The Prophet Jeremiah Part 27

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The Prophet Jeremiah Part 28

The Prophet Jeremiah Part 28

Alright, we're gonna pray and we are going to get started. Let's pray Lord Jesus again as we open up your word
We ask through the Holy Spirit to help us to rightly understand what you have revealed there That we may cast aside all of our false doctrine and idolatries that we may truly believe
What you have revealed so that we may have life eternal in Jesus Christ. We ask in Jesus name.
Amen Okay, let's see here. My apologies
Aislinn. I did not know that my bell would set your dog off I Feel like I'm conducting
Pavlovian experiments inadvertently so but you get the idea. All right
Can I speak about dinosaurs me like Dwayne Cleven not hang on Yeah, I'm joking
Dwayne I'm joking so there was a there was a special request could I speak about dinosaurs
And then there's another question, why do you bow towards the altar table during the sacrament? Okay, so we have a couple of quick questions.
So talking about dinosaurs You'll note that there's no doubting that there are dinosaurs or there were dinosaurs
They were clearly on the earth. The question is what is the what is the event that led to such a mass extinction and and the fossilization of such so many and so huge Animals such as the dinosaurs answer the flood
It was the great flood that created the good These the fossil records as we know them when it comes to dinosaurs
I strongly recommend that you spend some time in the answers in Genesis website these these are people who are scientists who work for Ken Ham and and they do a very good job of demonstrating that the flood is the
Explanation as to why we have the fossil records that we have today. So and that's also the reason why
During the quote ice age the place we're standing right now was underwater Okay The the flood being the big event.
That's the that's the thing that caused The dinosaurs to disappear now.
I I would note that every culture has Legends and stories about dragons
Okay So it is my personal belief that since God told Noah that he was to take all types of animals onto the ark that dinosaurs survived the flood through the ark and And then as they multiplied and did their thing and spread around the earth the the
That's the core nucleus of truth that's behind every single ancient cultures
Claim Regarding dragons. That's what if you think about it, that's what a dragon is, right? You know, you look at those that t -rex you sit and go.
Yeah, that's a dragon. Okay. Yeah, that's that's that's where dragon stories Come from but again answers in Genesis is the plates to go now the question
Karen asked Why do we bow towards the altar table during the sacrament actually? so the the the correct phrase that we used to describe what we call is
Reverencing the altar so and and so you'll note that I have enemies who accused me of bowing before Norwegian Jesus and that's just not the case.
Okay, so I get accused of all kinds of weird idolatry and stuff like this But we we do something called reverencing the altar and a good way to think of it is this is
That when two or more are gathered Christ is truly present Right, right
So we have to kind of figure out a place that we can say where Jesus is and since during the
Lord's Supper We believe that in the Lord's Supper We receive the true body and blood of Christ given and shed for the forgiveness of our sins
That's the place where we can look to as like this if Jesus was going to be anywhere
It's there. Okay, and you'll note that This this actually has some basis in the
Old Testament types and shadows when it talks about the Holy of Holies what was in the Holy of Holies the
Ark of the Covenant and What was on the mer what was on top of it the mercy seat and the mercy seat had the two cherubim
Facing each other and then of course you have those references that say that God is enthroned on the cherubim
So, you know So the mercy seat is considered to be the seat of God if you would
That being the case the altar is a good place to locate Christ now that you know
And so you'll note then that we have a habit that we do and that when people approach the altar they stop and they reverence
The altar it's basically their way of acknowledging Christ's presence That that's the idea behind it and then and then to add kind of further fuel to the concept
You know, I'm glad we went back to having You know real wax candles because when the candles are lit
They are also supposed to be a kind of symbolic representation of the presence of Christ So they're lit right before the service
They're extinguished at the end of the service and it's like a visual reminder again of the presence of Christ.
So everything is Christo centric It's all pointing to Jesus so and you know if you ever
You ever hear somebody say I hear that pastor Rose, bro He bows and genuflection.
Hey, he bows before Norwegian Jesus even you you don't even know you don't know your Lutheranism. You just that's just not the point and so so for instance at Emanuel Lutheran Church, they don't have
Norwegian Jesus and I Do the same thing there because again, it's the altar itself.
All right, so spatially That's where we locate the presence of Christ now
He could be sitting in the back in the back row, which would make sense because after all Jesus is a
Lutheran. So But it would be weird to reverence the back the back pew that I'm just saying that would be really weird.
So Although it may be more accurate who knows but so the idea that everything is focused in on Christ who is truly present
He's truly present here to forgive our sins to give us his word Defeat us his body and blood to assure us of the forgiveness of our sins.
