Thoughts on ISIS, Muhammad, Islam, and FaceBook Comments


My article from yesterday garnered a lot of response, much of which I found highly disturbing. We talked about the issues raised by recent ISIS atrocities.

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Greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. It is a Tuesday morning. I understand for many of you it is not a pleasant day.
Someplace in North Carolina, I think they were talking about a quarter inch of ice. I'd just stay home and hide inside and hope power doesn't go out,
I guess. I don't know. But here in Phoenix, Arizona, the high today would be right around 80 degrees.
I think it got down to a chilly 49 briefly this morning at my house.
You know, we have the, you know, we got to put up with our difficulties too, you know.
So we're doing our part. We're in shorts, right? Yeah, we're in shorts. Okay. Yeah.
Huh? Yeah. White shorts. White shorts. That's right. Yeah. That's why everybody moves here when they get tired of the ice and the snow.
But anyway, yesterday I posted an article on the blog and on Facebook concerning the beheading of the 21
Copts, Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya.
They had been kidnapped. And before we talk about that,
I'll just have to say, I really wish there was a way, um, to turn comments off on Facebook that you could post stuff and then say, keep your stupid idiotic ignorance to yourself.
Um, you can do that on YouTube. We just turn the comments off and all the silly nine 11 truthers and everybody else that comes crawling out of the woodwork with all their inane.
Well, this is all Photoshop that nobody's doing that. It's a CIA and the Illuminati.
And it was just like, Oh, please. Um, wow. The, the, the internet, uh, comment boxes.
I I've, I've described them as this for a long time and this is what they are.
They are internet ignorance aggregators. I I A's, uh, internet ignorance aggregators and, uh, people behind the keyboard.
Um, well anymore, you know what? I don't know that makes much difference. Um, in person keyboard, people just say the most inane things.
But aside from those really weirdos, um, I, I tell you, um, reading the comm box,
I've, I've never deleted more comments than I have on that one article.
I don't know how many you've, you've deleted, but I've, I, this morning, I, I don't know how many I deleted just, just complete people to just don't get it, you know?
And unfortunately there's a bunch of folks. It's like, I pray for those people put a hellfire missile right up there, you know?
And that, and then, and then the number of other people who you shouldn't have mentioned the
Catholics, you're just an anti -Catholic and totally missing the point, completely missing the point.
The historical reality that anybody who knows history knows, and that is the veneration of saints, angels, and images has always been an issue in regards to Islam and external
Christianity. If you don't know that, you just don't know history. You're just ignorant. You don't know what you're talking about.
And, but again, when you get on the internet, people don't care whether you're ignorant. That's okay. Everyone's opinions are equal.
Uh, it, I'll tell you it, it, it honestly, you know, I know there are a lot of folks that were very much helped by the amount of time.
And look, what happened was I got up, I started reading some articles. I read an article by a fairly well -known, um,
Christian leader, conservative Christian leader. And, uh, I just realized that nobody was saying anything yet.
Um, key stuff in the video was being ignored. Um, the role of the
Hadith, you know, I know most Christians watching this don't, haven't read the
Hadith and so they don't have the background and okay. So I took the time to write it. I'm discouraged from writing stuff like that by reading the, the, the stuff on Facebook.
I really am. Well, for what it's worth, I learned a lot from reading that article. I know a lot of people did, but it's depressing.
It's just, but at the same time, I, if somebody in the mainstream media were to read that, perhaps they could suddenly put things in a context because they just keep scratching their heads, go, well,
I don't understand why they hate us, but don't understand. Well, maybe it's religious. Well, well, no,
I, I was, I just happened. I was, I was grabbing a bite to eat for the program and I happened to have, uh, is either,
Oh, Oh, Fox news was, was in commercial. So is CNN. And, uh,
I don't think that it's in my TV. Yeah. Well, I know, I know where to find it because there are a lot of times that Fox news has some stupid, almost infomercial thing going for who knows how long, uh, on a completely inappropriate subject, uh, as a commercial.
And I just go elsewhere. And long behold, CNN's normally doing news, uh, from their own unique worldview.
Anyway, uh, they had somebody on and, um, uh, they were echoing that young, arrogant, commie state department, uh, spokes, spokes chick.
What, I don't know her name is, but she wears the smart girl glasses and looks down on everybody and knows all things and just makes me want to,
I don't know who Jen, Jen Saki. Okay. That sounds right. And, uh, she was, this
CNN info babe was, was echoing her, um, basically saying, well, we, we just, we, we can't win this until we address the underlying cause.
