F4F | Debunking Robert Henderson's Secret to Answered Prayer


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So why doesn't God answer your prayers?
That's a question that needs to be addressed and I would note there are biblical answers to the question and it's best if we stay with biblical texts.
In fact, if you were to think of it this way, in order for a doctrine to be biblical, it has to be clearly taught in Scripture.
You know, for instance, one of the prophets, Old Testament, maybe Moses taught it or maybe one of the prophets like Isaiah or Jeremiah or it was taught by Christ or one of the
Apostles and it's recorded for us in Scripture. This is the way in which a doctrine is biblical.
So we're gonna look at the biblical answers to the question of why isn't
God answering your prayer and we're gonna see from Scripture that there are kind of like three standard answers, if you would, to to God and your prayers.
And then we're going to look at Robert Henderson and Katie Sousa explaining why they think that your prayers aren't answered and give you a secret, a secret, as to how you can get your prayers answered.
Yeah, we'll do a little bit of a biblical takedown on their false doctrine here and we'll note that Katie Sousa and Robert Henderson clearly have not studied the biblical languages.
Just a little bit of a note, I have a undergraduate degree in biblical languages so, you know,
I happen to know a thing or two about the biblical languages and I teach people how to learn
Koine Greek, but that's a whole other story. So let's whirl up the desktop, shall we?
And by the way, that's the Aurora Borealis. That was here in town in Grand Forks, North Dakota, the day we had that big aurora, you know, solar storm, and I legitimately shot that with my camera pointing straight up.
Yeah, that was crazy. Anyway, that's not why we're here. So let me whirl up my web browser here and so this is the video we're gonna be taking a look at.
We're actually gonna do the biblical teaching in the front end so that we can debunk this in the back end.
So we'll note that this particular video is titled,
The Secret to Having Your Prayers Answered. Hmm.
I would note God answers all prayers. He does. So what are they talking about?
And if somebody's telling you that they have a secret, now we're starting to get into realms of like Gnosticism, things like this.
Gnosticism teaches that there's secret knowledge, a secret esoteric knowledge that you need to be initiated into so that you can learn to find the mysteries and solve the question of the universe and things like this.
Nonsense. Absolute nonsense. I would note in the Bible, there are no secrets. The Bible is an open book and we've had it for millennia.
And there's no secrets in it, you know. I always like to say that in the pastoral office, there's a pastoral dimension, a prophetic dimension to being a pastor.
But the thing is is that all pastors are called to preach the Word, so the prophetic dimension of being a pastor means you can follow along by opening up your
Bible and reading along with what I'm preaching. Anyway, so already we've got a problem and that is that they're claiming that there's secret information about how to have your prayers answered.
So before we do that, we're gonna do some biblical work. We're gonna do it in the front end today, and we're going to look at kind of like the three answers that is kind of standard when it comes to prayers that you give to God.
So I'm gonna give you two examples of the first one, and we'll give you several examples of the second, but you'll get the idea.
So one of the standard answers that God will give you when you pray to Him is neither yes nor no, but oftentimes
God will say, wait. The answer is yes, but not yet.
So in Genesis 15, you know, we read this, After these things the word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision.
Fear not, Abraham, I am your shield. Your reward shall be very great. But Abram said, Oh Lord Yahweh, what will you give me?
For I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus. And Abram said,
Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir. And behold, the word of Yahweh came to him and said,
This man shall not be your heir. Your very own son shall be your heir. And he brought him outside and said,
Look toward the heavens and number the stars if you're able to number them. And then he said to him, So shall your offspring be.
And he believed Yahweh, and God counted it to him as righteousness. But here's the thing.
God said, Yes, okay, I'm gonna give you children, Abram. And then God waited until Sarah went through menopause and was ready for the nursing home before he answered that prayer.
Now, if you know your Bible, and I hope you do, you'll note that there's something similar that happens.
In fact, let me do this. I'm gonna open that up, and I'm gonna go with Luke chapter 1.
And fascinating text here. Let me get some Greek up just in case. All right. So in the
Nativity account of Christ, we read about Zechariah.
And so here's how the story begins. In the days of Herod, the king of Judea, there was a priest named
Zechariah of the division of Abijah, and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.
And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and the statutes of the
Lord. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years.