You get the idea So that's where that all comes from. Okay Jesus used to be darker, but northern winter made his skin pale.
Yeah, right exactly Rachel. I Would note that the the statue of Jesus that we have is is
I would note Not quite Semitic enough. So I'm just gonna say yes
Okay, so quick so the question is can I do a quick and dirty comparison syncretism universalism and Gnosticism in some ways you can use those terms synonymously
But it when you do that you lose some of your nuance. So Universalism is basically like like from the quote that I read that all
Religions are actually one religion. And so so this this idea then it doesn't matter what you believe
All paths lead to the one God so in in in some of the
Gnostic initiatic societies They describe the supreme being as the grand architect of the universe
Okay, and so the grand architect he doesn't have any interaction with With the the present world that is created because that would create a duality that would go on for eternity
And so our goal in some of these initiatic societies then is to return back
To the to become one again with the supreme architect, but that is done then through Reincarnation and enlightenment and things like this and so I'm kind of mixing a lot of metaphors at the moment but the idea then behind universalism is this belief that all religions are true and Syncretism is the belief that not only are all religions true, but syncretistically it doesn't matter what what religion you believe so there was there was a
YouTube video that came out a big hit piece against Christianity more than a Decade ago.
What was the name of that thing? and the basic premise behind it is is that Christians don't really know the truth about Jesus and Christianity and so what the what the what the video set out to do was to open our eyes to the true meaning of Jesus and the
Gospels and so by true meaning they mean an esoteric meaning and so what they tried to do is draw comparisons between Jesus and Osiris Jesus and the the
Egyptian story of how Osiris how he died The only thing that was left was his phallus
Isis impregnated herself with that and then then what ended up happening is Osiris rose again from the dead and so the claim is is that Jesus is really the whole story of the
Gospels and Jesus dying and rising again is really at its core a Gnostic concept of Fertility does that make sense?
Okay, so and this is where I'll make kind of a big distinction Gnosticism teaches that there is a supreme being
But that there are little mini gods that kind of emanate off of the supreme being The supreme being then with each emanation those emanations are going to come out in dualities of male and female deities and So there's gods and goddesses and that ultimately all the ancient pagan religions had to do at their core with fertility
So the reason why you offered human sacrifices to Baal is because Baal is the one who brought the rain
That make sense Okay, the reason why you had you said you you worship these pagan deities by having
I hate to say the phrase but this is brought up in Jeremiah having orgies under trees under at high places is because the fertility of the earth and human fertility are connected together and so the act of human copulation then under those kind of pagan
Religious ceremonies is a way of inducing the gods to fertilize the earth and to make the earth abundant
So the earth brings forth food and things like this. And so when we talk then about the you know, pagan
Universalism the belief that all religions are true They were syncretistic and believing that it didn't matter which deity worshipped because ultimately it doesn't matter which religion it is
They're all supposed to be Stories that tell the one story the story of fertility of God's providing abundance of our return to God by getting off the wheel of reincarnation and then becoming one with the supreme
Architect of the universe again. All right, and I know this sounds like crazy stuff I don't even know if I'm hitting home as far as cognitively understanding what
I'm saying Okay now, okay, so we're going to talk about one of the nuances of like ancient
Gnosticism which isn't fully embraced by all forms of Gnosticism and you need I need to make something very clear that Gnosticism doesn't have an orthodoxy where there's a doctrinal statement that everybody signs off on that's first and foremost you have to get that and instead
Gnosticism has particular Beliefs that may be common or more more common than others
So one of the common beliefs then in in historic Gnosticism is
That the reason why the physical universe exists is Due to the fact that one of the female
Demi urges who was an emanation from the divine being She had a temper tantrum.
It knows it's a she she had a temper tantrum and by having the temper tantrum She inadvertently created matter
Okay, which then creates what's called a duality a duality between spirit and physicality
Okay, and dualities in the Gnostic way of thinking are bad you don't want dualities and the ultimate goal of their scheme of salvation is to leave the dualities behind and For everything to get enfolded back into the one it back into the and this is supreme being so when somebody says
That So Gnostics then would believe that the ancient Gnostics believed that The flesh doesn't matter
What matters is the spirit? What matters is the spiritual and who you are has nothing to do with your?
