The Grace of Christ’s Gift


Sermon: The Grace of Christ’s Gift Date: June 19, 2022, Morning Text: Ephesians 4:1–10 Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


The Lord bless thee and shine upon you this morning If you have a Bible, please open to Ephesians chapter 4
As we'll be reading from verses 1 to 10 And as soon as you have that please do stand for the reading of God's Word Hear ye this morning the word of the
Lord. I Therefore a prisoner for the Lord Urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called
With all humility and gentleness of patience bearing with one another in love
Eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace There is one body and one spirit just as you were called to one
Hope that belongs to your call one Lord one faith one baptism
One God and father of all who is over all and through all and in all
But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift therefore it says when he ascended on high he led a host of captives and he gave gifts to men and Saying he ascended.
What does it mean? But that he had also descended into the lower regions of the earth
He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all
Things you may be seated gracious Father in heaven
We're reminded of the gift that you've given us Yay, Lord, even the gift of eternal life
By the salvation by grace through faith in Jesus But we are also reminded of the gift that you've given us in Jesus That Christ our
King our Redeemer is himself our prize He is indeed the treasure In the possession of our hearts
Lord God what a privilege it is to be here this morning amongst your people In the presence of your spirit and also
Lord in true humility we are reminded of the greatest gift that you've given even the gift of your own son
Jesus and We focus now on the gift that he gives us as Believers in Christ We ask all these things in Christ's name.
Amen Well beloved if you recall last week's message
We've talked about the one faith One Lord the one baptism that we hold in common as Christians.
I want to remind you as well of this precious unchanging unfading truth of God's Sovereign love as we just sung his sovereign love towards you and me and When you love someone you often accompany that love with gifts
We see when our Lord was was born. There were those who brought gifts to the child
Laid it at his feet and worshiped him We know that part of our worship is that we we give unto
God not just of our time and our and our money our research, but we we give it all that we are to all that he is and In return
God and his goodness and his grace and his abundance and the overflowing of his character He gives to us his people gifts for the advancement of his kingdom for the edification of the body and For the purposes of the kingdom of God to grow and expand in this dark and dying world it's a beloved if you're following along in today's teaching and The answer that was given to you
Grace was given to us By measure I want you to notice what it says in verse 7, but grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift to the measure of Christ's gift so grace was given to us by means of the measure of Christ's gift and God gives us gifts in order to fulfill our
Christian calling notice again what it says in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 I therefore a prisoner for the
Lord Paul speaking says I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of The calling to which you have been called
There's a calling There's a calling to which every single Christian has been called to It's a calling to spiritual life spiritual discipline holiness
Righteousness living otherworldly Notice to the way that the world lives what the world celebrates what the world elevates we as Christians a little bit a different thing a different ethic a different kingdom a different message and Ours is a calling that is an upward call in Christ Jesus We have a hope that this world that we live in is
Not our final home now, you've probably heard the phrase before Earth is not my home.
I'm just passing through Well, I like a different phrase and it's that earth actually is our home.
But as the earth is It will not always be God will change this world
He'll bring forth his the fullness of his kingdom Christ will rule over all and there'll be a new heavens and your that's the eschatological
Expectation that we have as Christians that God will when all things are said and done The words what will that will usher from the throne of God is
I will make all things new That is the cry that we all long to hear when this old wicked world is no more and Christ is
King But in the meantime, how do we get to that state? I would say to you this morning that one of the means by which
God Accomplishes this new heavens and new earth is by means of the instrument of his church, which is you living stones members of the body of Christ And he has called you to this new calling in order for us to fulfill
His purpose to fulfill the calling to which he has called us He is going to equip us with gifts spiritual gifts powerful gifts that enable us to Fulfill the calling to which he has called us upward in Christ Jesus in the previous verse
We were admonished again to guard the unity of the faith That's what we saw last week's message when Paul tells us where there's one faith one
Lord one baptism He's guarding the faith. He's saying that we must recognize.
There's only one true Jesus one true saving faith in one baptism by which we enter into membership into the body of Christ We see in verse 7 is revealed how we can build toward this unity and it is through the grace that Christ provides he is given
Grace. Now, what does the word grace mean as we know we've been going through the book of Ephesians Chapter 2 relies heavily on the concept of grace for by grace.
