Be Angry At Sin, Offer Right Worship, And Have Joy And Peace


Scripture Reading and Sermon For 01-30-2022 Scripture Readings: Isaiah 1.12-20; Revelation 21.3, 22-27 Sermon Title: Be Angry At Sin, Offer Right Worship, And Have Joy And Peace Sermon Scripture: Psalm 4 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Isaiah chapter 1 12 through 20 When you come to appear before me who has required of you this trampling of my courts
Bring no more vain offerings incense is an abomination to me
New moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations. I cannot endure Iniquity in solemn assembly your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates they have become a burden to me
I am weary of bearing them When you spread out your hands,
I will hide my eyes from you. Even though you make many prayers I will not listen your hands are full of blood
You wash yourselves wash yourselves make yourselves clean remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes cease to do evil
Learn to do good seek justice Correct oppression bring justice to the fatherless plead the widows cause
Come now. Let us reason together says the Lord though. Your sins are like scarlet. They shall be white as snow
Though they are red like crimson they shall become like wool If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land
But if you refuse and rebel you shall be eaten by the sword For the mouth of the
Lord has spoken Please remain standing today's
New Testament reading will be in Revelation chapter 21 verses 3 and 22 through 27
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying behold the dwelling place of God is with man
He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself
Will be with them as their God and I saw no temple in the city for its temple is the
Lord God the Almighty and the lamb and The city has no need for sun or moon to shine on it for the glory of God gives it light and its lamp is the lamb by its light will the nation's walk and the kings of earth will bring their glory into it and Its gates will never be shut by day and there will be no night there
They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations But nothing unclean will ever enter it nor anyone who does what is detestable or false
But only those who are written in the lamb in the lambs book of life
You may be seated Good morning
Open your Bibles, please the psalm for Psalm 4
To the choir master with stringed instruments the psalm of David Answer me when
I call Oh God of my righteousness You have given me relief when I was in distress be gracious to me and hear my prayer
Oh Man, how long shall my honor be turned into shame? How long will you love vain words and seek after lies?
Salem But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself the
Lord hears when I call to him Be angry and do not sin
Ponder in your own hearts on your beds and be silent Salem Offer right sacrifices and put your trust in the
Lord There are many who say who will show us some good lift up the light of your face upon us.
Oh Lord You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound
So in peace, I will both lie down and sleep for you alone. Oh Lord make me dwell in safety
God in heaven how lofty Is it that we could have your perfect word open up before us and that you would call us?
Your church to proclaim it to ourselves and to the world It's too lofty for me
God, and it quite honestly frightens me each time. I'm burdened to do it Lord, I know
Without your aid This is all for not so Lord, I just in Humility ask that you might give your spirit the utterance
I need So that your word can be properly and accurately declared
And Lord, I pray that you would press upon the heart of the church before me that just as much as I'm weak and giving
The word they are weak and receiving the word So I asked Lord that you would give them a desire even in this moment to seek your face
To seek your spirit to enable them to hear what your word would say
God in heaven despite my weakness I pray that you would Help them Lord to to hear what they need to hear in order to come along in their faith and their salvation
Those who are not saved that are sitting before me I pray Lord that you might use this to save them even in this moment and that we would be all growing in salvation together
Lord again, we are in need and we know that in our need we are thankful when you meet our need
And so let us worship you now and Thanksgiving as you have called us to do we praise you this morning
Jesus name. Amen So we're gonna finish up Psalm 4 today.
If you remember last week we really highlighted the fact that this is a psalm of distress and And distress is something that we all know that we're all aware of that We all feel in different ways distress is something that we are all acquainted with even in this moment
Most of us would say in some degree We are distressed in one way or the other and so it can be something as we approach this psalm as we realize that this speaks directly to Us directly directly to us in our own distress.