Physicality and as a result of it, it doesn't matter what you do with your body at all You know you honoring
God with your body. That's a weird concept. Okay, this is the spiritual. That's really the matter so when people make connections back then to Gnosticism as it relates to transgenderism
Transgenderism is this belief that who I am has nothing to do with my physicality The real me may not even be male the real me might be a man or a
Z or a blah right? This is how they talk But and and so it's a denial that God created us male and female and that the physical tangible things that you can smell taste
And touch are actually have anything to do with who you are It's a denial of that altogether
So the real me is Something that I need to discover the the real me is something that I need to embrace and the real me needs to be set free from these cultural
Stereotypes and definitions that are put upon us through dogmatic evil people like Christians, right?
And so the idea then is is that so the journey of transgenderism is first discovery of self who your true
Self is and then being that right and so you'll note that who you are then has nothing to do with how
God made you physically, so the real you is not anything tangible and so Gnostics of all ages will generally talk about the flesh in terms of of a prison that you have to be set free from Right, so the if you were to think about you know so all
Gnostic religions believe in a form of reincarnation and the goal is to is to To earn the right to no longer have to to be incarnated so that you can become one, right?
So that's that's where the comparison between Gnosticism is and transgenderism because it's a denial of that.
God has made us both spirit and body and so in the
Gnostic narrative then when God So Gnostics deny that Jesus Christ Actually was incarnate and born of the
Virgin Mary. They also denied that Jesus rose bodily from the grave Okay, and the most one of the most absolutely insane beliefs that they cannot tolerate is the belief that When Jesus returns in glory that he's going to resurrect us and that we are going to spend eternity not as spirits
But as human beings with physical bodies and so when
John writes his first epistle The epistle of first John was written specifically against the
Gnostics who were in full force by the time John wrote this and watch where John goes because this is basically the bit the best way
I can put it is is that this is a Big slap in the face against Gnosticism John says that which was from the beginning
Which we have heard which we have seen with our own eyes Which we have looked upon and have touched with our hands
Concerning the word of life the life was man it made manifest and we have seen it and testified to it and proclaimed to you the eternal life which the father
Which the father and was made manifest to us that which we have seen we have heard we proclaim also to you
So know what he's doing. He's attacking the Gnostic concept. So Gnosticism there was a strain of it that taught something called
Dossett ism Dossett ism is this idea that Jesus really wasn't God incarnate.
He only appeared to have To have human flesh and so the way the
Gnostics would talk about it when Jesus was walking on the sands of Judea He would leave no footprints
Okay, because to leave footprints would mean that he he would actually be a physical form.
And so this idea of somehow God and man coming together that that just is that's crazy talk and this a lot of this is really based upon Plato's philosophy, you know, there's kind of really
Plato's philosophy run amok. Are you familiar with like the the allegory of the of the cave
Right. So in the allegory of the cave you have these people who who basically spend their entire life in the darkness right in this cave and this is the only world that they know and And somebody ends up shining a little bit of light inside of the cave and Creating shadows of human beings dancing around on the wall of the cave and and they're blown away by this
They've never seen anything like this, right? And so they thought that was the the most amazing thing ever and that was the extent of their understanding of like how the world
Operates but one of the prisoners inside of the cave kind of Jim Carrey style You familiar with the the
Truman show, right? he escapes the cave right and he goes out and he sees the world he sees trees and he sees the
Sun and He doesn't have me and have language to describe the things that he's seen, right? And so what what he ends up doing is, you know
After experiencing the world the real world as we know it He goes back into the cave to try to tell his the people who he was enslaved in and kept captive in this cave about the the real world tell him about the
Sun and the Moon and the stars and the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees It sounds like a poem you get the idea, right?
And what did they end up doing? They end up killing him All right, they end up killing that guy. And so that becomes the kind of the core
Gnostic allegory that the world we live in All right, the world we live in is like the cave.
Okay, what's really real? We haven't even experienced yet and we don't even have language for it
We're all captives inside of our fleshly bodies and And the spiritual realities of true enlightenment and the real really real world that spiritual
You know few have ever attained those heights and have crossed over and come back to describe to us
What's really real? And so the basically the the world that you see is the wool that's pulled over your eyes and in Gnosticism It's all about enlightening yourself in earning the right to have the wool taken off of your eyes or pulling it off yourself
That's kind of the important bit so that you can finally see the truth right, so Again am
I making any sense? I have no idea because Gnosticism is one of these things that always bends my brain Yes, Hannah, right?