These people need better jobs. I'm just like, yeah, there you go.
There's that's if they had better jobs, um, they wouldn't be the jihadis.
If they had bigger bank counts, well, they're nevermind the fact that half of them left everything they own to go join these people.
Don't worry about that. You know, it's just like, oh man, what a mess, huh?
Well, there has to be a secular answer for everything. Religion doesn't actually exist. So therefore,
I mean, that's the way she answers everything. Well, anyway, I, you know, I don't remember who the
CNN info babe was, but anyway, I don't remember when
I got this, I was going to look up what it cost. I, I honestly, if I recall correctly,
I think this, this thing was around 269 bucks, if I recall correctly. Um, this is called the life of Muhammad edited by Rizwi Fizer.
And, um, this is actually the first English translation of this particular work.
I just happened to open up halfway through 248 pages in to the raid of the
Banu Qurayza. And, uh, hence this is just a, a huge compilation of the historic, the
Hadith sources. Uh, I'm sure al -Qurtubi is in here someplace, all these, all this material in regards to, you would think the life of Muhammad, it would be about the life of Muhammad.
This whole thick book is nothing other than the battles of Muhammad.
This is the record of Muhammad's military campaigns, battles, raids on, on, uh, villages and caravans and so on and so forth.
That's what this entire book is about, is the military activities of Muhammad, according to Islamic sources.
Anyway, so it's about, um, there have been many, many, many books written on the life of Jesus.
There has never been a book written on the battles of Jesus. And there is no way to compare the two because of that.
Now, when you forget to silence your phone, um, and all you hear is a whooping, which is, which is, yeah, which is, uh, um, that was actually
Jeff Durbin. I I'll, I'll call him out here. Jeff Durbin just, uh, uh, message messaged me on Facebook in the middle of the live show, which, which clearly means that Jeff's not listening right now or watching, which is fine.
I just catch his program. Well, I actually can't catch his live. It's recorded anyways. So I guess catching it recorded is the only way you can catch it.
But anyway, I'm not hurt at all. Anyway. Um, the comparison of Muhammad and Jesus, when you look at what is going on in the middle
East today, you simply cannot overemphasize the difference between the means that Jesus uses to rule over the nations.
And he does rule over the nations, but he doesn't rule over the nations like Muhammad and his successors sought to rule over the nations that this is truly where you see the vast difference between the spiritual focus of the
Christian faith and the very physical human focus of Islam, just as in heaven, you have physical, um, physical joys, you know, virgins and so on and so forth.
Uh, here on earth, the nature of, of Dar al
Islam, the, the world under the control of Islam is, is very much a physical one, which is why submission to Islam is very much a physical thing.
Now, has there been a reaction against that in history?
Sure. Sure. It's called Sufism and the Sufis, um, the
Sufis recognize that this, that the normative form of Sunni Islam allows for, and it really has no way of dealing with nominalism, formalism, externalism, and so the
Sufis want something deeper. They want something that, that goes beyond just simply external conformity to a particular rule or ritual.
So when we, when we look at this situation, we are forced to once again, think about what makes, what is the kingdom of God and what is the kingdom of man?
And one of the things that really, really, really disappointed me about some people I know in response to the article is,
Oh, you're just soft on the Muslims. What did I say? It was soft on Muslims. If I recall correctly,
I called these men cowards, they're murderers.
Islam has an, a systemic internal incapacity to change unregenerate hearts.
I presented the gospel, the cross, the fact that Islam is ignorant of the meaning of the cross and the purpose of the cross.
If that's being soft, I guess being hard on Islam is ignoring all the theology, ignoring the relevance of the gospel and just saying, bomb them.
I guess that's, that's just as far as some people who even call themselves
Christians are willing to go, just bomb them. If that's all, if that's, if you think that's going to solve this problem, you don't understand the problem.
I don't know how any Christian could come to that conclusion. Weapons of mass destruction aren't going to do it because the issue is internal.
The issue is unregenerate men being encouraged to act in unregenerate ways by very popular and defensible interpretations of religious system that in and of itself does not address the fundamental need of mankind and cannot because its founding prophet denied it that only possible means of dealing with real issues.
And that is Muhammad's ignorance of the cross and of who the Christ was forever separates his followers from the way that God has provided that would actually solve these issues.