This is a psalm of Distress as David says answer me when I call you have given me relief when
I was in distress But we also said that this is a psalm that ends itself in that distress being met by God being our refuge
And if you remember this is where we're going in verse 8 the psalmist says in peace
I'll both lie down and sleep. You see keep your mind on distress as he says this he says in peace
I'll both lie down and sleep for you alone. Oh Lord make me dwell in safety
And so we're getting to this point to where although we are we have a life of distress There is a point in which we can at the end of the psalm with the psalmist say in peace
I will lie down despite my distress. I will lie down in peace And so even in your own life right now in your own distress
It is important as a Christian you say to yourself That this is meant for me to feel at peace at ease in the
Lord that this is meant for me to be pointed to The Lord and this is where we're going. This is where we're headed and if you remember last week we
Detailed we looked at verses 1 through 3 And we see it really before we get to there this idea that there's distress, but yet there is security there is
There is safety in God and remember it just again continue this theme of looking to psalm 2
And you remember at the very end of psalm 2 We the last line there is blessed are all those who take refuge in him
And so we talked about how this psalm 4 is the individual who has taken refuge in The Sun has kissed the
Sun if you remember we talked about that and so although I have distress I take refuge in Jesus He proves to be my refuge
And if you listen carefully if you if you keep an ear out for you might be able to hear echoes of Jesus in Matthew 11 in which he says in verse 25.
Well, we'll go verse 20 We'll go to 28 when he says come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I'll give you rest
Take my yoke upon you and learn for me for I am Gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light see
There's the Sun inviting the world who is heavy laden with their sin heavy laden with their rebellion
He says come to me and if I may use psalm 2 language kiss me right take come to me
And I'll give you rest. I'll give you security Stop rebelling against God and stop being in your sin
I am the one who brings you out from your sin out from your rebellion. I will give you rest so psalm 4 again as we talked about is one who has taken
Jesus up on his offer and he has kissed the Sun and This is a psalm in which in our distress when we are one who are find ourself taking refuge in Jesus We can truly say that I will lie down asleep and safety
And so these are this is a psalm for those who have taken Jesus up on his offer But yeah, even in the kingdom of God there is distress isn't there?
It's not like before you came to Christ you were in distress now that you're in Christ. There's no longer distress but we talked about that very
Realistically here is that you will face distress in the kingdom of God. You remember this the psalmist
He even says what's the source of this distress? He says I'm in distress here.
And what's the reason for it? Well, if you remember in psalm 4 verse 2, he he he labels that he says, oh man
How long shall my honor be turned into shame? How long will you love vain words and seek after lies?
You see these sinners did not like him for his righteousness That's the whole nature of coming to Jesus, right?
so he could be made righteous and live righteously through Christ and Here we see that this is the source of his distress because people see his righteousness and they don't like him for it
And so we could see that him coming into Christ find a refuge in Jesus Being righteous in him is actually the source of his distress and beloved
That'll be a lot of times what we face as Christians, especially as we come increasingly to encounter a very pagan world
But we see that very source of his distress is the very Essence or the assurance that God hears them in his cry because of distress when he says in verse 3
But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself The Lord hears me when
I call and so we concluded that this is a psalm Right here Psalm 4 is the one who has kissed the
Son who has been made righteous because of the Son but who faces Distress because of his righteousness in the
Son. And so how does he deal with the distress? How do we deal with distress in light of being in Christ?
Well, the first thing we looked at last week was the fact that he cries out to God and God hears and acts
Based off of the righteousness that he has given this one And so as we conclude that thought and we go into this sermon, we must ask ourselves
What's the nature of your distress? Your distress isn't because you're living in sin, is it? because certainly the world they live in sin and in their sin, they receive all sorts of distresses and What are we to do in that moment?
If you are an unbeliever in this moment and you're considering your distress and you know It's because of your disobedience to God. What are you to do?
Well find rest in Jesus And for those of you who are in Jesus and you are facing distress
What kind of distress was that look like as a result of your sin? But here in the psalm, it's a result of his righteousness
And so what are we to do when we are distressed as Christians because of our righteousness? How are we to act?
Well, the baseline is is that we cry out to God and we know and we are assured that he hears us because of our
Righteousness that we have been given in Jesus. That is the baseline and we covered that last week and now with that baseline
Established We are then able to act in a way that glorifies God in our distress
And as we'll see that God actually is the one who places that distress in your life to produce something very good in your life
That's not a Joel Osteen statement Okay, that the distress in your life is truly met by God to produce something very very
Beneficial full of life and that's what we're headed to Heading to and what do what do we do?
