender than what you are. Your thinking processes have been fundamentally.
Vitiated. That's why putting people like that in charge of anything is simple foolishness.
And 20 years ago, no one would have thought of done it. Nobody. No one thought of doing it. 20 years ago.
Now you dare question it and you're out of here. You're a hate filled blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
So I guess. All of mankind for. Millennia was just hate filled.
No, they understood something that we don't understand anymore. But a. A man who pretends to be a woman wrote an article.
Where were they radicalized? No answer is complete without addressing evangelical churches and schooling.
This is the empty the pews guy. He is a rabid anti -christian rabid.
Anti -christian. And what he's doing is he's calling people to look at the issue of homeschooling.
I'm telling you. It may not be. On the front page.
But the great reset. Cannot allow Christian families to continue.
To instill a Christian worldview in their children. They have to have our children.
It's the only way they can win. And they will come for it. They will come for the children.
They're going to do it. We'll look at the article. And. Consider what it has to say.
From there, so. Sorry about the not having a live program today. Like I said, the
Internet's back, but hey. There you go. Covered a bunch of stuff and.
Lord willing. Lord willing. Next Tuesday. We will put together for you.
Our first studio edition. Now this is a studio and it's a nice studio and it's not like we're going to.
Turn this into a storage room or something. This will still be the normal place where we do dividing lines. But.
There are times when a studio edition will be very, very useful. Hopefully we'll be able to see that as we're using the flipboard.
And then as we interview some folks. And we can use the flipboard. Along with interviewing folks, and it'll be great.
It'll be super. We will have some whoopses along the way. But hopefully you'll stick with us during all of it.