Live Q & A and Current Events


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I would say if the authorities didn't want us involved in the public square, they ought not to have crucified
Jesus in the public square. Use humanistic principles. Well, I would say the answer is yes. It's the same idea. I would say that. Same answer.
I would say what's the problem with stardust bumping into stardust? In the cosmic picture, none.
There's no problem. In the cosmic picture, it won't matter. No, Mr.
President, you are not protecting reproductive freedom. You are authorizing the destruction of freedom for one million little human beings every year.
I'm sorry, my friends, but I am tired of seeing Jesus presented as a weak beggar.
He is a powerful savior and the gospel is not a suggestion, it is a command.
Well, don't you sympathize with that? I sympathize with every single human heart wishing to know the one true and living
God, but I believe there's only one way that that can happen through Jesus Christ and the gospel is about repenting of sin, not celebrating it.
An amazing adventure.
We will explore the spiritual abyss. You have not experienced this before.
If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
Whoever misleads the upright into an evil way will fall into his own pit, but the blameless will have goodly inheritance.
A rich man is wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has understanding will find him out.
When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, people hide themselves.
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.
Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over a poor people.
A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.
That's Proverbs 28, y 'all. Welcome back to another episode of Apologia Radio. This is
Apologia Radio. I am Pastor Jeff the Calm of the Ninja. That's Luke the Bear. What up? What up? You guys can all go get more at ApologiaStudios .com.
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It's because of partners just like you. Go sign up. All access. ApologiaStudios .com. Do it today. Big stuff happening in the world today.
Goodness gracious. I'll tell you what. Like a charging bear, I already had to ban people.
Did you really? Already? Yeah. Before we even started. We hadn't even started yet. But we just started, guys. Give us a chance. They're calling us full preterists.
Oh, well, that's called a lie. That's a lie.
That is called a lie. No, we're orthodox, historic, partial preterists. Welcome to the live show today, everybody.
Welcome everyone in the live feed right now. Thank you all so much for watching. I'll start with the
Q &A. What about a friendly James White versus Jeff Durbin amillennialism versus postmillennialism debate?
Why would we need that? That's years old. Irrelevant. Maybe things have changed.
So, yeah, that'd be an irrelevant debate, I think, at this point. So, welcome to the show, everybody.
Big things happening in the world. We wanted to do a Q &A, live Q &A show. We'll do our best to try to answer questions as they come through.
But also wanted to bring everybody into things that you may not be seeing on the major media networks.
So we're going to have some discussions. We'll just keep this kind of loosey -goosey. And if we see a cool question come up, we'll try to answer it.
But we're also going to try to deal with some stuff that maybe some of you guys haven't been seeing. Because there is all -out suppression on many of these platforms, and you need to know about it.
And so I think it's rather unfortunate. But things like this will tend to work them out as Christian influence grows and the gospel changes hearts and minds.
People, when they love Jesus, don't love lies. And when people love Jesus, they love justice.
They love truth. And so we're in a tough moment right now. All the platforms suppressing content.
That's been proven. Difficult things we've had to endure through Facebook and YouTube in the past. YouTube seems, at least for the moment, to be loosening up a little bit.
I'm noticing that. But Facebook definitely has stolen money from us in the past. Because they had an algorithm that blocked content that we were trying to put out to save lives in the issue of abortion.
And we paid them to get the content in front of people. They promised us it, and they didn't do it because they had an algorithm that was actually specifically suppressing pro -life content in Ireland.
We have other examples. But that, I think, is a premier one because Facebook stole money from us on that one.
But I want to show everybody this one that literally just happened. Speaking of suppression.
Speaking of suppression. You guys have got to see this real fast. Isaac, show my screen here for a moment. When you look at my screen here, you'll notice that two hours ago,
I just shared a news conference. And it says right now, this content isn't available right now.
But there's this little weird thing down here. See the results and other info about the 2020 U .S. election. So they've checked this with a, you know, hey, come look at the results that the major media outlets have predicted about Joe Biden and quote -unquote
President -elect. It's all over everything. You can't speak anything about the election right now without getting fact -checked or stuff forced onto your post by Facebook.
Anywho, this was a news conference. And I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this. Many of you guys may not even be aware of this because it doesn't pop up on the platforms at the moment.
It's all being suppressed. There was a major news conference by President Donald Trump's legal team.
Which was epic. Yeah, it held a news conference. We are going to show you where to get that if you haven't seen it yet. But that news conference was just completed.
And they went through their quote -unquote opening statements in terms of their attempt to demonstrate some voter fraud.
And some very, very dark and nefarious things from their claims that they're going to prove in court.
And so they went through that news conference. Giuliani spoke. I forget the names of the other ones, but two other ladies spoke.
Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis, I think? Yeah, I think we'll be able to pull her name up in a second there.
I want to find where she lives and send her a Christmas present. Yeah, she was epic. Beast mode. She was amazing. So as you guys are all watching this right now, you should know that we took massive heat.
Massive heat during the last election. Because I grew up with Trump all over the news and all over the media.
And as a Christian, as a minister of the gospel, when you hear about somebody who is a so -called conservative and pro -life.
Who your whole life was the opposite direction. I was saying, hey, we should exercise caution here.
We should pay attention. We were very cautious. We took a lot of heat for that.
And so just as we talk about this, this is from a Christian perspective in terms of truth.
Truth matters. The court system matters. Laws matter in our country. And if in an election cycle you have an instance of voter fraud or claims of voter fraud that can be proven.
If there's witnesses, affidavits, sworn testimonies, those sorts of things. Or evidence. You want to let that stuff play out, especially in a nation that was founded upon Christian worldview,
Christian values. That values the freedom, the liberty of the citizens, not subjects.
You want to be able to make sure that your country, whether you are a Democrat, whether you're independent, whether you are libertarian, whether you're a
Republican. You want to make sure the election is honest, truthful. You don't want a situation like Cuba or Venezuela or any other communist countries where they're not real elections.
You want a real election where the people can actually vote for leadership. And these can be representatives of the citizenry.
Well, we have a situation where Trump's legal team has said we have evidence through the
Dominion software program and systems. And we have evidence elsewhere. And so we're going to present that in court.
Now, amazingly, we're not hearing a lot about this on the major news media outlets.
As a matter of fact, it seems like nothing's really going on. And all we really hear is there's no evidence of voter fraud, interestingly.
But anyway, the news conference was just held. And if you can see on my Facebook here, check it, content isn't available right now.
Now, if you're wondering where that was from, you should know that that was from the president's own
Facebook page. So the president of the United States of America has a Facebook page. And he shared the live stream of his own news media conference.
That's the president, still president of the United States of America. And he shared a media conference.
Interestingly, Facebook took it down, took it down. Last I saw, I believe there were tens of thousands of shares on it.
That's instant. So I shared it just to say, hey, we should all be hearing from both sides right now.
Let them both make their case. We need that in a free country. In a republic like ours, you need that sort of a thing.
If they're saying they have evidence, then let's hear the evidence out. Let's make sure it is heard in court. Let them have their day in court, cross -examination and all the rest of the stuff.
But amazingly, Facebook took it down. They took down the news conference from the president of the
United States of America where his legal team was presenting before the American public their evidences and where they're going with their court cases.
And Facebook took it down. Now, that ought to—listen,
Christians aren't supposed to be anxious about the future, worried. But there's a way you can say this, I think, biblically, that ought to scare you as a
Christian in terms of alarm you that you have platforms that are working so hard to make sure nobody knows or cares about the fact that there's a court battle going on.
In these battleground states, you have sworn affidavits and testimonies, eyewitness testimony, and God's law says don't receive an accusation unless it's on the basis of two to three witnesses, that's two to three independent lines of testimony.
Well, in some of these cases, they've got hundreds. Hundreds, yeah. Hundreds. That's not evidence.
In that case, you have to say, well, according to God's own standards and his holy and just law that's in accordance with his character, you need to actually at this point say, we'll give it a hearing.