What do we do with our distress? Well, the first thing we're told in verse 4 with the baseline secure that we cry out to God.
He answered us We're assured of that because the righteousness that's found in Christ. We are able to then be angry
It's not a pious thing that when something bad happens to you because of someone's sin
Someone's sinning against you you just ignore it That's not a pious thing. It's not an okay thing to do
Whenever we're in distress because people are sinning against us. You are called to be angry about that sin
You're called to be angry about that situation It is not pious to try to ignore it and to say well,
I'm just not gonna feel anything here No, we are called to be angry, but you see our anger is very different.
It better be at least than the world's anger What does the world do in their anger? Well, let's go back to Psalm 2 again because that is a common theme
Look at verse 1. Why do the nation's rage? And the world Rages, they're angry
What are they trying to do in verse 3? Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us
See the world and their anger is in rebellion against God and so their anger is
Wanting to be autonomous away from God Their rage is because they want to be autonomous away from God.
They do not like God See our anger is not like the world though See they ain't they their anger leads them in sin or to sin is because of sin
What is our anger? What is our anger look like? It's pointed at sin.
Our anger is directed at sin. See we're the ones who have been made righteous We're the one that's living righteously because of Christ And so when we get angry it is always always always pointed directed at sin
If your anger is not directed at sin you are angry in an unrighteous way if In your anger, you cannot see how it's directed at sin
Constructively then that means that you are in a autonomous Self -righteous anger that has to do with rebellion against God And it's very easy for us
Something bad happens to us and when we respond in anger and if we just take a moment
We'd see that although it responds because of their what they've done. We are using it now in an unrighteous way
It's not directed at sin and it has all sorts of chaos involved with it the one who
Is sinned against distressed over that sin they respond angry over it, but that anger is directed at The sin
In fact he Psalmist says do not sin.
This is how we act in distress over being sinned against by others We are angry over that sin, but we do not sin ourselves
We do not sin Ourselves and so it's very important to understand that your anger is only permissible when it has its crosshairs on sin
When it has at its aim to take care of sin Sin is poison
It's cancer It's awful in all its ways It looks cute and cuddly and the moment you get close to it
It destroys you every time and God is very kind to us to give us something
For us to be able to locate sin and get rid of it and that thing is called anger
It's a it's something to make us act be able to see be able to dislike something and that is
Sin because of the cancer that it is And so those of us who have been made righteous in Christ Who are acting in our righteousness because of Christ we act this way in response to sin
We hate it and we look at it to root it out And so if we find ourselves clamming up the two common ways that we sit
We are angry and in sinful ways We you either clam up or you explode one or the other typically right clam up Don't talk don't do anything and just stew in your bitterness or you explode either way that is not it's not going to produce a
Destroying or getting rid of the sin that you are focused on right when we're doing that kind of when we respond that way
You can you better believe that your your aim is not going to be at sin It's not gonna be to take care of sin.
It's gonna be for other reasons and it's going to lead to death and decay You know, let me give you an example
Or try to give you an example Kind of sounds high schooler ish,
I guess but whatever You you hear someone's gossiping about you. Okay, you hear someone's gossiping about you
Or in my day and age it might be someone's talking trash about you, right? You don't like it You don't like someone gossiping about you.
You don't like someone talking ill about you Should you be angry when you hear that someone has talked has been gossiping about you.
Yes, you should be angry There should be a level in which that is sin and you don't like sin and so it should cause some sort of emotive some sort of emotion of Anger against that sin and it should be directed against that sin and so all yet you do as you hear that you've been gossip against sinned against is that in Unrighteousness what you will do is you'll see the person who has done it to you and you'll want to stop that sin that they
Have done you'll want to help a brother out or a sister out in that sin and say you have sinned You have sinned against me and your whole motivation is and I want to help you with that sin
But you see an unrighteous anger. What we'll do is that our Ego, our righteousness has been impaired upon right in unrighteousness.