If that's soft on Islam, the Muslims don't seem to think
I am. But anyway, in my experience, the people who think
I'm soft on Islam are people who pretty much never talked to Muslims. And that's, that's another, another issue.
I wanted to play, um, a portion of, uh, someone says the link, that link is scrambled.
It's fixed. Okay. Just hit refresh. It says, guess I'll watch
Jack Van Impey. I was quoted by, it was by Roxella.
Is it Roxella? I think it's Rox, is it Roxella Van Impey? I, I don't know.
I'd never, I mean, of course I've seen snippets on YouTube, but, um, is it
Roxella? Okay. Somebody, um, somebody in Twitter told me that I had just been,
I was, they had just listened to Jack Van Impey and I was quoted positively. And I, I, I said,
URL, start listening and lo and behold, um, all, okay.
I was, I had one word quoted, repent. It was, it was what
I said to, uh, Rick Warren, uh, about his, his capitulation to Rome and calling him our
Pope and all the rest of the stuff. And, uh, and I said, repent. And so they quoted, they quoted me saying, repent.
So, um, if you're going to be quoted saying almost anything, that's a good word to be quoted saying repent.
So, uh, uh, so Mike, I guess, uh, is going to be watching
Jack Van Impey rather than listening to the dividing line today. So, uh, but it's, uh, it's fixed.
Mike, if you find out about that, anyway. Um, I wanted to point something out.
I wanted to listen to the little speech given by the English speaking jihadi, um, slight accent, but not a lot.
Uh, this guy is I think a Westerner. Um, and he's the main actor guy in this, um, this, isn't it amazing that these people are using, um, the internet and making
HD videos and editing and, and music and, and, and, uh, wow.
You know, uh, it's not the grainy stuff that people did in the past.
Now they're, they're really trying to impress folks by doing HD versions of the most barbaric acts known to man.
But there are those who would say, there are those who would say that we're just being deceived here that, um, these men have no theological agenda.
There's no theological worldview driving this. And look, I recognize you look at those men in black, those cowards in black.
You know, if you, if you guys are so good, how about at least releasing their hands and giving them a fighting chance against you?
Huh? How about that? Let's see how good you are there. Yeah. I mean, face it. Uh, I mean, let me say a little bit something more about this cowardice thing.
These guys were kidnapped. They're workers. They're not soldiers. They were just trying to make ends meet.
They had taken jobs, probably doing construction work and stuff like that to try to repair. Have you noticed that wherever ISIS goes, wherever militant
Islam goes, they don't build, they destroy, they don't build hospitals.
They bomb hospitals. They don't build infrastructure. They bomb infrastructure, burn, destroy, bring, bring the level of civilization back down to where you're drinking camel urine as they did in the seventh century in Arabia.
This, this is, this is supposed to be the great vision that these folks have and kidnapping people, the kidnapped and kidnapping women, kidnapping young girls who are, who go to some place to try to help people who are suffering, kidnap them.
And then as we saw just last week, one right here from an Arizona killed, Oh, well it was, it was
Jordan that killed him. No, it wasn't you moron. It was you that killed her. You're the one that kidnapped her.
You kidnap someone, you're responsible for that person. Hello. This is how humans think. But we realized that a lot of you guys are not really quite up to that.
I mean, if you're, if you're kidnapping women, I'm sorry. Don't talk to me about your religion.
I'm not interested. You're, you're, you're, you're an animal. I'm not interested.
Go away. That's what, that's why I wonder. Yeah. Again, I know
I even posted, no one ever said a word about this. I have not had a single comment. Now I think about it, about the fact that I linked to an entire denunciation of ISIS by an
Islamic scholar, mainly because I put it basically saying, well, bless the fella, but really?
Yeah. It just, well, we're not going to do this.
You, this is, this is, uh, and he's, you're not supposed to. And the biggest thing was, and I understand the biggest thing, his biggest criticism was that without the proper peak authority, they are declaring other
Muslims to be non -Muslims. There's this, there's this, uh, hesitancy amongst
Muslims to say anything that could be interpreted as that person's not a
Muslim because there's a, there's a Hadith where Muhammad basically said, if you say another man is not a
Muslim, one of you is right. Now think about what that means. What that means is if he is a
Muslim and you say he's not, that means you're not. So you come under Allah's wrath.
If you falsely say someone else is not a Muslim.
Now that puts some serious context into why so many are silent and again, the media complains, why are they so silent?
