Aftershow: Slick vs Neff, naturalism or Christianity



Aftershow: Slick vs Neff, naturalism or Christianity


Okay, I'm doing this to see to participate usually takes a minute or two for people to come in and So I'm talking to fill dead air
There we go, so it's on Facebook and now we're doing the after show for a little bit for people who want to join
Oh 23 4 or 5 seconds. We've been on and Nobody's watching right now.
We'll just have to give it another minute or two. Hold on a second watch this this could be interesting It will he watch ready?
Ah, that was good. Good water All right. So for those who wanted it, come on.
Nobody's in. Hey usually even by now there's kicking in here pretty quickly. Oh There's five watching anybody gonna come going to come on in here
In the stream yard thing you can actually participate like he was we'll do this for 15 or so minutes if you guys are interested if not, no big deal, but If you are watching got five people watching you can type something in say hello and I'll see it
Okay, well the ideas see a bit of that that's right Okay, what'd you guys think?
Give me some comments. Oh boy. We don't tell it one dead town. Hey bill chivalrous chivalrous
Can never get his name right to pronounce it, right? Hey Melissa, why don't you come in Melissa? Come on in bill once you come in, you know, we've got the stream yard link here
Adam Harold, it was short notice debate. It was just a Last night you can go.
Okay fine You know, I want to debate this. I'm like, okay You can't answer the serious questions though.
He likes to diverge I'm glad you thought so Melissa. Why don't you guys come on in?
Okay, if you want come on in Melissa, come on in bill.
Come on in Duke. Come on in. There's your only ones like I five people watching That's all right.
It's kind of late anyway That was fun. There we go.
Here's bill big bill Hello Matt, yeah, I accept NGO works as good part of God's created thing after Noah's flood it works
Yeah, you sound like my buddy. Gosh, I can't you just I've never heard anybody sound like somebody else so much like you do like man
All right, you can do a camera thing or not. No, not tonight Well, you're merciful to people
I see All right So I I'm already out there, you know for years.
I never showed my face publicly I would never My picture be known
People always wanted to know what I looked like and I was trying to protect my protect just protect my family
So if you had death threats and things so picture kind of got out so that I knew it was out then
I started showing my face and people were screaming and So whatever, you know another question
I want to ask David was what did the DNA originate? Yeah, that's a whole other
I was thinking about that I'm thinking no It's gonna just go down to too far of a of a question a Q &A thing
It's gonna go too far because that's a whole nother topic, but it's a good one. It's a good question Anybody want to join in?
We got ten people watching big after show and if you want to join in for talk for a little bit
All you have to do Is go to their stream yard you can get in Come on Melissa, we you've been on a lot.
Come on in. Come on in Adam Eric Yes, you click on the well put the link in and you can get in and If you have a camera, we can see you if Mike we can talk to you
So if you want to do that, if not, that's okay So just trying to be able to come in and talk. Otherwise, I just had to fill the air talking to myself
It gets boring pretty quickly Once it reminds me. I was my wife and I were driving And no, we weren't driving.
Yes, you were driving and I asked her a question. It was one of those kind of questions where she had to think about it a little bit.
Okay Just think about just a little bit and she took like 10 seconds I knew it was one of those kind of questions wasn't sure what to how to respond.
And so We're driving. I'm driving. I go. Oh, you're not gonna answer. Are you is it too difficult for you?
Well, you see what you'll probably say is this that's why I answered for her I said, but then I'm gonna come back with this blah blah blah
But then you're gonna respond to that with this and I'm gonna come back with this So I did this whole monologue for like a minute minute and a half and I elevated it
She's just sitting there right and I'm going like it and then you're gonna insult me by saying look good Well, I'm not gonna listen to you.
I don't know. I'm done with you. I can't help it so I'm driving and You know,
I'm trying to be serious, right? She's Talk to the hand
It was fun she tried not to smile but hey it was funny I just got her in trouble by by putting the words in for her
All right Well, thanks, Melissa, you love my heart for the loss and for the truth of the
Lord Jesus Christ I Don't think he did very well in the debate not in the critical issues
No No Brandon get in there
Eric Tetrault Get in there Melissa. Come on in Remy. Come on in Brandon Eric Adam, come on in you guys
Bill's already in the water's fine, isn't it? Just dive right in Dive right in.
