What is it you have done?

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Tune in to a ‘new way of reading your Bible?’ Sound scary?  


Welcome to No Compromise Radio Ministry. My name is Mike Aventroth. I don't know why these headphones don't seem as loud.
Maybe it's because I'm underwater. Duplex Ratio Radio, September 5th, 2024, the first show back since the extended
August interview series. Bunch of reruns. I would have been back, oh, two weeks earlier, but I got
COVID. I spent the summer, a long part of the summer, long sections of summer, in California.
Got to see my grandson Amos and my new grandson
Eliezer and my new granddaughter Clara. So, not twins.
Luke's son, Eliezer, Luke and Hannah's son, Eliezer, was born. We got to see him the day after he was born and on other days.
And then Amos had a little sister, Clara. My daughter, Haley, was with us in Santa Cruz.
I decided to drive back home down to Ventura at about two in the afternoon.
She was going to go at four o 'clock, but at two in the afternoon, she drove down there, got home, took a shower.
She wasn't due for about another month, but had some pain. Didn't have time to get her mother -in -law there to watch
Amos. So, Marty, her husband, stayed with Amos waiting and Haley drove herself to the hospital.
And about half hour later, here comes Clara. So, little preemie, five pounds, five ounces.
She's bigger now. She's almost over seven pounds. And so, we just had a great summer.
Three grandchildren. It's about time. And I got to preach for Steve Meister and Robert Briggs up in Sacramento.
Got to preach for Drew Cunningham, Santa Cruz Baptist Church, and also got to preach for a kind of a name you might know on No Compromise Radio, Luke Abendroth.
He is one of the leaders, and I think he's the main preaching pastor at Redemption Church, North County in Carlsbad.
Brand new church, so you can go online and find Redemption Church, North County. And that was fun to preach for my son.
Lucas preached for me before, now I get to preach for him. Anyway, I was coming back for my cancer treatment.
I needed to be back, I think August 20th, so the 19th. I fly back, and I didn't feel that good.
And I've taken a test, COVID test, positive. And I just thought, oh brother, almost dying of COVID before, 16 days in the hospital, slowly drowning, out of oxygen, kind of PTSD to work through.
And it was rough. I am tired now.
I think this is 17 days in. Tested negative twice.
Back to work, back here at the studio, and hope to preach this Sunday. Just stuffy, that's all.
I thought maybe it was allergies, but I think it's still like just takes a while to get over it. So, I had preached this summer, 1
Peter chapter 5, casting all your cares on him because he cares for you.
It matters to him about you, literally, more literally. And now
I have to try to live it out. Just fighting the fear and the anxiety and other things going, oh brother.
Kim was still in California, so the church folks gave me some food, which I couldn't really taste, but I wanted to say it smelled good, but I couldn't smell either.
So anyway, back to the real world, back to No Compromised Radio Land, Duplex Gratia Radio, getting closer to changing the name.
I don't know. I'll have to re -examine the whole thing. Maybe only go once a week or something, one show a week.
Who knows how we'll work this. But anyway, thanks for the Patreon supporters. I appreciate that.
Thanks for the emails of encouragement. I appreciate that. You can always write me, mike at nocompromisedradio .com.
So sorry about the voice today, but I am alive and I'm back to the cancer hospital next week.
I had to cancel all that stuff because they don't want COVID patients there. So anyway, had my
O2 pulse ox and never really dropped below 95. So we made it.
What's that old song? Looks like we made it. I don't know. Is that the Eric Carmen, Raspberries?
I don't think so. Today I'd like to talk about a theme in the
Bible. And the theme that's in the Bible, you have maybe heard me talk about it, is what is this that you have done?
What is this that you have done? That's the theme. I was reading a
Shane Rosenthal article. He, for a long time, was associated with white or sin, cure, maybe, before it turned into the
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, C -U -R -E, Christians United for Reformation. I don't know what the
E is. What's ACE? Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Anyway, he had an article about Messiahs and how you should read the
Bible. Maybe I could put it this way. How do you read the Bible in a way that would lend itself to great expectations?