Now, while he, Zechariah, was serving as priest before God when his division was on duty, according to the custom of the priesthood, he was chosen by law to enter the temple of the
Lord and to burn incense. And the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense, and there appeared to him an angel of the
Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And Zechariah was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him.
Which, by the way, that's kind of the standard operating procedure when sinful human beings are in the presence of holy angels.
But the angel said to him, do not fear Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife
Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. Wait, what?
Remember what it said here. They had no child, Elizabeth was barren, both were advanced in years.
Do you think that once Zechariah and Elizabeth were ready for the nursing home, that they were still praying for a child?
No. So here you have an example of God answering a prayer that Zechariah prayed decades earlier.
So let's just be blunt. Sometimes when you pray for something, God goes, yeah, that's a good thing.
In fact, may it be to you according to the words of your mouth, but we're going to put the pause button on that, and we're not going to make it come about for a long time.
So sometimes God says, wait. Other times
God says, yes, and I don't need to explain to you that the yeses are pretty simple.
You pray, God says, you betcha, and then God answers your prayer, and that's it.
God says, yes. I don't even need to give you too many passages on that. In fact, I'm not going to give you any because the Bible is full of examples of that throughout
Scripture, where God hears prayer, God answers prayer, and maybe I should give you just one since I'm here.
If we go to like 1 Samuel chapter 1, and so the story of Hannah.
So here's how the story goes. There was a certain man of Ramathayim, Zophim of the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was
Elkanah, son of Jehoram, son of Elehu, son of Tohu, son of Zoph, an
Ephrathite, and he had two wives. The name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other was
Penanah, and Penanah had children, but Hannah had no children. And now this man used to go up year by year from his city to worship and to sacrifice to Yahweh of hosts.
Hosts, by the way, savah in Hebrew, that's army. And at Shiloh there were two sons,
Eli of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, they were priests of Yahweh. On the day when
Elkanah sacrificed, he would give portions to Penanah, his wife, and to all of her sons and daughters, but to Hannah he gave a double portion, because he loved her, though Yahweh had closed her womb, and a rival used to provoke her grievously to irritate her, because Yahweh had closed her womb.
So it went on year by year, as often as she went up to the house of Yahweh, she used to provoke her.
Therefore Hannah wept and would not eat, and Elkanah, her husband, said to her, Hannah, why do you weep?
And why do you not eat? And why is your heart sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?
Elkanah needs some husband advice, you need to take it aside and say, you know, that's probably not the best thing to say to Hannah in this situation.
After they had eaten and drunk in Shiloh, Hannah rose, now Eli the priest was sitting on the seat beside the doorpost of the temple of Yahweh, and he was deep, and she was deeply distressed, and she prayed to Yahweh, and she wept bitterly, and she vowed a vow and said,
O Yahweh of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me, and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a son, then
I will give him to Yahweh all the days of his life, and no razor shall touch his head. And as she continued praying before Yahweh, Eli observed her mouth, and Hannah was speaking in her heart, only her lips moved.
You'll note that God can hear you even if you pray within your heart, you don't have to pray with your mouth, you can pray in your heart.
Only her lips moved, and her voice was not heard, therefore Eli took her to be a drunken woman, and Eli said to her, how long will you go on being drunk?
Put your wine away from you, but Hannah answered, no my Lord, I am a woman troubled in spirit,
I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have been pouring out my soul before Yahweh.
Do not regard your servant as a worthless woman, for all along I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation.
Then Eli answered, go in peace. God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him, and she said, let your servant find favor in your eyes.
Then the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad. And they rose early in the morning and worshiped before Yahweh, and then they went back to their house at Ramah, and Elkanah knew
Hannah his wife, and Yahweh remembered her. And in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name
Samuel, for she said, I have asked for him from Yahweh. Great example of a yes answer to prayer, and she didn't have to wait too long.
So God answered her prayer with a firm yes. Sometimes God says yes, sometimes
God says wait. And one of the answers to prayer that God gives that's in the scripture, the answer is no.
Let me explain. James chapter 4.
James chapter 4 gives us an example of God saying no, which by the way is an answer to prayer.
He said, why isn't my prayer being answered? It has been. The answer was no. Okay, so here's
James 4. So what causes quarrels? What causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?
You desire and you do not have, so you murder. You covet, you cannot obtain, so you fight and you quarrel.
