The AD Robles Media Kwanzaa Spectacular!

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well let's jump right into it today. One last time before the year is over,
I hope you had a holly jolly Christmas. Merry Christmas. I had a good one. I hope you did as well.
Really though, the next day, Sunday, man, meeting with the church on the Lord's Day, what a blessing it was.
I'm so blessed and I don't deserve it, but I'll definitely take it, just to have such a good church.
You know, the people that go there, they're all these old school New England folks. They're just, you know, solid believers, just no fear at all in their eyes.
There's just so much love, encouragement, but also hardcore courage as well, expressed in the congregation.
It's just such a blessing to be with them. And my pastor, he preached just, what a great word from the
Lord that he preached. Honestly, the whole message was basically, look, you know, the time for lukewarm Christianity is over.
It's long since over. Now, if you know your Bible, you know that there's never been a time for lukewarm Christianity, but what he meant was that here in the
United States, up until recently, you know, being a Christian wasn't very costly for your life.
I mean, people pretty much leave you alone. You know, they find out you're a Christian, well, they might not like that, and they might think that you're a bigot and stuff like that.
But up until recently, they would never voice this kind of stuff, at least too aggressively. And nowadays, the costs of following Jesus faithfully are just ratcheting up, up, up, up, and up.
And so we're going to learn. You know, what we're going to learn is what it actually means that the Lord is our strong tower, the
Lord is our fortress. It's always been the case that the Lord has been our fortress, right? And we've always known that up here, but we've never really had to know it right here.
You know, we've never had to feel like it really is. And this is not to scare you guys, because there's, I understand if you have some anxiety about the future, but the thing is, we're going to learn what it means that Christ is our fortress.
But this is a good thing. You shouldn't be scared of that. This is a very good thing that Christ is your fortress, because if he's for you, who can be against you?
We ought not to fear those who could just kill the body. And look, they're going to try. This is going to be, this is going to end violently.
And we all can kind of see this coming. But we should not fear those who can kill the body, but not the soul.
Rather, we should fear the one who is powerful enough to destroy both soul and body. And we should obey and honor and respect him.
And we should be very joyous, because that one who is so powerful loves us. And he loves us, and he knows what we're like, but yet he loves us anyway.
This is such an amazing thing. And so my pastor's sermon was great. I hope yours was as well.
And it's going to be, look, we're going to have a lot to look for. It's going to hurt in the short term, I think, but in the long term, it's going to be good for us to know really, right here, what it means for Christ to be your strong fortress.
In any case, this is probably the last video I'll do for the year. And what I was planning on doing was
I was planning on making fun of Kwanzaa. Now, Kwanzaa is, look, probably invented by the
CIA. You know, it's a ridiculous, it's one of the stupidest holidays you could ever. It's stupider than you think.
If you've never looked into Kwanzaa, you probably were like me. You probably assumed it was stupid. But if you've never looked into it,
I encourage you to look. It's stupider than you could possibly imagine. It's essentially a Marxist holiday.
It's actually a communist holiday trying to compete with Christianity, with Christmas.
And it's exactly what you would expect. It's ridiculous. It's stupid. They try to fill it with meaning.
There's no meaning. Nobody cares. And hardly anybody celebrates it. That's the other thing. Like, I know, listen, because of what
I do, I follow a lot of these, like, you know, Marxist, communist, woke black people around all over the place.
And hardly any of them even celebrate it. Like, some of them do. But most of them don't. Like, even if you're really woke, even if you're really communist, just because, you know, you're a woke communist and black doesn't necessarily mean you follow
Kwanzaa because it's stupid and it's very obviously stupid. So, I was going to make fun of Kwanzaa, but it's almost like, it would be like being proud of, like, dunking on a six -year -old, you know, in basketball.
Like, you play a basketball game against a six -year -old, you beat him, and it's like, well, yeah, but he's six. You know what
I mean? It's like, it's not, listen, Kwanzaa can make fun of itself, right? Kwanzaa can make fun of itself.