Is this the Messiah? In other words, we know who the Messiah is. We know who Jesus is.
We know about the death, burial, resurrection. But when you would read the
Bible, or you would be living in the day, hoping for the Messiah, the next guy down the line, you might think that's the
Messiah, until, of course, he showed his clay feet, his sinful feet, heart, and hands.
So, when Adam and Eve are in the garden, and they sin, listen to Genesis 3 .13,
then the Lord God said to the woman, what is this that you have done?
The woman said, the serpent deceived me, and I ate. What is this that you have done?
And so, you work through Genesis 3 and see the fall. Adam, the federal head,
Adam, the one responsible, Adam, one who has to give an account. And, of course, you see the first glimpse of the gospel, the proto -gospel, the first gospel in Genesis 3 .15.
You're going to be on the lookout from then on out for a future
Messiah, right? You've seen the sin of Adam, and, of course,
Eve in Genesis 3. You've seen God curse the serpent and give a blessing, a future of giving a promise, a blessing.
And then you've seen God make for Adam and his wife garments of skin and clothe them.
Remember that in Genesis 3 .21, right? And as J .C. Ryle would say, you've got two religions in the world, a religion of self -covering, right, fig leaves, and works righteousness, and doing good, and bell curve stuff, religious activities, civil activities, moral activities, or you need to be covered.
And regularly, you'll see garments in the Bible, pictures of salvation.
Isaiah 61, I delight greatly in the Lord. My soul rejoices in my God, for he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness.
As a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
And you'll watch this, and you'll think, okay, there's a promise of the Messiah, and there's a promise of a better Adam, a future
Adam, a last Adam, a second Adam. What is this you have done shows the need for the
Messiah, and that's Genesis 3 .13 again. Well, as I said before in Shane Rosenthal's article called
A Search for a Second Adam, A New Way of Reading Scripture, I'll give him all the credit, and maybe we've talked about this in the past on the show, but I want to talk about it again.
You see the promise of the Messiah in Genesis 3, and now you begin to read the
Bible thinking, oh, there's going to be the Messiah. Now, we know it was a long time later, thousands of years later, but you would expect if you were back in those days, oh,
Adam knew Eve, his wife, Genesis 4 .1, and she conceived and bore
Cain, saying, I've gotten a man with the help of the Lord. And you're thinking, yes, amen, here's the seed of the woman.
He's going to crush Satan's head, even though he's going to be bruised on his heel.
This is going to be the one. And you're so excited, and you see Abel is born, and you see what happens between the two of them.
And then Cain spoke to his brother Abel, and when they were in the field,
Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, where is
Abel your brother? I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper? And the Lord said, what have you done?
The voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground.
What have you done? That sounds familiar.
What is this that you have done in Genesis 3 .13? God says to the woman, and now here the
Lord says to Cain, what have you done? This is obviously not the
Messiah. And so we fast forward a little bit, and we go to Genesis 6, and we're thinking, okay, we're going to get a new
Adam. We're going to get the last Adam. We're going to get the second Adam. And the Lord saw in Genesis 6, the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And how wicked people were, and how God says that he, in the ESV, regretted he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart.
And then it says in verse 8, remember, God has promised a Savior. God has promised a last
Adam. Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Yes, this is going to be the one.
Matter of fact, chapter 6 verse 9, these are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation.
Noah walked with God. That is the kind of man who's going to crush the serpent's head.
We can see ideas and flickers of this
Genesis account in chapter 3. Here in chapter 6, and matter of fact, in Genesis 8 even,
God said to Noah, go out from the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you.
Bring out with you every living thing that is with all flesh. Sorry, every living thing that is with you of all flesh, birds and animals, every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may swarm on the earth.
Now, does this sound like anything in Genesis chapter 2 and 3? And be fruitful and multiply on the earth.
Oh, exactly what God told Adam and Eve to do. He is telling Noah to do.
This is going to be the one. This is the Messiah. But of course, what happens?
Genesis 9, 7, and you be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it.
And there's going to be a covenant in chapter 9, verse 8.
