Joyce Meyer’s “Wisdom” Is Foolishness!
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Wisdom for Everyday Living - Part 1
Wisdom for Everyday Living - Part 2
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- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
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- Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Joyce Meyer is a female preacher, and the founder and lead teacher of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
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- Joyce breaks the command of God written against female teachers in 1 Timothy 2, 12, which says, quote,
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- I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man. But she doesn't just break this command, she also preaches falsehood and unbiblical ideas to her audience all the time.
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- I recently stumbled upon a YouTube series taught by Joyce Meyer called Wisdom for Everyday Living.
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- I was very surprised to see this. She's not a wise source of spiritual wisdom, in fact, she dishonors God every time she teaches.
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- So how could any person with an ounce of biblical knowledge call her wise? I haven't the foggiest idea. But nonetheless, people see her as a wise and biblical teacher, so as a result,
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- I decided to compare her alleged wisdom to scripture using three points. Number one, check out this clip of Joyce Meyer.
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- As I've said before, the Bible expressly prohibits the idea of a female pastor or Bible teacher.
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- In every list of the requirements of a pastor given in the New Testament, there is the implication that every leader in the
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- Church will be male. Acts 6, 3 says, quote, Therefore brothers, pick out from among you seven good men of repute, full of the
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- Spirit and full of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. First Timothy 3, 2 says, quote, Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife.
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- And Titus 1, 6 says, quote, An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe, and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.
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- Church leadership has been given to men in the Bible, and that has been done for God's glory according to God's wisdom.
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- But yet Joyce Meyer claims to understand biblical wisdom. In the clip we just watched, she even calls out those who say one thing and do another.
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- She calls these people unwise. But what about a teacher who says they care about following God's Word, yet they break
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- God's command every time they preach? What would you call that person? Surely you'd have to call them unwise even by Joyce's own standard.
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- I say all this to simply point out the intensely obvious irony that Joyce Meyer seems to have missed.
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- It's incredible. She claims to be wise, but acts in a foolish way. I wish I could tell you that this teaching gets better, but unfortunately, it only gets worse.
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- This brings me to point number two. Here's another clip of Joyce teaching, and she's talking about discernment.
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- Check it out. Wisdom involves discernment, and it's one of my favorite things to ponder and think about, and we're going to talk a little bit more about it later.
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- But discernment is something that doesn't come out of your head, it comes out of your spirit. And so if we can learn how to discern what's right and wrong, and live by that, it's going to make our lives so, so, so much better.
- 03:23
- When I watched this, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here we have Joyce Meyer, a false teacher and prosperity gospel charlatan, talking about discernment.
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- But Joyce's unbiblical position and her unbiblical teaching demonstrate that she's completely and utterly lacking in discernment.
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- Call me crazy if you want, but I don't think you should be allowed to teach anybody else about discernment unless you have some of it yourself.
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- But when she's talking about discernment, she actually says, quote, discernment doesn't come out of your head, it comes out of your spirit.
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- Now I'm not entirely sure what that means, in fact, I don't even think she knows what it means. But regardless, it's totally untrue.
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- Discernment comes from God and the application of God's Word. It does not come from your own spirit, whatever that means.
- 04:05
- In First Kings 3 .9, King Solomon says this, quote, give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people that I may discern between good and evil.
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- For who is able to govern this? Your great people. Solomon asked God to grant him an understanding mind that would in turn give him discernment.
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- But Joyce Meyer just said that discernment cannot come from the mind at all. In fact, she says that it's totally separate from the mind because it comes from your spirit.
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- Hebrews 4 .12 says, quote, for the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two -edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
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- So you see, this passage and the passage about Solomon, they teach us two things. One is that discernment can only be given by God, and the other is that God's Word offers discernment as well.
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- We also know that discernment and the mind are concepts that are not completely separate from one another. Joyce Meyer is presenting an unbiblical view of discernment which says that discernment comes from the fallen spirit of man.