Boy, that's a good question Okay, so So let me kind of rephrase the question so the question was since all of these pagan religions seem to be obsessed with fertility is is this a satanic or demonic attempt to Kind of mock or either go after the the
Messiah who would be the seed of the woman now since I don't have a biblical text that tells me that and I don't really like thinking the devil's thoughts because that's not
Really a lot of fun. I would say that as a hypothesis it sounds About right
I have no way to prove or disprove it though Without a biblical text because I dare not go go that direction
But I would note that you'll note that that pagan religions these for these these pagan
Gnostic fertility religions Sexual immorality is is an actual religious practice which is
Just mind -bogglingly Unbelievable. So in one of one of the initiatic societies
It's called the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn and this was the this is the initiatic society that is set up by Alistair Crowley and and Alistair Crowley was a firm believer and an advocate and practitioner of something called sex magic all right, and Again, this stuff is not this
I just don't think it's a coincidence I just don't so at its core then you'll note that one of these things these pagan religions all seem to have in common is is that They unbuckle us from any kind of sexual morality and have us chase after rank egregious abominable sexual practices that are forbidden by God for all of his creatures and But it's all done under a religious pretext
Which is bizarre Absolutely bizarre and by the way
If you wanted to become a member the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn Right and you were to find your local chapter.
Where do you think they meet? Where do you think they perform their initiation ceremonies? Where do they have their?
Do you guys know? Your local Masonic temple Just this is a note so again.
I know that you know when I talk about Freemasonry. It does upset people Because there are people who are members of Freemasonry who think that it's just some kind of fraternal community organization.
It's not it really truly is not you know it's
Granted there's a diversity of beliefs in there, but embedded in that thing is is narcissism
So so coming back to John here John is talking about the tangible thing about Christ and then in the later chapters of 1st
John John's gonna go after what's called what he calls the spirit of Antichrist, right?
Tells us to love one another well. Yeah, that's a good idea Test the spirits. Yeah, God is love and then let's see here
As I pass it up overcoming the world testimony the Son of God hang on a second here
Christ our advocate Do not love the world here. We go children It is the last hour and as you have heard
Antichrist is coming so now many Antichrists You know have come therefore.
We know that it is the last hour. They went out from us They were not of us if if they had been of us
They would have continued with us But they went out that it might become plain that they are not all of us And you've been anointed by the
Holy One and you all have knowledge I write to you not because you don't know the truth But because you know it because no lie is of the truth and that's kind of the important bit there are no lies of the truth so who is the liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the
Christ and Listen carefully then to how he's talking because Gnosticism will talk about Jesus as the
Christ but the Christ is different than Jesus and So if you if you remember the quote that I gave you from Manly Hall today
Manly Hall In fact I could probably pull this up hang on a second here And I always went again when
I open up my Kindle, and I let you see my library You're gonna think I am into the occult because I do a lot of primary research on these things so Let's see here.
Let's open up my library and hopefully this won't crash all right, so here's the book that That I was referring to today.
It's called the the lost keys of Freemasonry and It's written by Manly Hall who was a
Freemason and watch again what he says the true Mason is not creed bound He realizes the divine illumination of his lodge that as a
Mason his religion must be universal Christ Buddha or Muhammad the name means little for he recognizes only the light and not the light bearer and So when
John says here that that no one who? Who's he who's a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the
Christ always and again you can hear this in Gnostic teaching So I'll give you an example What's his name hold on a second here?
Let's see here Do do do I'm gonna find this real quick here we go
This guy this guy Richard roll roar
Richard roar, okay, so Richard war this guy's an emergent all right And he was he's a complete mystic.
I would note here note note where he's sitting Okay, this photograph was taken from a lecture that he gave at his
Institute. Where is he sitting? Center of a triangle does a triangle have a top to it
Not that you can see all right And what's he sitting between Two pillars, okay, if you know your
Gnostic if you know your Gnostic symbolism He's clearly identifying himself as a Gnostic and so here
Richard roar He's a guy who a lot of quote Christians like to read but he teaches that he talks about the cosmic or mystic
Christ and The Christ is different than Jesus Jesus became the
Christ or the Christ came upon Jesus but Jesus isn't the
Christ in the same way that That manly P Hall said and I'll come back to this
He says that he realizes divine illumination of his lodge that as a
Mason he As Mason his religion must be universal Christ Buddha or Muhammad the name means little he recognizes only the light and not the light bearer
So the idea then in the Gnostic way of thinking Jesus is not the light Jesus is the bearer of the light
Muhammad was a bearer of the light Buddha was a bearer of the light
But Jesus isn't the light Jesus isn't the
Christ the Christ came up on Christ on Jesus or Jesus became the
Christ the Christ is different than Jesus This is all esoteric
Gnosticism and let me explain what I mean by esoteric so one of the big complaints then that the these esoteric
Gnostics have about Christianity is that they'll basically say You don't understand how to rightly interpret the scriptures and I say well
How should I interpret them and they'll say well your problem is you're engaging in something called exegesis
Right. What is exegesis? You read the text and you read out the meaning that was written into the text.
