Daily Devotional — April 9, 2020


Pastor Bice shares a daily devotional throughout the COVID-19 "virus crisis"


It has 29 days in February, 300 days in March, and five years in April.
Well, I'll definitely give him that it is a unique year, that's for sure.
I don't know about you, I'm not really feeling the time drag like some people probably are. I guess
I probably have enough to do every day, keep me busy. I do get out of the house, get over to the church and study and get some things done.
And so the days seem to be going by pretty quickly. I hope they are for you as well, that you're keeping them filled profitably, and the
Lord's able to use you even in these crazy days. Let me just share with you, the church family especially, to encourage you to pray for the
Shedders, our missionaries in Bolivia. If you remember, because of Larry's physical problems, had that stroke a year ago, something like that.
They had plans to leave the field and come back to the States on March 25th.
Well, the coronavirus pandemic put all those plans on hold. And so as of right now, they're kind of stuck in Bolivia.
And anticipating leaving, they sold or gave away just about everything that they had to minimize what they had to transport back to the
States. And winter is coming in Bolivia. And so I got an email from Emily the other day and asked him how we can pray for them.
And she said, pray that we can find some clothing for the winter months, if we're still here, because we don't have any and everything is closed down.
They're only allowed off their property one morning a week to go get groceries. So they can't go anywhere to get any clothes.
So it's a pretty difficult situation for them. So pray for the Shedders, Larry and Emily and their family.
Well, I've been reading some passages this week related to Holy Week, and maybe you have been as well.
And as I've been reading, one of the themes that has kind of struck me is the fact that Jesus knew very well what was coming.
I mean, think back with me in your own mind if you haven't actually read it this week. But when
Jesus was leaving Jericho, he was heading to Jerusalem ultimately for the crucifixion.
But as he was leaving Jericho, he said this to his disciples. He said, see, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the
Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the
Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. Well, then in approaching
Jerusalem from the village of Bethphagy, Jesus knew about the donkey and the colt.
You remember that situation? He told the disciples to go ahead of them, and when they get into the village, they'll find this donkey and colt to loose him and bring him back.
And Jesus knew what was coming with the triumphal entry. And then on Tuesday, Jesus said to his disciples, you know that after two days the
Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified. And then when the woman anointed
Jesus' feet with that precious ointment, he was at a dinner, and she came in, broke that alabaster box of ointment, and she was criticized soundly.
Judas started the criticism. And then Jesus responded to the critics and said this, in pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it to prepare for my burial.
He knew what was coming. And then early Thursday morning, Jesus told his disciples where to go to prepare for the
Passover. He says, go into the city to a certain man and say to him, the teacher says, my time is at hand.
I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples. If you remember earlier, there were a few occasions when some were trying to arrest
Jesus and wanted to kill him. But the Scripture tells us that his time was not at hand.
Well, now Jesus knows my time is at hand. And then at that Passover meal,
Jesus said, truly, I say to you, one of you shall betray me.
He knew what was coming. And at the Mount of Olives, Jesus speaking to his disciples, he said, all of you will be offended because of me this night.
And when Peter heard that, he objected. He said, not me. He vowed that he was going to be undying, dyingly loyal.
He would not betray Jesus. But Jesus flatly told him and said, truly, I tell you, this very night before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.
And then came that agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. And out of the depths of his agony,
Jesus experienced that agony because he had clarity in knowing what was coming in just a matter of hours.
And he prayed, oh, my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
He knew the cup that he was about to drink. And yet, as you think about all of that, also remember what he also fully knew ahead of time.
Again, going back to that departure from Jericho, when he warned his disciples that the
Son of Man is to be delivered into the hands of men and they shall kill him, he also said at the end of that sentence, and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day.
Jesus knew his death was coming, but he also knew that the resurrection was coming.
Now, why is all this so significant to us today, 2 ,000 years later? Well, the whole crucifixion, resurrection is significant on a salvation level, absolutely and for sure.
But the thing I was pondering, that theme that I was pondering, that Jesus knew all along what was coming, why is that significant to us 2 ,000 years later?
Well, late in the evening on December 31st, New Year's Eve, Chris and I were on a
Christmas gift getaway. We went to the city of downtown Chicago and didn't realize all that was going to be going on there when we got there.
But at the stroke of midnight, we saw the signs, you know, there's going to be fireworks. So at the stroke of midnight, we found ourselves on the
Chicago River and right at midnight, the fireworks went off and welcomed 2020 along the lakefront as well as along the
Chicago River. Excitement was in the air. Everybody's excited as the new year dawns.
And certainly at that time, that night, that day, the day after, whatever, right at the beginning of this new year, people everywhere were looking at a robust economy.
They were setting goals. They were making resolutions for the new year, establishing plans, marking out dates on their calendars.
And we had no earthly idea what was coming in just a matter of weeks.
But Jesus did. Jesus knew all along. He knew the global impact.
He knew the death toll. He knew the economic fallout. Jesus knew what was coming just as he knew what was coming as he headed toward Golgotha.
But here's the thing you must not miss. He also knew what was coming the following morning, the following Sunday morning.
He knew what was coming when Sunday dawned. And he also knows what's coming on the other side of this.
So on Monday, Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Silent Saturday, Jesus wanted his disciples to trust him because he told them
Resurrection Sunday is coming. Well, today, through this crisis,
Jesus still wants his followers to trust him. Resurrection Sunday, whatever that may look like related to the
COVID crisis, whatever that may look like, it is coming. So let me leave you with these verses from Psalm 40, because in these times of uncertainty, that is, they're uncertain to us, pray that the
Lord gives us this testimony. I waited patiently, the psalmist says, for the
Lord. He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog.
He set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our
God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust. May you make the
Lord your trust this Easter weekend,
Monday, Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Resurrection Sunday.
Father in heaven, give us this trust to count on you, the