The New England Primer Expanded


How to teach your children about God using the alphabet. Sounds like a winner.  


Welcome to No Compromise Radio Ministry. I was reading my phone and I almost forgot my introduction.
My name is Mike Abendroth. Our slogan used to be always biblical, always provocative, always in that order.
Maybe it should be always biblical, always Christ -centered, because being biblical is
Christ -centered. That slogan, though, doesn't really work quite as well. You can email me,
Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com. You can talk to your rich donors to help me get a, what do you call those things on your phone?
An app. We need a NoCo app, don't you think? Come on. If Heidelcast Blog can do one, we can too.
What's happening? I'm in a two -bit operation here. We, here at No Compromise Radio, do want to talk about the
Lord Jesus, was just in the studio talking about thankfulness. I hope you were encouraged by that, maybe a little convicted.
You can get the Cancer book, God is the
Real Shepherd, so I entitled the book Cancer is Not Your Shepherd, and you can get that and the updated
Sexual Fidelity book, both on Amazon. And if you want to order 10 or more, 40 % off, email me,
Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com. I've gotten some emails lately, good emails about law gospel stuff, assurance.
Oh, speaking of the Cancer book, recording this Monday and recorded two weeks ago, probably 17 short 5 -10 minute episodes for American Gospel on that same topic, essentially going through the information in the book,
Cancer is Not Your Shepherd, but in a video style. I have no idea what was going on there.
When my stomach growls, I should add this music a little bit. This is some of the music that, the intro, you don't usually get, the clapping part.
Because we're Presbyterians, we don't clap. I guess I'm not technically a Presbyterian, right?
Most of my friends are. I'm living in a material world, Madonna said, or I'm living in a
Presbyterian world, living in a Presbyterian world, for I'm a Presbyterian.
This week in real time, Southern Baptist Convention, crazy. I usually follow the general assembly of the
PCA, Presbyterian Church of America. I have not followed it this year, though. I try to keep up a little bit, but I haven't been listening to Presbycast as I ought, so I don't really know what's happening.
The Southern Baptist deal, though, some crazy stuff. I think they had to vote between a woke pastor for the president and a pastor who thinks women should be pastors, so those are your options.
Every year about this time, I think to myself, I'm glad I don't have to deal with liberalism in a denomination, and I'm sure the men that are solid that stick in there are sticking in there for good reasons.
I don't think I probably could, but everybody, to each their own. As I said last week, my dad had slogans, different strokes for different folks.
That's another one of those slogans. We here at No Compromise Radio, how do you like that plural we?
At least I don't talk about myself with my third person. Well, Mike Abendroth, he said this or he did that.
At least I don't do that. What are people doing?
Well, you can follow me on Twitter. There's Instagram and there's Facebook, all No Compromise stuff.
I don't really know what to do, so I need a social media coordinator as well. I think people have to pay for those now.
I don't have the time and I don't have the dimes, neither one. I first started this show 14, 15 years ago.
My friend Ray Johnson, who's now with the Lord, he's the one that funded everything and he basically said,
I will fund it, never ask for money. He's not funding it anymore.
I need some sponsors. If you're out there and you want to sponsor No Compromise Radio, we'll put a little ad in or something at the end of the show.
I think John Harris does that. I think he's got commercials, maybe even progressive auto insurance or something. I once had a tea company and they said, we would like to sponsor your show.
I said, okay, send me the tea. They sent me the tea, tasted good, tried it. I said, okay, fine. They said, well, what do you want to charge?
I gave them some rates. They said no. So see, we just can't seem to make this happen.
In front of me, I have the New England Primer and here is an alphabet lesson for youth.
The New England Primer, Boston, 1777, improved for the early attaining of true reading of English to which is added the assembly of divines and Mr.
Cotton's catechism. Now I say primer because I make a mistake. It's a primer.
A primer, I think you use for carburetor stuff. This is a primer. So sorry. I know. I wasn't thinking.
I didn't mean to do it. I got the wrong things going on here.
I wanted this. And how long had you been on that medication? Well, since November. Thank you,
Judge Judy. You're not supposed to get up and preach and say,
I'm sick by the way, because then that's the reason why my sermon is going to bomb if it's no good, but I think you can do it on the radio show.
An alphabet for lessons for youth, A, Y, so we start off A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, a wise son maketh a glad father, but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
Now I'm pausing a little bit because this is old school English where the F is the S. Their F is our
S. So it's a wife fun, a wise son.
So people would just memorize these things. So you would know what good and right is, and you would say,
Lord, please lead me by your grace. I would like to be a child of God that loves and fears you.
And so then we have alphabet lessons. And the cover, the umbrella, the overarching statement is,
I want to be led by grace. So in light of grace, by the way, is grace a verb or noun?
Well, you say grace is, sounds like it's a noun to me. All right. Theologically, would it be better to think as grace being a verb or a noun?
Is it a noun in the sense that you get a certain amount of grace, you lose it throughout the week, you got to go back on Sundays to get a fill up of more grace, kind of like petrol, benzene, gas, diesel.
