Back from Arkansas, Heading to Louisiana, Two Debates in April, Debate Comments


Excited to be home, but excited to head out in just a matter of weeks for the "Louisiana Loop" that will take me to southern Louisiana for a debate on April 4th, and then to northern Louisiana for a debate on the 10th. Talked a bit about last weekend's debates as well.

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Well here we are back in phoenix arizona here in the regular studio and.
I love let me mention it right up front soon as the programs over well okay ten minutes maybe after the programs over.
I'm going to be hooking up with the apologetic dog jeremiah back there in jonesborough.
First question i'm gonna ask him is i've heard people in his own church pronounce his last name north here which would be.
Every french person the planet is is going to spit at that pronunciation because that right north would be correct.
All right but you're in arkansas so there may be laws against pronouncing things as the french would in arkansas i mean i mean look look at my shirt.
Toad suck arkansas okay toad suck arkansas i asked for this shirt because i've driven through toad suck arkansas it's outside of conway.
And it's on the way to renewal ranch as a guy named jerry out there who jerry is the truck whisperer okay jerry knows gmc engines like the back of his hand when we had our twenty eighteen that we initially started with pulling our first rv.
He stood there and he said okay that hose will wear out at sixty thousand miles that hose at seventy five and the one back there at eighty.
And i'm like how do you know this and they they used to have the contract to maintain the conway police department cars of police cars.
And guess what engine those those they had the same engine as my truck so knows that kind of stuff inside and out and now we have a diesel.
You know i i brought it out to him for some tender loving care and some examination when i hear clunks and stuff like that.
I want to have an expert look at it and he said the trucks in great shape and that we're we're taking good care of it anyways to get out there i have to drive through toad suck arkansas.
And so i made reference to toad suck arkansas i'm not sure what the population is but it can't be more than about a hundred but i made reference to it in my sermon.
Two sundays ago at providence baptist church in perryville and so when the pastor quattro nelson.
Of that church came to jonesborough to moderate the two on two debate on last friday night.
For whom to christ i he brought me a gift package i've got a coffee mug and some refrigerator magnets and this shirt from toad suck arkansas.
No i have not taken the time to look into exactly how that got named and i'm not really certain.
That i want to find out exactly how it got named but anyway all of that was a divergence from my trying to tell you.
That basically as soon as we're done here maybe just enough time for the old man to run to the restroom and back again i'm going to be jumping on with jeremiah.
The apologetic dog and we'll be talking about the saint ignatius distraction that now even then we're going to talk about the debates both the debates i'll be talking about the debates on this program we don't necessarily have the exact same audience but i think there's a lot of crossover.
But still next tuesday at six o 'clock eastern now i understand that you all play with your clocks sunday unless the king decrees otherwise someone a media guy i just saw a clip was asking the king.
About daylight savings time and the king's response was well it's a it's a it's a fifty fifty issue.
And there's there's some people that like it. Lighter late and some people want lighter early cuz they don't want to take their kids to school in the dark so you know it's it's a it's a fifty fifty.
And i'll be honest with you we here in arizona are gonna be really. Really tempted to join canada if we are forced into permanent daylight savings time to where.
It did cuz this is why nineteen seventy seven i lived here i moved here in seventy four been here over fifty years now that makes me a native and.
Nineteen seventy seven and seventy eight lasted for two years and then we kicked it out we join daylight savings time.
And i remember clearly what the result was in late june into july you would literally.
Try to go to bed at ten o 'clock at night it was still light outside the sun wasn't up but it was still light outside and it be a hundred and ten degrees.
That's not fair it shouldn't it shouldn't be that way it really really shouldn't and so we voted it back out real fast and it's a pain it is a royal royal pain.
Time is time quit messing around with it we'll see what happens we'll see what happens so anyway six o 'clock eastern daylight time starting this coming weekend.
Here on the program. Timothy easley who is responsible for this entire debacle personally he is personally responsible for it is going to be joining me and we're gonna do a deep dive on.
Ignatius the ignatius the ignatian corpus which is all the documents all the questions about when ignatius lived.
All the re ignition of the most a lot of the stuff had been discussed long ago.
And sort of a conclusion had been arrived at and it was sort of settled for a while it wasn't that the the data changed it's that you know now you can analyze things with computers and you can do that a little bit better and.
You know you got wider access to stuff and so starting about nine nineteen ninety eight or so well really before that with hubner stuff but especially as far as the number of articles and stuff goes you have a lot of discussion about.
The recensions and textual veracity and and everything else in regards to the ignition corpus and there's really there's really no direct parallel to anyone else in church history.
I mean there's people in church history we know very very little about and almost everything we know about them is from secondary and tertiary sources and stuff like that but as far as someone who.
Supposedly has literary remains of some extent this is unique and timothy had been talking to me about this for a few months.
I had sort of thought well if I can find some time between debates what I'd like to do is have him on and we could just throw this around and I'll play devil's advocate and I'll defend the older when
I was taught in seminary lightfoot position basically because I've always used lightfoot's translation even when the
Holmes stuff came out I still preferred lightfoot because I had my old marked up copy.
