Jesse Duplantis’ PECULIAR Teaching On Healing!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking yet again about Prosperity Gospel preacher Jesse Duplantis.
If this video seems similar to other reaction videos we've made about him, that is because we are reviewing entirely different clips, but from the same sermon.
This time, we'll be specifically investigating Jesse's teaching on sickness and healing in the
Christian life. So without further ado, let's watch the first clip and compare it to scripture. Watch this.
You shall not want. That doesn't mean the devil don't attack and tries to make you look at lack, but that's not a part of you.
Ladies and gentlemen, by his stripes, you were healed. Let me say this again. How many of you believe that? So if someone tells you you got diabetes or high blood pressure or cryptic arthritis or infectious disorder or stage four cancer, you have just, that's false positive reports.
You ought to write that down. I said that a couple of weeks ago. That's false positive. I'm not denying that.
I'm denying it's right because by his stripes, you were healed. So according to Jesse, by the stripes of Jesus, we are healed.
And therefore, if someone tells you that you've been diagnosed with a sickness, disease, or ailment, that is quote a false positive report.
This is wrong on virtually every level. First, that's not what it means when it says that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus.
And second, that is not what false positive means either. So we have to grapple with this honestly, because Isaiah 53 verse 5 does indeed say quote, with his wounds, we are healed.
But what does this mean? Well, let's take a look at the entire verse to get more context. Isaiah 53 verse 5 in full says this quote, but he was pierced for our transgressions.
He was crushed for our iniquities. Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace. And with his wounds, we are healed, end quote.
So the context here is that we have iniquities, transgressions, meaning sins, and these are deserving of physical piercing, crushing, chastisement from God.
Yet by the wounds of the Messiah, we are not crushed, but instead are healed. And thank God for it.
So is this passage talking about healing you of a common cold or cancer or diabetes in this physical world?
As Jesse Duplantis claims, surely not. Here's what biblical commentators say on the subject.
Albert Barnes's Bible commentary says, quote, the healing here referred to is spiritual healing or healing from sin.
It doesn't get more clear than that. Moreover, Poole's Bible commentary says, quote, those punishments by which our peace, i .e.
our reconciliation to God and salvation was to be purchased. Just so you know, I'm not picking a few out of context.
Here's yet another. Benson's Bible commentary says, quote, by His sufferings we are saved from our sins and from the dreadful effects thereof.
So obviously, a contextual and exegetical reading of this passage indicates that we're not talking about guaranteed physical healing in this temporal life.
We're talking about spiritual healing, forgiveness from sin. This is much in the same way that if someone with a broken marriage or a hurting family prays, quote,
Lord, please bring healing to this household. They aren't talking about physical healing. We all know that.
But they are talking about a very real, very legitimate other category of healing, one which is sorely needed and only
God can bring. Also, Christians might say that we, quote, need God to heal our country.
And again, they don't mean physical healing, but you understand what they mean. This is similar to the idea being presented in Isaiah 53 verse 5.
Thus, it is pretty clear that Jesse Duplantis is purposely taking this passage out of context to promote his prosperity gospel agenda.
But with all of Jesse's statements here, this brings up a question. If Christ bought our physical healing on the cross, why is it that some professing
Christians are healed and not others? In the next clip, Jesse offers a potential response.
Watch this. Well, how come people, I tell you, how come people wonder why you have to fight the good fight of faith?
Well, how come some people get healed and some don't? Well, some people fight faith instead of fighting the good fight of faith.
There are two claims being made here, and neither are particularly good. One is that people who are not healed lack faith, and the other is that people are healed because they, quote, fight the good fight of faith.
But here again, we need to notice something. Jesse is taking yet another passage out of context and hoping that you won't notice.
Jesse is right that 1 Timothy 6 .12 does indeed say, quote, fight the good fight of faith.
But again, let's look at the immediate context. 1 Timothy 6 .11, just one verse earlier, begins saying this, quote,
But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Now, what exactly are we supposed to be fleeing here?
1 Timothy 6 .10, one verse before that, says this, quote, For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.
So instead, Christians ought to pursue, quote, Righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.
