Tucker Carlson: Why Transgenderism HATES Christian Values!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Tucker Carlson's reaction to the Nashville shooting. And first, let me make something clear.
I don't see Tucker Carlson as a pastor or a trusted theologian. There are most certainly things said and done by Tucker that I would not fully agree with, biblically speaking.
And yet, at the same time, Tucker has established himself as an astute observer of the culture we find ourselves in today.
And as such, I think it's important to listen here, and compare everything we're listening to to the Word of God.
So that's what we're going to do today. Tucker made some fascinating new comments about the tragic events which transpired recently in Nashville.
Specifically, a transgender who is a biological woman shot and killed six people, including three small children.
Truly horrifying stuff. It has been heavily implied that the shooting was motivated by an anger against Christianity, but more will be revealed on that soon.
In the meantime, the circumstantial evidence shows us that this trans woman once attended the school that she shot, and she was living a life that would not be approved of by the leaders of the school or the church that it was affiliated with.
So it's not exactly a stretch to say that anger towards Christianity, or Christians in general, could have been a contributing factor regarding the attack.
But of course, as always, a deeper investigation into motive will need to be conducted by the proper authorities, and we will likely know more with time.
Regardless, one does not need this shooting in order to demonstrate the growing tension between transgender ideologues and Christians.
On that topic, here's what Tucker Carlson had to say. Watch this. The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy.
In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you're not God. Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything, and for that matter, very little personal virtue.
They will tell you to your face that they are sinful, and helpless, and basically absurd. That saved a wretch like me goes the most famous Christian hymn ever written in English.
Again, I don't always agree with everything Tucker says, but I do think that statement is important.
There are many Christian thought leaders who would utterly disagree with the rhetoric being offered here.
They would suggest that this kind of statement only stokes the fires of division in our culture war.
But I think this reaction ignores the validity and the truth of what Tucker is describing. Notably, he says that the trans movement and Christianity are natural enemies, as it were, because they are essentially polar opposites, religiously speaking.
And this statement, I believe, is biblically and logically correct. Just to be crystal clear,
I am not saying that trans people and Christians should be having a physical war in the streets.
Not at all. In fact, one of the fundamental principles of Christianity is an emphasis on persuasion and conversion, rather than force and coercion.
First Peter 3 .15 talks about, quote, "...always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do so with gentleness and respect."
End quote. And while that is true, I am in full agreement with the idea that the trans movement as a whole, on a spiritual and worldview level.
Indeed, any worldview that sets up any god other than the one true God is at spiritual enmity with the mission of the
Church, and of course, the God who the Church serves. So the question becomes, is it accurate to say that Christianity is at enmity with the trans movement?
Yes. We are spiritual enemies in the sense that the trans movement is diametrically opposed to the rule and reign of Jesus Christ as Lord over all the earth.
Philippians 2 .9 says, quote, "...therefore God has highly exalted Him, and bestowed upon Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father." End quote. You see, we are the spiritual enemies of any regime that sets itself up as God, and we will battle that regime using evangelism, worship, love, truth, preaching, teaching, fellowship, and every other method that God gives us in His Word.
And yet the beauty of the Gospel still shows us that we were once at enmity with God ourselves –
Romans 5 .10 – and that we can offer the ultimate olive branch of the Gospel to the whole world, even if they're at enmity with God currently, including those advancing transgender ideology –
Matthew 22 .16. So yes, Christians are to be loving and to be at peace with all men with whom it is possible –
Romans 12 .18. And yet as we strive for peace, we must not forget that there is a very real spiritual war taking place right now.
Ephesians 6 .12 says, quote, "...for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
As Tucker says later in the clip, one of the fundamental tenets of Christianity is that you are not
God, and that you must humble yourself before God and His Word. In many ways, it is a starting point for the
Christian worldview. Does Proverbs not tell us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom?
Of course it does. So in that clip, Tucker gives us some of the fundamental principles that Christians believe, at least from his point of view.
And by contrast, here's what he says about the transgender movement and what they hold to. Watch this.
The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself.
We can change the identity we were born with, they will tell you, with wild -eyed certainty. Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe
God alone possesses. That unwillingness to agree, that failure to acknowledge a trans person's dominion over nature incites and enrages some in the trans community.