And so the American people, and of course the court system, should be giving all of this a hearing. Something you want to say?
I was just going to say, because I was watching this live. It's funny. You were watching it live, but we were watching it on different sources.
You were able to watch the whole thing. Yeah. And so the whole thing was about an hour and a half long.
About an hour into it, I was watching it on Fox News, who has completely lost all credibility in my book after this election.
But the last girl, I just forgot her name already, she was amazing.
She completely slaughtered the media. I mean, she buried them.
Jenna Ellis. Jenna Ellis, thank you. She killed them. And Fox News actually cut from her in the middle of her talking to fact check stuff that Giuliani and Sidney Powell said.
Didn't even have their day in court. Didn't even let her finish. And there was another 33 minutes or so of the press conference.
They didn't air. They then went to COVID stuff. So I think if you guys are listening and you like Fox News, I think people need to let
Fox News how incredibly disappointed and upset we are with the way they have handled things this election.
It's shameful. Yeah. If you want to see the whole thing, guys, I'll point you to it. Right Side Broadcasting Network has the full thing up.
So if you haven't seen it yet, after the show here, go to Right Side Broadcasting Network on YouTube.
They've got the whole thing there. So uninterrupted. So you guys will be able to get a good idea of what their case is and what's being made.
Now, look, everyone who's watching this right now, it's so very important for you to understand we're Christian ministers.
We're ministers of the gospel. Our concern is for truth. We are not the kind of people that say, well, if it's a
Republican, it's right. The Republican Party has massive problems. There are serious issues of injustice that Republicans actually promote in the area of unjust taxation, the government school system.
I mean, we can go on and on and on, where the modern Republican looks like the liberal of the 60s and 70s.
I mean, they just sort of inched their way down there. And so we have massive issues with some of the beliefs of the
Republican Party, and there needs to be change there. I also have had massive issues in terms of the president's own consistency in the area of the pro -life issue.
We need to be consistent. If he says every life matters, if every life is precious, including in the womb, well, then you need to protect them.
Be consistent with that claim. Protect the children in the womb from conception. This whole rape, incest, life of the mother, those terrible emotion -driven arguments need to be cast out.
But I would like to actually minister to and influence the president. So just know that as we address these issues today, we're addressing these in terms of the thing that holds together the republic.
It was Christians who gave the world this country, the Christian worldview that gave this country to the world and this nation to the world.
And so we ought to care about things like truth, evidence, facts, those sorts of things. And in this case, it is mind -boggling and it is frightening that these platforms are just trying to cover this whole thing up.
I mean, Facebook blocks the president's own media conference where his legal team is presenting the evidence so that they can see it on the
Facebook platform. They shut it down within three hours. It's done. It's off. That's what I shared. It's gone.
It erased from the president. That's an amazing thing. It is truly an amazing time to be living right now.
And Christians, we need to care about this because this is going to affect us if the media, if the primary way that people communicate in the public square today is through these platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, those sorts of things.
If that's the primary place people gather for the public square, and if while you're in that public square, you have officers coming and removing people saying things,
I mean, what would you do if you were literally out downtown in the public square and somebody says, hey,
I want to share this information with you, and then all of a sudden the police come and just drag that person away and cover their mouth?
You'd be like, wait a second, this is seriously oppressive. Well, it's happening just like that on these major platforms.
This is the public square, and they're silencing people in the public square saying, hey, I have evidence, I have proof,
I have facts. Please take a look at this. And they're saying, no, no, no, no, no. This conversation isn't allowed here. That's a dangerous place to be as a country.
Did you watch the Senate hearings the other day with Zuckerberg? I did. I did. Yeah, that was intense.
Zuckerberg looked really scared a couple times. Yeah. They really, really pressed on him, and he just wouldn't give in.
Well, one of the things that was interesting was the fact that it was confirmed that Facebook, Twitter, all these platforms, they're all in communication with each other, and they share information in terms of deplatforming, security issues, hashtags that are no -no words that they need to actually stifle, and they share all that.
Now it's public information. It's admitted to that, yeah, they share that information. So you might have a hashtag that you're like,
I want to get this in a thread, I want people to see this. It could have to do with the issue of life and abortion, those sorts of things.
You could have a sweet little hashtag. You don't even know. That's already in their system. They're suppressing. They're closing it down.
I mean, end abortion now for sure is, I mean, that's for sure. EAN hashtag could itself already be in the system.
We wouldn't know because we don't have access unless a whistleblower gives it to us, which has happened with Google.
That's how we found out that Facebook stole our money because we saw the data.
So I wanted to show everyone this in terms of where we're at. Let me give you guys a flashback.
Maybe some of you guys aren't old enough to remember this, but I certainly remember this. This was back in the year 2000.
Bush and Gore were running against each other there. Everyone knows that Bush ultimately won. But what you may not know is what took place on election night and what took place for 37 days after.
37 or 36? It's 37. 37 days. And they're freaking out about two weeks right now. Yeah, 37 days after the election in 2000.
There were court battles going on. It was a long and drawn -out process. Everybody was glued to the television because you know what's different from 2000 to today?
It's the media platforms then, not internet stuff like we have now and MySpace came out.
I don't even remember. That was the first social media where everybody was. MySpace. But this was when you got your primary source of information from the news and at least they were reporting it.
CNN back in 2000 was at least reporting that there's a challenge and we're in court now, all that.
You got to see it all. But anyways, here is from election night. A big call to make.
CNN announces that we call Florida in the Al Gore column. This is a state both campaigns desperately wanted to win.
Stand by, stand by. CNN right now is moving our earlier declaration of Florida back to the too -close -to -call column.
25 very big electoral votes and the home state of the governor's brother,
Jeff Bush, are hanging in the balance. This no longer is a victory for Vice President Gore.
George Bush, governor of Texas, will become the 43rd president of the United States.
At 18 minutes past 2 o 'clock Eastern time, CNN declares that George Walker Bush has won
Florida's 25 electoral votes. The vice president has recalled the governor and retracted his concession.
But this race is simply too close to call. All right, so we were all watching this live, baby, 2000.
It was like, what is happening right now? And then the court cases and all the recounts ensued for 37 days after that.
And I wanted to share this, everybody, because I mentioned this, I think, last week. I mentioned that he was an honorable man.
And what he did here was honorable. So after it went through the court system, after there were four official recounts in the state of Florida, this is what
Al Gore did very honorably. Good evening.
Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the
United States. And I promised him that I wouldn't call him back this time. I offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which we've just passed.
Almost a century and a half ago, Senator Stephen Douglas told Abraham Lincoln, who had just defeated him for the presidency, partisan feeling must yield to patriotism.
I'm with you, Mr. President, and God bless you. Well, in that same spirit, I say to president -elect
Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may
God bless his stewardship of this country. Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road.
Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it came, and now it has ended, resolved as it must be resolved through the honored institutions of our democracy.
Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto, not under man, but under God and law.
That's the ruling principle of American freedom, the source of our democratic liberties. I've tried to make it my guide throughout this contest, as it has guided
America's deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks. There you go.
So I thought, you know, look, Gore is, as far as I can tell, in terms of some of the things he pursues, not overly bright in terms of the claims he's made about environmentalism and...
Yeah. The lockbox? I mean, yeah, there have been some... I'm not a big fan of Gore, obviously, but that's an honorable thing to do.
What is he stating there? Like, we have to put away the partisan issue, and it has to actually be put aside for patriotism.
You know, you're concerned for country. And, you know, as much as I doubt very much that some of the things he says about God, the fact that he says under God and law and not under man, that's big time.
We need that sort of a thing. And when you have, over the last couple of weeks, these major media companies, not the states, giving their approval,
Biden's the president. When Biden goes out, when the votes aren't even fully counted yet, and when there are now disputes, and there's proof of discrepancies and fraud and all these sorts of things that, at least for now, they're claims, they need to have their day in court.
When he goes out and Kamala Harris is like, You're the president! You know, whatever she said.