So for instance, right? Think back to when you were a kid, you know, my mom did something
Weird on Saturdays when I was about 12 or 13 years old She would go and play tennis with her good friend on Saturday mornings and one
Saturday morning I woke up and my mom had left me a note right and the note said
I'm going to be playing tennis with Lily and Joni this morning and I'll be back sometime in the early afternoon.
And while I'm gone, I expect you to Empty the dishwasher. I want you to wash your father's car
I want you to vacuum your room and dust off the furniture in your room
Pretty specific stuff, right? Oh, and I also want you to take all your laundry and put it in the laundry room
So when I get home, all I have to do is put it into the washing machine. This was the note Right, so I would exegete the note and I would then get busy
Of course I had this amazing superpower that most kids did not have and that was the ability that when my mom was only 10 minutes out
From arriving I could accomplish all the chores in 10 minutes time. Okay, not well
Okay The quality was lacking but the task was done because Saturday morning was what time for cartoons, right?
But the idea then is is that we exegete out the note because my mom had embedded meaning in there using vocabulary and words that I understood so that I could understand the real meaning of the message now the
Esoteric Gnostics will say when it comes to religious text if you just read the first level
Okay, Jesus died for our sins. He rose bodily from the grave He was born of the
Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate. That's all what they would call exoteric mumbo -jumbo
Okay, and they would say that's not the real meaning of the Bible exegesis and an s o
Exoteric reading of the scriptures is going to deceive you. That's the wool
That's keeping you from seeing the real reality and so what happens is is that in the Gnostic way of thinking then you have to be
Initiated you go through initiation ceremonies and these ceremonies are the best way
I could describe them is that they are Like little mini drama plays and people play different roles
Okay, have you seen the movie V for Vendetta? Okay V for Vendetta This is a purely
Masonic movie and I mean that so let me explain to you Alright the main character
V. He wears a mask, right? You don't know who he is because he's constantly wearing a mask. But what do you know about him?
He's got major burn scars all over his body, right? He's got burn scars all over his body and you never get to see his face
He's always hidden behind a mask and then you have the second character. Her name is Evie Evie which is not a name chosen randomly sounds a lot like Eve, you know the mother of the us all okay, and she is
She's well being chased and hunted down by an evil evil political system, which basically looks like Christianity had a child with Sharia law
Okay, best way I can put it It's like the Nazis Sharia law and Christianity had a baby and then this created the government right and their symbol was a cross
With two two bars, right a red cross with two bars, which by the way is called the cross of Lorraine But that's a different story.
And so what happens is is that the the big build -up? leads to Evie being quote captured her having a bag put over her head and her taken to what she thinks is a prison complex where she
Basically experiences being tortured and then eventually quote being so confident that she's willing to Die and in a sense she dies and rises again but then she learns that none of it was real that it was just a play put on by V right and that symbolizes a
Gnostic or Masonic initiation ceremony the when you are initiated into Freemasonry as well as the hermetic order of the
Golden Dawn the Eastern Star the first first initiation ceremony that you go through your hood winked which means you have a black bag put over your head and You go you in this play this little mini drama that takes place inside of these inside these temples
You then take on the character in the first in the first initiation ceremony take on the character of Hiram a beef
Who's not even a real character? But he was supposedly the guy who built Solomon's temple and designed it and he refused to give away his secrets to these ruffians who who are demanding that he give it and then he's smacked on the head with a mallet killed and You're playing
Hiram my beef you get smacked on the head with a mallet you fall over backwards into a tarp
And then they pray over your dead body, but then you rise again, right? It's all this this idea and the idea then behind it is is that these little mini dramas that they put on these initiation ceremonies they contain a little bit of light and With each ceremony that you go through the light gets brighter and brighter and you're supposed to reflect on what's the real meaning?
And the idea then is is that they teach you then through these initiation ceremonies how?
To you kind of in embrace the secret knowledge the esoteric meaning and how to read things
Basically read out the spirit the true spiritual meaning of the biblical text so that you can see it's really all about the fertility
Deity that Jesus is supposed to be that's the idea behind it, right?
Right and by the way in in the movie V for Vendetta the character that plays
V All right, he is actually and this and this is an important bit He's he's a stand -in for a very important hero within kind of Gnostic and Masonic lore
And that's a fellow. Oh Jacques de Molay Okay, and so it's he
V is Jacques de Molay who was tortured. He was the Grand Master of Of the
Knights Templar Who was himself a Gnostic and he was tortured to give up his secrets and he wouldn't give them up and he was eventually burned on a spit and So V the character
V is a stand -in for for for Jacques de Molay and the whole idea of V for Vendetta is
Basically saying the Gnostics their goal is to get their vengeance on Christianity That's why the bad evil political system in the movie
V for Vendetta is is portrayed as like, you know, kind of like Christian Patriarchy run them run amok, right?