Well, I don't think they are actually looking for the answer. Well, I don't know. Um, you know, if these people really seriously want to understand these folks, they actually maybe do some, some serious reading in the
Quran and the Hadith, but, uh, that's, that ain't happening anyway. That is there.
That is where this hesitancy comes from to say, well, they're acting in an un -Islamic way.
Is that the same thing as the state? They're not a Muslim. And so what is happening to ISIS is certainly on any meaningful
Sunni or Shia basis, as far as Fiqh is concerned, as far as jurisprudence is concerned, the fact that they kill, it's probably minimally 10 to one, maybe more
Muslims versus anybody else, um, requires us to recognize that they are radical even in their
Islamic theology. No question about it. I, I got that.
I got that. But you look at that, that article that I, that video that I linked to, and it's, you know, it's only half a scroll down here on the screen from, uh,
Sheikh Haitham Al -Haddad. Um, and, you know, again,
I, I appreciate him taking the time to say, this is why these guys are wrong.
And I appreciate the 140 some odd, uh, Muslim scholars that signed the thing, put themselves at risk.
It's amazing. People's like, well, you shouldn't, you're, you're, you're just being too friendly to them. So Muslims stand up and say, it's wrong.
And we're supposed to just, just ignore that. Right. I thought we were people of truth.
Hello. Um, it, it, again, the responses
I've gotten from a lot of folks on Twitter as well, just pure hypocrisy for people who call themselves Christians.
Anyways, pure hypocrisy. It's like, I don't care. Don't care. Just don't care.
Um, but anyway, the point is they there, you can make the arguments against ISIS.
They can make the arguments the other way because you know what, you know, this is just, this is just one book of Hadith, I suppose.
Nah, y 'all have seen them before. If you've seen any of my, well, actually there is a set that's actually, um, not
Hadith back there. Yeah. I'm pointing right at it. Right there. Um, that's, that's
Muqattal's Tafsir, which, uh, sadly most
Muslims consider unorthodox because it's so early. He didn't follow all the later developed.
The accusations against him are anachronistic. They they're backwards, but Muslims think backwards.
Let's just be honest. I mean, if you take the Quran and read the rest of the, the, the old new
Testaments in light of that, you're going backwards anyhow. And so it just sort of is part of the way of thought.
But anyway, um, he's criticized. He's actually an incredibly important source of information really is, uh, because he's before some of the filtering methodologies that created
Sunni orthodoxy. So there's important information in there, but, um, you've got that, you've got things like that.
You've got, um, Bukhari, Muslim, Sunni Abu Dawood.
You know, if you've seen my videos, I've sort of moved out of the way once or twice and there's, you know, there's a shelves of the, these materials and that's what you get to pull from.
And this fellow that I posted, you know, he's pulling his particular sources and following his jurisprudence, but ISIS has theirs.
And it just seems that right now, um, the less radical perspective ain't doing so well.
What we cannot afford to do, what we cannot do if we're people of truth is stop recognizing the distinctions that exist between Muslims.
And what I'm fearing is I'm seeing more and more Christians going, I'm not, I will not invest the effort to make those distinctions.
And I said to somebody on, on Twitter yesterday, well, then don't get upset when people say that you're just like, uh,
Fred Phelps or the Pope's your leader or whatever, because if you won't take the time to make the proper distinctions between Muslims, then you can't expect anybody else to make the proper distinctions between your beliefs and anybody else's.
So just roll the punches. And he's like, that's fine with me. That's okay. And I'm just like, can't reason, can not reason, not there, not working.
Anyways, let's listen to, uh, what the guy had to say. Um, I didn't see, by the way, what you saw on Facebook.
Um, I don't see a lot of the stuff you see on Facebook for some reason. I'm not sure why. Um, but, uh, someone was, uh, someone was, was saying that, uh,
I should not have watched the video. I would say someone was saying, well, that's over on the Alpha and Omega, uh, uh,
Facebook page. And, uh, I'll give you the, uh, exact quote.
Uh, I must admit to being baffled by why, as to why James White thinks to that's his, that is his job to watch those videos, 50 shades of gray next.
I know civil servants who work on these issues professionally, but who actively avoid watching the killing videos and those who did, who did seriously regretted doing so.
The only professional reason for watching them as I understand it is to identify the victims, extract whatever intelligence they may contain in such as locations or identities of the killers or for propaganda purposes.
It strikes me as profoundly disturbing that a public Christian thinker like White feels the need or desire to watch them.