That's just, it's absolutely foolish. And I would say this, it's a ploy. It's a trick to essentially say,
No, we've won, it's over, there's no dispute. Look, everybody agrees with us. All of this is just silly stuff.
You know, at least this man, at least at this time, 2000, 20 years ago, we were in a place where you had a dispute, and everybody let it play out under the law.
Let them be recounted. Let's take a look at all this. Let the court cases play out. But honorably, even after Bush is declared, and then, no, first it's
Gore wins Florida, then, no, he hasn't won Florida, and then Bush is declared, and then Gore actually has to do what?
He has to call them and say, No, I'm actually not conceding now, after he called to concede. And then they have 37 days of court cases.
I mean, that's an intense situation. It was a long, drawn -out process that the American people let take place to say, this needs to be honest, there needs to be integrity here, it needs to be real counts, real votes.
That's what we need in this republic. People 20 years ago were in a place where they could let that play out. What's happened?
20 years later, and we're in a place where everyone wants to pretend like there's not court cases going on.
Everyone wants to pretend as though the votes have been certified everywhere. Everyone wants to just pretend, play pretend that Joe Biden is the president, next president of the
United States of America. Now, look, it may very well be the case. It might actually take place. It's a horrifying thought in my mind, but if it takes place, it takes place, but it needs to take place after there's been a legitimate vote count with integrity and where you have been able to say, these are clearly fraudulent votes.
These are not supposed to work this way. Those are kicked out. Look, let it all happen. If Joe Biden's the president, he's the president.
We're under the judgment of God, clearly. But I mean, in reality, it's
Kamala Harris, Kami Harris. But I just thought it'd be important to show that this clip, this wasn't very long ago that this took place.
20 years is really, I mean, some of you younger guys might think, that's a long time. It's not a long time ago, man. It seems like it was yesterday.
Things have changed a lot in 20 years. 20 years. I mean, that's the power of these social media platforms. They have the ability to control conversations, to erase conversations, to erase a news conference with the legal team of the president.
It's amazing. It's an amazing thing. Now, maybe we'll find out later that the president erased his own news conference.
I highly doubt that, but maybe that's the case, and then I'll come back and eat my words and say, well, okay,
Facebook didn't actually erase that one. But as of right now, looks like it's totally erased. It's taken down, and I can't imagine the president would do that himself.
But yeah, anyways, Luke, you want to add something to that? It's just crazy. I mean, even just like hearing the language
Gore had 20 years ago, to think that now where we are, we're like, man,
Al Gore was an honorable man. Back then, we weren't thinking that. Just the things that the
Democrats were trying to do, the left was trying to do is basically like where he was at 20 years ago,
I think a lot of conservatives are at now. That's how far things have shifted.
So you don't hear anybody using that language. It was amazing to hear him say that George Bush was gifted this as a steward.
Where does that come from? Obviously, he would have said from God. He said, God bless you. You don't hear anybody in the left talk like that anymore.
Okay, quick question because it's related. So I was looking through here. Razor Edge Knives, LLC. I'm going to take a look at some of your stuff.
Okay, so Jeff, what is the biblical case for Christians being involved in politics? I hear a lot of Christians who have a hands -off approach saying we shouldn't get involved.
Good question, Razor Edge. I would ask this fundamental question. It's an important one, and I think it's one everyone has to face.
And that is, are political issues moral issues? Very simple question.
Are political issues moral issues? You can go down the line, and I think everybody has to agree, no matter what side you're on in terms of politics, that when you're legislating, that's the definition of lawing, creating law.
When you're legislating on issues, you're legislating because you believe something is a moral issue.
Either there's a moral right, or it's a moral issue of justice. So all legislation is essentially inherently moral.
And so ask the question, are legislation issues moral issues? And if you say yes to that, politics, moral issues, yes, legislation issues, moral issues, yes, then
I'm going to ask the question, does Christianity have anything to say about moral issues? Yes.
So when somebody says Christians shouldn't get involved in politics, what they're revealing, it may just be a little bit of ignorance, they haven't really thought this through.
I don't really realize these are moral issues. In some sense, we all have to understand that.
But they might just be ignorant about it, they haven't really thought about it, they're not there yet. And so they might just be saying, I haven't really thought about that.
Yeah, moral issues, I guess, yes. But I think what it really reveals is this, because we all recognize that abortion, as Christians, is murder.
That's a moral issue. So yes, Christians need to be involved in that. Theft is a moral issue. So if the government is taking excessive taxation through coercion from its citizens, that's called theft in God's eyes.
And so that's a moral issue. Christians should speak to that. Is it a moral issue that the government is indoctrinating our children with an antithetical worldview?
Jesus says, whoever's not with me is against me. So there is no neutrality when it comes to math and science and history and language and truth and beauty and goodness.
So if the government takes over the public education system and they start teaching our children a godless, humanistic, atheistic perspective of the world, if they teach them that gender is fluid and it doesn't really matter and you can have sex with whoever you want, whenever you want, however you want,
I would say, is that a moral issue? And the answer is, yes, it's a moral issue. So Christians have something to say about it.
But I think what it really reveals when someone says, Christianity has nothing to do with politics, is their perspective of the rule of Christ is unbiblical.
They probably believe that Jesus rules and reigns over this spiritual, gassy, sort of foggy realm out there somewhere.
He's the king over there. He's the ruler over there. But he's not so concerned with this stuff. This world is sinful, it's decaying, it's falling apart.
It's really a throwaway. So I would say, well, that's Gnosticism, so welcome to it.
But one of the ancient heresies that try to infiltrate the Christian church over and over again. But I would also say, it's ignoring a fundamental aspect of Christian faith that all of us recognize, no matter where you're at, on the spectrum of truly biblical
Christian. And that's this, Matthew 28, 18 through 20. All authority in heaven, and here it is, and on earth, has been given to me.
Now that was 2 ,000 years ago. All authority, heaven and here on earth, has been given to me.
Go therefore, on that basis, and go get the nations on that earth, and do what to them?
Baptize them, teach them to obey. Make disciples, baptize them, teach them to obey. Where?
Here on earth. Because all authority here is his. Now I have a question. Are governments within the realms of nations?
Well, then Jesus has authority over that. And he's also teaching you to disciple, baptize, and teach to obey all those people who were in that nation, who happen to be in government.
I would just ask that question. Are political issues moral issues? And if the answer is yes, then
Christianity has something to say to it. And Jesus has authority over it. So it's a very important aspect that we need to get our heads around.
We have seen an abandonment of the culture from the Christian church in the West in the last two generations, especially.
And because of that, we are reaping the whirlwind. We are now getting what our forebearers over the last two generations delivered to us.
And that was cultural abandonment and the idea that Jesus doesn't rule over this realm completely.
I would say tell that to John Knox. Tell it to St.
Patrick. Tell it to the missionaries, which we love to talk about because we have a church plant there, the missionaries and the
Hawaiian islands that developed the Hawaiian kingdom. Tell it to them that Jesus doesn't have anything to say to their government.
How about our founding fathers? Founding fathers. I mean, it was explicit. Look, if you were in the colonies and they had treaties with France or some other place, they would start these things off with in the name of the triune
God of Scripture, of Holy Scripture. I mean, they actually specifically referenced the
Christian God of the Scriptures. And that's just the way that it was. And we've come a long way, baby, but I'll tell you what.
Where would you prefer to live? Would you prefer to live... Now, the technology is nice.
We all want the technology and all the niceties we have today. But in terms of the moral issues that are going on around you, would you rather live in a colony early on in America's history that actually acknowledged the lordship of Jesus Christ over all things?
And if there were questions, people would say, well, the answer's in that book. And they did that from the bottom up and the top down.
Or do you want to live under the government today we live under where they will not acknowledge the lordship of Jesus Christ?
They won't say that his word is pure and true and holy and they refuse to submit and obey. Which one do you want to live under?
Because on the one hand, we live in a culture today that has completely abandoned its commitment to the word of God as supreme and we are reaping the whirlwind.
We are. And so you guys better start preaching. John the Baptist did. John the Baptist said to Herod in his day, he said it's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife.