You ask, you do not have because you do not ask, and then you ask and you do not receive because you ask wrongly to spend it on your own passions.
You adulterous people, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
Or you suppose it is to no purpose that the scripture says he yearns jealously over the spirit that he's made to dwell in us.
Hmm, so sometimes God says no.
Now in James 4, the reason why God is saying no is because you're asking for wicked things and with a wicked intention, and God says no to those things.
But there's also a positive aspect to this, and let me explain. In John, 1st
John chapter 5, this is the epistle of 1st John, John writes, I write these things to you who believe in the name of the
Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.
Ah, and see sometimes it's not because you're asking for something wicked, it's that what you're asking for God knows that that's not that's not good for you.
And so he wills something different for you. So we need to pray according to his will.
In fact, that's exactly what Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord's Prayer. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Did you catch the part there earlier? Your kingdom come, your will be done.
So when you pray the way Christ taught us to pray, you'll note that Christ taught us to pray, to pray to God in such a way, pray to the
Father that we are asking for his will to be done in our lives. In fact,
Jesus himself did that exact same thing. You'll remember on the night when
Jesus is betrayed in Luke chapter 22, Jesus goes to the
Mount of Olives and listen to what Christ prays. So when Jesus came out and went as was his custom to the
Mount of Olives and the disciples followed him, and when he came to the place he said to them, pray so that you may not enter into temptation.
He withdrew from them about a stone's throat, he knelt down and he prayed, Father if you are willing remove this cup from me, nevertheless not my will but yours be done.
How many times did Christ pray that? Huh. So you'll note that Jesus, on the night that he's betrayed, before he goes to the cross, he asked that this cup would be taken from him, yet he says, nope, not my will though Lord, yours be done.
So you'll note three standard answers to prayer are yes, no, sometimes it's no because you're asking for wicked things, and sometimes it's no because what you're asking for, that's not what
God wills for you, and sometimes the answer is yes, but not now.
So these are the standard answers. In other words, there are no secrets in Scripture. So I would note that when you look at Katie Sousa and Robert Henderson claiming that they have the secret to finally having your answers prayer,
I'm sitting here going, most likely the things you're asking for, because these are wicked people, are evil things, and you're teaching people to ask
God for evil things, and not only that you're teaching God, you're teaching people how to not even pray, to decree and declare and nonsense like that.
So sometimes I would say for these folks the reason why you're not getting your prayers answered, it's because God said no, and he ain't gonna turn that to a yes because it's not his will, and he's not gonna give you something wicked.
Or worse, you have not because you ask not. To the whole decreeing and declaring crowd, have you read
James? Again, James 4 specifically says that you have not because you do not ask, you do not have because you do not ask, you have not because you ask not.
So there's no secrets then to having your prayers answered. What we're going to hear now is flat -out false doctrine, and we're gonna prove along the way that Robert Henderson and Katie Sousa, not only do they not know
Greek, like not at all, they don't even know how to properly use like Strong's and Thayer's.
Okay, we'll up the game a little bit more. Strong's and Thayer's, I'll show you along the way what is going on here.
So this is the part where we're gonna do our takedown, because this is so, so ridiculous and bad.
Here we go! People are looking for that missing piece. It's like, why am
I not seeing my prayers answered? Answer, because God said no, or maybe you have not because you ask not, or it wasn't
God's will, what you were asking for. Why is it taking so long, or it never happens? It never happens because God said no.
We just looked at what the Bible teaches about this, Katie. Isn't it weird? What kind of spoiled and entitled person do you have to be to believe that just because you prayed a prayer that God is required to answer it with yes?
Think it through. And you have been walking in a revelation about the courts of heaven. Here we go again with the nonsense of the courts of heaven.
The revelation of the courts of heaven. Where'd you get that idea from, Robert? How much you want to bet it's based upon a complete botching of the tools that teach us what
Greek means? It has totally been a game -changer for hundreds of thousands of people across the world.
What is the courts of heaven for those that don't know? Okay, that's a really good question. I've been teaching only for 10 years.
Wow. And that's 10 years too long because it's not a biblical doctrine. It is amazing to me that that much time has passed.
But it really hit a niche in the body of Christ because of what you just said. Because people are desperate for answers.
And they pray, they seek the Lord, they try to figure things out, but it seemed like there was nothing. So what the court of heaven is, is basically this.