And what happens? There's a sign of the covenant. I have set my bow in the cloud and it shall be the sign of the covenant in chapter 9, verse 13.
It's between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh.
Okay, this is going to be it. Everything sounds good. Covenants, multiply, righteous, blameless.
And he's going to be just like Adam, sadly. There's going to be fruit involved.
There's going to be nakedness involved. There's going to be shame involved. Noah began to be a man of the soil and he planted a vineyard.
This is after the ark. He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent.
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside.
Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both of their shoulders, walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father.
Their faces were turned backward and they did not see their father's nakedness. I mean, that's exactly what we saw back in the original two parents.
Fruit, naked, ashamed. That's not the
Messiah. We're going to need a Messiah who will cover our nakedness and shame and deal with our sins.
What is this you have done, Noah? Well, there's still hope because God is faithful.
He keeps his promise. He keeps his promises for that matter. And we move forward to Genesis chapter 12.
Now, the Lord said to Abram, go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.
And I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you. I will curse and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
Okay. I'm hopeful, aren't you? Maybe Abram is the
Messiah. There's going to be a Messiah. He's going to be truly human. This could be the one.
Genesis chapter 17 verses one and two, I am God almighty walk before me and be blameless that I may make my covenant between me and you and may multiply you greatly.
Sounds like the command earlier, be fruitful, be multiplying, fill the world.
Genesis chapter 12, back to chapter 12. What do you think happened?
Well, famine in the land, verse 11, when he was about to enter
Egypt, that is Abram, he said to Sarah, his wife, actually she, she still called
Sarah here. I know that you're a beautiful woman. When the Egyptians see you, they'll say, this is his wife and they'll kill me, but they'll let you live.
Say that you're my sister, that it may go well with me because of you and that my life may be spared for your sake.
So that's exactly what happened. Verse 17, but the Lord afflicted Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram's wife.
So Pharaoh called Abram and said, are you ready? What is this you have done to me?
What is this you have done to me? What is this you have done?
Do you see the connection? Do you see the parallel? What is this you have done?
The Lord said to the woman, Eve, and now Pharaoh says this to Abram.
And you know what happened again? Abram and Abraham and Abimelech, same thing.
She's my sister. Verse 8 of Genesis 20, so Abimelech rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told them all these things.
And the men were very much afraid. Then Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, any guesses?
What have you done to us? You look at these future messiahs, potential messiahs, and you say, what have you done?
And to be the messiah, you're going to have to be a prophet, priest, and king. You're going to have to perfectly, entirely, exactly, perpetually obey
God's law. If you sin, well, you can have to pay for your own sin. How can you be a sin bearer of other people's sins if you have your own sins to bear?
Well, we know wonderful stories about Abraham and Isaac, and maybe
Isaac is the promised one, right? God is going to tell
Abraham to take Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering.
And off they go. And they come to a place, and there's altar, there's wood, there's
Abraham reaching out his hand, taking his knife to slaughter his son.
Verse 11 of chapter 22 of Genesis, what does it say? But the angel of the
Lord called to him from heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham. And he said, here I am.
And you think, this is the Lord's provision. Abraham, while he might not be the
Messiah, Isaac is going to be the Messiah. And matter of fact, even in Genesis 26, he says to Isaac, I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands.
And in your offspring, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. Abraham might have failed, but Isaac is going to do it.
Yes, Isaac, go, Isaac. And he learned something from his father, and that is, if you're in a pinch and you think you might die, offer your wife up instead.
So Isaac in Genesis 26, verse 6, settled in Gerar. When the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, she's my sister, because I don't want to be killed.
And Abimelech called Isaac and said, behold, she's your wife. How then could you say she's my sister?
Isaac said to him, because I thought, lest I die because of her. And Abimelech said, Genesis 26, 10.
Any guesses? Any guesses? What is this you have done to us?
One Adam to the next Adam, to the next Adam, to the next Adam, to the next Adam. What is this you've done?
Well, maybe Jacob. You know what? Jacob, Jacob's ladder, dream, even in Genesis chapter 28,
God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and multiply you. Okay.