Let's see if I can do this. Hold on a second. Get back here. I Discovered a little thing in my camera will do this.
Let's see. Oh, yeah. Oh Yeah, look at that. I like that Give me one moment
Matt getting my head set in Okay, let's do this Then I can go like this
And I can go up There we go, and I can go this way. Oops.
No this way. Yeah Tech is awesome. Oh James Sanborn Are you born at the beach?
Come on in. Come on in everybody
You know Matt I was the one that he said does energy and matter produce life and he can never answer that he looked down He was really confused.
Yeah, it's it's a tough one Say Baal Genesis issues and they can't they can't do it. There's Remy. He obviously has the eyes of a reptilian alien
So that's a serious issue right there See if Remy can talk. Hey, how's it going?
You hear me? Yeah, mr. Alien dude. Yeah alien eyes That's an old picture.
Yeah, it is. Okay We got Frenchie. Hey, what's up? Hey Good. All right.
God bless everybody. God bless. Yeah Is this right just we can speak about whatever
Whatever. I want to speak about Calvin. Is this man? Matt what do Calvinism?
Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I've just found a Calvinist church recently, but like I'm not really sure about it
Yet like I'm really thinking about Calvinist, but I just have a couple verses to point out
Sure kind of contradict like Calvinist or I don't know like how you explain it. So I was going with with Romans I believe it's
Roman 829. Oh, that's easy. Yeah. All right. Go ahead. Yeah, so what about it?
It's for or against Calvinism you think I Believe it's kind of like explaining the predestination that God for knew who would be saved.
So he made them into good work bad Bad bad bad. Now. Let me before I answer this.
Let me give a little bit of background here to help you out Okay. Mm -hmm. All right, so Does God know everyone the answer is no he does not now you'll say wait a minute.
He knows everything Yeah, that's first John 3 20, but when he says in Matthew 7 23 you get away from me I never knew you it means
God does not know in everybody which means in that sense. He only knows believers He doesn't know unbelievers.
All right So if he only knows believers, it doesn't know unbelievers whenever he says to someone
I never knew you That's a bad thing for you, right? Yeah now in Galatians 4 8 It says when you did not know
God you serve by nature those which are not God's But now that you've come to know God or rather are known by him now you come to serve the true and living
God So the issue is if you're known by God, so the word for no in Greek is
Gnosko Gnosko the word for for no is prognosco Now notice what it says here in Romans 8 29 those who before knew he also predestined
It does not say he looked into the future of everybody to see who would pick him and predestined the ones who would pick him
Doesn't say that Those who me for knew he also predestined the four known ones are also the predestined ones.
They're the same group. You see that. Mm -hmm So the ones he foreknew when we look at how
God knows people then it makes sense to say that the ones he foreknew He knows in that saving way that's why he predestined them to become conformed the image of his son so that he'll be the
Firstborn of many brethren those whom he predestined. He also called He also called he justified justified glorified.
Okay, make sense. Absolutely. Thank you. Mr. Kate. I'm mr. Sleep. All right
So Frenchie you speak French? Yeah, I'm a French Canadian. Oh you are huh?
Yeah Okay, my wife speaks French. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, so I know a little bit of French like five things.
That's it No, go for it. I want to hear you speaking French like Val Mosier. I mean go eat
Yeah, yeah, you see nothing. No, I mean come here right now And now this was a little whoo.
They like a lot. Oh Well, that makes sense of the little girls are running
Spanish Put a lot of Spaniel and Poco see yeah,
I don't it up and Easter long Hey It's like I want it.
I want to say I saw your debate with the total depravity. So thank you for sticking up Good man.
So what'd you think of that debate? That was that was I loved it because you know you were quoting scripture and everything like this and and his response was from from some parts were more emotional based and And you know,
I captured a lot of things and so I'm like well like this like you caught him in some parts
And I was like he came to respond to it and it surprised me And so I liked how you called him out for something that made me laugh.