We'll look and we'll say that my my Well, my ego has been hurt And so now we'll be angry against this person not in order to help with sin not in order to eradicate sin
But because they have heard our feelings or they have hurt my ego And so we'll be all sorts of either we'll be pension in here
We'll be holding it in with bitterness or will wrath will lash out, right? But you see we don't have the sin itself as our aim to destroy do we we have our own our own ego in mind
Let's see righteous anger What it does is it looks at sin and it wants to get rid of it because it recognizes it as cancer
It is bad. And so it's aimed at the sin for the love of the sinner I think this is what's being said here in Psalm 4 verse 4
It says be angry do not sin and it goes on to say ponder in your own hearts on your beds and be silent
Selah, you know, it's interesting when you're in unrighteous anger. It's very difficult for you to ponder, isn't it?
It's very difficult for you to consider things and to think soberly, isn't it? When you are either pent up with all this anger or you are acting out
It is very difficult for you to take a breather and to soberly think about the situation But we see righteous anger
What it does is it causes us to really consider the situation to see where is the sin here? And what can I do to get rid of this sin?
All right, and in righteous anger what it does is you consider the situation you see if someone's gossiping against you
What do you consider? Well, do they have a point in what they're saying? Are they right in what they're saying?
Yes, they might have done it wrongly by doing it behind my back But nevertheless, are they right in what they're saying? Is there a sin here that I need to take care of?
And you'll consider how can I best approach this brother or sister and love to get rid of the sin, right? You will ponder you'll consider you will do what's right.
You will do what's righteous as best of your own ability You see again this is an anger that is focused upon the sin to get rid of it and it causes you to Be sober minded and to consider and to think
But again unrighteous anger, you're not able to do that If you're pet if you're bringing it keeping it all inside You're not going to be considering the situation how best to honor
God in that situation. You're just bitter and if you're lashing out Again, you're not thinking the situation from all different angles trying to best understand it for the glory of God and how to handle it
Instead you're just acting out this idea Then distress the psalmist who is being sinned against Because of his righteousness because of his acting out of righteousness
He says how we handle distress is that we are angry over it, but it's a righteous anger that has its aim upon sin
So I think verse 4 chapter 4 verse 4 is how do we act in distress in light of Christ being our refuge?
Well, we act against sin But verse 5 going moving forward. I think he says and you worship in righteousness you see in Distress you act against sin that causes that distress and you make sure you lean into righteousness
He says in verse 5 offer right sacrifices and Put your trust in the
Lord. So again We're being sinned against it's causing distress and the way we act is to act against that sin and We then in verse 5 lean in to righteousness with what he says right?
Sacrifices and you notice how he put he says and put your trust in the Lord in this psalm I think he's dealing with someone who's sinning against them.
It's causing distress and this person who's sinning against them It's it's an unbeliever. It seems like it's someone who's you're not gonna be able to reason with them and say brother or sister
You're sinning against Christ when you do this against me It's someone who's going to continue doing it and he's not be able to stop it
And so he says put your trust in the Lord even when it looks like the distress will not go away
But what does it mean in verse 5 offer right? Sacrifices we got to ask ourself.
What does it mean to have wrong sack? What is wrong sacrifices? I Think to help us there.
I think we can go to Psalm 50. I absolutely love this song I probably go to it more often than I should my mind is on it a lot
But what is what does it mean to have right worship and what does it mean to have wrong worship? And in our distress, right?
It's important that we lean into righteousness that we lean into correct worship And I think we see wrong worship if you look at verse again
Psalm 50 started in verse 7 What is he what does God say to his people to Israel?
He says here all my people and I will speak Oh Israel I will testify against you.
I am God your God and not for your sacrifices Do I rebuke you because your burnt offerings are continually before me?
But I will not accept a bowl from your house or goats from your folds for every beast of the forest is mine
The cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills and all that moves in the field is mine
If I were hungry, I would not tell you for the world and its fullness are mine
Did I do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats What's going on as the
Israelites were providing a sacrifice to God as if he needed it They were sacrificing to God.
They were offering sacrifices, but they're doing it to they're doing it for him as if God needed it Is that the way we are to worship
God? Do you worship God because he needs it? No, you do not worship God because he needs it because he doesn't need it
So what's the answer what is right to worship if wrong worship is is sacrificing or worshiping
God as if he needs it Then what is right worship? Well, God gives the answer moving in verses 14 and 15
He says offer to God a sacrifice of Thanksgiving Right stop thinking because think about it if you we are worshiping or offering sacrifices of God as if he needs it
Are we doing it because we are thankful? No, we are not if we are doing things for the
Lord because we feel like he needs it, we will not be doing it from a heart of Thanksgiving and Fundamentally God says that that is not proper worship.