You know and it's sort of like it's not like jeff durbin and his favorite jeans which he wears all the time all three elders aside from jeff have gotten together and have tried to figure out how we could sneak in his house and burn.
All the jeans that he has so he has to buy new jeans because I just saw a picture of him speaking in georgia.
And be praying about that's a huge huge situation in georgia and in in seeking equal protection.
But. There is in a nice suit coat wearing the same jeans he wears every single day.
It's just wrong it there's something completely and totally wrong about but anyway.
Oh okay i got okay i'm sorry i i thought jeremiah was texting me about pronunciation of his name.
I had actually written him so you don't have a hard start time he said correct so if you want to you know also include that i don't want to pick on you anyway so i was going to have.
Timothy's leon and we were just gonna i was gonna play devil's advocate and say okay you know what about this or that and just just have a geeky conversation.
It won't be as much of a geeky it will be a geeky conversation but it won't be as fun because will be responding to.
The silliest controversy that i've ever seen come up after a debate just. Vacuous that's the only way i can describe it someone and we'll talk about later came up with the idea that i was attacking ignatius.
So if now this is someone who i can guarantee you has has never read hubner has never read any of these articles that are dealing with.
Syriac recension and the relationship to. No statements by you know in what about in polycarp and what about when origin makes reference to ignatius and.
The guy who started all this just really doesn't know what the world is talking about but he decided that that i have attacked.
Ignatius and of course there are so many people if you want to get a good idea of who's serious and not serious in the roman catholic apologetics world if they've jumped on to this they're not serious.
If you can take a single cross exam question that was asked with 90 seconds to go in the second round it's not on the topic of the subject.
Completely ignore the substance of the response which is the clear antithetic polemic in smithereens and anywhere else it's it's it's ubiquitous in the middle recension if those are the genuine letters.
If you can take that and try to create a controversy out of you are the picture of desperation.
You have no concern about your you are only concerned about what the people who might send you some money on patreon think that's all you can say you don't care about your integrity don't care about long term.
Well just astonishing so we'll be talking about that next tuesday six o 'clock eastern daylight time if you like to get into really geeky stuff we'll be doing that but i imagine jeremiah and i will also be talking about.
Well even when we talk about the debates since jeremiah was in the first debate and moderate the second then he can provide some personal insights.
That i won't provide as we talk about the base today but before we get to all of that so much stuff going on so excited about the next trip and and i'll tell you i'm really excited because.
I think i i really think that part of why i ended up i mean when you think about what happened we pull the rv into this new park we've not been to before.
And we get it into a pull through slot and i hook up the water.
And i turn the water on and it just starts pouring out the bottom of the unit. And you'll remember i told you somebody forgot to put a hose back on and that's what it was right let me just got to put the hose now i don't know how you could pressure send pressure test it without putting a hose back on okay so i didn't the clamp was was finger tight and yeah okay so um.
I had a feeling that it would be a quick fix but rich and i were looking at the weather rich called.
One of the parks to try to move our reservation because once you make a reservation to cancel it you lose the money if you move it then you can keep it and you know so i'll try to use these on my future trips.
But one of them where it was supposed to be two degrees the night that i was pulling in and it did get down to that those temperatures it was frigid cold.
The lady at the park i think told rich well of course no one's pulling an rv in this weather um and it's like yeah okay and then it warmed up really quickly and i'm like man i really wish i had my rv but on the way home oh i'm gonna tell you something.
That wind in amarillo i've not been in wind like that in a long not not since the last major dust storm here in phoenix and those dust storms only last like 20 minutes.
Did you see the video of the the the rig going through oklahoma i think was the day you were going through amarillo and somebody's following ahead of the camera on and it starts swaying and swaying and then it went right over just got blown.
I didn't see any that it tipped over but um the wind hit as i got to amarillo and the next morning it had snowed and by the time i got up it was raining and the wind the wind the night day before i've been gusts over 65 but pretty steady at 50 60 miles an hour i'd say it was down to about 40 but it was still blowing like anything.
It had literally blown the tonneau cover of my truck up onto the back of the cab okay i mean that's i've just never seen it like that um in my life so i don't know what i would have done um if i had had the unit because i'm not i'm not pulling that thing in 60 mile an hour winds ain't happening um just just no it's not gonna not gonna happen so i would have had to have stayed wherever i was.
The problem is what if you start in the morning and it's not bad and halfway through the day that stuff starts happening uh what do you do then i don't know but i'll find out someday um i'm sure i will so anyway um we uh just got word that the um the unit they're only they're only waiting on one thing left in the unit um uh heat strip for the back um air conditioning unit
So i'll have two different ways of heating three different ways of heating the unit um which during the summer here is really irrelevant but when it's cold it's cold there's no two ways about it but the big thing is i have shock absorbers i am so excited you know i i think of so many people and what gets them excited and what am i excited about i've got shock absorbers because i'm going to louisiana
And even everybody in louisiana will agree with me good to have shock absorbers in louisiana it really they may not last long but it's it's good to have so uh i am excited about this next trip it's coming up pretty quick um let's see today's the sixth when do we pick her up do you remember i'm trying to remember when it is uh because april 4th