Is that the enemy many times will build a legal case against us according to 1st Peter 5 .8. 1st
Peter 5 .8 says that Satan builds a court case against us.
No it doesn't. Hang on a second here. So 1st Peter chapter 5, okay?
All right. We'll start at verse 6 to apply a little bit of context here. We're in the admonitions portion of Peter's first epistle.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.
Be sober -minded. Be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
Resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace who has called you into his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
To him be the dominion forever and ever and all the people said amen. Did you see anything in there about Satan building a court case against you to keep you from having your prayers answered?
Nope. You see anything in there about filing lawsuits in order to defend yourself in the courts of heaven against the accusations of the devil?
No. Hmm. Where is he getting that from? Well, I'm gonna reveal to you where he's getting that from.
He's getting it from the word adversary in the Greek. However, he doesn't know
Greek and it shows. So let's take a look at this word. The word, by the way, in Greek is anti -dikos.
All right. So what we're gonna do, we're going to first and foremost just kind of pull up BDAG and we're going to take a look at the two definitions for anti -dikos.
One who brings a charge in a lawsuit, an accuser or a plaintiff. Well, there it is.
That means that Satan's filing lawsuits in the courts of heaven. Cool your jets, okay?
You'll note that this is, so you'll note that it does say that Satan appears in court as an accuser, but that's not what
Peter is saying at all. The other one is one who is consistently antagonistic to another, a constant enemy or an opponent.
That's what's going on here in the context. I'll kind of prove this to you here. So let's take a look here.
So anti -dikos, when one is, one who brings a charge in a lawsuit who's an accuser, all right, we,
I just happen to have done a little bit of a word study here, and when the
ESV translates anti -dikos, when it in the context is referring to somebody who files a lawsuit, oftentimes it'll translate anti -dikos as accuser, okay?
So come to terms quickly with your accuser. They're your anti -dikos. That's Matthew 525.
Christ is talking about somebody who's going to take you to court, okay? So come to terms quickly with your accuser while you're going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge and the judge to the guard, right?
So that's an example of somebody who's an accuser, right?
But that's not the sense that's going on here in 1 Peter 5. Let me explain.
I'll explain it to you this way, okay? If we were to look up in Merriam -Webster's dictionary online, what is the definition of the word up, alright?
What is the definition of the word up? So one of the definitions of up is in or into a higher position or level, okay?
Especially away from the center of the earth, okay? Then there's another definition, upward from the ground or the surface, okay?
But then you're going to note that there's another way in which we can talk about up, and it means to increase with greater intensity.
So for instance, if I can't hear you, I would say to you, speak up.
Now note, when I tell you to speak up, I'm not telling you to go, okay, I'm speaking up in an upward direction.
All I'm doing is telling you to speak with greater intensity. The context dictates the meaning of the word.
So is up talking about in an upward direction, or is it increasing in intensity? If I were to say,
I feel like I'm gonna throw up, that doesn't mean I'm going to take a ball and throw it up towards the ceiling, unless the context is that I'm talking about baseball.
I threw the ball up into the air, but if I said, oh, I'm not feeling well, and I threw up, totally different definition.
So context dictates whether or not a word means one of its definitions.
So you'll note, there's many, many, many definitions for the word up. It can be used as an adverb, it can be used as an adjective, and there's many, many definitions, and with something as multitudinous as the definitions of the word up, you'd think we'd all be confused, but we're not, because we understand context dictates the correct meaning.
So when we come back to anti -decause, when we go to 1 Peter 5 verse 8, is it in the context of an accuser, one who's taking us to court, or is it in the context of one who is constantly antagonistic to another, somebody who is an enemy or an opponent?
Again, note here, those are your two definitions, and in the
New Testament, they're translated not quite 50 -50. So is it an adversary, or is it an accuser?
Is it an adversary, or is it somebody who's taking you to court? Is it your enemy, or is it somebody who's taking you to court?
Those are your two definitions, and I would note that since Robert Henderson clearly doesn't know
Greek, how much do you want to bet that he learned about what the word anti -decause means from the website biblehub .com,
which happens to have the Strong's Greek concordance in it?
This is basically Greek for people who don't know Greek. So how much do you want to bet that that's where he got it from?
And I would note, as far as like lay level things go, it's decent, but you have to know what you're doing, okay?
And so you'll know that anti -decause, it can be an opponent, or it can be an adversary.
