TLP 119: How Your Family’s Future is Tied to the Past


Your family won’t be able to glorify God in the future unless it knows and remembers His promises from the past. Join AMBrewster as he reminds us why remembering is so important and shares some important truths our families need to remember.  Check out 5 Ways to Support TLP. Click here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript.     Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Follow AMBrewster on Twitter. Follow us on Pinterest. Subscribe on YouTube.   Need some help? Write to us at [email protected].


There's wonderful, miraculous, and eternal hope for your family in the new year, but that hope is rooted and built up in the blessings and promises of the past.
Welcome to Truth. Love. Parents. Where we use God's Word to become intentional premeditated parents.
Here's your host, A .M. Brewster. Happy fifth day of Christmas. I don't know if any of you received golden rings today, but if you did, congratulations.
Today we have a short reminder of many reminders, but first I'd like to remind you that from now until the end of January, all new and former patrons will receive upgraded thank yous when they commit to supporting us monthly on Patreon.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, please listen to our last episode, Our Christmas Present to You, and click the Support TLP link in the description.
And I also want to invite you to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter in the new year. Every day on Facebook, we do our best to share about three parenting articles written by various authors.
On Twitter, we post throughout the day with Bible verses and quotes about parenting, marriage, and family. I believe you'll find it refreshing, challenging, and helpful.
And of course, you can be a blessing to your friends by sharing our twice -weekly podcast on social media too.
One of the joys of following us on social media is all the reminders. Sure, we post many things that we will likely sound new or present original ideas, but I believe one of our greatest gifts to you is the continual reminders of the things you already know.
Truth Love Parent is a member of the Evermind Ministries family, and the mission of Evermind is to keep
God's Word at the center of the human experience by teaching it, reminding of it, and applying it to life.
I pray we're living up to that mission. So today's episode is called, How Your Family's Future is
Tied to the Past. This is really my way of kind of reminding us why we bother to study history.
Everyone should know when a history teacher asks you, why do we study history? The correct answer is, we study the past so we don't make the same mistakes.
So let's peruse some ancient history for a moment. The book of Genesis is all about beginnings.
The beginning of the world, the human race, sin, God's people, and the gospel. Exodus is about God's people being miraculously redeemed.
Leviticus is about God teaching His people how they are to relate to Him. Numbers chronicles who
God's people were. And Deuteronomy is about God giving His people everything they needed for life and godliness.
Now, check this out. Various forms of the word remember are used nine times in Genesis, seven times in Exodus, two times in Leviticus, and four times in Numbers.
But derivations of the word remember are used 15 times in Deuteronomy. In fact, in the totality of the
Old Testament, only three other books use the word remember more times than Deuteronomy. Don't you think that's interesting?
In the one book that spends the most time teaching God's people how to live with Him and each other, God roots their present behavior in their past.
Many times, their motivation for doing right in the here and now is directly founded on God's goodness in the past. In Deuteronomy 515,
God says, You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
Therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day. In 718, the Jews are told not to fear the people of Canaan.
Why? You shall not be afraid of them, but you shall remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all
Egypt. All throughout Deuteronomy, God's people are commanded to remember God's goodness, their sin,
His provision, their forgetfulness, their slavery, their emancipation, and much more. But why?
Well, the resounding answer is that their remembrance of the past would help them do right in the future. And the rest of the
Old Testament is a tragic example of what happens when God's people forget to remember. So what's the application for your family in the new year?
Well, if your family's future is tied to your past, the most important question is how well does your family know its past?
Do your kids know how God mercifully saved you from eternal death? If they're born again, do they remember their own salvation?
Does your family remember God's provision for your family two years ago? Have your kids forgotten why you have so many rules their parents don't have?
Do they remember the hard truths they learned when they sinned last week? Does your family ever reflect on the truth your pastor preached last
Sunday? Do your children remember God's goodness in their lives? Let's go back even farther. Do they remember
God's goodness to the children of Israel? Do they remember the sin of Adam and Eve? Do they remember who
God is? Thanksgiving and Christmas are wonderful times for reminiscing, but tomorrow our present is going to rise or fall in our ability to remember the past.