He confronted even a political leader of his day. And when Pontius Pilate asked
Jesus if he's a king, there's a whole history here in terms of who was it that killed
Jesus? Well, it was the Roman government. I mean, he was killed and don't forget the early
Christians after him in that generation, they were killed for saying Jesus is Lord.
They wouldn't say Kaiser Curios. They wouldn't say Caesar was Lord. He didn't have their ultimate allegiance. Their allegiance wasn't to him as ultimate.
And so the early Christians died because they believed that Jesus had something over Caesar. Caesar recognized that and that's why they were killed.
You know, this pastor in the last year, this Chinese pastor, Presbyterian pastor was thrown into jail for nine years.
What was his crime according to the official documents from the communist government of China? What was his crime?
He was attempting to subvert the authority of the state. How? Because he was saying
Jesus was the king. He had ultimate authority even over the state and the government in communist
China. And so he's now who knows where. Nine years in a Chinese prison cell. What is that?
I mean, I was thinking about him the other day. What is his life like right now? And his crime was that he was subverting the authority of the
Chinese communist state. And it isn't interesting that Christians who are faithful in these countries, the governments get it.
Oh yeah. They understand. They totally understand. So you gave a much fuller answer.
My simple answer to that question is that politics is nothing more than legislative morality.
Right. So that's the short answer. But I would say, because he followed up like, well, what should pastors be preaching from the pulpit or should we be touching that subject or whatever?
And I mean, honestly, when Christians say that, when they say, well, we shouldn't be involved in politics.
One, it makes me angry. I'll just say it off the bat. But there's really two reasons,
I think, why Christians say that. And neither of them are biblical. One, it's cowardice because they're afraid to confront the culture.
And two, they, you know, we used to be a 501c3, but I think a lot of churches have been like, well, you can't use a 501c3.
You're not allowed to talk about politics, which isn't true. But the government, of all people, designated, made that designation so they could keep tabs on churches, right?
So they could limit it. So they keep churches quiet. Yeah. We're a 508. Now, we've changed to that. A 508 is allowed to say whatever they want.
We're not allowed to, you know, campaign for people from the pulpit. Which we wouldn't do anyways.
We wouldn't do anyways. But you're allowed to talk about politics because it's legislative morality. Right. And so pastors should be addressing these things.
And if they're not, I would challenge them to not be cowards. And, you know, in the
Proverbs, it says that in the day of adversity, not to faint in the day of adversity because it shows that your strength is small, that you're weak.
And so don't faint in the time of adversity, which is now. We're in that time. We need to show that we're strong.
We need to stand for truth and principle. And the other, you know, the one passage, I think, because there is no, there is no verse in the
Bible that says you're not allowed to talk about politics. Right. But, you know, we always hear Romans 13,
Romans 13, you know, honoring the authorities. And yes. But what is the whole chapter?
Thank you. Yes. And continue. What is the rest of the chapter say? You know, it says that the authorities are
God's deacons, the avengers of wrath, and that they are, you know, held accountable to God's standards. Servants of the true
God. Exactly. Right. So if someone says Romans 13 to you, it's like, well, let's look at the whole chapter.
Yeah, let's take a look at it in context and see if it is prescriptive, not descriptive. Don't forget that Paul wrote that in Rome. So he wasn't describing what
Rome was doing at the time. He was saying that this is the purpose, God's ordained purpose of government. Okay, a couple questions here.
One is I want to challenge Colin Bagby, commented, I guess, from what I was saying about our country built upon Christian worldview.
He says, the country built on an evil system of chattel slavery was built on Christian values.
And this just goes to show, you know, ignorance, gonna ignorant, and people like Colin are purely ignorant.
And Colin, I challenge you to stop being ignorant and just accepting ignorance as a way of life.
And that is, you should really look at that book. This Bible actually condemns as a way as a capital crime.
It's worthy of the death penalty, the kind of slavery that was engaged in early on in American history.
So, it's called man -stealing in Scripture. If you engage in kidnapping and slavery, you die.
So, this revelation, the Christian worldview, the basis of it, says that man -stealing and enslaving is death penalty.
That's what this book says. Now, there are people who profess faith in Jesus everywhere.
And a lot of people that profess faith in Jesus that do really stupid things. I know I've done my share.
So, because Christians in history have professed faith in Jesus and done stupid things, that doesn't mean that it's part of Scripture, that it's from the mouth of God.
And what you ought to know, Colin, if you weren't committed to ignorance, was, is that all throughout the history of the
Christian church, everywhere the Christian worldview has set up shop, everywhere
Christians have gone and conquered with the good news of Jesus Christ, slavery is done away with.
Atheism and agnosticism doesn't do away with slavery. Why? Well, you can listen to Dr.
Will Provine. We live, we die, and we're gone. We're absolutely gone when we die. There is no objective morality.
There's no absolute standard of morality. There's no free will, either. That's what Dr. Will Provine says.
That's atheism. No good, no good, no evil, just blind and pitiless indifference. That's Dawkins from River Out of Eden.
Now, if you take that worldview, human beings are just African apes. They're the descendants of fish. You know, what one descendant of fish does to another is morally irrelevant, and so that's why atheistic regimes in history have killed a lot of people.
And they don't do away with these things. Only with Christian influence do they ultimately see as an objective value outside of us.
This is an absolute. And by the way, who was it that did away with slavery in the
West in America? Who was it that did away? Hmm. Were they Christian or were they atheist? And on what basis?
What were they arguing? That's a human being made in the image of God. They are equal because we are all one blood.
That was their argument. Where'd they get that from? From this book. And so, yes, it was the
Christian worldview that brought so much blessing to this nation and the systems of justice that were put in place that are hanging on by a thread.
But I hope that helps, Colin Bagby. Next is Solar Judgment. Hey, question. Biblically, does a person have to go to seminary or have to train with a pastor to become a pastor and plant a church?
Luke? You want to try that one? Question. Biblically, does a person have to go to seminary or have to train with a pastor to become a pastor and plant a church?
No. Okay. Next question. Okay. No. Again, definitely not in Scripture.
We can expatiate on that. The seminary aspect, we would say seminaries are a huge gift.
They can be a huge blessing. I would say if the seminary you're going to is going to put you into lifelong debt, not a good idea to go into ministry with lifelong debt.
Okay? I would just say to you, if you're doing ministry faithfully, you're not doing this to get rich. And you shouldn't be and you shouldn't be and you just won't.
And so if you have just a pile of debt because of seminary, theological education, that puts you in a bad way in ministry.
I'm telling you a bad way. Especially if you're just starting off in ministry. Let's say you're just starting off as a pastor in ministry.
You may be going to a small church somewhere that just can't pay you hardly anything at all.
Maybe you won't be barely surviving and being able to feed your family. If you're doing that on top of this massive seminary debt, you may need a little time to think about that.
There are other options in terms of online seminaries now. Huge gift. We're going to have Bonson U up.
It's all going to be free content. That's seminary education right there. You also have Whitfield. Dr. Kenneth Talbot, go there.
Whitfield .edu. Get linked up with Talbot. Great, great, wonderful online seminary education and you won't break the bank by doing it.
But I will say yes, and I know Luke would too, to the latter part of the question, do you have or have to be trained with a pastor to become a pastor and plan a church?
Absolutely. Yes to that. Yes. Yes to that. The New Testament model, you see that there were multiple elders over local churches and you see the practice, the methodology of raising up, equipping, qualified, and laying hands on and sending.
I would say this, you need men, elders, pastors to lay hands on you and say that yes, you're qualified, we agree, and we're sending you.
mission or we're qualifying you and laying hands on you for this mission here. You cannot operate outside of the confines of God's ordained church.
And so yes, I would say you should never become a pastor unless you have been under the care of pastors who ultimately lay hands on you and have an agreement.
Yes, you're qualified. Yes, you're ready and go. And I just say you have to. You just must.
At Apology at Church, we pray for you. So we have guys that are here that are doing Whitfield that are doing stuff with us.
