Are Reformed Christians Too Hard on Topical Preaching?

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Topical preaching is often scoffed at in the reformed world, and understandably so. But is it really as bad as we sometimes make it out to be? Is there a use for it?  Are reformed Christians too hard on topical preaching? 


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man.
And when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
All right, Tim, so the question for today is, are Reformed people too hard on topical preaching?
In some sense I think the answer is yes, and then in other senses I think the answer is probably no.
Okay, so probably the vaguest answer possible. I mean I want to say yes,
I want to say no, okay? So no, we'll start with a no. I mean I think in a lot of ways most of the topical preaching that most people are going to do is just bad.
It's worse than bad. It's like the kind of stuff that you wouldn't want your dog to listen to, kind of bad.
And that's just true. I mean most of the time when you have, particularly when you have pastors who most of what they do is topical preaching, what's going to happen is that most, they have some kind of topic in their mind.
In best case scenario, they have a topic that they came to independently that they want to talk about.
Worst case scenario is some kind of charismatic experience has led to some sort of sermon. And then once they have their message, then they go to the text and they basically find their passage that already confirms what they believe.
So it's like an eisegetical exercise at that point. And a lot of times if it's just on a practical topic, it's going to be mostly just them trying to pigeonhole the
Bible into some kind of psychological or sociological observation at that point. So reform people being hard on topical preaching, if the only experience they have with topical preaching is that kind of thing,
I totally get it. And that's most of what's happening, particularly in your big churches is you have a bunch of topical stuff, and it's just bad.
So yes and amen, most of it's bad. Yeah, I remember
I saw someone ask this question online, I think this week actually. Maybe you saw this too, but someone asked, do you know of any false teachers that preach exegetically?
And I couldn't think of a single. Maybe there's someone out there, but I couldn't think of a single person.
Everyone I've ever heard is like the, I'm going to pull from three to five different random verses and do the most theological backflips
I can to try and make them mean exactly what I want them to mean. Yeah, and that's the value of exposition at that point is it forces a preacher to deal with what's actually in the text.
And it can be a very helpful and corrective thing if it's done well to actually walk through the text.
And a lot of the bad theologies that are out there are the kind of theologies that could be corrected by a preacher committing himself to careful verse -by -verse exposition week in and week out.
And so I'm in favor of it, and most of the teaching I've done has always been exposition, and I like it, and I lean that direction.
But then at the same time, I think that there is a very important place for topical preaching to be found also.
And I think Reformed people, they're too hard on the concept of topical preaching in general because it's so abused.
So I do have a corrective I wish could happen in most churches as it relates to this.
I would say yes. On the one hand, it's impossible to be too hard on what's actually being done under the name of topical preaching.
It's impossible to be too hard on that. But then the idea itself is not a bad idea when done well.
Tim, you might alienate our base audience. That's fine. Well, we'll get them at one point or another, right?
I mean, they can't listen to us for long. They have to have thick enough skin to get it one way or the other.
But no, I think what topical preaching is designed to do is it's designed to answer the question, what does the whole
Bible say on a particular topic? And if you're the kind of individual who has a very thorough, comprehensive, not exhaustive knowledge of the
Scripture, but a comprehensive knowledge of the Scripture, you could do topical very well.
And doing topical very well is very helpful. It's a very helpful thing that I wish more preachers do, but then it is very hard.
If you're going to answer the question, what does the whole Bible say about marriage? What does the whole
Bible say about sex? What does the whole Bible say about parenting?
What does the whole Bible say about voting? Churches need to answer these questions that people have that are very practical in orientation.
And the problem is that it just takes a lot more work. Exegetical preaching is easy.
It really is. It's a lot easier than doing topical well. I mean, it's easy to do topical poorly.
Exposition is a lot harder than doing it poorly. But doing it well means that you're going to have to read the whole book multiple times, cover to cover, and it requires you to have not an exhaustive understanding of the
Scripture, but a pretty comprehensive understanding of the Scripture to be able to answer those questions. And I think that it does have a very important place in the life of the pulpit to where you think about as you go through –
I don't want to wait 10 years to talk about marriage from the pulpit, because I finally get to Ephesians 5 or Colossians, but I don't want to wait 10 years to do that.
But I think that there's a lot of people that come and go in between 10 years, and it might be that you want to –
Just teach through the book of Song of Solomon, man. Yeah. Verse by verse. Yeah, verse by verse.
I mean, the thing is most people who are doing exposition, they're only doing it in the
New Testament anyways, right? Right, yeah. So there's that too. But I do think having periodically taken a break from the normal exposition that you do as your steady diet that keeps you honest, and just addressing certain topics like, what does the
Bible say about voting? I mean, I wish there were churches that went there with it. Like, what does the Bible say about voting?