So Well, how about what I said to him why do you elevate your reasoning to an equal level to scripture
He never said no, I don't do that He didn't he never denied it right even I said you never denied it.
He still didn't deny it, right? You could you could tell he was really mad like like like even the beginning of the debate
He was really like, you know, like Like the tournament, you know and The first contents to 14 thing really threw him for a loop, you know, what are those spiritual things?
You don't do your Christ, right, you know. Oh, so they they they don't know the things so they don't receive the things
They've already received. How does that work? He could you know? And then the other was the last one he he imploded on there was something else.
Oh, he's Pelagian. Oh, yeah, he's definitely Okay, Melissa says
Matt thoughts on double predestination I'm only not I'm not I am not totally familiar with it
But I was having a conversation with an individual about it the other day and came up It only appears to be that God predestined regarding salvation
I don't I only see the word predestined used in predestined to salvation but in Acts 4 27 28
We see Predestination being used for bad acts that God predestined people to do bad things
But I don't see a verse that says people are predestined predestined for damnation But it our verses that seem to say they're or chosen and ordained for it, so Sometimes depending on the mood.
I mean, I'll say yes double predestination But the other time I might get a little more specific and say he only predestines people for salvation
But doesn't say he predestines them for damnation though It seems kind of logically necessary because of exclusion things like that So I kind of waver back and forth between the gray area the penumbra between those things if that makes sense
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I had a problem long long time ago with Calvinists and I've long since actually backed off and I actually love a lot of my brothers in Christ, but you know a lot of hyper
Calvinists Will teach in double talk on double double predestination on that man on that matter
They will they will they won't deny that you know what because God Destinates Everything and he knows everything then that way he also knows before Adam existed that you would go to hell
But see that that's that's heresy. Yeah Yeah, yeah,
Matt. Yeah, I have a question about a verse Galatians chapter 5 verses 4
You know where it says you're falling from grace Yeah How do you explain it like because a lot of people use that for saying, you know
You can lose your salvation if you don't keep God's commandment and ask him ask him this do you keep do you get salvation by doing?
good No, you don't know. Do you get salvation by keeping the law?
No, because otherwise Christ died in vain So if anybody says they keep the law in order to be saved, they're not a
Christian, right? Okay. So what it says in Galatians 5 is this
And I testify every man who receives circumcision under obligation to keep the whole law
You've been severed from Christ you who are seeking to be justified by the law Wait a minute who's seeking to be justified by the law.
Is it the Christians? No, it's the Hebrew it's the Hebrews. So it's not talking about losing their salvation.
Is it? Nope It's talking about falling from grace from the laws The grace of knowing who
Christ is what the truth is and God's revelation God was gracious to them in that he provided the
Messiah for them. They rejected the Messiah So now they're falling from grace They fall from that grace doesn't say the grace of salvation doesn't say they are saved because they're seeking to be justified by the law
You can't be saved if you're seeking to be justified by the law Because if you want to be justified by the laws, you got to keep all the commandments.
That's right Galatians 3 10 talks about that and also you might want to go to Galatians 3
You foolish Galatians who has bewitched you to think that that which has been begun Before his eyes
Jesus Christ is publicly portrayed as crucified this one thing I want to find out from you Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish having begun by the Spirit? Are you now being perfected by the flesh? So that's a it kind of related to the to that so the
Judaizers were seeking to require circumcision they weren't Christians They were Judaizers in the issue of circumcision.
Okay Thank you. All right Next hey,
I have a question. Um, this better be good. I First of all, it's weird talking through the laptop.
I'm not used to it I I used to watch a lot of your videos on on evangelism and stuff
What are you? I still do but I appreciate it.
Thank you a lot for doing all this. I I'm very grateful. Um, I saw the other day
I had an account I was able to talk to a Jehovah Witness and I Went through a revelation
Chapter 1 verse 8, you know saying that he's talking about the Alpha and Omega yep, and then um, and then if and then
I brought like a verse reference here and later on in chapter 1 verse 2 17 through Mm -hmm
Through 18 was it? Yeah 18 and um live and I was dead. Yep, right and so I did so he his response was he was well, he was laughing a lot and After he finished laughing he was he said well, they don't mean the same and I said well who's talking?