He says proper worship is to offer to God a sacrifice of Thanksgiving and then flowing from that he says in verse 14 and perform your vows to the most to the most high
If you look at verse 23 He says the same thing the one who offers Thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me to one who orders his way rightly
I will show the salvation of God's this idea that we are to sacrifice worship God it in a heart of Thanksgiving and all that we do our works our obedience is in light of that reality.
I Think it's very interesting in Romans 1 Paul he talks about the wicked, you know, you look at Romans.
It's all about the first few chapters. It's all about condemning Sinners, okay, and his whole point is that we're all sinners
We're all sinners and it's very interesting at the beginning of his going off about sinners
What he says is they they fail to give thanks to God in chapter 1.
I write down. Yes verse 21 The foundations of their wickedness is that they fail to give thanks, right?
that God would give His creatures all this to enjoy him in and they would respond by failing to give thanks and from that Comes forth all sorts of wickedness
You see the foundations of the wicked is that they fail to give thanks to God the foundations are of the one who has been made righteous the foundation under the godly set apart in Psalm 4 is a life of Thanksgiving I Think this is what right worship is and notice
Going back to Psalm 50 just for a moment longer What does he say in verse 15 you remember 14 he says offer to God this is right worship right sacrifice a sacrifice of Thanksgiving Perform your vows to the
Most High and then was he say and call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver You and you shall glorify me.
What does that do that kind of adds into our Thanksgiving, doesn't it? We worship God properly and when we're in distress we call upon Lord the
Lord and he rescues us and that adds more Thanksgiving and so it's a cycle of proper Worship And this is exactly what's going on in Psalm 4, isn't it?
This is a righteous person who is distress He's calling out to the
Lord and he's saying in your distress this is how you are to act you are to be against sin and you are to lean into righteousness and How you do that as you offer right sacrifices
You offer a sacrifice of Thanksgiving to your God So we can see that right worship is
Thanksgiving to God despite the fact that you are distressed you get that Right worship to God is
Thanksgiving to God despite the fact that you are distressed the distress threatens to Take away a thankful heart but right worship to God as you offer him a thankful heart despite the fact that you are distressed
So, how do we lean into righteousness? How do we lean into right worship in light of the distress of the wicked of their sin?
But we hate the sin and we lean into righteousness With a thankful heart and I think this
Thanksgiving This heart of Thanksgiving this worship of Thanksgiving is only possible for the one who has been made right with God Because if you're not made right with God, what's the very nature of our
Thanksgiving? The essence of it has to be the fact that I am right with God You remember he says what really gives him assurance that God will listen to him as he says the godly
He sets apart for himself And so we are the ones who are made righteous by God.
And so because God has made us, right This is the very heart of the attitude of Thanksgiving And so no matter how much distress may be crushing down on us
We know that the eternal truth that we are made right with God and no amount of sin that someone commits against us can do
Anything to that and so we have an eternal abode of Thanksgiving that rests upon our hearts
See the problem is is whenever we have these stresses come upon us
These distresses these things that people do against us and it creates distress Oftentimes the gospel can become this small
And so no longer are we thankful for the very fundamentals of our faith that we have been
Sinner we were sinners and we've been made right with God and this produces praise and worship of our hearts that has gone to the wayside instead
I'm Concentrated on this distress, but you see here the psalmist tells us
Offer right sacrifices offer Thanksgiving to God in your distress And put your trust in the
Lord beloved even in that distress remind yourself that God is over that distress That God is not powerless in that distress that distress can be used for you to fully and truly in a better way
Realize the gospel of truth The although that the the sins of the world may be crushing down upon me.
I experience salvation I experience God intimately through this they can have a way of Having a happy trust upon him so we can tell ourselves if you're in distress today
And your heart is filled with this distress Your heart is filled with an anxiety, you know what typically your heart is not filled with this
Thanksgiving You've forgotten to preach yourself the gospel You've forgotten to preach yourself that though you were once separated from God you are together with God and know nothing man can never do anything to stop that beautiful found foundational reality and Typically the distress that God allows in your life is to make that Foundational truth more potent to you that although man lets me down God does not although man sins against me.