An opponent at law, or it could be an adversary. Even the Strong's concordance recognizes there are two primary definitions, and Thayer's goes on, they also have
Thayer's down in here, so it basically gives us, so Thayer's Greek lexicon says anti -decause, an opponent in a suit or at law, or universally as an adversary or an enemy.
So when we come back then to, we come back then to 1st
Peter 5 8, humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Be sober -minded, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion.
Well the roaring lions don't normally file lawsuits, do they? No, they don't, not at all.
And so I would note that there is no context of legal lions in the
New Testament or even in the Old. That being the case, we can understand then based on the context that this isn't talking about an accuser in the law courts, a plaintiff or somebody like that.
Instead this is talking about somebody who is a constant enemy or adversary. That's why the
ESV translates anti -decause in 1st Peter 5 8 as adversary rather than accuser.
It's pretty straightforward stuff. And I would note that this would make no sense if this were a legal thing, because again, if it were legal, then the solution to the problem, be sober -minded, be watchful, your illegal opponent, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to vow, resist him by filing lawsuits in the court of heaven and providing your counter evidence is what the text should say.
But the text doesn't say that. Instead it says resist him firm in your faith. It doesn't say anything about filing lawsuits.
So Robert Henderson here is ignorant, and his ignorance is showing.
This is an example of what Christ warns about the blind leading the blind. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, because 1st
Peter 5 8 doesn't say anything about building lawsuits. Not at all.
So let me back this up then so that you can hear his ignorance shining through.
And of course Katie Sousa is just eating this stuff up and show that this is complete winged wackerdoodle -ism.
All right, here we go. Because of what you just said, because people are desperate for answers, and they pray, they seek the
Lord, they try to figure things out. Yeah, they are, by the way. People are desperate.
They seek God in times of desperation for sure, but note then, he's praying on people in their desperation.
Oh, God has an answer to your prayer? Well, here's the reason why buy my book about the courts of heaven, and send your money in, and stuff like that, and we'll show you the secret to finally getting your prayers answered.
This is exploitation of the highest degree of people who are desperate. Like there was nothing.
So what the court of heaven is is basically this, is that the enemy many times will build a legal case against us according to 1st
Peter 5 8. 1st Peter 5 8 doesn't say anything about Satan building legal cases against us.
You twisted that text, and show that you don't even know how Greek works, or even how to use a
Greek lexicon properly. It says, be sober, be vigilant for your adversary. That's the
Greek word antidekos, and it means a legal opponent. It means one who... No, that's one of its definitions.
That's one of its definitions, a legal opponent, but that's not its only definition.
And this context, there's no legal opponent context for it at all. You don't know how to translate, sir.
You don't even properly know how to use a Greek lexicon. It's a lawsuit, and it says it's the devil.
In the Thayers, it actually says one who brings a lawsuit specifically, Satan. Yes, that's right. The devil. And then it says...
Yeah, but Thayers doesn't end there, Katie. Thayers continues, you know, it's a universally an adversary or an enemy, unless we prefer to regard the devil here because he accuses men before God.
There's an aside here in this text, but the point is that the context is not the one who brings a lawsuit.
The context is one who is an adversary or an opponent or an enemy.
Again, these people do not know how to rightly handle God's Word, nor do they care to learn how to do so because they're making a lot of money by twisting up God's Word and acting like they know what they're talking about when they have no clue what they're talking about.
But as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, so he can only devour us when he has discovered a legal right to do it.
No, the text says to resist him firm in your faith. It doesn't say to file counter lawsuit in the courts of heaven.
You just make stuff up, sir. So what happens is that when you go into the court, you take everything Jesus has done for us by his blood, his body, his sacrifice, and we undo those legal claims that he is making that...
I don't need to undo any legal claims. Let me explain. Okay, Colossians chapter 2.
Colossians chapter 2. Hang on a second here. Colossians 2. Listen to what this text says.
No Christian needs to file lawsuits in the courts of heaven, and there's a very specific reason why, and it's a legal one.
Okay? So here's what Paul says. You who were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh,
God has made you alive together with Christ, having forgiven all of our trespasses.
How? Verse 14, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its what?
Legal demands. This he has set aside, nailing it to the cross. He has disarmed the rulers and the authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing over them in Christ.