I mean, eventually it's got to happen. Could it be Jacob? I mean, he, gate of heaven.
Awesome is this place. None other than the house of God. He's going to be the one.
As a matter of fact, Genesis 29, it's interesting.
Laban dogged Jacob. Remember, worked seven years for my daughter,
Rachel, but he gave her Leah instead. And in the morning, behold, it was
Leah, Genesis 29, 25. And Jacob said to Laban, any guesses? What is this you've done to me?
What is this you've done? I mean, not only
Jacob sinning, which we could see a lot of future sins as the deceiver, but even being sinned against.
What is this you've done? Well, today on No Compromise Radio, we are probably going to have to wrap this up pretty soon.
If you could fast forward into history, biblical history, what would you do?
Who would you fast forward to to say, this is probably going to be the one. Well, what about Moses? Maybe Moses is going to deal with sin as the
Messiah. I mean, his childhood. Wow. The story rescued from the water, trained by the smartest people in the world, encounters
God's holiness, the holy God burning bush that doesn't burn, saving his people.
Oh, this is just a foretaste of he's saving his people from Egypt, but he's really the savior of more than that, serving
God on the mountain. But of course, we know what happens. Moses strikes the rock.
Moses, what have you done? No paradise for Moses, no promised land, ultimate paradise, of course.
And you could go to Samson. Samson, I mean, barren mother, special kind of son, conceived in a wonderful way, tearing lions into pieces, spirit of the
Lord upon him, sorry, a thousand men killed with the jawbone of an axe.
That's what I have here, jawbone of an axe, of an ass. And then
Samson goes to Gaza. He sees a prostitute and he went into her. Oh, Samson, what have you done?
Okay, one more. David. Yes, David.
David's gonna make it. He's a man after God's own heart. He kills
Goliath, the leader of the Philistines. And what
Adam should have done, cutting off the serpent's head, David does to Goliath, crushing the serpent's head as it were.
This is it. And some even say the armor that Goliath had, the scales look like snake skin.
And here David kills. And the Lord worked a great salvation for all of Israel, 1
Samuel 19. And he struck the Philistines with a great blow.
And then in the time of year when kings are supposed to go to battle, David was on the rooftop late one afternoon.
He saw a woman bathing and she was very beautiful.
David, adultery, murder, lying. What have you done?
So here's my point today on No Compromise Radio. Shane Rosenthal's right.
If you begin to read the Bible, of course, knowing the end, that's good, right?
We want to read the Old Testament light of the new. That's certainly true. But you can just see the sense of anticipation and the sense of, oh brother, they didn't do it.
And then when Jesus finally does arrive and in Luke 4 defeats
Satan, and in the cross, of course, ultimately defeats Satan, you say about the
Messiah, what have you done? You've pleased the Father. What have you done?
You've become obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Jesus, what have you done? And for instance,
Luke will say, let me just show you what Jesus has done. And I'm going to compile a certain narrative of things that have been accomplished among us so that we can show you with even eyewitnesses what
God has done. Because He, Luke, has followed these things closely and wants to put together an orderly account for all
God lovers, including Theophilus, that you might have certainty that these things have been taught concerning the things that have been taught rather.
And so you read the Bible and you think, okay, now it even makes more sense that people were excited even after 400 years of silence between the
Old Testament's ending and the New Testament's beginning. There's one that's going to do the right thing.
So, I appreciated that. I enjoyed studying that, working through what was happening in what is this that you have done.
So, my name is Mike Ebenroth. This is No Compromise Radio Ministry. Is it okay for me to say I am No Compromise Radio Ministry?
The other day, I took everything out of my wallet and just put a couple things in the back of the phone and put the little wallet phone thing on the back of the case there.
And now I walk around all day thinking, where's my wallet? You know, you have that sinking feeling like you've lost something.
Where is my wallet? Yikes. Well, slowly getting used to that.
You can write me, mike at nocompromiseradio .com. And thanks for Spencer's hard work this summer, putting all those reruns together.
And there's more to follow. Stay tuned for tomorrow. I think tomorrow's show is going to be on Matthew 20, in God's grace.