He's talking and so he he's told me that there's a different meaning behind it It doesn't mean and so I didn't know how to respond to it
Don't okay. Don't assume that when someone says something you have to respond to it Mm -hmm, because you can say is
Demonstrate what you're saying is true. It made an assertion say all the different meanings show me that right?
That's what you got to do Show it to me. Well, I'm not gonna what wait Wait, you said this now I want you to show me the different meaning because when he does that then you'll know how to respond because he's gonna speak error and you'll see the error because he's in error and you'll be able to Respond.
So what I tell people is one of the first things you want to do what someone makes an assertion is
You know, you define terms, of course news logic scripture to validate or invalidate the assertions
But when someone makes an assertion like this don't just assume you have to respond to refute sometimes you do
But there's also the option of just saying can you show me what you're saying? I want to see if it's true Now it's all on them.
They're the ones who brought it up. They're the ones who asserted it So it's valid to say you show me how that's the case
It's not a game. It's not a cheap shot. It's just valid Please show me how that works and then you'll see that they can't do it and they say well, wait a minute
Why would you say that instead of saying, you know, well the mix, you know, I'll do this Well, how do you know if you can't say how do you know what is true?
How do you know what you asserted was true? Why are you believing it is just because the watchtower tells you to etc. There's different things you can say.
Okay, I appreciate it All right, Matt So Adam, okay
Yeah, can I ask you a question real quick? You just did try another one So, you know the
Bible says that you know, the the heart of men is wicked and everything right so I 79
Yes, so, you know got it like people but how can you know you're really elected that you're not just being deceived by your own art
Because Let's see. There we go Election means you're chosen by God to be predestined later to be saved
Those who are saved Will confess the truth of the Word of God the truth of who
Christ is things like that the resurrection atonement You know these spiritual things that the unbelievers cannot receive they can comprehend them
But they don't receive them and rely on them and only those who are regenerate can do that And so that's one of the ways to know that you're elect
Okay, so so what will be the gospel in your point of view? Is it like faith alone Trinity once they've always saved no water
Baptist for salvation. So that's basically what I believe Those are the elements that I also affirm.
All right, and what's your what's your view about repentance? Because people mix up like turning from sin, but I believe repentance is just a change of mind change of heart
Yeah, but repentance comes from the Greek meant to know at all, which means a change of mind. So it's an attitudinal change
But we don't repent in order to become Christians. We repent because we're Christians Yeah, we don't keep the law to be saved repentance is compliance with the law we recognize lying as sinful
So we repent we turn from it. It doesn't keep us saved It doesn't get us saved by applying to the law, but we are supposed to repent from our sins at the same time
But that's not what saves us Yeah, I believe like a true Christian like it's true regenerated person should bring work.
That's how I see it Yeah, they should that's what James 2 is talking about James 2
Right, not before God How do you explain people living 400 700 years? No problem.
They did because their genetic line was not so impure that They would die early.
Also, there's some experiments that we've been done on Getting some computer programs
I know it's just some computer programs they took pictures of children and adults and older and they were trying to learn get a program to learn how to predict aging and so that they could model things for various Forensic this is and that's and crime this and that some other things and so One of the things they did they did was they just projected hey
Well, what happens if you go ahead 200 years 400 years 600 years 800 years and they started looking like Neanderthals The way the faces grew mm -hmm some people look like Neanderthals right now, but you know
Yeah, part of that is because it was it was discovered within the last century of ticklers
That the the forehead and the jaw will extend the more you use more the more you talk or the more you eat the more
You grind yeah, it's actually one of the one of the studies were in like Papua New Guinea the
Some of the tribes in there in Papua New Guinea use their mouth a lot into just simply
You know make tools or eat or talk or and so their jawbone their their jugular there
I'm sorry, the their mandibles had become Stronger and the end the muscles would would slide up and down along it causing it to shape take a different shape than ours it will become a more dense and So and your forehead
Depending on your ethnicity can grow faster than others depend, you know Yeah, go ahead
I'll say so Adam I asked a question about the age thing so there isn't a study decline in age
There is and there isn't but there could be for different reasons and an increase in age because of nutrition but There's a study going on on the human genome that it's called genetic entropy that within There's been a number produced 200 generations
That he at the rate of genetic decay that the human genome will no longer be viable and reproduction.