It is completely contrary to Philippians 4, 8 and the acts are so deeply fallen that the imagery will have a profound effect on the viewer.
Uh, some of this rather small text for me, uh, at my age, I also am unsure why he posts a picture of these poor men seconds before their violent deaths.
You mean, I mean, other than I'm quoting what's on the screen. Yeah. Yeah. Nothing like not reading what
I actually wrote. Yeah. It's, I find it horrible and disturbing to my soul. If I was the mother and father of one of the murdered,
I would not want my own family's faces strapped to a blog post to make the writer's words more evocative.
Lastly, he would, lastly, would he post a sexual picture to make a point about the legal sex industry.
All right. I got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. So this is a Don bank that Dan Banks, Dan Stork banks.
Yes. Dan Stork. Um, let me, um, I, I, I don't know that I can respond to Mr.
Banks because clearly, uh, to do so require my removing so much sand from around his head so he could hear me.
Uh, because he's obviously stuck his head in the sand, um, to try to avoid, uh, first of all, um,
Philippians four, eight, that kind of interpretation would mean I would never read the book of Mormon. I would never read the doctrine of covenants.
I've never read the Quran. I would never read anything like that. In fact, you can make the argument.
I should never read anything but the Bible itself. Sounds like the guy who wrote the review of my book on the Quran, for Amazon.
Um, I did not enjoy watching that video, but you have to know what these people are saying to understand why they're doing what they're doing.
I don't think, sir, you want to know, or that you seem to think that it's important to know at the very time they're doing this.
They have on the screen, the words that I quoted at the beginning of my article, they supplicate what they worship and die upon their paganism.
That was central to the entire article. And it was as far as I can tell.
I mean, I haven't done an exhaustive study. I haven't had time to, but in everything
I had read up until the time I started writing this, no one had even mentioned it. And yet evidently
ISIS thought it was important enough to have that on the screen right at that point in time.
I think that maybe they were trying to communicate something. You think maybe if we ignore that, we won't get what they're communicating.
Yeah. Um, Mr. Banks, thank you for trying to take the role of the Holy Spirit for me, but I will leave that to the
Holy Spirit. Appreciate it for you. Don't watch it. Don't watch it.
Don't watch it. Um, but I'd appreciate it if you would leave conviction of the
Holy Spirit to the Holy Spirit, that would be a way to do it. I guess
I don't have no, it's for some reason, notifications from that don't appear for me.
I'm not sure. Maybe I have to have a different window open or something. I don't know. All I get notifications of are on my, my private
Facebook page, not on Alpha Omega's, even though they're linked together somehow. Yeah. I think you have to have page manager in there in the mix.
I've got like three different Facebook apps that I control the pages with. Okay. Yeah. See, I don't, I just have them.
And, and that could be overwhelming. You really don't need that. Oh, trust me. Yeah. Everything is overwhelming.
Um, anyways, let's, let's listen to this. Cause there's a couple other things
I want to address and then there's other topics we can, uh, we can get to as well. I've already spent half an hour just on, uh, just on this, but listen to again, uh, what this, uh, what this fellow has to say.
All praise is due to Allah, the strong and mighty and may blessings and peace be upon the one sent by the sword as a mercy for all the worlds.
Oh, people recently you've seen us on the hills of a sham and on that explain chopping off the heads that have been carrying the cross delusion for a long time.
Now, now let's, I'm going to slow that down. Cause I can,
I can speed up and I can slow down. Um, Steven, let me decide what
I spend time on the DL on. Thank you. I plain chopping off the heads that have been carrying the cross delusion for a long time.
So catch that. I hadn't even caught that till just now. Sorry. It went by so fast. Do you hear what he said?
Let's, let's try it. Let's try it one more time. Explain chopping off the heads that have been carrying the cross delusion for a long time, chopping off the heads that have been carrying the cross delusion for a long time.
The cross delusion. What did it, what, what, what's well, listen, listen to the
Hadith that he quotes here in a moment. I'm filled with spite against Islam and Muslims. And today we are on the
South of Rome on the land of Islam, Libya sending another message and crusaders safety for you.
It will be only wishes, especially when you're fighting us all together. Therefore we will fight you all together until the war lays down its burdens and Jesus peace be upon him will descend breaking the cross, killing the swine and abolishing
Jizya and the sea. We've hidden his body and we swear to Allah, we will mix it with your blood.
