Jared C. Wilson is Still Petty and Clueless

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Make it happen. The link is in the description. All right, well, it looks like somebody ordered up a good hot steaming dish of attention.
And, you know, what can I do? I'm just a humble waiter here. You know what I mean? I take the order. I got to serve it up.
And, you know, maybe I'm not so great of a waiter. You know, I don't typically serve it up on demand. But sometimes, you know, when you're in that position and a
VIP walks in the door, you just got to take their order. So here you go. Oh, yes.
Oh, yes. VIP in the house. Now, this is a tweet.
And I did not see this tweet, because I am blocked by the tweeter. And the tweeter, you know, of course, he doesn't name me, but this is most certainly about me.
In fact, somebody sent it over to me. And he said, Hey, is this guy tweeting about you? And you know, I was like, well, I'm blocked.
I don't know. But probably, because I saw who it was, who was doing the tweeting. And then he sent me the screenshot.
And it was like, Oh, yeah, 100%. 100%. Definitely. And this is about me. So here is what he says.
He says, overhearing the guys who spent eight years unrepentantly reviling every evangelical leader they were suspicious of, now wonder why they don't see unity and fraternity in their own ranks is something else.
And then he puts a little South Park meme, it might be your fault. I'm not I'm unfamiliar with South Park. So I don't know if it's an appropriate meme for the situation or not.
I don't know. But then he goes, and just reminder, if they do it with you, they'll do it to you.
Now here, here's here's this guy. And this is this is deeply personal. You know, he's he didn't he doesn't name me.
But But it's about me. Obviously, it's about the situation with James White, and Jeff Durbin. This was posted yesterday.
And yeah, yesterday. And it's definitely about me. It's one of those things that it's too specific to be anybody else, but not specific enough to really get called on it.
Well, I don't care. I'll call you out in any way. It doesn't matter if you have a little wiggle room to say it wasn't really about you.
You know, that's the weasel thing. That big Eva, it's a standard operating procedure for big Eva, they don't name you so that they always have a little wiggle room.
And they can say stupid things like, well, you know, if you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that got hit is, you know, whatever.
The one that yelps is the one that got it. You know, that kind of thing. Maybe I messed that up. Did I mess? Did I mess up?
I might have messed up. That's it. I don't know. I don't know. But But as usual, this guy has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
He's totally clueless. And just as effeminate as ever. I mean, this is one of the most, this is one of the single most effeminate people in Big Eva in history.
And I and I know, I mean, you take it for me, I know him personally. And, you know, I've seen his effeminate ways in real time.
And the thing is, the thing is, that at the time when I saw his effeminate ways, they, they always struck me as effeminate.
But you know, I was just a wide eyed optimist. You know, I was like a cock eyed optimist, like Billy Mumfrey, you know what
I mean? I didn't know any better. So I just assumed this is how it worked. But you know, but looking back on it now, I'm thinking, yeah, you know, those initial feelings that I had where I thought
I was just a clueless guy. I didn't know how things really worked and stuff like that. You know, I was just naive to it.
No, no, I was actually right. My instincts were right the first time around. So I've seen this guy in action, one of the most effeminate people around.
But, but it's okay, man, you can name me. I'm not I'm not afraid. But what I wanted to point out about this is not really so much to defend myself, but but but also just to show you how they operate, you know, it's very, it's very cowardly, they won't name you.
And the other thing is, they will speak about things that they have no clue about.
When they sense an opportunity to score some points, you know, they want to score some purity points. And that's, that's very important in evangelical, you know, you know, liberal kind of Big Eva reformed ish type circles, you know, you got to get those purity points.
Because God forbid that anyone thinks that you're connected to something a little bit off, you know, if you're maybe you're connected a little bit off, you might get too dirty.
And you're reformed, you know, you know, gaggles of, of women and, you know, effeminate men, although I repeat myself there, they might not like you anymore, if you're not pure enough for them.
And so they will take any shot, they will, they will deliver any low blow doesn't matter if they know the situation or they don't know the situation.