We're training them in. We have courses here at Apology at Church. We do on Thursdays where we raise people up.
We think it's the primary responsibility of the local church to educate, raise up, and send. Educate, raise up, and send.
It's the local church's responsibility to do that. So yes, you need to be doing this under a qualified biblical elder or pastor.
Don't do it outside of that. It's dangerous. Do not do it outside of that. I know that we have
Presbyterian brothers and sisters who have a difference of opinion with us in terms of church government. We're a
Reformed Baptist, but even our Presbyterian brothers will agree. You need to be doing this from within the church.
You need to have hands laid on you. You need to be trained up from within. I would say if seminary didn't exist, and it didn't in the first and second century of the church, we didn't have these institutions like we have today.
It all was taking place within the church. It should take place within the local church. I would say if you're in Communist China right now, it's going to take place within the local church.
There's no seminary. No seminary, but that church is the education center. It's the equipping center.
It's the sending center. I hope that helps. I was just going to say, because someone actually asked me on the thread here what book
I'm working on. That is, what Jeff's talking about is the book I've been working on for a little while.
It's just what I think new pastors or those aspiring to be pastors, what they need to know, what they need to hear, what they need to be prepared for.
The seminary, it produces a lot of men that may know a lot of stuff, but they don't typically last very long.
I shouldn't say typically, but there's a big percentage of those that don't last more than five years in ministry because seminary doesn't train you for what you will actually be experiencing.
They train you to know things, but there's not a lot of practical day -to -day like how to handle conflict.
What do you do when somebody publishes an article about you that's full of lies?
What do you do when a church member who you've laid your life down for turns their back on you and shivs you?
There's all kinds of things like that that people don't know about seminary.
I think it's biblical that raising men up as elders should be naturally and organically and intentionally done within the local church by pastors and elders.
Certainly, whenever Paul lists the requirements for a pastor elder, there's never seminary listed in any of those.
You should be able to teach. You should know the word. That was how
I was going to answer that question. Yeah, and somebody just a moment ago there said there are seminaries in China.
I wouldn't argue that maybe one doesn't exist. I'm talking about the underground church. They may not have access to seminaries.
They don't have church buildings. I know. They're underground. We're just talking about a brother who was just thrown into jail.
We're talking about the issue of seminaries. Is it necessary? For churches that are in places like that, you may not have any access
You can't be raised up and sent out and trained as a pastor. So, more questions.
I'm going to go to a video here in a second so you all get a chance to see. Let's see here.
Someone said, Hey Luke, why don't you smile more, bro? That's James. That's James O 'Brien.
We have a joke because he never smiles in any of those pictures. I love you, James. There's a man with some courage right there, by the way.
Yeah. Oh, yes. I'm just, can I I'm going to brag on our friends in Ireland right now because James and a group of men who we've been able to help and train and they've been going to the city center in Dublin preaching the gospel with babies are mortared here are signs.
So, kudos to you guys. Keep it up. Thank you. You're a blessing and encouragement. Yeah, absolutely.
Matt, I don't make sure I say the name correctly. Matt Manucci. Manucci, yeah. Manucci. Any chance you'd come to Quebec and do a teaching on abolitionism and some other stuff we have less than one percent
Christian in our churches are either liberal or a mess or conservative and quite irrelevant answer.
Yes. If they let us. If they let us. Luke and I got held at the border and we probably told the story before we got held at the border in Canada for longer than we have anywhere else in the world.
We've traveled the world and we got held there for quite some time and they were asking us were there in Canada to teach as pastors.
They were like, we want to know what you're teaching on what you're teaching content. It was like in America I would say, well, that's none of your business.
But there I was like, we're just talking about Jesus and the gospel.
And, you know, I was talking about a lot of other things too, but, you know, I just said
Jesus and the gospel. But they actually went through Luke's phone and we're like scrolling through messages and everything else.
I mean, it was intense. Reality hit us like a two by four that day. It sure did because we were just goofing off and laughing.
We were like, hi, we're in Canada. And like Luke and I separated two different lines just were like laughing at each other like,
Hey, look, Canada, Canada. And all of a sudden I get taken to the back and Luke went to a separate line and he got taken to the back and we were in a room for quite some time.
Everybody in there had beards and we finally got let into Canada. But anyway, that was our first day we met
Joe boot. Our first Canadian experience. But the answer is yes, we'd go to Quebec. We don't speak French though, so that might be a problem.
Yeah, but let's let's make it happen. Hopefully 2021 things release, but we would be honored to come to Quebec.
If I, if I correct, because that was Matthew Minucci, right? His brother, Michael, I believe is at, he does the video stuff for Joe.
Oh, excellent. Toronto. I believe if I'm speaking correctly there. All right. Brian Smith asked a question.
He says, Jeff, I love having the ability to watch you grow as an apologist and Christian on YouTube. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Do you think that your approach has become more gentle as time passes? And I would say to that, I really hope so.
I hope that God's sanctifying work has been taking root in my life more and more. Yeah, I'd see that personally in my life.
I will say that it's my theology, my soteriology, that drives how
I interact with people on the street. So I recognize this person, if they're outside of Christ, is dead in their sins and trespasses, they're hostile towards God.
And so their beef in that moment is, you know, isn't really with me. It's with their creator.
So I try to just be dismissive of sort of overt hostility and nastiness, because I recognize they're not a war with me, they're a war with Jesus.
And so I can be gracious, I can be humble, and I recognize that it's the gospel, it's the power of God for salvation.
That's the means that God uses to bring people to life. And I recognize that God is the one who grants repentance and faith.
And so, because of that, I go out to with sort of a graciousness and a calmness in terms of interaction, because I recognize that it's truth that matters, and truth that challenges, and it's the spirit of God who's going to bring this person to life.
I don't raise people from the dead. God does. And so I don't have to be nasty and abusive. Now, take this with nuance, though.
There are categories of thought, in terms of the average conversation on the street, versus being outside the abortion mill where someone's about to be murdered.
Am I a little more heavy -handed and aggressive and forceful in the 15 seconds that I have from car door to Planned Parenthood's door, where this mother and father are going in to have their child decapitated?
Am I a little more aggressive? Do you see a different Jeff Durbin and Luke Pearson in that context than you would see, say, at the
Mormon temple for our just regular evangelism out there? I'd say, yeah, you see a very different person because the stakes in 15 seconds, they're so high.
This child's about to be slaughtered by their own mother. So in those instances, I think there's categories.
So, for example, look in the life of Jesus. You see Jesus with the woman at the well. You see Jesus with the regular crowds.
You see Jesus interacting with the people in his day who are seen as the tax collectors and the prostitutes and the rough people of society.
It's a very different way he handles them than how he handles the religious leaders in the latter chapters of Matthew, where now he's condemning covenant breakers, and it's heavy -handed, baby.
It's hard because the stakes are so high even in that moment. So I think my answer is yes,
God has definitely changed me, and I am grateful to God that none of my initial conversations outside the
Mormon temple are on record. The only person that's seen those is Jesus. And so I'm glad.
I've had some of those, not at the temple, but with other people. Yeah, thankful that nobody had recording devices then.
But I would say with that, let me just say this. Somebody might see videos we have, whether it's me, or it's the team, or it's
Luke, or somebody. We have a video that goes up where it's like interaction with the gospel, challenging somebody. It might say, man, you know,
I really want to get to the place where I can do that sort of a thing. My answer is, number one, study. Study, okay?
Number two, watch videos from Apologia or Dr. White or others interacting faithfully with the gospel, defending the
Christian worldview. But three, get out there and start preaching the gospel. You have to get out there and start engaging with people.
You have to have experience talking to people. You have to learn what it's like to preach the truth to somebody and actually in certain moments know, like the spirit of God is like bringing something to your mind.
You've got to say this hard thing to this person. You've got to be able to experience like God leading you to say even a hard truth to a person that you otherwise wouldn't want to say, but like in this moment, like it's
God leading you and you know you're going to say this hard thing, and you got to like in that moment, learn to say it in a way that is gracious and it recognizes the compassion you're supposed to have for this person.