It could no longer be possible Give or take you know, but 200 generations what I heard go ahead. What's your question?
Yeah, no, we're just gonna add something to that There's a Ken Hovind He has a theory about like before the flood that does the
Bible speak about God kind of creating like a water on top of the earth So yeah, I thought about bringing it up but one of the theories is that the cosmetic cosmic rays
Helps shorten the lifespan because before the flood every lived a long time but after the flood lifetime was drastically reduced some people think it might be it might be due to The introduction of the cosmic rays
Sun or whatever it is that comes in and had an effect on us. That's one of the theories Yeah, it's called the ice canopy theory, you know
Yeah, he refers to a doctor Brown Yeah Alright, so let's get
Melissa's question. Can you please explain a Lutheran position on baptism? It's kind of like ex opera operata
Which means by the doing it is done when I went to a Lutheran college and I asked about this I was never really able to understand a position exactly but it seems to be that they teach that a baby's regenerated at baptism
That God promises this regeneration, but it doesn't mean they're going to be eternally secure because people can lose their salvation are they going to manifest the
Baptism or generation that's occurred and I disagree with him period That's what I understood it to be.
If there's a Lutheran here who knows better wants to correct me please come on in and do so no problem and Vekal hey
Vekal Remember driving with you buddy or talking to you at the restaurant everything cheese and that Vekal guy.
It made him laugh a lot I wanted to ask What does the
Lutheran believe compared to like ever compared to reform because I'm reformed so I don't know the difference between like a loop
Well Lutheranism affirms all the basic doctrines, but it also says that you can lose your salvation and it and It does not affirm limited atonement the way we do
And I don't know about a resistible grace But it does not affirm perseverance of the Saints because you can lose your salvation inside of Lutheranism.
Well, that's crazy Their point of view of losing salvation, they don't believe if you sin you lose your salvation
They believe if you if you stop having faith, it's the moment you lose your salvation So that's kind of their point of view.
It's kind of yeah, basically you could never lose your salvation No, they say you can but you got to work hard at it. You got to really openly deny the truth of God's Word Yeah Which I think the book of Hebrew clearly said that if you're a believer, you cannot be an apostate you cannot leave the faith
Yeah, it's as impossible as you not being blind, but you saying there is the Sun doesn't exist Yeah, and it's like it's like if you leave the faith, you were actually never save according to John like, you know
It says they went on of us because they were never from us No, no
Lutheranism Not a difficult theology Yeah, but there's different kinds of Lutheranism just like the different kinds of Presbyterianism Yeah, well
Luther kind of still stick it with some a lot of Catholics doctrine Like you didn't know he was yeah, they didn't go
Yeah, Luther didn't go far enough, but he did an incredibly great job. He really did. Yeah Yeah, I was watching the
I was watching. I don't know. Did any of you ever watch the 2003 Martin Luther? It's called
Luther No It's uh, yeah, I do It's a really good
Yeah, I watched it. I remember the reason I remember is because That night I started getting a pain in my side
Okay, and it ended up being my gallbladder dying and I had to go into emergency surgery the next day.
Oh Yeah, so Yeah, so remember that Luther it came out about that time funny we remember things right
All right That was then that was right before no right after my alien abduction, you know, the fourth one that year so it was it was tough
Store to go how you doing? How you doing? This is so polite. So I'll give him weird answers.
I'll go Except for that, you know, I was abducted by an alien last week I just haven't learned how to walk properly since and they'll go
Yeah, right, right. Yeah, let's go. Oh you are listening It's a lot of fun
Matt How do you explain like Joshua 1013 because a lot of people like how do
I watch how do you explain? Joshua 1013 from the Bible Joshua 1013.
