An Atheist Pro-Choice TikToker's Argument Gets DEMOLISHED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So today
I took yet another swim through the parasite -infested scum bucket known as progressive Christian TikTok.
And if you would object to my use of such strong language here, if you would claim that that's not very Christ -like of me, I'd encourage you to read
Matthew 12, 34, where Jesus himself calls the Pharisees an evil brood of vipers.
So much for not being Christ -like. In any case, while I was taking a look at the progressive Christian TikTok videos that permeate the internet,
I found a video of an atheist woman making a serious argument that abortion is loving.
This particular person is not a progressive Christian, but certainly has a bone to pick with evangelical Christianity for some reason or another.
But more than this, she actually attempts to make her pro -choice argument based on biblical principles.
She's trying to convince evangelical Christians that their scriptural standard actually allows for and encourages abortion.
Naturally, as a Christian, I was shocked by this, and I thought I would come to YouTube in order to offer a robust and biblical correction of her progressive drivel.
So that's what we're going to do in today's video, folks. Watch this clip where she describes her perspective. Check it out.
Under evangelical theology, the most loving and selfless thing a person can do is abort their baby.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Abortion is wrong. It's murder. And sure, for evangelicals, it's murder, but it's also completely selfless.
Think about it. That baby may grow up to not be a Christian, to not accept Jesus as their savior, to end up in an eternity of hellfire.
But most evangelicals believe that babies that die go straight to heaven. So by aborting that baby, you are actually guaranteeing that child has an eternal life in heaven.
And sure, you've committed murder, so you're going to go to hell, but doesn't that make it the most selfless thing possible?
You're literally giving your own eternity to save someone else's. So as you can probably already tell, her argument is as structurally rigid as a house made of toothpicks.
Her logic is laughable. Her ethics, virtually non -existent. So without further ado, let's actually demolish this ridiculous argument using
Scripture. As 2 Corinthians 10 5 says, we destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.
So essentially, her argument is this. In the Christian worldview, in a roundabout way, abortion is actually loving and selfless, according to our own standards.
The reason for this is that abortion kills a baby, and in the theology of the majority of evangelical
Christians, babies who die before they've had a genuine chance to hear the gospel and understand it will automatically get a free ticket into heaven.
Now there are actually many views on this issue within Christianity, but that's not what this video's about. So for the sake of the argument, let's assume that her point is true, and that all babies who die before they can understand the gospel go to heaven.
In her argument, it then becomes loving for people to kill babies because they'll go to heaven automatically.
The problem with this argument, though, is that first, it's self -defeating, and second, it tries to artificially insert a utilitarian ethical standard into Christianity, which is not biblical at all.
Let me explain what I mean. Utilitarianism is a stream of ethical philosophy that suggests right and wrong are concepts which are intrinsically tied to outcomes.
What does that mean? Let me give you a practical example. Should one person murder another unjustly? Most utilitarians would say no, but they have various reasons for saying that.
Killing would cause harm to the individual being murdered, some would say. Some others would say that the killing also causes great emotional pain for the family of the victim, and even more people would say that this killing simply does not advance society in any practical way.
And then there are some selfish reasons to refrain from this action as well. That killing, for instance, would also most likely land the murderer in prison, which doesn't sound like a very good life.
And that killing will also probably result in psychological damage, even to the very person who commits it, even if they get away with it.
For the utilitarian, murder is wrong because of the potential outcomes of it. It's just not a good outcome for most people.
The Bible, on the other hand, has an entirely different ethical standard based in the unchanging holy character of our
God. Let me illustrate. Let's take the exact same situation, for instance. One person murders another unjustly.
Exodus 20 verse 13 says, quote, You shall not murder, end quote. And why does it say that?
Well, because God, the holy creator of all things, is not glorified when someone unjustly kills another person.
We also know from Genesis 127 that, quote, God created man in his own image, end quote.
To murder a person who bears God's image is forbidden for good reason, because we are not supposed to wipe out any image -bearer of the
Lord from the earth without explicit direction from the God whose image they bear. Christians acknowledge that God is the creator, and therefore he has authority over his own creation.
We do not manipulate and craft the rules for ourselves like this wayward TikToker thinks we should.
Rather, we submit to the Father's ethical standard regardless of the outcome for ourselves, or at least that's what we're supposed to do.
And that is the opposite of utilitarianism. So in other words, when this woman tells us that in the
Christian worldview it's loving, kind, and selfless to kill an innocent baby in the womb, she's actually not making that argument from any biblical principles.
Rather, she's shoehorning unbiblical principles, those of utilitarianism, into Christianity, and then pretending like it was our
Christian ethical standard all along. It's a sleight -of -hand trick, and it's not a particularly good one either.
In reality, her utilitarian ethic is by definition foolish and inconsistent, and it's so obvious that anyone can demonstrate it in less than a minute.
In her worldview, the worldview she's trying to use against us Christians, that is, things are right or wrong based on the outcome of them.
But that system only works if there is some objective standard as to which outcome is more desirable than another.
For instance, if I were to kill millions of people, some utilitarians would say that's wrong because the outcome of that is a lot of pain and suffering.
But what if I told you that it made me immensely happy to kill those millions of people? Why is the outcome of my happiness somehow less important than the outcome of millions of people having pain and suffering?
If their desired outcome of not being murdered contradicts my desired outcome of murdering them, whose outcome should come to pass?
In this atheist TikToker's moral standard, the action of killing millions of people and the action of refusing to do so are equally permissible and equally ethical in an objective sense.
You see, the utilitarian ethic of this TikToker, the one she thinks she's so clever in using against Christians, can actually be reduced to absurdity.
It's very interesting to me that she finds the Christian moral standard so self -contradictory, yet in order to highlight this, she herself uses an argument based in an ethical standard that explodes before it can even get off the runway.
Also, in her subjective worldview, we must remember, she doesn't have any objective standard of what selflessness and love mean in the first place.
So when she says that abortion is the most selfless and loving thing a person could do, she's hopelessly confused.
She, as a sinful and finite being, has decided that she gets to define those words and then read them back into the
Christian worldview for all of us Christians to follow. But we do not follow her subjective standards, nor do we use her personal definitions.
God's definition of love and selflessness entails that we not kill innocent pre -born children.
Genesis 9 -6 says, Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed.
For God made man in his own image. Therefore, when you say killing infants is selfless and loving, as this woman does, you're not putting
God's definitions of love and selflessness into practice. Rather, you've casted out His definitions of those words and His standards of applying those words before you even made any argument.
Before a word even exited your mouth, you were already wrong. This is not a clever remark about the inconsistency of evangelicals, as this
TikToker seems to think. Rather, it's the perfect example of how little understanding you truly have when you rebel against God.
After all, Proverbs 9 -10 says, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
That explains why this woman and her anti -Christian contemporaries show so little wisdom.
So in conclusion, here's the message I want you to take away from the video. Psalm 19 -7 says,
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
When you sort out your worldview, use God's definitions and God's statements, and don't do anything else.
Don't make up your own standards and read them back into Scripture. That's just yet another way of practicing the illogical and inconsistent utilitarian ethic that this anti -Christian
TikToker is using to the detriment of her argument. This all leads to moral relativism and complete absurdity.
If you don't want to be a fool, don't take advice from one. And let's pray earnestly for all of those who would mock
God and mock His Word in this way. Pray that they would turn from their sins and follow Jesus.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.