So you just need to get out there. You need to, you need to do it. David, thank you for that blessing there.
Are you, Jeff, familiar with R .C. Sproul and Ligonier? A little bit. A little bit. Ligonier just sent us 1 ,000 copies of Dr.
Sproul's book on abortion. We will be giving those out as free gifts to people.
COVID has thrown our year off in ways I can't even describe, in many, many ways, things we wanted to do, couldn't do, but we have 1 ,000 books from Ligonier that is gifted to us.
They are big supporters of End Abortion Now and the message and what we're doing out there. I actually just was in Florida with the heads of, the heads of Ligonier, had lunch with them and we had a good conversation about abortion.
That's when they blessed us with that 1 ,000 year, 1 ,000 years, 1 ,000 copies of Sproul's.
That's a very post -mill of you. Yeah, 1 ,000 years of peace, 1 ,000 years of peace. Let's see here.
I saw a bunch of people talking about you going on Rogan or Shapiro and all these shows.
Make it happen. Well, yeah, I was just going to say, that's not how it works. People are like, you should go on there.
Why haven't you? It's like, well, because I can't just invite myself on their show. Joe Rogan's got to invite me.
Yeah, they've got to want us on and ask us to come be on the show. We'd love to be there. I can tell you that they've gotten hundreds of, hundreds of requests to have me on with Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro.
Ben Shapiro was on our show once. But, hey, if you want to see a good conversation between Joe Rogan and I, I love
Joe. I love Joe Rogan. I love actually listening to his podcast. Not all of them, obviously, but the moments in his podcast
I really enjoy. I think Joe Rogan and I would have a great conversation and, yeah, just tweet him.
Tell him to have me on and I will be there with bells on, y 'all. Somebody's asking if The Apostles is a good movie.
Oh, my goodness. Is The Apostles a good movie? Who said that? I don't even know how to say that name.
It's such a hard name to say. Sorry, bro. I'm sorry. I don't want to blow it. Is The Apostles a good movie?
The answer is yes. Yes, it is. Very good. We have a couple movies here, so you'll see here.
We have Gentlemen Broncos. It's from the director of Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamites.
If you have not seen Gentlemen Broncos, you are missing out on one of the great delights of life in the 21st century.
Truly. Isaac doesn't like it. Some of you guys may come back and hate us, but it's nothing wrong with us.
Just so you know, it's not us. It's you. So, the Gentlemen Broncos. Look, here's the thing.
If you like Napoleon Dynamite, you're going to love Gentlemen Broncos. It's a weird humor, just so you know.
And if you love Flight of the Conchords, you'll love Gentlemen Broncos very much. And then, of course, we've got
Robert Duvall, The Apostles, The This movie came out in the late 90s or something like that. I love it.
It has moments where you're just like, man, that's actually really good. That's really good.
Like the beginning scene where the car is crashed and it's the guy there with his wife, and he goes and he starts preaching to the guy through the window, like if you had to die right now, would you be ready to meet the
Lord? And he's like, he'll save you if you trust him. It's like, that's actually really good. The gospel is packed throughout the movie.
It's really good. It's actually really good. Now, we don't agree, of course, with the craziness and the fact that he was abusing people and all the rest, but there's this redemption.
You know what I love about the movie? Here's what I love about the movie. I love that he gets caught at the end. I love that he tries to get around the law, but he knows he did wrong, and he still wants to be faithful to Jesus.
So he does all that, and at the very end, it all comes back. So there's a good, just ending, like there's blessing in the whole thing, but also he has to answer for what he did.
And even in jail, he still is preaching the gospel. Yeah, yeah. So I love it. We got Babies Are Still Murdered Here poster.
That's the second film that we produced last year. Collision, if you haven't seen that, that's
Christopher Hitchens versus Douglas Wilson. Our good friend Darren Doan did that one, and of course, Doug. If you haven't seen
Collision, go watch Collision. It'll bless you big time. The Free Speech Apocalypse, another Darren Doan film, excellent.
And then Calvinist, our friend, made this movie years ago, and it's got some pretty heavy hitters in it.
It's a blessing. It's a good movie. If you haven't seen the Calvinist movie, you should definitely watch that. And was
Dr. Sproul Post Mill? Well, Dr. Sproul wrote a book, a good book,
Last Days According to Jesus. I'm having a hard time with my lips here today, guys. He wrote a good book.
You know what it is? I'll tell you what it is. So everyone knows. I'm trying to manage what life is like right now with three children, three years old and under.
So there's no sleep happening at the Durbin's house right now. And so I'm trying to operate with no full brain activity at the moment.
So Sproul wrote a book called The Last Days According to Jesus. It is an excellent, excellent, excellent book.
You need to get that. And I would say yes. I believe Sproul was
Post Mill. And yeah. So go check out that book. And I'm going to make sure while we have everyone here,
I think it'd be cool. I do want to show this. I think it's important. So did you guys hear about, and we'll get back to the questions here in a second, guys.
Did you guys hear about Gaviner, Gaviner? Hey, while you're gathering yourself,
I meant to tell you I've been listening to The Patriot a lot the last couple weeks. Gaviner. Just because of all the election stuff.
And I kept hearing all the commercials, the same commercials over and over again. And I kept hearing this person's voice.
I'm like, man, that voice is familiar. It's J -Man. J -Man. Remember J -Man? Yeah. He's doing all the commercials for 960.
No way. Yeah. So I kept hearing J -Man doing all the commercials. What's up, J -Man? Hey, J -Man.
The other day I was outside and I was like, wait a minute, that's J -Man. Hey, J -Man, you made it. You made it, bro. Congratulations.
You did it. You did it. All right. Did you guys hear that Gavin... Gaviner. Gaviner.
I'm telling you guys, man, no sleep. I'm just... When I had Augustine newborn, you know, after 40, it's like, it's a little different than having a newborn at 20.
It's a little different. You can handle it, but it's a little different. No sleep. You have to try to adjust to it, and he still thinks he's on a newborn schedule, but now
I've got two more children in my house right now. I can't talk much about publicly at the moment, but yeah, let's just say
I've got three children, two in diapers, and on top of my other children in the home, and so if I'm having a hard time articulating, please give me grace until I get used to all this.
Okay. So if you didn't hear about it, Governor Gavin, that's what I'm going to call him, Governor Gavin, he is telling everybody about the lockdowns and social distancing and don't go out of the house sort of a thing and all of this nonsense.
Well, he was caught. He was caught publicly having a party and a gathering, a dinner at a very fancy place and didn't have his mask on, was not social distancing, all the things that he wants the peasants to do.
He, and so he was caught and this was his sort of half -cocked apology.
So let's take a listen. and energy into his 50th birthday.
It was in Napa, which was in the orange status, relatively loose compared to some other counties.
It was to be an outdoor restaurant and we started the, well, the program started at four o 'clock, it was one of those early -
So, Napa. Nice. Wait till you hear about the restaurant, you know?
And this thing, he says it was outdoors. Now, of course, pictures have now surfaced, okay, with social media, this is the public square right here, you're out, someone's going to be like, gotcha, take a picture of you, and so his claim with his apology, he's such a fraud, he's such a fraud, don't listen to a thing this man says, he can't be trusted.
He says it was outside all excuses, it was not outside, and this is do as I say, not as I do.
Here's a person that's ruining his state, ruining the lives of countless people, he wants you to do something that he's just not going to do, and he gets the fanciest dinners, the high end dinners, he gets to celebrate with friends and family, he gets to go out and do things, and I guess his interpretation, or definition, his definition of an outside restaurant is an enclosed space that exists outside in the world, which would, according to that definition, we're all outside at all times, because the outside is out there, but we're in a space which exists in the outside world, but listen to this, just again, terrible apology.
Reservations, I got there a little bit late at 4 .30, and as soon as I sat down at the larger table,
I realized it was a little larger group than I had anticipated, and I made a bad mistake.