Who are the rulers and authorities who have been disarmed? These are the satanic rulers and authorities.
How have they been disarmed according to this text? Because God took the entire record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands.
This he has canceled, and he has set aside and nailed it to the cross. So Satan, he's part of the rulers and authorities that have been put to open shame, they have been triumphed over.
They can't file a lawsuit because the entire record of debt and its legal demands has been canceled and nailed to the cross.
So you'll note that Christians for two millennia have never been filing any court, any lawsuits in the courts of heaven, nor have they ever been going up responding to lawsuits filed in the courts of heaven, and the reason why they haven't been doing this for 2 ,000 years is because the biblical text says the record of debt with its legal demands has been canceled and nailed to the cross, and by it,
God has disarmed the rulers, Satan and his cronies. So this is just, how do
I say it? This is bovine scatology. What these people are saying contradicts
God's Word and undoes the triumph that we have in Christ by him canceling the record of debt and its legal demands.
Nailed it to the cross. So I refuse to respond to any lawsuits in the courts of heaven because none have been filed.
Let me back this up. Just listen again. So he can only devour us when he has discovered a legal right to do it.
So what happens is that when you go into the court, you take everything Jesus has done for us by his blood, his body, his sacrifice, and we undo those legal claims.
I don't need to undo anything. Christ has already undone all of that for us by his death on the cross.
That he is making, that the enemy is making against us, we remove those so that he doesn't have a legal right any longer.
I don't need to remove it. It's already been nailed to the cross and the whole record of debt and its legal demands have been canceled, sir.
To resist the fulfillment of our prayers and what we're asking God for. So really, it's really very simple and we have just seen mass.
This doesn't sound simple at all. Have you passed the heavenly bar test yet?
To break through kind of people's lives because of that. So basically, it's taking what is said in Scripture about what Jesus did for us, our covenant with God, knowing the
Word, that's why it's so important that we know the Word and using that as our evidence. Yeah, it is very necessary for you to know the
Word and it's very clear that you don't. Evidence in court, because in order to win a case, you have to bring in evidence.
That's right. So the Bible holds our evidence. Is that correct? Absolutely. And see, we all know the Scripture in Revelation 12, 11, that there's an accuser of the brethren who accuses us before God.
We overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We have already overcome him. And loving not our lives to death.
But the whole issue is people think, well, the blood just automatically does something.
No, like the text says, okay, God has canceled the record of debt with its legal demand, setting aside, nailing it to the cross.
And by doing so, he's completely disarmed Satan and his demonic horde. So I think you get the idea here is that this is just nonsense.
And they are praying on people who don't understand that God has kind of three standard biblical answers when it comes to answering prayer.
And they are yes, no, and wait. And so you don't need to file any lawsuits in the courts of heaven.
And what these people are teaching and saying absolutely contradicts what Christ has done on the cross and what the
Bible teaches us regarding what Christ has done. So you can just ignore them out of hand.
They clearly don't know what they're doing. And they're twisting up God's word.
And by doing so, they are deceiving and confusing a lot of people, making void their faith and shipwrecking their faith.
Because I assure you, you're not going to have any breakthroughs by applying the secrets of filing lawsuits in the courts of heaven.
This man doesn't know what he's talking about. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
Want to make a quick shout out and a thank you to all of you who support us financially and make it possible for us to bring
Fighting for the Faith to you and to the world. Thank you. We cannot do what we are doing without your support. And if you would like to join those who support us financially, there's a link down below in the description that'll take you to our website so that you can join our crew and support us financially so that we can keep doing what we're doing.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
Amen. So nice to see that you've made it to the end. Before you inevitably click on another video to continue binging our glorious content, you should know about some of our other offerings.
First off, some of you may know that our pirate captain is also the pastor of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church out in Oslo, Minnesota.
The editor that I totally don't have locked in my basement produces audio and video versions of Kongsvinger sermons and Sunday schools weekly.
So go check out Kongsvingerchurch .org to see all of our offerings. Now, to address some of the frequently asked questions we get in the comments.
One, the Bible and video editing software we use are named and linked in the description down below.
Two, if you wish to donate to us directly so that we can keep the lights on, go check out www .piratechristian
.com and hit the crew tab. We don't promise miraculous healings or a double increase in your finances, but what we do promise is more quality discernment from our studio into your ear holes.
And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wiseacre who put this in here?