Book of Luke - Ch. 1, Vs. 50-56 (11/03/2002)


Pastor David Mitchell


We're in Luke chapter 1 And I'm gonna start about verse 50 today,
I know that we covered some of those But I have a couple of points
I want to cover on that So let's follow along with me if you would on verse 50 and his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation
He had showed strength with his arm. He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts
He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent empty away
He hath hoping that's a southern word, isn't it? It's almost a southern black word he hath hoping his servant
Israel in remembrance of his mercy as He spake to our fathers to Abraham and to his seed forever, let me stop there a moment
Back in verse 50 and his mercy is on them that fear him for generation to generation.
I want you to look at that Word generation and then down in verse 55 as he spake to our fathers to Abraham and to his seed forever that shows that everything between those two verses from 50 to 55 are
Non Dispensational, I guess you could say they the changing of dispensations does not affect this truth is what this shows
There are some things and some even some truths in the Old Testament that the changing into the
New Testament dispensation changes for example The idea of atonement is really should be an
Old Testament idea Because it means a covering and in the New Testament. We don't have our sins covered.
We have them removed So things change because of the cross But this is something that doesn't change and the
Word of God makes it clear by using the phrase Generation to generation in verse 50 and in verse 55 to his seed forever
It means this applies to God's children in every dispensation. So what are the things we see here that apply?
first of all God's mercy His mercy is on them that fear him no matter what dispensation you're in Secondly His strength
Verse 51 he showed strength with his arm thirdly Those who fear him are lifted up the word exalted in verse 52
He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree.
They Keep the Greek word for degree low degree there literally could be translated the depressed so this is talking about people who have gone through such struggle and tribulation in their life that they are they are
Not prideful anymore So when you get to that place, that's that's good.
You can be proud of your humility Yes, they're still awake.
They're still awake So He the word exalted there he lifts them up he lifts up those who have been humbled and That applies in all dispensations and the next one is they are filled
He hath filled the hungry with good things an Old Testament application
You would think that meant the body but it really means the soul Those who are hungry for his spiritual bread that we talked about this morning.
He fills you those that fear the Lord and Now this is interesting.
Let's look at this part here the the southern black Doctrine we find in verse 54.
He hath Holton his Servant Israel. I wish I could have
Kelton here to say that because he used to use that word And I can't remember how he said it
But it was hoping Lord opens us or something. I don't remember how
I used to say it But he's with the Lord right now. Hallelujah. I can't wait to see him again someday
But this word is very interesting in the Greek language He has
Holton his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy, why is he remembering his mercy because of the
Abrahamic promise that's alluded to in verse 55 the next verse but this word Holton Really in the
Greek is a negative word. Not a positive word because it means
It starts with the word and in English. You would say anti a n t I In Greek on T it starts with that and it means that whatever the word is it's the opposite of this word
So in the Greek language it starts with anti so it's going to tell you a word and the meaning of the whole word is the opposite of the word it gives you in this
Greek word and so it's anti Lombano and Lombano means to take away or remove
So look what it says here look at the phrase right above it the rich he hath sent away empty
He will never send away his servant Israel In remembrance of his mercy and of the
Covenant So what it's saying is the fifth thing that's true throughout all dispensations of God's people is he never sends you away
Eternal security pops up in strange little words So next time you hear the word hoping remember that's an eternal security word
You cannot lose your salvation because God is hoping you okay? Brother Otis needed to hear this lesson today
Now verse 55 Closes out this little passage as he spake to our fathers to Abraham to his seed forever
Everyone that's covered by the Abrahamic Covenant. These five things are true. We have God's mercy.
We have God's strength We're lifted up when we're down. We're filled by his bread and we're hoping we're never sent away
Let's stand and have prayer together My father we thank you for your word
These five little points this afternoon that you tell us tell us that we always will have being your children are amazing things
To think that we always have your mercy. We always have your strength. You always lift us up When we're put down by this world
You fill us and you never ever send us away from your presence because you sent
Jesus away once And you will never send us away He did that for us.
May we meditate upon that as we go home this afternoon and we pray in Jesus name. Amen Oh, wait, don't leave.