Instead of sitting down, I should have stood up, and walked back, got in my car, and drove back to my house.
Now with all due respect to this man as an image bearer of God, that I want to know Jesus, and repent of his lawlessness and his tyranny, the question
I would have is, would you buy a car from this guy? I wouldn't. Just very sort of sleazy, even the apology, you know, with the sort of like the grin and the, you know, it doesn't seem like an actual apology, and we're gonna find out in a moment, it really wasn't an honest apology, but more from Gavin.
I chose to sit there with my wife and a number of other couples that were outside the household.
You can quibble about the guidelines, et cetera, et cetera, but the spirit of what I'm preaching all the time was contradicted, and I got to own that, and so I want to apologize to you because I need to preach and practice, not just preach and not practice, and I've done my best to do that.
We're all human. We all fall short sometimes. We've been out, and I think...
Who's he quoting? He's trying to quote scripture. Is he trying to quote the Bible? We all fall short.
Oh, man. Of what? The glory of God or the glory of your laws? Preaching and falling short and all that stuff.
Let's listen a little bit more. For three times since... In fact, I know it's been three times because I remember all of those dinners very, very vividly since February, just three times, twice with my wife, by myself, outdoors, and then this one occasion with a larger group, and there were just a few extra people there than the spirit of what
I am promoting, and so we're gonna minimize mixing. You gotta own up to that, so I just want folks to know that paid for.
It'd be nice. Did he find himself, I wonder? Yeah. It would be nice if it was a legitimate apology.
I'm telling everyone to do this stuff. I'm not doing it myself, but then there's this.
Tucker went on last night, and let's just say there's some information has come to light. So, with that in mind, the
San Francisco Chronicle broke a pretty amazing story this week. Governor Newsom recently attended a birthday dinner up in wine country at the
French Laundry. That's one of the best and most expensive restaurants in the world. There were 12 people at Newsom's dinner, and to civilians, that number seemed to be a clear violation of Newsom's own rules.
But as we were told, it really wasn't. So it turns out that Newsom was simply... I think David Martinez used to work there.
Really? Yeah. I think he was a chef. He learned under... At the French Laundry? I remember he mentioned that name to me.
That's good. We have to break up, by the way. We have to break up because of YouTube's rules. We have to break up these things so we don't get copywritten.
Even though we're making political commentary and commentary, we have to break this up, so I apologize. But here's more from Tucker.
Celebrating the birthday of a longtime friend of his, a lobbyist, actually, called Jason Kinney, a spokesperson for Kinney described the night this way, quote, this was a small, intimate, 12 -person dinner held outdoors with family and a few close friends to celebrate a 50th birthday.
In other words... Outdoors. Outdoors. Come on,
Tucker. No big deal. For his part, Governor Newsom assured his suffering subjects that, quote, our family followed the restaurant's health protocols and took safety precautions.
So really, ladies and gentlemen, it was nothing. Just a small, intimate dinner held in nature under God's blue skies, just a few close friends staying safe and following the protocols to the letter.
As mandated by the state that, in fact, they run. So relax, people. No one's getting
Rona here. No one's getting Rona here. So this is a great time to be living.
So you have eyewitnesses in public, people who take pictures. And so people were able to be there and take a picture at this very fancy restaurant in Napa with Governor Gavin.
And here we go. That was the story. Now the photograph. We have the picture thanks to Fox 11 in Los Angeles, one of the rare local stations that still does reporting.
It's a picture of the birthday dinner up in Napa. It turns out it was not held outside.
It was held in a private room and not a spacious private room either. All 12 people were packed in tight, shoulder to shoulder, breathing on each other.
No social distancing here. Not one of them is wearing a mask. A steam room in central
Wuhan could not be more contagious than this dinner. Gavin Newsom's steam room in Wuhan.
Oh, man. So anyway, I thought, you know, you guys might want to see that, especially for all of our brothers and sisters in California that are suffering under this man's regime and tyranny.
You know, look, here's the thing. You can't expect human beings to live like this for extended periods of time.
We're made in the image of God for fellowship and for intimacy. We're not made to be like this in these consistent lockdowns for extended periods of time.
It just can't be managed. It's not workable. It doesn't work. Read the New England Journal of Medicine's report they did on the
Marine Corps recruits that did a strict military style lockdown with double masks, unidirectional lines.
I mean, bleach, everything. And the control group had less Rona by the end of it than the ones in the military style quarantine group.
I mean, guys, Rona's here and it's here. Look, it's going to impact the communities.
We should protect the vulnerable. We need to make sure we love those neighbors, but we need to love all of our neighbors and not destroy them.
This it's it's clear hypocrisy. And even when he's called out on it, he didn't mean he maybe he wasn't aware that there was someone behind him taking shots.
So going up and giving a public apology and lying about what took place seems easy enough.
And so when I said he seemed like, would you buy a car from this guy? Seems a little sleazy. Well, now you see that, you know, he was being sleazy.
He wasn't coming clean with it. Just being honest about it. You know, it is what it is.
And now there's pictures. Just to be clear, if you're listening to the podcast, you meant taking pictures. You were like, yes, but people can't see you taking pictures.
Someone's like picture you like slamming shots. Oh, yeah. All right. All right. Oh, go back to the questions.
Here's an important one. I'm glad I just saw it. Leon said, was Jesus an angel that turned into God? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, that's that's that's a serious one. So I would just take you to. Well, I'll take you to Old Testament, Isaiah nine, six through seven.
It says that the child is coming, the son who's who's given to us. He is called Wonderful Counselor, El Gabor, the mighty
God. Well, there is only one God. God says in that same book, he's the first, the last.
Besides him, there is no God before me. There was no God form. Neither shall there be after me. God says he doesn't even know of any other
God besides him. He is the only savior. That's as if three chapters, 43 through 46.
And you see just in the same book, the mighty God is Yahweh. And so this one who's coming is
Yahweh God. And it also says the the the father of eternity there. That's the the the the father over eternity, the creator of everything, the eternal one.
And so this one who is coming is the eternal one, the creator of all things. But if you read
John chapter one, it says an archaic in Hologos in the beginning was the word.
And it says the word was with God. The words there is prostone, they own toward God face to face with the father.
So an archaic in Hologos, as far back as you want to go forever and ever ago, the word was already there.
And the word was with the father in face to face intimacy with the father, intimate relationship.
And the word was God. It says the same was in the beginning with God and all things came into being through this
Jesus, all things. And without him, nothing came into being that's come into being. Jesus just if you just take those two texts, much more can be said.
But it says Jesus is the eternal one. He's the creator of all things. You can read Colossians chapter one and see the testimony from the apostle
Paul to the same thing. Jesus is eternal God, always existent as God in fellowship with the father.
Jesus became flesh. The apostle Paul says in Philippians chapter two, he says that Jesus who was in the form of God did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped or held on to, but he emptied himself and he humbled himself and became obedient even to the death of the cross.
And so Jesus is the eternal God who took on flesh, became obedient even to death. And so no,
Jesus is not an angel that became God. There is only one God. We do have some good stuff on the
Internet, on the Trinity and encourage you to go check out. Just look up James White Trinity or Jeff Durbin Trinity.
We've done some lectures on that. And what would you keep?
Do you see any questions? There's all kinds. They're coming in so fast.
I can't even read them. Did a brother,
Jeff Durbin. What do I do if God manifests himself to me through double dreaming my entire life?
Why did God save me through double dreams? Not sure what that I'm not even sure what that means.
Alan, double dreams. I will say that I would encourage everybody to be very cautious about dreams and visions and signs and dreams.
Be uber cautious. Hebrews chapter one, it says God in the last day spoke to the fathers through the prophets.
But in these last days, sorry, in the past, God spoke to the fathers, the prophets. But in his last days, he's spoken to us through his son.
So Jesus in the New Testament is shown to be the full and final revelation of the of God.
And so you, of course, have the apostles sent by Jesus who are giving us scripture and the word of God.