That's the whole reason behind it because that how how they portray Christianity in that is
Exactly the way once you once you embrace this esoteric meaning you believe that Christianity biblical
Christianity is the enemy It is the enemy of all that is good and it is the enemy that that is choosing to oppress you and to keep you from knowing the truth and your true self and you to experience enlightenment and So always in the
Gnostic and met the Masonic Narratives Christianity is always the evil one
So then go back to like remember the movie The Da Vinci Code in the book that came out in The Da Vinci Code That is a pure Gnostic You know
Masonic concept and Even though you sit there and go none of this can be historically validated when it comes to the
Gnostic initiations and Gnostic legends Whether or not these things are
Actually take place in human history Does not matter to them these ceremonies and these legends convey
Esoteric truth that you're supposed to reflect on so that you can again have more and more light so that you can finally see
The truth that's the whole point of them. And so I'll tell you another Gnostic legend then In that is that it is the legend of Jacques de
Molay So as it goes and I'll tell you a little bit of how the story works how this worked out
Then is that if you know the story of the Knights Templar the Knights Templar were these monk warrior priests
Who were used by the Roman? Roman Catholic Church For the purpose of first waging war against the
Muslims in the Holy Land for the purpose of recapturing the Holy Land and Then the
Knights Templar then were also tasked with then protecting Pilgrims who wanted to visit the
Holy Land from Europe now if you remember back in the day They didn't have airplanes and cars and things like this
So traveling was something that can get you in a lot of danger And so the Templars were the ones who were the armed warrior monks
Who would then escort? Pilgrims from Europe to the
Holy Land and they practically invented checking accounts and Banking as we know it today because you can't carry gold with you on a trip like that and expect to you know to arrive alive
So what would happen is is that if you were a pilgrim you would you would check in at a
Knights Templar? Monastery a templary and you would turn in your gold at the at that first station and Then they would create a passbook for you that and then they would give you they would give you a password and they would give the
Templar Knight a password and then in order to get your money the two passwords had to be given on the other end of the journey so that You can get money and you can write checks against what you deposited and it's it's it's interesting how they create all these little codes
And stuff like that, but as the legend goes and this and no this doesn't matter if this is really truly history or not
This is how the legend goes that once the Templars took control of Jerusalem from the
Muslims That they set up their base of operations in Solomon's Temple This is true by the way historically that part and they began engaging in Archaeological digs to to get the mysteries of the things that were supposedly hidden under the temple
So if you ever if you remember the movie Indiana Jones and the and the Raiders of the
Lost Ark, right? Okay, where was the where was the Lost Ark located?
What was the name of the place where it was located where they eventually found it? The Well of Souls the
Well of Souls funny enough as the as the Templar legend goes They found the
Ark of the Covenant in the Well of Souls, but it wasn't in Egypt the Well of Souls was part of The temple complex that you know, so if you if you've heard of the
Dome of the Rock that's currently in Jerusalem on the temple Mount you if you want to see the inside of that go to Go to like Google Earth or go to Google Maps and there are people who've taken like three -dimensional
Like photos of the inside of that but on the second level underneath the main level where the rock is
Then that's the place called the Well of the Souls and it's completely like plastered up You can't go down into the
Well of Souls today But according to the Templar legend, they found the well of they found the Ark of the Covenant down in the Well of Souls They also found the head of John the
Baptist. All right, this is this is one of the expert This is also an important bit because John the Baptist Plays a big role and kind of Gnostic Legends and things like this, but according to the legend also the
Templars found the bones of Christ All right. This is how the legend goes if you remember more than a decade ago
There was there was a documentary put out on the History Channel put out by a fellow by the name of Simcha Yakubovich He's a
Jewish. He's not really an archaeologist. He's more like a Jewish muckraker But the claim was is that they found the bones of Jesus in what's called the
Talpiot tomb But they didn't really find the bones of Jesus as the story goes. They found they found several ossuaries and The ossuaries themselves, these are called bone boxes
One of the one of the bone boxes said Yeshua bar
Yosef Okay Hebrew Jesus the son of Joseph and Because they found a bone box that said
Jesus the son of Joseph and they also found a bone box that had the name Miriam In it, which is also the name for Mary So they said therefore we found with we found the tomb of Jesus, all right now, let me show you this here
I Love the fact we're way off topic today Yeah, that's that's the issue.