That's kind of like a noun. Or is it more, we're graced in Christ Jesus, like a verb?
There you have it. Theologically speaking, grace is more like a verb than it is a noun.
You've heard it right here. You've heard it right here, haven't you? I see dead people. I do too.
I had a crazy dream last night, three nights ago, crazy dream. I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's a couple of these cancer medicines that I'm taking, crazy, crazy stuff. By the way,
I've said this before when it comes to prostate cancer, that if you have leukemia or cancer, and the day
I said, if you have prostate cancer and you would like to talk to somebody and you need some encouragement, email me, mike at nocompromisedradio .com.
Send me your story, paragraph, and give me your phone number.
And if I'm driving down the street, I got 10 minutes, I'll try to give you a call. No promises.
I FaceTimed someone the other day, and this young man had his mother on there.
The mother had brain surgery and so couldn't really talk, but I just talked because that's easy to do.
And so I want to serve. I want to serve you, the listeners. So if that's an option, fine.
B, better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.
I would have said therein, but I don't understand some of these things and I'm a public school man. Trouble therewithin.
So in light of God's grace and who God is, how do we want to act? Well, we want to make our father glad and we don't want to give heaviness to our mother.
And we want to realize that understanding the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, that's better than having all kinds of money, properties, et cetera.
C, here in the New England Primer, what's right and good? Come unto
Christ, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and he will give you rest. Amen.
What a verse. What a verse. I wonder if preachers preach with that kind of attitude or is it more getting after people?
I watched a Sinclair Ferguson video the other day. He was at Parkside Church, Alistair Begg, doing the basics conference in May of 2024.
And he talked about the attitude and the demeanor and the tincture of preachers of the
Lord Jesus Christ and how they should be like the Lord Jesus. It was devastatingly convicting and good.
D, do not the abominable thing which I hate, saith the
Lord. Okay, stay far from abominations. I don't mean to laugh, but I just did.
Partly I'm laughing because it says, which I hate, faith the Lord, because it's got the F instead of the
S. E, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Again, I pause because it says he cannot feed the kingdom of God. There's no fee for the kingdom of God. He write from John chapter three, not an imperative.
Last time I looked, just a statement of fact. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Excellent things to remind children, remind parents. These days it's the parenting more so than the children.
G, godliness is profitable unto all things, having the promise of life that now is and that which is to come.
So, physical, being in shape, money, financial security, those things might profit, but godliness profits for all things.
So, we're going through the alphabet here on No Compromise Radio, the New England Primer, Boston, 1777.
H, holiness becomes God's house forever.
I, it is good for me to draw near unto God. Great lessons for children.
Nothing wrong with teaching your children how to tie a bow knot, but these are important truths.
K, keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
We can talk to our children about internal things, external things, which ones really matter, which ones motivate.
How do we respond to God's graciousness? Okay, here we go.
L, liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.
That's one of the things with children. I mean, it's just so we, I mean, it's easy for us to lie. Maybe our lies aren't as blatant.
Maybe they're a little more white lie -ish. Maybe we don't give all the truth. There are plenty of ways we can kind of walk through those things.
I remember once I was a new Christian, I had a job interview, I was asked about something, and I just lied. I'm like, what in the world is going on with me?
Yikes. But to teach children, lying's bad. We would always say to our children, in our house, justice works this way.
You get double for lying. Because whatever you did, you have to pay for that. And then if you lie about it, then you have to pay for what you did and how you lied about it.
So lying gets double to try to teach our children that it's not a good thing to do.
M, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of them all.
In this world, we will have trials and tribulation, and we can count it all joy when we fall into these trials.
And we can rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, knowing what
God's going to do and how Romans 8 .28 is true, how he's going to cause these things to work together for good.
And so we, just because we're Christians, doesn't mean we don't have afflictions. We might even get more, by the way, because instead of having
Satan for us as we were enemies of God, and so is
Satan, so Satan's not after us, he's already got us if we're unbelievers. Then what happens?
Now we're against Satan, and then he's after us too. N, now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.
Regularly teaching children to believe. In our family, our children would say they believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ, and we would say that's wonderful, we would be excited, and we would say just keep believing, that's all.
Just waiting for that time where they would make it their own faith. Can four -year -olds believe?
Nothing's impossible for the Lord, but most of the time in my mind, four -year -olds mimic their parents, and I could probably get a four -year -old to believe in Buddha.
But anyway, instead of saying, well, prove your faith, I just kept saying that's wonderful, just keep believing, because we could look at present tense verbs in the
New Testament regarding belief, believing, trusting, keep on trusting. Oh, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh, so you want to know what's in someone's heart, you just begin to listen to what they say, and we would soon know what they really believe.
Pray to thy father which is in secret, and thy father which sees in secret shall reward thee openly.
So, instead of ostentatious prayers of the Pharisees and big to -dos, just privately, don't have to be bragging as you pray, that'd be the opposite of prayer's attitude anyway, right?