People who believe they're God can't stand to be reminded that they're not. So Christianity and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies.
They can never be reconciled. On this point, I think Tucker is 100 % correct. The problem is that your average seeker -sensitive megachurch pastor is afraid to say any of that.
This is at least partially why many Christian Americans find themselves resonating with someone like Tucker Carlson more than someone like Stephen Furtick or Joel Osteen.
Because to many people, at least Tucker seems to have a grip on what's going on in reality. In fact, Tucker's theological description of how these movements interact is far more compelling than what most trendy megachurch pastors are capable of.
That's the real issue here. But besides this, Tucker made some very interesting observations. They need to be noted and compared to some of the prevailing
Christian narratives on this subject. First, many Christians believe that this is just a disagreement over gender.
And that often comes from a good place. I myself have frequently quoted passages like Genesis 127 on this topic.
It says clearly that the Lord created us male and female. But as Tucker mentioned, we must also realize that this is not just a question of gender.
Rather, this is a question of who gets to be God. Because God gets to create ultimate reality, and everyone has to recognize
His categories of reality as it relates to gender if they want to align with the truth. But the trans movement says that they get to make the standards of reality themselves, and everyone who does not align with them is a hateful bigot.
So not only do they claim authority over truth and reality, but also over morality and ethics.
And all of this is happening while grown men put on women's clothing and tell you that you have to refer to them as her.
The question is, will we cave to their fake reality, or will we acknowledge God's truth? Second, many
Christians think this disagreement is all about confusion. And again, there's certainly an element of truth to that.
There are many deeply confused people in the trans movement. And that's not something we should callously ignore.
Of course not. But there's also another side of the story, because there's also direct idolatry and rebellion going on.
Certain people think they're above God, and therefore they must be acknowledged as ultimately authoritative and virtuous.
So again, this is not just about confusion. It's about directly worshipping the false god of self and of secular humanism.
Christians are not allowed to do that, nor are we allowed to encourage others to do so. And third, many
Christians think that this is merely a spiritual battle in nature, and not a political culture war.
In fact, many Christian leaders will discourage their followers from any political culture war activity whatsoever.
But this is a misunderstanding. It is true that this is primarily and originally a spiritual issue.
And anyone who believes that we can solve this problem of transgenderism through political activity purely, absent of any spiritual intervention in our country, is flat out wrong.
But you see, the fact still remains. A spiritual battle of this magnitude will inevitably influence politics.
For example, Christians need to decide whether it should be legal for a mother and or father to pay a doctor to cut off their child's perfectly functional body parts.
In virtually every Christian movement since the resurrection of Christ, such an action would be considered abuse.
How could it not be abusive to do this to a child? But now, the Church is having a debate over it, as if it's a question.
But there are more questions. Should grown men be able to introduce small children to sexual perversion at drag queen story hours?
That's undoubtedly a political implication here. And should the public schools, which are funded by our tax money, be allowed to teach children reprehensible ideologies such as transgenderism?
That's another inevitable political question that must be answered faithfully by American Christians. So what's the overall point that I'm trying to highlight here?
Well, it seems that many Christian leaders want to emphasize that the Gospel must be given even to our greatest detractors, and that loving -kindness must be extended even to our greatest enemies.
And that is undoubtedly true, Matthew 5 .44. And yet, what so many Christian leaders seem to be missing is just how polar opposite the transgender worldview is, and how at enmity it is with God and the
Christian worldview. We're not just talking about people confused regarding gender. We're talking about a movement that wants to fundamentally set itself up as God, and make you acknowledge that too.
They want to be called Lord of the Universe, with authority to change reality with only a word of their mouth.
And when Christians refuse to acknowledge their lordship over reality, they will undoubtedly get very upset.
And the average modern, trendy evangelical megachurch, by and large, does not have the spine or the competence to actually stand up to this biblically.
They're too busy preaching soft, topical sermons, inspiring their audience to follow their dreams.
There's no neutrality to be had with the core principles of the transgender movement, not even close, because they are absolutely 100 % at odds with biblical
Christianity. We must use every method given to us in Scripture to battle against this movement with truth and love.
And it starts with admitting that there's a battle in the first place. I pray this video has been a blessing to you.
And please know, this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique. Pray for this channel, and for anyone discussed in the video.
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And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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