It was invented by a psychopath, by the way. You look at it, it's just, seriously, look into this stuff. The guy who invented
Kwanzaa, he also is known and he's been convicted of torturing women. Like, there were these two women that used to follow him and he gave them, like, the very honorary title, the very high honor.
It was a high honor. Like, they're like the black queen of the goddess of the universe, something like that. These two women, he beat them.
He thought they were trying to poison him one day. Because he's psycho. He stripped him naked. He burned one of their tongues.
He beat the other one with a rod. I don't even know what happened, really, because it's all craziness.
But he was convicted of it and he's a psychopath. And yeah, that's the father of Kwanzaa. Father Kwanzaa, you might say. So, I was going to make fun of Kwanzaa.
And I was going to teach you about Kwanzaa in a very, like, real way. I was going to get that. And I was going to be the gospel coalition guide to Kwanzaa.
And what we do on Kwanzaa, we get the ceremonial passing of the Gatorade.
Of course, we mix it with a little Jägermeister, because this is the ceremonial drink of Kwanzaa. And it's a replenishment thing.
It's replenishment, like the replenishment we need in reparations. That's a replenishment. And so, we celebrate the
Kwanzaa with the replenishing Gatorade. It replenishes the minerals that you lose when you sweat.
And we know that we will not get replenishment without work. We must do the work. And so, I was going to say some stupid stuff like that.
And so, that would have been funny. But, or maybe not. I don't know. I'm crazy. But I'm not going to do that, because Kwanzaa, you know, it can make fun of itself.
It's stupid in its own right. You don't even have to make it up how stupid it is. In any case, I did want to make fun of Republicans.
That's right. Not Republicans in general, because I know and love many Republicans. But I have to say, this official sort of the structures of power within Republican circles, the
GOP, you know, kind of infrastructure. These guys are just so clueless. They're pandering here.
So, this is the Ohio Republican Party's account. Happy Kwanzaa.
Happy Kwanzaa. You got the Kwanzaa candles, the stupid cup, and the maize. That's what the natives call it.
They call it maize. And they're saying, happy Kwanzaa. And they don't understand.
It's a joke. It's a joke. Like, even most woke communists know it's a joke.
They don't celebrate it. I don't even think Jamar Tisby, I mean, Jamar's pretty far gone. He doesn't even celebrate Kwanzaa, as far as I know.
Maybe he's changed recently. But I found some articles from the past where, you know, they were making fun of Kwanzaa, or maybe not making fun of it, but at least saying it was stupid.
But nobody clued in the Republicans. Nope, nope. The Ohio GOP party is pandering to hardly anybody, because hardly anybody celebrates
Kwanzaa, and most people understand that it's stupid. In comparison to Christmas, it's stupid.
It's a communist holiday, and it's a fake holiday, and it was probably invented by the CIA, and the creator,
Father Kwanzaa himself, used to beat women. So, there's that. So, yeah, but it's not just the
Ohio GOP. It's also the college Republicans wishing everybody a happy and prosperous
Kwanzaa. Now, I think they misspelled Kwanzaa. Isn't there two A's in Kwanzaa? Yeah, there's two
A's in Kwanzaa, and these guys misspelled Kwanzaa. This is completely ridiculous. They're insulting all 10 people that celebrate
Kwanzaa for real. Man, what is wrong with these establishment
Republicans? I just don't get it. People call, Fuentes calls them conservative ink, I think, and, you know, you can call them, you know, big, big conservative, you know, whatever you want to call it.
I don't think anyone calls it that. I just made that one up. But this, the conservative, they're clueless.
They're absolutely clueless. I saw this on Lauren Witsky's Gab, and Lauren posts some good stuff from time to time.
I like Lauren Witsky. Anyway, she says, no black person celebrates this crap, only the African DC gulag jail guards.
