Muslim Imam Preaches from Beth Moore's Pulpit?


Article Link: A couple years ago Beth Moore left the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) to join a liberal Anglican church. Now this church is having so called "Interfaith Dialogue" violating 2 Corinthians 6 by inv


Here's a headline from the dissenter, Muslim Imam Stands in Pulpit at Beth Moore's Church and Preaches from the
Quran. The article says, Beth Moore, when she apostatized a few years ago and left a somewhat biblical denomination, the
SBC, for a completely apostate one, she made it clear that her intentions were to continue to rebel against God by performing the function and role of a pastor, which the scripture reserves for men.
That's 1 Timothy 2 .12, 1 Timothy chapter 3. Beth Moore, the article says, has since joined
St. Timothy's Anglican Church in Spring, Texas, which, similar in some ways to the Roman Catholic Church, appears to believe in the literal presence of Christ in the
Eucharist. Beth Moore has served as a lector during worship at St.
Timothy's, and I'm going to show you right now a screenshot of her standing at the pulpit. And I'll end this video with a screenshot of the imam, the
Muslim preacher, standing behind the same pulpit. And you can also check out the video, I'll put a link to the dissenter website, this article in the video description.
But the article continues, in an even more shocking turn of events, Beth Moore's church has now invited a
Muslim imam to come deliver a sermon and offer a prayer for worship in front of the church.
This imam came and took the pulpit, literally stood in the pulpit of this church where the pastor is supposed to proclaim the words of God, and instead he stood there and profaned the word of God as he preached blasphemies from the
Quran. Okay, so this is clearly a sign of the times. This is apostasy.
Not only did Beth Moore leave her Baptist church, you could argue that she left Bible belief in Christianity when she decided to become an
Anglican, and you know, there could be some Anglican churches in the world that are within the realm of orthodoxy where they preach the true gospel, but a lot of Anglican churches are just apostate and progressive.
And this one seems to be progressive because they're holding interfaith dialogue with Muslims. And they allowed a
Muslim preacher to stand behind their pulpit, and yeah, I mean this is a bad situation.
Can you imagine Elijah inviting the prophets of Baal to join him at the tabernacle for some interfaith discussion?
Yeah, I don't think so. Would the apostle Paul invite the high priest of Zeus to come and do a lecture for the
Corinthians? No. But this is what happens at this Anglican church, and just in Christianity in general when churches start to go liberal and then progressive, when churches stop practicing ecclesiastical separation, this is the result.
You know, there's a reason why Baptist churches and Catholic churches don't hold joint services. You see, when you go from a
Baptist church like Beth Moore did, when you go from a Baptist church to a liberal Anglican church, which is basically like halfway
Catholic, it's apparently not that much of a stretch to then jump and do joint services with Islam.
But this is the spirit of the age. And the Catholic church and the liberal progressive Protestants, they are willing to join hands with just about anyone.
And in doing so, the truth gets pushed to the side. The apostle
Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6, do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
And the scripture says, come out from among them and be separate, says the