Dependence on the Father, Father cares for you, He's a good Father, He's a faithful Father, His name is to be hallowed,
Father, and you can just pray, and He'll reward you openly. Q, quit you like men, be strong, stand fast in the faith.
That's right there from 1 Corinthians 16, I believe verses 13 and 14, quickly like men, literally,
I think it is in the King James. If the Corinthians would do those things, they'd get out of all the trouble they were in, and if they were doing those things, they would never have gotten those pickles in the first place.
Remember our, thy creator in the days of your youth. That's right from where,
Ecclesiastes chapter 12. Don't forget the creator when you're in your youth.
When you're older, and there are many applications of this, but when you're older, here's one, you say, you know what,
I think I need the Lord more than I did before because your body's breaking down. That's some of the context there in Ecclesiastes chapter 12.
S, I don't know what it says, it's got all these
Fs and Ss. Seest thou a man, wife in his own conceit.
I don't know what that means. There's more hope of a fool than him. Oh, if you seest a man wise, there you go.
I'm so dumb. Another episode of I Am Dumb.
If you see a man wise in his own counsel, not a seest a man wife in his own counsel.
If you've got a man who gets counsel from his wife, there's more hope of a fool than for him.
That sounds like some crazy Christian nationalist people that I see online. I'm not crazy, institution, you're the one that's crazy,
Christian nationalist. T, trust in God at all times, ye people.
Pour out your hearts before him. Regularly, I would say to my children when they would worry, and I need to say to myself, what's the opposite of worry?
The answer is trust. You upon the wicked,
God shall reign a horrible tempest. Knowing that God does judge, he's kind, he's gracious, but he is a just God and holy.
W, woe to the wicked. It shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
They might get away with things on earth, but God is going to exact judgment. X, and they put here an
E, a small little E before the X here on No Compromise Radio as I'm reading, what's right and good now?
Show me Lord and lead me by thy grace and word. Thus shall I be a child of God and love and fear thy hand and rod.
How do I act as a child looking through these ABCs to teach the children the alphabet, but also truths behind each of the alphabet's letters?
X with an E in front of it and an H -O -R -T after. Exhort one another daily while it is still called today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Lots of truths in there. Sin is deceitful, can harden. Importance of today, not waiting till tomorrow, procrastination, not good.
Why young men, you have overcome the wicked one. Certainly a truth from 1
John 2, I believe, and not having to be afraid of Satan, understanding who we are in Christ Jesus.
Of course, you can't read 1 John without reading the hub of the entire book. And that is 1 John 2, 1 and 2, that Jesus Christ, he is the righteous one.
And we don't want to sin, but if we do, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, righteous. Correct?
Correct. And then finally, Z or Zed, zeal hath consumed me because thy enemies have forgotten the word of God.
Just excited for and having zealous, jealous actions, wanting
God's name to be praised. Well, there you have it on No Compromise Radio.
It's followed by the Lord's Prayer and the Creed, and then Dr. Watts cradle hymn, which is pretty long.
By the time they listen to that, they are going to fall asleep. All right, let's go here to the back.
We have a few more minutes left of the show, and it's got a discussion between youth,
Christ, and death. Very, very fascinating. It's a dialogue between Christ youth and the devil slash death.
And here it says, youth, oh, spare me,
Lord, for bear thy hand. Don't cut me off. Who trembling stand, begging for mercy at thy door.
Oh, let me have but one year more, Christ. If thou some longer time should have, thou wouldest again to folly cleave, therefore to thee
I will not give one day on earth longer to live. I'm too young, alas, to die, says youth.
Let death some old gray hair espy. Oh, spare me, and I will amend.
And with thy grace, thou foul befriend, or else I am undone, alas, for I am in a willful caste.
Death, youth, I'm come to fetch thy breath and carry thee to shades of death.
No pity on thee can I flow. Thou hast thy God offended, so thy foul and body
I'll divide. The body in the grave I'll hide. And thy dear foul soul in hell must lie with devils to eternity.
And what I didn't read is how this person would not believe in the
Lord Jesus. The conclusion.
Thus ends the days of woeful youth who won't obey, not mind the truth, nor hearken to what preachers say, but do their parents disobey.
They and the youth go down to hell under eternal wrath to dwell. Many don't live out half their days for cleaving unto sinful ways.
Wow. That's New England, 1777. I couldn't read the whole thing because it's too long.
I don't have enough time for this show. Plus it's hard to read Fs and Fs and Ss. But early on, it was basically the youth over and over saying,
I'm just going to chase folly and chase sin. And Christ saying, will thou,
O youth, make such a choice and thus obey the devil's voice? Curse sinful ways will thou embrace and hate the ways of truth and grace.
And in Christ saying, refrain from all iniquity, true good alone does flow from me flow.
Anyway, no compromise radio. All right, there you have it. I want something more to be said.
I want there to be more. Well, I leave you with these words.
All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass, the grass withers, the flower fails, but the word of God remains forever.