So is this text talking about getting your healing from God? About claiming your health from God by faith?
Is that what fighting the good fight of faith is talking about? No, not even close.
According to Paul, fighting the good fight of faith is ridding yourself by the power of the Spirit from materialism, and instead, seeking after greater spiritual blessings of the
Lord first and foremost. Jesse takes a passage that is all about righteousness, faith, love, goodness, and instead makes it all about physical healing.
And ironically, this very passage warns us against the love of money. And even more ironically, it seems that an improper love for money is a strong motivation for this kind of preaching, the kind that prosperity teachers like Jesse Duplantis and Kenneth Copeland offer.
In any case, it's clear that Jesse has again manipulated the passage to say something it simply does not say.
But these statements lead us to another question. If Jesse is correct, then how does he keep himself from getting sick?
What should other Christians do practically as a result of his teaching on this? In the next clip, we get our answer.
Watch this. I had a man say, I don't want to get too close, I don't want to give you my coal. I said, I'm not receiving it.
Am I receiving it? Because you see the light from the desires glow.
So, if someone says they don't want to meet with Jesse because they're sick and they don't want to make him sick, his response is, don't worry,
I'm not receiving it anyway. I refuse to accept your sickness. I simply won't have it. This claim is absurd, and the implications are even more ridiculous.
Specifically, the implication here is that anyone who catches a cold from someone else has, on some spiritual level, actively decided to receive that cold rather than rejecting it by faith.
And again, this has the same problem. He's saying that the difference between those who are sick and those who are well is fundamentally a difference in their level of faith.
And this culminates in the almost laughable idea that someone could actually avoid getting sick just by deciding not to receive it.
The question now is, does this reflect the Bible's teaching on sickness? And let me tell you why
I don't think it does at all. In 1 Timothy 5 .23, Paul tells Timothy, quote, no longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments, end quote.
In other words, Paul gives Timothy practical advice on how to naturally resolve a particular ailment or sickness.
In the worldview of Jesse Duplantis, we really can't make heads or tails of this situation. Why wouldn't
Paul just say, Timothy, old buddy, old pal, don't you know that all you have to do is reject these ailments and they will instantly all go away?
Just activate your word of faith power and reject these ailments. By his stripes, you are healed after all.
Do you see how this situation simply doesn't work? If Paul has an instant get -out -of -sickness -free card, so to speak, isn't it pretty cruel for him not to offer it to his sick friend
Timothy? This passage, and many, many others, should cause us to question the teaching of Jesse Duplantis.
If people like Paul agree with Jesse on sickness and healing, then why don't we actually see that reflected practically in Scripture?
In any case, there's another more general problem here. And that is that God is sovereign over sickness, and we are not.
In Jesse's framework, effectively, you are sovereign, you're the one who decides whether or not you get sick, by your own power of will.
Yet Exodus 4 .11 says this, "...who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or blind?
Is it not I, the Lord?" But wait, God makes a person deaf or blind? Wouldn't it be the case that their lack of faith would cause such an ailment to befall them?
Well, according to Exodus, no. God is sovereign over this. A person cannot just decide not to be blind anymore.
It's up to God, ultimately, whether or not he will receive healing. So the fact is, Jesse Duplantis isn't offering true biblical teaching here.
He takes Isaiah 53, verse 5 completely out of context. Then he uses it to say something it simply doesn't say.
Then he does the exact same thing with 1 Timothy 6 .12, establishing a pattern. And finally, he ended it all off by telling you that you can simply reject any sickness that comes your way by choosing not to receive it.
As we've demonstrated, this does not reflect the full teaching that we see in Scripture regarding healing and sickness.
It simply doesn't come close. So for all of these reasons, it's fair to say that we can safely reject
Jesse's overall teaching on healing, as it is not rooted in Scripture. Instead, let's seek true teaching from God's Word, and let's offer our prayers to Him with faith and reverence, knowing that our loving
Father is ultimately in control. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Jesse Duplantis, that he would stop his false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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