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- Discernment comes from within you. That's what Joyce said, at least that's what she implied. But as Christians, we know that true discernment comes from God, not from man.
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- Man is wicked and foolish, and without God, he can discern absolutely nothing. The problem with Joyce Meyer telling people that discernment comes from their own spirit is that people will begin to believe that their own fallen nature can naturally discern good and evil.
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- In other words, if you genuinely believe that your actions are correct and righteous, then you can do them without any hesitancy, even if they contradict
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- God's Word. There's no doubt about it. This statement from Joyce Meyer allows mankind to make the ultimate decisions about what's good and bad.
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- Discernment comes from within man, according to her. That right should belong solely to God, though, and when the world is designed by the wicked and undiscerning spirit of man, you will see nothing but sin, foolishness, and destruction.
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- So if you truly want discernment, follow God and ask Him for wisdom, and stay far away from Joyce Meyer.
- 06:01
- And this brings me to point number three. In this next clip, which is from part two of her Wisdom series, Joyce is talking about belief.
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- Watch this. I was thinking yesterday about believing. You know what, if you get just a little bit quiet and turn your brain off for a minute, you can find out what you believe.
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- I may not feel that God is with me, and if I go with that feeling, then the devil will take advantage of that, and I'll just have a miserable day, and I could actually get into a real problem if I keep letting that go on, and I think that God's not with me, so then
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- I begin to wonder, has He left me? Have I done something wrong? You know, is God mad at me about something?
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- She says if you turn your brain off, you can find out what you believe. Now what she means by this is clarified as the video goes on, and I'll link the whole video in the description for you.
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- She basically says that when you're feeling frightened or anxious, you need to shut off your mind to prevent those frightened or anxious thoughts, and remember that God is truly in control.
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- Now, I understand the sentiment here. As Christians, we don't want to be anxious about things that God is rightly in control of.
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- That is a form of not trusting God, as we should. It's sinful. It's wrong. But the Bible does not say that the solution to anxiety or fear is to, quote, shut your brain off.
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- Philippians 4, 6 -7 says, quote, When anxiety comes, the
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- Bible says to respond with faithful prayer and to remember that the peace of God guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
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- 2 Corinthians 10, 5 says that we ought to, quote, You see, shutting off the mind is more similar to Buddhist meditation than it is to any
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- Christian practice. Now why is this a problem that Joyce Meyer says this? Why am I making such a big deal out of it?
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- Well, if you claim to be a Bible teacher and you're telling someone how to deal with anxiety, if you give them the wrong solution, an unbiblical solution, they're going to walk away.
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- They're going to try that. And when it doesn't work, they're going to think, well, I guess the Bible's method of solving anxiety just doesn't work for me.
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- They may become extremely discouraged, and that may make the problem even worse. And all of this will happen because someone else offered them an unbiblical solution while claiming to be a teacher of God's Word.
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- That's why this stuff matters. It has very negative practical consequences for very real everyday people.
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- False teaching is not a victimless crime. So in conclusion, Joyce Meyer is an alleged teacher who really shouldn't be teaching at all.
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- The Bible has limited formal teaching to men, and women are to be submissive to that command offered by God. Joyce also says that discernment comes from within your spirit rather than from God first and foremost.
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- And she separates the idea of the mind from discernment, which is unbiblical. And finally, she says that the solution to anxiety and fear is to shut your brain off, which does not reflect the biblical pattern of how to deal with anxiety.
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- Joyce, if you're somehow watching this video, just know that this is not being made to hurt you. Rather, it is being made to warn the
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- Church about false doctrine. Jesus can forgive you of this false teaching. Please repent and confess it to Him.
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- He is full of mercy and full of grace. And let's pray for Joyce that she would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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- Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
- 09:43
- If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
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- Scripture. This channel is funded by generous donations from my amazing patrons. If you'd like to help us put out more videos just like this one, hit the link in the description or go to patreon .com
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- And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.