So hang on Talpiot tomb. All right All right.
Let me see if I can find the images All right this yeah, so this right here is is the lost tomb of Jesus supposedly, right
And so they found several ossuaries in there Jesus son of Joseph and then here's the issue is that These were super common names back then so There's there's a thing that had to happen in the time of Christ and you can see it in the lists of the disciples so Simon Simon Peter Simon is the is the son of who?
Jonah okay, his father's name is Jonah John and Andrew are the sons of who? Zebedee, right
Okay, but so the idea then is is that when people had super common names and I mean like really common names
You had to disambiguate them Jesus was such a common name They would always refer to Jesus as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus the son of Joseph in order to disambiguate him
Peter was Simon bar Jonah. He's the son of Jonah John and John the son of Who Zebedee right but then you have something like Bartholomew and they never mentioned his father
They didn't have to because that wasn't a common name And so what they found basically was was bone boxes with pretty common names on it
But the claim was and and you're gonna note here this this upside -down chevron with the circle.
That's a Templar That's a Templar symbol. It shows up on a Templar coin from the time
And so what's really interesting is that inside the tomb they found skulls one in the north one in the east and one in the west
Inside this this inside this tomb, which means it's probably true. The Templars found this But the claim was is that they had found the bones of Jesus now that the bones were not inside of the ossuary
That said Jesus bar Joseph The bones were not in there and so as the legend goes the
Templars had found the body of Christ or the bones of Christ and therefore he wasn't really Risen from the dead.
That's their claim and as the legend goes they when they had made this initial discovery, they were able to kind of blackmail the
Pope and The Pope then made them super wealthy and promised
You know to to make their lives wonderful as long as they wouldn't divulge the secret, right?
but later that Pope died and the king of France also changed kind of hands what from one family to another from the
Merovingians to I forget who took after took off took off after the Merovingians But what ended up happening in subsequent generations the
Templars then became super wealthy during that time This is how the legend goes and the king of France was really jealous
He wanted to be a Templar himself and he asked if he could become a Templar and be initiated and they said no and He ended up owing them a lot of money anyways
And so he bore them a grudge and according to the way the legend goes As a result of the fact that the king of France bore him a grudge
He conspired with the present with the Pope at the time in order to put an end to the
Templar order and he put an end to the Templar order by by ordering that the
Jacques de Molay who was the Grand Master of the Knights Templar at the time be arrested and tortured and and at the same time
Then the the king of France seized all of the property assets of the
Templars all of their monasteries and everything else and And this is where it gets interesting.
I'll Put a put a point here something else occurred on that same day.
It was Friday the 13th of October 13 something when this occurred
But there was another thing that happened, but I'm getting ahead of myself. So they tortured Jacques de Molay for years
And then eventually burned him at the spit burned him on a spit Alive and in fact the day that they that the day that he was going to be put to death
They gave him the opportunity to save his life by divulging his secrets and he refused to do so And he had already been burned so many times he carried his own toe bones with him to the place where they would end up burning him alive and when he and then he was burned alive and died, but on the day when they and that when when they
Put the made the Templars illegal the Templars also being as powerful.
They were they actually had in France three warships naval ships that they owned and they used to fly the
Templar flag But as soon as they got word that the king of France was going to come and seize their ships
They lowered the Templar flags and fly flew a flag that was that had never appeared before It was called the
Jolly Roger if you're familiar with it the skull and crossbones That's it This is how the legend goes and the skull and crossbones was their way of saying we have the bones of Christ and they were formed in such a way to look like a
Cairo and So the Pirates as we understand them and so these ships escaped one went to Scotland one actually went around the
Horn of Africa and ended up in the Indian Ocean and the other one went off to Portugal and and these this is where the
Pirates come from and the Jolly Rogers shows that they are affiliated with the Knights Templar and And that that was their their symbol to let let everybody know they have the bones of Christ that's how the legend goes and So you'll note then people who buy into this legend.
What did they do? They deny the resurrection of Christ? They believe that Jesus rose from the grave and here's the thing this
Talpiot tomb the bones of Christ were never found there that in fact when you do the research on it if I liked what ended up happening at the time when this thing came out.
