The cross is primitive, and obscene! RC Sproul confronted at Society of Friends gathering / Quakers
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- Though it pleased the Lord to bruise him to put him to grief when you make the
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- Lord did God the Father made Jesus's soul an offering for sin you understand what that's saying it pleased
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- God the Father to send his son to die
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- The offense of the gospel we heard of this Dr.
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- RC Sproul once told of a meeting that he attended where he was invited to speak and he preached that and in the middle of his sermon a man stood up in the back of the
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- Auditorium and he cried out that is primitive and obscene RC responded and said
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- You're right You're right. Not only is this primitive if there ever was an obscenity that violates
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- Contemporary community standards it was Jesus on the cross After he became the scapegoat and the father had imputed to him every sin of every one of his people the most intense dense concentration of evil ever experienced on this planet was
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- Exhibited Jesus was the ultimate obscenity
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- So what happened God is too holy to look at sin he could not bear to look at that concentrated monumental
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- Condensation of evil so he averted his eyes from his son the light of his countenance was turned off all blessedness was removed from his son whom he loved and In its place was the full measure of the divine curse
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- That's what Jesus did for you God is love.