This is how they operate. You got to get those all important purity points. When you're in these kinds of circles.
I'll never forget this one time when he was telling me about how he couldn't he couldn't post certain pictures online.
These weren't like salacious pictures or anything bad at all. Because you know, he doesn't want you know, he doesn't want certain people to think that he does certain things and stuff like that.
And, and it's all this is all nonsense. This is like kindergarten stuff. It's not like he was filmed, you know, somewhere with another woman or something like that, that would be salacious and wrong.
And of course, you know, I totally understand why you wouldn't want to be connected to that kind of behavior. It was something very stupid and very basic and all of that kind of thing.
But no, no, no, no, no, no, those purity points, though, you got to collect those purity points, you never know when you're going to cash those in.
You know, you won't be able to get invited to the conferences if you don't have enough of those purity points. You know, you won't you the women that follow you and that fawn over your stupid, idiotic, inane takes.
That's just like base level stuff again and again. And they're not going to fawn over that they're not you're not maybe you won't get the book deals where you write the same book again and again and again and again and again and maybe you nuance it a little bit, but it's the same presentation again and again and again.
They're not going to buy the book next time if you're not pure enough. So you got to collect those purity points. You know, that's how that works in this system.
So they'll they'll they'll they'll take any opportunity to score those purity points against you. And so that's that's
I wanted to show you that. But but also I wanted to also show you how clueless a lot of these people are and also to offer some advice, because I think that there's something instructive here that we can all kind of take to heart, because here's what he's saying.
He's saying that, you know, we used to have this tight knit group of reviling people and we used to talk together to revile the evangelical leaders that we were suspicious of.
And, you know, maybe we gathered into dark rooms together to talk about it and stuff like that. And now there are some there are some private signal chats and things like that that I'm involved with.
But here this guy thinks that, you know, James White was part of that and Jeff Durbin was part of that and all that kind of stuff.
It's just not the case at all. It's just not the case at all. But but he thinks we were all together doing it. And now there's all kinds of disunity and stuff because, you know,
I posted the thing about, hey, you know, we really don't need this. We really don't need this in reform life. We don't really need to shun people and, you know, not be able to share the stage with people.
We don't need this. He doesn't really understand what's going on. He has no clue. This guy's clueless. But he thinks that now there's disunity in the ranks.
And the reality is that's not the case at all. In fact, I saw so many people respond to this kind of thing and this one in particular, but also other things, saying, what is he talking about?
There's not disunity. And I would agree. I think that, you know, for the most part, you know, there's there's a lot of unity.
There's a lot of friendliness and things like that. So much so that when there isn't, for example, like when
I hey, I won't share the stage with Stephen Wolf. By the way, Stephen Wolf wasn't even involved in any of the alleged unrepentant reviling of every evangelical leader.
That's not what he was. He wasn't a part of that stuff. But side issue. I mean, this guy's completely clueless, but that's
OK. That's OK. But there's so much unity that I in my opinion, that when somebody does that kind of thing in our circles, in our circles,
I'm not talking about Big Eva. That's not that's not us. I mean, that's not part of our circles. But in our circles, when somebody does that kind of thing or signals or Doug Wilson signals against, you know, the right wing people online and stuff like that, it is like it's exceptional and we take issue with it and we don't like it and we say things like, hey, we don't need this.
You know, we love you. We like you, but we don't need this kind of thing. It's actually the exception of the rule in our circles.
That being said, I do want to make note of something to liberals like this and to alleged conservatives of the more liberal variety to people like this.
We're all the same. You know what I mean? Like we're all in the same group. That's his whole premise here.
That's his whole premise. You know, there's division in the ranks. And so to to him, I'm the same as James White.
I'm the same as Jeff Durbin. I'm the same as Doug Wilson. I'm the same as any, you know, probably
Tom Askle. All these guys were all the same to them. You know what I mean? We've got the good guys.