So most Christians, as I explained in the article are surprised to discover how central
Jesus is to Islamic eschatology. And given how confusing eschatology can be to Christians, man,
Islamic eschatology is a Royal mess. But, uh,
I quoted the Hadith where, and it's, it's interesting to me.
The only thing that struck me in looking at this was you had these
Hadith multiple times in Sahih al -Bukhari and you had it in Sunan Abu Dawood, but you didn't have it in Muslim.
It would have been interesting. I'd be interested in knowing why a Muslim did not include any of these particular statements, but you do have a number of repetitions of it.
And it's this idea that when Jesus returns, he will break the cross kill the pigs or the swine and abolish
Jizya. Now Jizya is the tax, the levy placed upon the people, the book who live in Islamic lands.
It's a, it's a protection tax. Obviously it's used by ISIS and others, um, to destroy, uh,
Christians and Jews to drive them out or just to have them killed. Um, but initially it was basically, well, if you're not going to go to war, then you have to pay an extra tax to, uh, support those of us that do, et cetera, et cetera.
To abolish Jizya means that there is not going to be any more Jews or Christians living in Islamic lands.
And in one of the versions of the Hadith, um, that's exactly what's set is he abolishes all religions other than Islam.
So Jesus actually becomes the, the, the weapon, the means by which
Islam destroys Christianity. And that's the phraseology breaks the cross, destroys the cross.
Now, one of the things that was, I think, completely unremarkable and yet so offended.
So many people is I pointed out the reality that Islam detests the cross.
Well, why? Well, surah four one to seven certainly is the beginning of that.
And it's obvious that the author of the Quran had no earthly conception of what the cross is about, which makes you wonder why didn't the
Christians that he had contact with, why weren't they cross centered?
Why weren't they redemption centered? Um, but we don't know.
We can't answer questions like that. Uh, history just doesn't give us enough information, uh, along those lines, but there is no question that by the time of Muhammad, you have major elements of unbiblical anti -biblical idolatry existing in formal
Christendom, including statues, images, already the veneration issue, dhulia, hyper dhulia,
Latria was beginning to develop. And there is no question.
No honest person looking at history can question the reality that this has been a major issue between Christianity, formal external
Christianity, not biblical Christianity and Islam. And as a result, what has developed over time has been this animosity.
And of course it doesn't help that the crusaders put crosses on their shields and they died in battle.
They were given indulgences and all this other anti -Christian heretical stuff, which is what it is.
Uh, there's no such thing as an indulgence in scripture. There's no such thing as purgatory and all the rest of that Roman silliness.
Um, and to ignore the role that has had is to be dishonest.
It does not excuse the ignorance of Muhammad. It does not excuse the ignorance of Islamic leaders.
But again, simple truthfulness requires the recognition of the various factors that have gone into the development of these things.
And so you have this Hadith being quoted as a part of the not apologetic, but what do you call this?
Uh, the reason, well, historically it would be an apologetic. You're not apologizing.
You're giving the reason for doing what you're doing. This is sending a message. And these are crusaders simply because they are coffers.
They are coffers because they're Christians and they venerate the cross.
Now, did any one of these men who committed these abominable deeds have any meaningful understanding of what the cross means in biblical
Christianity? That's why I tried to take the time to explain that, you know, to try to explain what the cross is about, why we glory in the cross, but we do not worship the cross.
It's because of what God did there. It's the center point of history. That's what makes it special.
I mean, if someone dug up the cross today, there'd be no reason to worship it. That's what's to me so wrong about crucifixes.
Jesus isn't there anymore. It's empty. It's done. I mean, if you're going to, if you're going to have something like that, have an empty tomb or something, you know, when, when you, when you focus upon a crucifix, you're looking at a point in the process, but you're freezing it there.
And especially when you then add the, when you do that within the context, especially of Rome's never finished sacrifice, never perfecting mass, the result is, is a mess.
And so I tried in the article to actually present the gospel, hoping that, you know, who knows, maybe there's some
Muslims out there that are just as disgusted by what they see happening by the images of that Jordanian pilot on fire or whatever else it might be that the spirit's working upon them.
And they're looking for something more than this. Could there be something more than this? And maybe reading that will give them, wow.
There are some Christians that have a very high view of the cross, but they don't worship the cross.
They don't believe in bowing down before images and statues and things like that. That's why we, that's why we address that.
And so then after the deed is done, you have this Islamic music and then this same man standing there with blood on his hands, because he was one of the executioners with his knife aimed toward Rome.
There was a reason they did this here. I, I forgot to bring it in with me.