Much like their grown RNC counterparts, the college Republican dorks also love to placate the crazies who want them dead.
This isn't even placating those people because most of the crazies that hate white people and want white people dead and want white people destroyed and want white people to pay them reparations and get the, we got to replenish with the reparations.
Most of those people don't even celebrate Kwanzaa. It's like a fraction of those people that celebrate
Kwanzaa. So you're actually not even placating the crazies communists that want you dead. You shouldn't try to placate those people.
But even as you're trying here, you're not even doing that because even those people know that Kwanzaa is a joke.
It's just unbelievable how clueless, clueless the
Republican infrastructure is. It's just so funny. And so they deserve the mockery.
I'm not even going to mock Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa, its existence mocks it. It's less legitimate than Festivus.
It's less legitimate. Festivus is a holiday that Frank Costanza made up in the imaginary world of Seinfeld.
That's more legitimate than Kwanzaa, but nobody told the college Republicans. The official college
Republican Twitter account verified and everything, wishing everybody a prosperous Kwanzaa.
Dorks is the best word. Thank you, Lauren, by the way, for reminding me of the word dorks.
That's a great word. And that actually reminds me. I wanted to just kind of reflect on 2021.
Now, 2021, it was a hard year for a lot of people. So I don't want to take anything away from that.
If you struggled in 2021, I'm praying for you to have a prosperous 2022 and for things to change and all that kind of thing.
So I'm not trying to say that 2021 was like this great year for everybody. But there was one great thing about 2021, and I just thought
I'd share it right now. 2021, I believe, will go down as the year that it became commonplace and acceptable again to use the word gay as an insult.
You could say, oh, you're just being gay. Oh, that's so gay. Hey, that's really gay. Like that, listen, you might say, hey,
AD, you're late to the party. I never stopped using that. Well, I didn't. This is the thing. When I was younger, we used to call things gay all the time, things we wanted to show our disapproval of, or things that were actually gay, and things like that.
We used to use that as an insult all the time. And then I remember, I seem to remember some think pieces, maybe
Washington Post kind of thing, about how that's not right to use that as an insult. And I never really bought into the arguments.
But I did stop using it as an insult. I'm sure there was gospel coalition articles about that, too.
Well, five gospel centered reasons why you shouldn't use gay as an insult. That's pretty gay, by the way.
In any case, so I didn't buy into the arguments, but I stopped using it. So maybe I did buy into it that you shouldn't use it as an insult.
Now, I know some of you never stopped. And so hats off to you. But in 2021, I've been seeing people use it as an insult all over the place.
And I have to say, just from the from the bottom of my heart, it warms my heart to see one of my favorite insults from the past being used again in common parlance.
Thank you very much. Hats off to you guys who never stopped using it, because this is a great thing.
A great part of 2021. Maybe not the only great part, but a great part was the fact that we can now use gay as an insult the way we used to, the good old days.
Oh, man, even even Doug Wilson. I mean, he Doug Wilson gave an entire speech at a very legitimate and prosperous
Christian conference where the whole speech was about the legitimacy of using gay as an insult.
By the way, guys, you got to if you guys aren't turned on to Fight Laugh Feast Network, you got I'm on the network, so I'm obviously biased.
But Fight Laugh Feast, man, that's that's where it's at right there. Where else are you going to hear an entire speech about gay as an insult being completely legitimate?
It's not really about that, but essentially uses it as an insult numerous times. In any case, let me say that.
Thank you for for everyone who's watched the channel in 2021. We're going to do a kind of a review of the of the of the year in the next in the new year and all that.
Thank you for watching. Thank you for sharing. I hope you found this helpful. And well, let me say this.
Let me say this. Let me 2022. That's when we're going to start using dorks again regularly.
I love that. That's a great word. Thank you, Lauren, for reminding me of it. 2020, the year of the dorks.
I don't know what that's supposed to mean. It's a little weird. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. Happy New Year, and I'll see you in 2022.