Yeah, cuz people like this is probably gonna sound stupid But they use that for first thing they're at this flat the
Sun stood still and motion stopped If you go to karm, mm -hmm
Let's see Sun stood still I did some article on this a while back
And there's different theories that have been offered. One is poetic citation not meant to be literal
So it could be poetic and then I have a reason for that and I go through that I should read this again and become familiar with it
To it wasn't literal that the Sun stopped but that it didn't go down until the battle was won That's what another one.
It could be a solar eclipse doesn't seem to be that The earth wobbled on its rotation and there seems to be some information that supports that Because there's a an axial tilt
Change the Sun appeared to stop but only for Israel is one theory the Sun actually stopped or the earth stopped its rotation which seems to be problematic, but God could do it and there are records of long days and other cultures the
G was told a long night without any light the Well on dot
Indians told missionaries of a long night, etc So you can check it out.
Yeah Go ahead. Yeah, I was actually in reference to that I it's yet gone since gone cold my the trail where I was trying to find it, but Back around the early 2000s.
It was leaked in the scientific community that they were they had discovered a slight like Thousandth of a second was often in all planets alignment.
That would where the work according to or Contrary to the orbits around the
Sun and they and they couldn't explain it in roughly about an hour So people like it could lead give credence to Joshua chapter 10
But again again that way like I said, it's like a it's like a cold case file. I couldn't find it again
Yeah, there's so many things I read over the years. It's like where was that? I don't remember it I don't know where it is.
So, you know, it's yeah Are you are you pre -trib or post -trib post?
So post is like after 3 .5 year, right? That's mid -trib after seven years of the relation period to go through it, okay yeah, what's like what's your view like on the pre -trib like is there like I Don't believe in pre -trib rapture.
I Don't think it's biblical. I don't see any evidence for it myself free trip west rapture. What is that? That before the seven -year tribulation period the church is caught up into the clouds per first Thessalonians 4 16 to 5 verse 2 called the rapture and they're caught up and it happens before the seven -year tribulation
I believe that it happens after the tribulation and at the wicked are taken before the Christians So whenever okay, so the great the seven -year tribulation the worst time were known to man
Christ is not going to take us beforehand Okay, I'm sorry what
I'd respond to somebody good so so I said I asked so during the or during the seven -year tribulation
Crisis not gonna take us beforehand. He's gonna take us after that's what I believe Okay, it's gonna get bad.
You get real bad. It's gonna get real bad. No, I joke about the leftist wacko moron people in control
For example the fact that The election is fraudulent in a lot of areas the leftist media wants nothing to do with exposing it
They're not into truth They're into agenda whenever anybody sacrifices truth for an agenda then corruption follows with corruption comes oppression
So this is just how it's gonna work and the Christians are gonna become more oppressed because we're the ones are gonna stand up And say no plus when they become that corrupt and they start requiring things of the populace as a thing to be in control because corruption requires control and Control is done through usually into intimidation
And so then what they'll do is start oppressing people you can lose your job If you don't affirm homosexuality, for example, you don't bake that cake for the
LGBTQ community Well, then you can't use the banking now. You can now be on the street. So they're oppressive.
They're intolerant So this is what I believe and it's gonna happen worse and worse My wife and I are talking about different places to move to to escape population or the persecution in America if it were to happen
No, you know we're doing it, you know, we're not gonna really probably ever do anything but the idea is look at this look at that look at this where can we go and We're looking at different places, you know, just Entertainment.
I honestly didn't know this. I mean you said you just believed it, right? Believe what that we're not gonna be taken before the can we go through it?
It's gonna be bad. I believe we go through it. Okay. I Believe we are going to go through the tribulation and you know, we're running for supported again
There's no Bible verse you gotta tell you what go to CARM and look up to age
Two ages and you'll see a big number two ages in support of all millennialism
Go through that lay it out and see what you think. Okay So to age like the number two in that age
Look what Melissa says here get two ages in support of all millennialism and you'll find the article.