I've been forgiven of my sins by God And if you remind yourself preachers of the gospel, it will show itself in reality in light of this distress
So in distress we work against the sin that causes it and we use the distress to lean into righteousness or into right
Worship and now finally, what is the happy result? What is the happy result that we have?
Well, look at verses 6 and 7 well, Psalm 4 David says there are many there are many
I think he's referring here to the sinners to those who are his enemies Says there are many who says who say who will show us some good who will show us some good and It's difficult.
There's little difficulties here I don't want to spend much time But you know is he is he quoting his enemies here and now he's saying lift up the light of your face upon us
Oh Lord, right. I think he might be referred I don't know exactly but I think he might be quoting his enemy still and so they're saying who will show us some good
They want to see some good. They don't want to be distressed. They don't want that They want to be shown good and they say lift up the light of your face upon us.
Oh Lord. Oh God But what's the definition of their good the enemies of God those who are not righteous, right?
What is their definition of good? Well, look at verse 7 I think it's answered there David says you put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound so the unrighteous those who are not living in light of their righteousness those who have not been made righteous and living in light of It those who are hating
David because of his righteousness. They want good too, and they're even asking it of God But their good is defined a little differently than the one who is made righteous by God Their good is circumstantial
It's good things happening to me, right? It's good thing. They say God show us some good
What is that good when their wine and their grain abound when their circumstances is good now We're all
Baptists here so we can say when their pot looks abound when their pop abounds, right? And we can see that they're they're good.
Things are good for them when their circumstances are good Indeed I say that they're slaves of their circumstances
So when they're distressed, there's no hope of being happy There's no hope of having joy because they're a slave to those circumstances
In fact a lot of times and they will sin against God when their circumstances are bad But what's this point here?
What's he saying? What's the happy result of him who has again righteous in Christ? Righteous in God.
What's the result of him? What is he saying? He says well you have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound
Notice, he doesn't say you have changed my circumstances He doesn't say my circumstances are better now, you know at the beginning of it.
He's saying help me Oh Lord I'm distressed and now at the end. He says hey you took away my distress And now
I'm happy. He doesn't say that His circumstances are still distressful. He still has to stress crushing down on him
He doesn't say that that goes away. But nevertheless because he handles it in a rightful way
He can say truly that despite my circumstances despite my distress I can say that you put more joy in my heart than when their circumstances are great in other words
Christian You're not dependent upon your circumstances for your joy. You're not you know how if you are
If we who are in Christ are dependent upon good circumstances to be joyful We have a very weak
Christ and a weak salvation But we don't have a weak Christ and we don't have a weak salvation.
I was once dead in my sin He made me alive and now I have his light upon me. I have his contents upon me
He I have his face upon me and this puts more joy in my heart. Even whenever I have bad circumstances from the wicked
Then the wicked do when they have great circumstances The wicked again are enslaved to their circumstances.
The Christian is not you are not So the moment you're facing a distressful situation
You don't yield to it and say well now my joy is gone But rather you preach yourself.
You're right standing before the Lord Now although you might be sinning against your sins are cleansed and this produces an eternal joy that you are right with God That no distress can take away that no distress can take away so the happy result of the
Christian is That although my life may be full of distress and even in light of the fact because I am righteous because of Christ That is not what
I'm dependent upon to have joy in my heart And this sort of this sort of worldview
Strong foundation is why Christianity has always flourished and always will Because no matter what the world does so it's the worst thing that the world can do is persecute us
Because we are fitted by the Spirit to take what they do to us and glorify
God with it And do you know what kind of testimony we give to the world when we do that? So although distresses may grow
Our God does not become small In fact, I would argue and I do argue It's very clear that if you are in a certain distress
Even if it's because of someone doing something to you in sin, God has ordained it for your good
It is there for a purpose you take hold of it. You're obedient to him You remind yourselves of the beauty of the gospel and despite the hardness of it
You say God you have put more joy in my heart even in light of this distress But again, we must remind ourselves of the gospel
We must remind ourselves of the foundations of our standing before the Lord that he has set apart the godly for himself
He has set apart me for himself. He has made me righteous and that has to be beautiful to you
And if it isn't ask God why is sin not as ugly as it should be to me?
