What is the History of Christianity? | GotQuestions.org
A simple timeline of Christianity is not hard to follow. In this video we answer your question: What is the history of Christianity?
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/history-Christianity.html
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- Hi there, many others like you have asked, what is the history of Christianity? Let's find out, shall we?
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- You can discover this answer and even more on GotQuestions .org. The history of Christianity is really the history of Western civilization.
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- Christianity has had an all -pervasive influence on society at large. Art, language, politics, law, family life, calendar dates, music, and the very way we think have all been colored by the
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- Christian influence for nearly two millennia. This story, therefore, is an important one to know.
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- The church began 50 days after Jesus' resurrection. Jesus had promised that He would build
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- His church and with the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Ecclesia officially began.
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- 3 ,000 people responded to Peter's sermon and that day chose to follow Christ. The initial converts to Christianity were
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- Jews or proselytes to Judaism and the church was centered in Jerusalem. Because of this,
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- Christianity was first seen as a Jewish sect. However, the apostles preached that Jesus was the
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- Jewish Messiah. This message infuriated many Jewish leaders and some, like Saul of Tarsus, acted to squelch
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- Christianity. It is quite proper to say that Christianity has its roots in Judaism.
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- The Old Testament laid the groundwork for the New, explains the necessity of a Messiah and predicts
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- His arrival, thus making it impossible to fully understand Christianity without knowledge of both
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- Testaments. In His life, Jesus fulfilled over 300 specific prophecies, proving that He was the
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- Messiah the Old Testament had anticipated. Not long after Pentecost, the doors of the church were opened to non -Jews.
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- The Evangelist Philip preached to the Samaritans. The Apostle Peter preached to the
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- Gentiles. The Apostle Paul spread the Gospel all over the Greco -Roman world, reaching as far as Rome itself and possibly all the way to Spain.
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- By AD 70, the year Jerusalem was destroyed, most of the books of the
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- New Testament were complete and circulating among the churches. For the next 240 years,
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- Christians were persecuted by Rome. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, the church leadership became more and more hierarchical.
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- Several heresies were exposed and refuted during this time, and the New Testament canon was agreed upon.
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- Persecution continued to intensify. In AD 312, the
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- Roman Emperor Constantine claimed to have had a conversion experience, and about 70 years later,
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- Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Bishops were honored in government, and by AD 400, the terms
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- Roman and Christian were virtually synonymous, and persecution ended.
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- In time, pagans came under persecution, unless they converted to Christianity.
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- Such forced conversions led to unchanged hearts and pagan idol influx. The church changed.
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- Icons, elaborate architecture, pilgrimages, and the veneration of saints were added to the simplicity of early church worship.
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- About this same time, some Christians chose to live in isolation as monks, and infant baptism was introduced.
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- Through the next centuries, various church councils were held in an attempt to determine the church's official doctrine, to censure clerical abuses, and to make peace between warring factions.
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- As the Roman Empire grew weaker, the church became more powerful, and many disagreements broke out between churches.
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- Theological, political, procedural, and linguistic divides all contributed to the
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- Great Schism in 1054, in which the Roman Catholic Church and the
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- Eastern Orthodox Church broke all ties. During the Middle Ages in Europe, the
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- Roman Catholic Church continued to hold power, with the popes claiming authority over all levels of life and living as kings.
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- Corruption and greed in the church leadership was commonplace. From 1095 to 1204, the popes endorsed bloody and expensive crusades in an effort to repel
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- Muslim advances and liberate Jerusalem. Through the years, several individuals had tried to call attention to the theological, political, and human rights abuses of the
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- Roman Church. All had been silenced in one way or another. But in 1517, a
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- German monk named Martin Luther took a stand against the church, bringing in the
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- Protestant Reformation. The Reformers, including Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, differed in many finer points of theology, but they were consistent in their emphasis on the
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- Bible's supreme authority over church tradition and the fact that sinners are saved by grace through faith alone, apart from works.
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- Although Catholicism made a comeback and a series of wars ensued, the Protestant Reformation had successfully dismantled the power of the
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- Roman Catholic Church and helped open the door to the modern age. From 1790 to 1900, the church showed an unprecedented interest in missionary work.
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- Colonization had opened eyes to the need for missions and industrialization had provided people with the financial ability to fund the missionaries.
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- Missionaries went around the world, preaching the gospel and planting churches. Today, the
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- Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church have taken steps to amend their broken relationship, as have
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- Catholics and Lutherans. The Evangelical Church is strongly independent and rooted firmly in Reformed theology.
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- The church has also seen the rise of Pentecostalism, the Charismatic movement,
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- Ecumenicalism, and various cults. In conclusion, if we learn nothing else from church history, we should individually be responsible to know what the scripture says and to live by it.
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- There are many churches today, but only one gospel. It is the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.
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- May we be careful to preserve that faith and pass it on without alteration, trusting that the
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- Lord will continue to fulfill His promise to build His church. Alright, that answers your question, what is the history of Christianity?