So whoops missed it So Melissa says I don't understand how they can believe in the flat earth
They were chatting in there a little bit yeah, I believe like flat earth or trolls
Actually, I spent a good portion of two years arguing with flat earthers and I have a lot of material and They usually go to Isaiah chapter, what was it?
20 -22 You know guy, you know God said it's a pun a pun or above the circle of the earth and you know
Like I could quickly use the the Hebrew shoog or a huge Some people use the
C or something simple to use the H hug CH UG. I mean could mean a circumference a compass the horizon
A to be surrounded, but it never actually means a disc or a literal circle, it never actually means that it never even means sphere because in because the
The word in Hebrew sphere is dir and there is actually a word for a disc in Hebrew And neither of them neither of them are used and so God is actually so if you're taking the word huge as Literal a literal literal disc that God is sitting upon then
God it must have a physical a physical Appearance that he is sitting upon it. He has to have a posterior to bend
You know, it sounds funny But you know you take a little you picture in your mind Isaiah is walking out of his house or his tent and he's like he's like he's writing poetically like the
Lord sits upon and he's Looking at this giant posterior coming down to They don't end but and then the flat earthers will go to well, you know, there's the four corner or four corners of the earth
Well, if the earth is a disc, there's no corner yeah, yeah, exactly and a
Circle does not even exist. Like there's no such thing as a circle and there's like thickness. It's not a circle anymore
Well thing that gets me about flat earthers is how they can explain the Sun and the moon up there Because the
Sun and the moon rotate around each other Which means there's a gravitational force pulling them to keep them together from the centrifugal force that pulls them apart
Which means there has to be an effect of gravity yet. It's above the plane of the earth, which has gravity
So, how come that the the two objects out there don't fall? I haven't heard any explanation from that We just don't know yet.
There's one problem They believe that the Sun and the moon is in the earth.
Like you don't believe the universe exists like the Under under a dome some say it's embedded in the dome.
Mm -hmm. Okay. No, that's another way to get around it And the dome slides. Well, you know, let's go put in the ground.
Can you hear the bearings going? How does that work? And we need a magnetic field to you know
Protect us from the Sun radiation and they they cannot explain that to you like if the Sun is in the earth Well, they deny they deny gravity in its in its entirety
But but the one that they do yeah to continue what you were just saying about the moon and the
Sun light the so the the model they'd like to use is a is a
It is stolen It's perjurized from the United Nations flag And so they have made a 3d model and they now recently in the last few years and made it animated
Where the Sun and moon are equal equidistant from each other from the
North Pole So it's not a flat earth like you but some folks some folks are hearing for the first time right now Like it's a square and we live on one side of it like a like a coin and you know
It's not like that So the entire earth apparently all of all of its continents and islands are circulated are circulating the
North Pole like a record player so you look at a record player and the North Pole is at the pin and so If so, we've had thousands of people over the years or at least hundreds of people
Stay near at the North Pole for at least a half a day at the very least And why is it that nobody is has come and gone out there with a video camera and saying look?
The moon is equidistant from the Sun I can look at to the south Here's the moon and I look to the north and there's the
Sun and and you come back five hours later Still there and look to the north still there and then tune in and two days later
The moon still the south moon still to the north. It can't happen. It never has happened. That's right
Flat earthers have flat heads Yeah, they hate they spin on the globe.
They don't like that. That's right Wax stuff. Okay. Hey, look guys. I'm gonna take this break to get going because I Got work to do in the kitchen.
Okay, my wife can't do a lot of work because of her hands She's gonna have another hand surgery. So I got to do some cleaning and scrubbing and some things like that so But you guys enjoy these these talks don't you get to fire?
Yeah Yeah, that was a nice one with now with the other guys David I believe it's the kid and David David that's
David. Yeah Yeah, yeah, he dodges like on another channel
He was it was debating a creationist and he stopped speaking for 20 second and me find an excuse
I have to go me completely dodged the question. It was kind of funny Yeah, yeah, we just gotta pray for him.
Yeah God bless you Matt. Thank you guys. Have a nice one. See ya.