That's us. But from their perspective, we're the bad guys. And then the good guy, the bad guys, that's them. From their perspective, they're the good guys.
We're the same. We're a team. That's what they think. So it doesn't matter how much you distance yourself from someone like me or Steven or Joel.
If as long as you're going against the zeitgeist, as long as you're going against what they're up to, the purity points thing that they're doing, you're you're you're you're part of us.
So why if you're if you're already part of us, why not act like it? And again, what
I'm what I'm not saying is that you don't criticize, you know, my beliefs or Steven's beliefs or Joel's beliefs.
All of that is good and healthy and needs to happen. In fact, that's I was talking to some people privately last night and they said, man, how awesome would it have been if Jeff Durbin came to the conference and said and pulled and pulled
Steven aside and said, Steven, like, you know, you're a smart guy. I can see that, you know, you're you're a rational guy.
You're you're a very warm person because he is as simple as that. What's the deal with your online behavior?
What do you got against James? What do you know? Like, wouldn't that wouldn't that have been awesome? Or even from the stage?
It didn't have to be private. It could have been from the stage. And I'm confident that if if something like that happened on the stage,
I think that would have been very beneficial to the church. In fact, I think Steven would have taken it in stride and he probably would have explained himself and you could have heard where he's coming from.
And maybe, maybe, just maybe it would have lowered the temperature just a little bit so that we could work better together.
You know what I mean? I think that that's kind of stuff would be perfect. You see, you don't play the purity point game that that that effeminates like this play.
This guy's whole life is built around the purity game. He gets those purity points, those sweet, sweet purity points, and he cashes it in for the next idiotic book about the same thing he's written about every time.
It's the same exact book. Why would anyone buy it? It's the same thing every time. And I know they take it as a point of honor to write the same book over and over and over again.
Oh, you know, I mean, all I want to know is the gospel. That's it. That's all I want to know. And listen, love the gospel books.
I love it. I love it. But the thing is, we've got a lot of other things we got to do. And if that's not, you know, clear right now, yes, the gospel, it's always going to be the message that saves souls.
It's always going to be the power of God into salvation. It's always going to drive every single thing we do.
The good news of the Lord Jesus Christ, he's on his throne. He rules and reigns from on high at the right hand of the father.
That's always going to drive everything we do. But we actually have to know what else we need to be doing.
Like what are the good works that the gospel saves us to save them to good works?
And where the gap is in what we need right now are some tactical and strategic and some practicality to the good works that we are supposed to be accomplishing here on earth.
So many of us know the gospel, but wonder what do we do when the teacher is trying to trans my kids?
What do we do when the teachers, maybe they're not trying to trans my kids because I'm too smart. I've got them home with me.
When they're trying to trans my neighbor's kids, what do we do about it? What are the tactical, strategic, practical things that we can do?
What can we do? And I'm pretty sure the next book that comes out is not going to be helpful from this guy because he's cashing in those purity points, those sweet, sweet, sweet purity points to write the same book in different color again and again and again.
Guys, don't play the purity points game. I'm telling you, it's no good. It doesn't lead anywhere good. Don't play the purity points game.
They're never going to look at you differently just because you're a little more pure and you're not dirtied by any kind of possible association with Stephen Wolfe.
It's not going to profit you anything. These guys do not care about that.
They think you're the same. You're the same because you don't play. Jeff, you're the same as Stephen to guys like this because you don't play their game.
Dr. White, you're the same as Stephen to them because you don't play their game.
We all know this. And so criticize, sharply criticize. I appreciate all that kind of stuff.
I love that kind of stuff. I think it's healthy. I think it's good. I think it's necessary. But don't play the purity points game.
It will get you nowhere. It'll get you nowhere. And if you keep playing the purity points game before long, this is your future.
This. Let me show you. Hold on. I'm telling you, it's not a future that you want to see.
It isn't. This. It's right here. This is your future. Don't play the game, man.
That's the only way to win. The only way to win is to not play the game. Not well, not the rig game anyway, but play a different game.