And why is the reality that I'm not in sin as beautiful as it should be to me? Why am
I allowed in this this temporary distress caused me to just completely be blinded to these great eternal truths?
Why am I so blinded? and in that kind of Challenging yourself repenting reminding yourself.
So what actually matters you will say along with David Oh God, you have put more joy in my heart because I am made right with you
And this distress is actually pointed more to that beautiful reality And so we can say and we can conclude with David in verse 8
Even in our tears even in our hardships even in the things that people do to us that are wicked We can say in peace.
I will both lie down and sleep for you alone Oh Lord, make me dwell and safety beloved.
He is our stronghold he is our Refuge and he proves himself to be so in the midst of the storm the
I don't want to say this You ever notice that you know a refuge a storm shelter is proven by the storm
Right, you know that a storm shelter works whenever you are in the midst of a terrifying storm
You go in the shelter and it's completely peaceful in there So a storm shelter is proven.
It's proven by when the storm comes and you are protected in it, right? You think of those preppers, right?
You ever see those preppers? Those guys are crazy But they have they could live in their basement for about 25 ,000 years
They can they have all sorts of defenses and everything tripwires and they have food and everything
You know those preppers who have shelters ready to to you know, be able to survive the apocalypse
You know that they are Wanting zombies to come they are they want the end of the world to come so that they can prove their shelter
They're they're hoping for it. They're praying for Oh God Let the end come so I can prove my shelter here
A shelter is proven when a storm comes and it protects you right God says he is your refuge
He says I am your refuge and that is proven when the storms of life come and you go into him and you say my
Goodness, he is my refuge. I am safe in here So God allows these distresses in your life so that he can prove to be your refuge to you
We get a distress heading our way the first thing we do is complain Love it.
That's backwards. Of course. It's not like we're like, yeah another distress We're not gonna throw a parade for it or anything
But we have a certain sure foundation under us that if God has called me to this it is so that I can
See that he truly is what who he says he is and I'm gonna experience that here in this moment in this distress
And when you do it when you face it that way when you have that kind of tenacity when you have that kind of foundation Under you you glorify your
God And he proved him to be true. So this is what's going on here in Psalm 4
This is the one again who has kissed the Sun and made him his refuge and in so doing he faces many many many distresses
But what does he do in that distress? He calls upon the Lord and he is secured by the
Lord He leans into God leans into righteousness worships him reminds himself of the standing he has before him and he's angry against the sin that causes the distress and he works against that sin and In doing this
God shows himself to be a great refuge a great refuge So this is the same kind of outlook we are to have in our distress
Because we're the ones that kiss the Sun as well, aren't we and we're the ones that are gonna face distresses It's going to happen and if we have this foundation under us
We will endure the distresses and in fact, God will become all the more meaningful in our eyes as we do
So in obedience to him let us do so all of our days God in heaven. We thank you for the gospel
We thank you Lord that you truly have set apart of people for yourself And Lord in this age in which the wicked are there sin is everywhere my
God in fact even being in your kingdom we can Be abused because of our righteousness
God in heaven I pray that you would help work in our hearts to see that this is actually an opportunity for us
But the distresses in our life is an opportunity for us For us to see the sin and hate it and be angry and to work against it and so if we see a brother or sister in sin or what have it that we would work against it in a godly way and We would lean into righteousness as we lean into proper worship and remind ourselves of the beautiful gospel
And so that we can then despite the fact that we are distressed We can have joy within our hearts because of this way that we have responded
Lord, I know that there's people before me though who are distressed not because of their righteousness, but they're distressed because they're in sin
And I ask God that you would help them to not be fools That you would see that they need to repent they need to kiss the
Sun Again not that they would have no distresses anymore, but that rather they would use that distress to honor you instead of honoring their flesh
So I pray God that all these things will work together for our salvation and the growing of it So that we can prove to be faithful followers of you
And I'm so thankful that you give us opportunities that you would prove of what you have declared to be true to be real
Experientially in our hearts. I thank you Lord for being so good to us. And so let us worship you truly today in Jesus name,