It's Aral Haq. It's, it's still in the plastic on my desk, but I'm just about done with, it's
Aral Haq. Don't worry about it. This huge work, 800 some odd pages,
Karawani, I think was the name of the
Indian scholar who put together, I think first publishing it in 1864. I've mentioned it to you a number of times before. It's the most important book in the formation of modern
Islamic dawah. It's the reason that 99 .9 % of Muslims around the world believe the Bible is corrupted rather than the way it was before 1864, where you had more of a split.
Reading in there, one of the, the arguments that is used, you know, he has a whole section against Roman Catholic beliefs, but from their, his perspective, since there's more
Roman Catholics than there are Protestants, the Pope represents Christianity. And you can just tell that biblical argumentation is seen as secondary in comparison to papal argumentation.
And the fact is false religion like Rome will have much to answer for when it comes to these issues and you see it right here.
And so here's this guy and here in modern day, he's pointing with his, his bloody knife toward Rome.
And he says, well, what, what does he say? We will conquer
Rome. And it's not all that far. The Mediterranean is not really wide at that point.
But there they are just, you know, South of Rome saying we will conquer Rome from their perspective.
Again, remember in the Islamic mind, you have Dar al -Islam, the world under Islam and Dar al -Hab, the world of warfare.
And from their perspective until everyone submits to their particular understanding of Islam, then there is no innocent person.
And that's why they can excuse kidnapping workers who are just shoveling dirt for a living, trying to make ends meet, kidnapping young ladies.
Right before I came on, I saw something somewhere. Where was that?
There had been sort of a breaking news type thing about how many people had been, had been kidnapped.
Yeah, here it is. According to Libya Herald, at least 35
Egyptians have been kidnapped at various locations by ISIS just today. Yeah.
Well, because Egypt was bombing ISIS positions. So it's going to happen again.
This is the mindset. This is the mindset. To us, it is grossly immoral to kidnap people.
To them, if you're in the Dar al -Hab, if you are not in subjection to Islam and Muhammad specifically in the way they say you should be, then you're a crusader.
You're in opposition to Islam. And this again is when, where it comes back to the vast difference between Christianity and Islam.
They are seeking to bring about submission by severing heads rather than changing hearts because they can't change hearts.
There's nothing in their message that can change hearts. There's nothing in their theology that can change hearts.
In fact, their theology says the hearts don't have to be changed in the first place. We say the kingdom of Christ is extended not by the severing of heads or the blowing up of militants, but by the changing of hearts through the ministration of the
Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the difference and a vast difference it is.
At least it's supposed to be. Like I said, I'm feeling pretty down today by how many people who call themselves
Christians evidently don't believe that. Don't get me wrong. A nation has the right to say that this group cannot exist on our borders to make them illegal and to fight against them.
I understand that. And if every one of those men dies in a hellfire missile strike and that missile came from the
United States, that's justice. But here's the problem. What people don't seem to get is that there was a young Jewish man that stood holding the coats of those who are stoning
Stephen. And that wasn't folks, some nice kind gentle execution.
Yeah. Believe it or not. I've seen stoning too. And it's slow and it's bloody.
And there was a guy named Saul of Tarsus and he may not have been chucking the rocks, but he was helping those that were.
And he was in perfect agreement. I guess he'd be one of the cameramen on this thing. How's that? And it seems there's a lot of folks, every cameraman, every
Muslim in this, wipe them out. I guess, guess you wouldn't mind missing 13, 14 books in the
New Testament, depending on how we count that one. Maybe you, maybe you understand why
Barnabas had to bring Paul along, had to say, no, no, really guys, he has been converted.
It's, it's been, it's been bothersome really has to see the, the attitude.
As Christians, we should at least want to understand, want to think based upon truth rather than upon mere emotion.
But unfortunately there are some who just can't get past the emotional part evidently.
And so they, they go that direction. Uh, not sure if I want to switch gears here, but I think
I will. Anyways, let me switch gears the last few minutes, minutes.
Um, Thursday, I'm not sure what's going to happen
Thursday, probably shooting for three o 'clock I'd say Thursday. Uh, but gonna have,
Oh, we're gonna have a guest. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Gonna have to figure out, uh, figure out that, how to get that microphone on a stand.
Huh? You got it. You got it. Uh, J .D. Hall, uh,
J .D. Hall is, uh, coming to, uh, Phoenix for a debate this weekend on the subject of theonomy.