Let me ask you this. Did you spend any time with your Lord today? Did you read His Word? For those of you who didn't, likely you weren't thinking about everything you've learned concerning the riches of God's truth.
You weren't reflecting on all the times God's Word has lit your path and cleansed your hearts. You didn't remember how the
Bible has repeatedly handed you everything you needed for life and godliness. The peace and joy and contentment to which the
Bible points wasn't on your mind. If it had been, you and I both know you would have taken the time to read it today.
Now, please listen. I don't say this to criticize anybody. I say this to remind us. Lord willing, tomorrow you will again wake up, and if you forget to start your day as our
Lord so often did by taking an intentional moment with His Father, your tomorrow will be directly affected by it.
Your family will be affected by it. Please remember. In a few days we'll be celebrating the
New Year. Many people will make New Year's resolutions. Along those lines, I encourage you to listen to or re -listen to episode 16 called,
Planning for a Successful Family. I think you'll find it to be a blessing. But the New Year too often is spent looking forward.
Maybe you can ring in the New Year looking back. Set your family up for success by remembering past successes, and most importantly, remembering who gave you those successes.
Take the time to remind your children of the gospel. Remind them of the glorious and undeserved privilege it is to have a relationship with God and have direct access to His mind through the
Bible, His heart through His Son, and His strength through the Spirit. If you check out today's episode notes, you'll find a list of reminders.
I encourage you to use them as a springboard for intentional times of remembering. And here's one extra little fun thing to do in this
New Year. What you can do, as a lot of people do, is they get a big jar and they set it up someplace visible in their home, and they put a little pieces of paper and pens.
And as the Lord gives you blessings, as the Lord brings new truths into your lives, as you learn something, as there's a dramatic change in your life, what you can do is you can write it down.
Put it on the piece of paper. When God answers a prayer or God teaches you something and you drop it into the jar.
And then next New Year is you can open up that jar and you can go through it and you can spend some wonderful time remembering what
God did for your family this year. And if you haven't noticed, this is the last episode of season four and 2017.
I'm very excited about season five. We're starting off the new year with a two -part episode called No Greater Joy, What You Need for Joy in Your Parenting.
Lord willing, those will be followed by a discussion on needy parenting and parenting like the Holy Spirit. And then after a short episode on parenting trends in 2018, we're going to spend the rest of the season discussing various facets of love and hate.
Please allow me to whet your appetite. I hope to do an episode called How to Rear a Hateful Kid with all this discussion and all these issues with racism and whatnot.
How do things like that even happen? And another about the growing fight culture in our country. Then we'll transition into our
Four Loves series that I previewed for you in episode 118. You may be a little confused about that because I referred to four loves, but I also referred to three loves and I hope you'll check that out.
I'm really looking forward to it myself. Then we'll talk about Hosea parenting, whether or not you really want to be your child's friend and what it really means to be their friend.
And then I want to do a series on teaching your children to obey. We'll look at the biblical data and what obedience really is and provide you some family talking points for your kids as you help them understand obedience.
But there will be other discussions and studies as well. In fact, I'd like to get at least three special guests on the show during season five, so I hope you're looking forward to that.
And before you know it, it'll be April. Thank you for subscribing and for giving. Truth. Love. Parent is a listener -supported ministry.
Your faithful gifts make it possible for us to serve families all over the world. You can also help families by sharing today's episode on social media.
If being reminded to remember was helpful for you, it'll definitely be helpful to your friends. And please don't hesitate to ask us questions at counselor at truthloveparent .com
or request show topics at teamTLP at truthloveparent .com. There's wonderful, miraculous, and eternal hope for your family in the new year, but that hope is rooted and built up in the blessings and promises of the past.
Does your family remember? See you next time. Truth. Love. Parent is part of the
Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional premeditated parent.
Join us next time as we search God's word for the truth your family needs today.