Let's do a short topical series on this and try to cover the main points here. You don't have to cover everything, but let's cover the main points and inform people.
And I think that could be a very helpful thing. Now, I think a lot of churches, they have arbitrarily decided they're going to do that in small groups, and they're not going to do that in the
Sunday morning service. And I would just think, why not? Why not have a month series on voting?
And particularly if you're recording it, you can have it there for posterity and refer people back to it. I think that could be a good thing.
That could be a netifying thing, a helpful thing. Same thing for marriage. Same thing for parenting. I mean,
I don't think you have to wait 20 years to talk about it one time. And part of the problem with doing it from an exposition sense is that you get to that passage in Ephesians, children obey your parents and the
Lord for this is right. Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in a discipline and instruction of the
Lord. It's like, that's not everything the Bible has to say about parenting. And maybe at some point during your...
And you have two options at that point. You get to that passage, and then you're going to do a topical message in disguise, right?
To where you're going to brought it in and out. And I would just say, no, I mean, just do a series on parenting. Talk about the major features of parenting in the
Bible. And it might be something that you add that can scratch certain itches and answer certain questions that your church is going to have.
And there are some regular, normal, main things that you should address as a pastor.
And I wish we could just... I think the broader point is I wish we could just do it well. Put it in there in between the regular exposition.
Show all the charlatans and the frauds how to do it, how to really do it. But I think we can do it better than them.
I don't think we have to surrender that territory. I think we should do it better than them. And yeah, keep on doing the exposition that keeps you honest, that keeps you focused.
But then also do the topical stuff too. And that's what systematic theology essentially is, is just doing something very similar to that.
It's organizing the Bible by means of topics. And I think it would be a nice part of what we're doing if we could make a bigger effort to include that in what we're doing.
Is there anything beneficial from saying... I know sort of your solution to it is say, hey, do probably mostly exegetical preaching and then periodically insert periods of time, several weeks at a time, where you have a topical series that you're going through.
Is there any benefit from doing some sort of... probably 95 % of the time on a
Sunday, I'm going to preach exegetically, but then
I'm trying to purposefully supplement on Wednesday nights or something, a lot more topical type things that don't necessarily have much to do with what's taught on Sunday, but are trying to more teach the whole counsel of the
Bible? Yeah, I mean, I think if you... I would say that if you're devoted predominantly in the
Sunday morning to do exposition, then you really do need to make sure that you're doing topical in the midweek kind of stuff or Sunday night kind of stuff as a necessity.
Do you think that that's a good way to do it or that's just like if you are doing it that way and that's really what you want to do?
Well, I don't know. There's no rules to this. And I think some of the... I think the
Reformed crowd has arbitrarily decided that exposition is the only way to do it.
And I would just say that, well, I think you want to teach the whole counsel of God and that's one faithful way to do it.
And I do think you need to get around to actually being helpful. So sometimes you can do exposition poorly too.
Just like you can do topical really poorly, you can do exposition really poorly.
And I think exposition is a safeguard, but then sometimes you can provoke a lot of questions in the normal exposition that you're not going to answer if you're going to be faithful to the intent of the passage.
And I think you need to have some way of answering those kind of questions. So you open up a can of worms with the submission stuff and the role stuff and there's a lot more to marriage than that.
And if that's the only time you ever really talk about marriage, then you need to... I'm not saying that...
There's a lot of passages that talk about marriage here and there, but it might be nice just to get a whole picture of what it looks like in one sitting to get your mind around the whole instead of just gazing at a part here and a part there and a part there.
So put it all together and help us see the whole thing. And I think there has to be some place for that. If you say, hey,
Sunday's always going to be exposition, Wednesdays we'll do the topical stuff. That's fine, whatever. But I just think my opinion, non -sanctified opinion, is that it might be nice when most of your people are there, most of the people who are there on Sunday morning, to put a little topical in there.
And I wouldn't say 95 % of the time because that means you do one topical sermon every two years. But I would say make most of it exposition, but you do have to...
I would say it would be helpful, I think. What I'm getting out of this is we need to do a series on Song of Solomon to counterbalance the submission stuff.
Well, I think, yeah, just related to the topic of preaching in general,
I think we could do a better job of getting a lot more Old Testament in there too, right? Not be functionally
Marcionites in how we're preaching. Get some of the Old Testament stuff in there.
It's written for our instruction too. I'm taking this as a personal sign from God that we need to do the...
I'm just kidding. Okay, no, I think that makes sense. Yeah, probably do mostly exegetical preaching, but then we probably do need to do a better job with having some topical things because there is a benefit in terms of trying to teach more of the whole counsel of God.
And we get to stick it to all the false teachers by teaching topically the right way.
That's right. All right, fair enough. Fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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