But it's all pointing, of course, to Christ. And I don't believe that there's any active divine revelation in terms of scripture today.
We have to be cautious when we say, like, for example, God told me God told me to tell you.
Well, I would say, is that to be added on as an as as a new page in revelation?
Because this is the revelation of God right here. So if you're telling me God said this to me to tell you, that means
God said and it belongs here. It belongs right here. And so we got to be very cautious when we talk about receiving things in dreams or visions and those sorts of things.
Now, is it possible for God to speak to somebody through a dream? Yes, because he's done it in scripture.
But isn't it interesting that in scripture, those dreams come with an interpretation, a divine interpretation. There's always an interpretation of what the dream meant from a prophet of God.
And so I would be super cautious because I'm going to just say this. What is there, seven billion people on the planet right now? I think so.
We're all dreaming every night, right now, sometimes we don't remember our dreams. Sometimes we do. Sometimes we have some wacky dreams.
I've had actually two this last week that were really, really crazy. We can't start saying every morning we get up, well, here's a dream
I have and here's what I think God is telling me. All these billions of people having dreams, who's to say which one is a dream from God or it's not just our minds going crazy.
And so I'd be super cautious about saying God's speaking through dreams today. If somebody points to Joel chapter two and says that in the last days,
God will speak and the old man will see visions and they'll be dreaming dreams, I would say, well, Peter quotes that at Pentecost as something that they were experiencing in their day.
And he said that the tongues sign that they saw was in fulfillment of Joel two. This is that Peter says that was spoken by the prophet
Joel and then he quotes it. But if you go back and read that prophecy, it's not about the last days of the end of the world.
It's about the last days of the old covenant because it completes and finishes with the promised judgment upon the covenant breakers, which is precisely what happened in that last generation that Peter was speaking to.
All those signs they were seeing were supposed to take place before God sent his judgment upon the covenant breakers, which finalized in 70
AD. So it makes sense in Peter's time for all these signs and visions and wonders to be taking place.
They were supposed to testify to the Jewish people that God had had sent his spirit, that the new covenant was in force and it was a warning for them.
They need to repent in a hurry because they were about to be judged. And so I do not believe that Joel two has to do with our current circumstances in the day that we live because the apostle
Peter said it was happening to them. And if you read the prophecy in Joel, it is not about the last days of the end of the world.
It is about the last days of the old covenant and the judgment on the covenant breaker.
So I just be really careful about saying God speaks in dreams and we just have to be cautious because again, line 10 people up on Saturday morning after they've had a night in bed and they all tell you their dreams and what they all said.
And this is from God. How do you dispute that? How are you going to dispute? And also, do you have divine revelation as to what the interpretation was?
Because you see that in Daniel, he's the divine interpreter. This is what God was telling you. You see it in other instances where you have divine interpretation as to what the dream meant.
And so there's a prophet that tells you, I had this dream and here's what God is doing. And so be very, very cautious when it comes to dreams.
That's all. We went almost an entire show without any flat earthers. Really? Almost. Almost.
Please do. What? Okay. Hold on. And they're just coming in rapid.
Okay. What are you? I know. So fast, guys. Oh, goodness. I'm trying to read them. They keep flying up. What do you say to James White when he prays too long?
That's easy. Nothing. Nothing. I wouldn't.
I would never, never challenge him on praying too long. I will say that Pastor James, he does the catechism at Apologia Church every week.
And it's basically, it's, it's basically sermon number one, which we love. We love.
We don't want to change a thing about it. We love it. We don't want anything to be different. We enjoy it. We're grateful to God for it.
But Dr. White's catechism on Sundays is always sermon part one.
Pastor Jeff, I'm a former Mormon, Adam says, recently saved and was wondering if you have any advice about witnessing to my mother without making her hold onto Mormonism tighter,
I worry about her health. I would say be really, really gracious in those relationships that are family relationships that tend to be long -term relationships.
Don't, you're not on the street with a stranger. Don't, you don't have to drop bombs because you have 30 seconds to like get some truth into their mind to send them home with.
You might have even a couple of weeks or months or years with this family member. So tell the truth, make sure that you clearly communicate the truth, but do it with graciousness and compassion, especially make sure it's clear you're concerned for them.
But I will say, make sure that you focus on the main things. Don't allow conversations with family members to go off into the weeds in terms of all the non -essential things, like don't start talking about tea and coffee and the legalism in those respects in Mormonism.
People can do things like, you know, Mormonism, mom and dad, it's so destructive. I mean, just think about how high the addiction is in Utah to opiates, the opioid crisis in Utah that shows that Mormons aren't happy.
You know, you can go on all sort of conversations like that that aren't overly helpful. I would really encourage you to stick to two issues,
God and the gospel. Show your mom, mom, this is what Jesus says about himself. This is what the
Bible says about God. He's the only one. There's none before and none after. Focus on those issues and then compare that to Joseph Smith's words.
Make it simple, God and gospel, and do it graciously. Do you see one you want to address?
I was just going to say that we told Isaac we had to stay under an hour and a half, so we're getting near that. Oh, that's right.
We're getting close. Let me do the...Will Brown asked the question, does predestination remove free will?
And the answer is, go back and listen to our series we just did at Apologia Church on the doctrines of grace.
We talked about this quite a bit. We would say that mankind, men and women, children, human beings, have a creaturely will.
They are making willing choices and they're doing them freely in terms of they want them.
No one's coercing them. However, it's a creaturely will that Jesus says in John 8 is enslaved to sin.
And so Jesus says whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. We would say by Jesus' definition, everybody is a slave to sin.
Now slaves are not free. Jesus says if the Son sets you free, you'll be free indeed. If you read
Romans chapter 8, the apostle Paul talks about how those who are in the flesh cannot submit to the law of God.
They're not even able to do so. So what about free will? Because they're in the flesh, because they're hostile towards God, because they're at war with God, they're not able to submit to God's law.
They're not able to do what's pleasing to God. And so that's because they're fallen and in the flesh. And so when someone says this is free will,
I would say, well, it's a creaturely will and people are doing what they want. They're doing what's according to their nature.
If you have a fallen nature, you make fallen choices. If God raises you from the dead spiritually, you make raised spiritual choices, regenerated choices.
And so no predestination does not destroy human will and choices.
We would deny that people have a libertarian free will or autonomous free will in some sense.
They're creatures. God is the only truly free being in existence.
All right, guys, I think that's going to do it for today. Thank you guys for your questions. I know you guys added so many questions.
Thank you for taking the time to write them. I wish we could stay much longer and talk more. We'll try to do some more of these.
We really will. Because I really appreciate you guys interacting with us and asking questions. Thank you so much for your love and for your blessings, everybody.
I want to encourage everybody. Oh, wait. Yeah, there's a lot of, excuse me, a lot of questions that we just didn't have time to get to.
So thank you. I've been trying to answer some on the thread as well. Oh, good. Let's see here. Mac, one last thing.
Hi, guys. I'm a part of End Abortion now. What do I have to do to come to Apology and be trained further under you guys?
You already messaged them. Contact - So move here. Yeah. Zach Conover. We will try to do something probably in 2021 where we can get more churches together to communicate.
We have big plans for 2021 for End Abortion Now. Encourage everybody. Please go to endabortionnow .com.
Please give there. We need your help for this next year. We have some amazing, important things happening.
Thousands of lives have been saved in just the last year through the churches that you helped to establish that you're giving in 2019.
And we have now bills that are going to be happening in the states to criminalize abortion. Lots of stuff happening.
We need your support. So endabortionnow .com is where you go. Also, join us. Have your church start.
Sign up. Get all the free training and all the free resources. Go out there and save lives. We just all saved last night here in town.
So praise the Lord. Thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you for your love for us and all of your constant encouragement and your prayers.
Don't forget to sign up for all access, everybody. Partner with us in ministry. Make all this possible. Love you all.
That's Luke the Bear. Peace out, everyone. I'm Jeff the Coleman Ninja. I'll catch you next week right here on Apologia Radio.