And, um, he's gonna, he's gonna be coming by. And, uh, so I said,
Hey, come on by and, and take in the D dividing line. And I have a feeling, I have a feeling it'd be pretty hard to keep
J .D. on that side of the, on that side of the wall. Uh, yeah,
I, I, I think he'd be making so many gestures and stuff through the window that it just wouldn't. Yeah.
So we'll, we'll find a place to plop J .D. over there. And, uh, so I'm not sure what, I'm not sure if I can even control
J .D. It may get us into all sorts of kinds of trouble. And I can set up a two camera shoot and everything.
You can. Cool. You can. You can. So, uh, we'll see what comes to that.
There's lots of things to be discussing. Um, some of which I'll just sort of let him take the hits and I'll stay,
I'll stay out of the way. Uh, yeah. But, um, there was one thing that I wanted to touch on real quickly.
I've got just a couple of minutes. Um, I saw an article and, uh, well, again,
I didn't see the article. It was somebody in Twitter directed me to this.
I Washington state couple chooses to raise their child species -less.
Echo is a three -year -old in human terms and communicates using a system of bleats, chirps, and barks.
In an interview with This Is That, Gabriel Roberts discussed his and his wife's decision to allow their child
Echo to choose for itself what species it is.
Mr. Roberts believes that a hands -off approach is the best way of raising children or that kids should be allowed to make their own decisions about their taxonomic rank.
If Echo wants to be a human, that's fine, but it's not my job as a parent to tell it that it is.
My parents told me I was human and they were told the same by their parents. It's time to break the cycle, said
Roberts. Now, I'm thinking this is a joke.
I'm hoping it's a joke, except, you know,
This Is That is a joke thing, but this was on CBC radio. Um, I'm gonna hope it's a joke, but you know why it's hard to tell?
Because of where it came from. It's coming from a part of the country where there's no longer male or female
PETA, and you just left, you look at these stories, and even five years ago, it would have been easier.
Anymore, you just sit back and go, I wish if this is a joke, they wouldn't do this.
You know why? You know why? Because somebody'll go, that's a good idea, and we'll do it.
We thought that that was impossible until we started seeing it happening. I hope it's a joke and it's trying to make a point.
What would the point be? Well, if you can't even figure out your species, then you certainly can't figure out, if you can't figure out your gender,
I'm sorry, if you can't figure out your species, gender and everything else come along with it. Such confusion, such confusion.
If it's a joke, it's a sad one because the only way it could work is in our day.
This wouldn't have been funny when I was a kid because we've sat there and gone, what are you talking about?
But today, especially coming out of Washington State, if it's
Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, New York, okay, yeah, parts of New York.
I want to let the Western New Yorkers still be the same people that they are, but why would anyone want to live in Western New York when you know that you have no representation in your government?
I haven't figured that part out either. I just, you read that and I just keep thinking of that Tom Cruise quote from A Few Good Men where he was talking about the
Rocco Sluggo school of the galactically stupid. Yeah. That's wow.
Well, again, hopefully it's a joke given the sources. Never know these days, never know these days.
Anyway, there are so many more things like that and that was, that was the other part. Is that, you know why the,
I'm going over just a second here, but you know why, you know why that has more credibility as a joke?
Because the Chelsea Manning story is real and it's just as insane.
And it came out the same day. You know what I'm talking about? The military, you got the guy who did the, the
WikiLeaks thing. Okay. So you got a trader and he's in prison and you know what the
U S military is going to do with your tax dollars? You know, they're talking about not being able to have enough soldiers in the field and not provide them with the materials they need, but they have enough money to provide hormone therapy to Chelsea Manning in prison to transition into a female.
Um, it is so painfully obvious to me that the socialists have targeted the
United States military to turn it into a big, huge social experimental lab simply to destroy its fighting spirit.
There's just no question about it. And you look at this, you look at those grunts in the field at how little they get paid.
And now they have to read in the stars and stripes that some trader in a military prison is going to get hormones to transition into a woman, which of course doesn't transition into anything at all.
You know, anyway, I don't know what, like I said, we're gonna do on Thursday, but one of the story
I want to get to eventually, I sent it to you was the Utah firing squad story.
Utah firing squad story, but that would be way too much of a transition. Too many things, too many things, too many things.
Anyways, thanks for listening to Vineline today. Like I said, I'm thinking three o 'clock on Thursday and I'm going, don't know what's going to end up being, but one thing, it'll be interesting.