I was actually very Very active as a blogger when this first came out
Punching holes in the whole narrative that they had actually found the bones of Jesus because if they had found the bones of Jesus then
Christianity isn't true and I got better things to do on a Sunday than talk to you guys about Jesus right, but one of the one of the guys who was working really hard on this at the time was a fellow by the name of Ben Witherington and He actually was in communication with me and we were kind of coordinating some of our things he found a lot of the initial legwork that I had done very helpful and He took one of my concepts and then kind of took it to the next level
I really loved what he did with it is that in saying that the the bones of Jesus were found in the
Talpiot tomb That would be like saying okay, so we've got we've got remember the guy remember the
Beatles the band the Beatles Okay, you got Ringo you got Who are the
Beatles real quick Okay George Ringo John and Paul, right?
So if you found let's say that you found You found a tomb right and in the tomb you found the you found a guy by the name of George You found a guy by the name of Paul and you found another felt
Who's the other one John John you find you found a John? Okay, but here's the thing. There's no Ringo Okay, if you found those three names buried together, can you say that you found the tomb of the
Beatles without a Ringo you can't Okay, because Ringo is like the exception
Same thing that the the names of that is that of the people's names written on these ossuaries
They're very common names, but there was no Ringo and Jesus is half brothers. We know who they are
They were totally missing from the mix and as a result of it statistically the chances of it being the tomb of Christ are like None, it's it's it's it's like less than zero
But all that being the case here hear me out on this in Gnosticism the historicity
Doesn't matter whether it's true. It doesn't matter
The legend itself the telling of the story your participation in initiatic
Ceremony a little mini drama where you take on the role of Hiram a B for Jacques de
Molay or somebody else or what? When that when that that happens, it doesn't matter if that history is true
What matters is the light that it's supposed to convey in the experience of it
Does that make sense? Right, so let me give you if I can give you an explanation for it so one of the things that all of these initiatic societies all agree on is that with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and his ascension that concurrent in human history is the complete collapse of the the pagan mystery religions of Rome Concurrent with the with the rise of Christianity is the absolute destruction.
Does anybody worship Zeus today openly? Not openly
Okay But when Christ was alive the pagan world,
I mean was filled with idols but with the rise of Christianity the best way
I can put it is is that it's it Christianity completely overwhelmed and Decimated the pagan world and there's a reason for it
Paul makes it clear that all of the pagan religions that at their core their existence came about as a result of Demons and that people who offered sacrifices to Apollo and Athena and Zeus were in fact offering sacrifices to demons and You'll note that that Paul talks about the fact with the death burial resurrection and ascension of Christ that Satan's demonic powers had been severely curtailed
And they described it's described in scriptures as a binding okay, Satan being bound and it makes perfect sense if all the demonic power behind these pagan religions were bound and severely limited
After the ascension of Christ then it make that has that has explanatory power as to why these religions effectively disappeared
But they didn't disappear They just went into hiding is the best way I can put it and as we get closer and closer to the return of Christ The other thing that happens on the on the other side of that is that Satan's?
Boundness is unbound that whatever it is. That's fettering him. It has been fettering him for millennia begins to loosen up so that demonic powers and influence start to make a
Huge comeback very rapidly very quickly in the in the in the years before the return of Christ And the one thing
I can tell you about the devil is the devil knows nothing of forgiveness and he bears a grudge Okay, and I and I mean like a grudge like you wouldn't believe kind of grudge and so with the with the rise
Of evil in our lifetime. You're going to note that there's a rise of evil
There's a there's a resurgence of Gnostic thinking and there's overt messages being said by Gnostics We're going to get our vengeance on you
Christians, and we are considered to be the pariahs of the world now I'm not recommending that you watch this, but if you have an opportunity, it's
It's a rough. It's a rough watch The on Hulu the Handmaid's Tale Okay, that is another
Gnostic show and it's basically the retelling of the story of Persephone and Demeter Okay, if you know the story of Persephone and Demeter The Demeter's daughter
Persephone is taken is taken captive by Hades and Dragged into hell and to shale.
All right, and And held captive and then ends up falling in love with her captor and spends half the year
In the overworld and half the world half the year in the in the in the underworld The story of Persephone Demeter is the basis of the
Handmaid's Tale, but hell isn't hell. Hell is a Christian theocracy okay in this in the
Handmaid's Tale and it is a story of The vengeance that they hope to wreak on Christianity once they eliminate the basis of it
You know basis of it in human history It is a story about their impending vengeance upon Christianity And I think it's a resurgence of the demonic as we get closer and closer to Christ and you'll note then
This you know this past summer with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Have you paid attention to the overtly?
Slanderous hatred against Christians with the overturning of Roe v. Wade That is not an accident that is not an accident at all, so the best way
I can put it is Evil is on the rise. There's smoke smoke coming from Mordor. The orcs are almost here
And I am not being alarmist at all when I say this Yeah, yeah, you get the idea