You've been saved or introduced to that phenomenal statement of salvation But grace is undeserved unmerited favor it means
When you could not meet the conditions God Richly blessed you and supplied you with the outcome of obedience as if you were perfect as If you deserved it he treats you as one who is deserving although you are not deserving
It says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 that we were all dead in our trespasses and sins that we were all
Totally lost in the ways that we used to walk according to the Prince of the power of the air
But God being rich in mercy made us alive in Christ while you were unworthy Romans 5 puts it this way while you you were yet sinners
Christ died for you Now when you were perfect now when you had it all figured out
Now when you had the right doctrine or you had the right confession while you were yet sinners totally lost
Christ died for you He saves us. He saves us unto a holy calling to a mission to a missional life
Church, I want to tell you this morning that Christianity is not a sideline religion What do
I mean by that? Oh Just this past week we had a
Fancy basketball game. Some of you guys may like basketball and and who won that that that NBA Finals game who won it
Warriors, all right, that's our team, right? Hey go Warriors, right? Now what happens is that every time your home team wins?
Everyone starts jumping up and down and you start to say to each other and you exclaim to each other saying we won we
You weren't on that basketball court I didn't see you dunking on any of those boys. I didn't see you throw any three -pointers from the line
You weren't a part of the game You didn't put any effort towards winning that championship
Maybe you bought a ticket. Maybe you watched at home or maybe you were cheap and you watched it at a bar somewhere We don't know
But the point is is that you were not there you were in the sidelines Church We're not called to the sidelines
We're called to engage in the court on the court of life the court of this world and We are to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered on to the
Saints. Amen That's our call. That's what we've been called to ours is not a sideline religion where we simply just Observe what is going on or we're not a sideline religion in that?
we only listen and participate as so far as the preachers preaching in the pulpit and then we live the rest of our week as If we were practical atheists
That's not our faith Christ has given us grace in a gift of grace for you to live differently
For you to not be on the sidelines, but to be on the court of life For you not to be one who is simply an observer
But one who is a participant in the life and the glories and the sufferings of Christ that is the call to which
Christ is now gifting you life and Power from on high to live differently
Now it's not easy in this world to live as a Christian especially here in Silicon Valley There are so many temptations the greatest temptations being one of the things that I hold in my hand right now this technology
Technology is the center of our culture here in Silicon Valley You know, what else is the center of the culture here?
Starts with the letter M and ends with the letter E and it's me Me I'm the center
I'm the center It's all about me how I feel What I want what career path
I choose how much money I can make what car I drive what house I own What I can buy with all of my riches in my status
It's about me That's what this culture glorifies.
It's the worship of self it's the idolatry of one's own image while we were called as Creatures who were made in God's image to image
Christ and not ourselves one of the temptations out there in the culture today as well based upon the deception of self -worship is
To fulfill and gratify the desires of our own flesh by means of various and different manners and ways whether it be through pornography whether it be through addictions such as alcoholism such as drug use
Maybe it's just you there are certain scenes out there in this world and specifically in this area of the country
That you may be susceptible to Brothers and sisters know this that God has given you a measure of Christ's gift in order to live differently giving you power power
Notice what the Lord Jesus says in Acts chapter 1 verse 8. He says you will receive power from on high
When the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you'll be my witnesses in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the ends of the earth
Why is it so important that we live differently? Why is it so important that we receive this measure of Christ's gift in order to live?
This holy calling is because you were called to be a witness of another to represent someone to be a representative of heaven itself a representative of King Jesus What an incredible calling what an incredible gift.
He has given us so that we may be called witnesses of Christ Incredible if you were called to be a witness or to be a representative of Google Facebook Microsoft Amazon, maybe the
United States government You'd find that a huge honor and that would likely change the way that you act
Change the way that you speak because now you have a public image. You're not just representing yourself. You're representing this company or this nation
Similarly friends. We have to remember who it is that we represent or as I put it last week.
Remember who you're walking with Remember who you're walking with Don't get caught with your pants down when you're walking with the king
Don't get caught walking in a way that doesn't glorify God when you're walking with the king
Because you belong to him you've been called to a new and a newness of life
So friends remember this We understand that he has given grace so this is not necessarily in the text of salvific grace
But an undeserved kindness or favor in the form of Christ's gift to us Now the text doesn't reveal to us any specificity of the gift other than We've received it in measure likely pointing to individuals receiving a spiritual portion
That is necessary to the building up and the maintaining of the unity of the faith you see the great heritage of the faith of all
Christians that we all share and have in common and Having this in common We are responsible to guard the unity of the
Spirit and we do so by the gift that God provides in Christ But they may not expect
However, you may not expect your personality your gifts or your tasks to all be the same as Christians There's a diversity in the gift that God gives his people
For instance John John Calvin puts it this way He says no member of the body of Christ is endowed with such perfection
As to be able without the assistance of others to supply his own Necessity.
So what he is saying what John Calvin is saying and is this you can't do it all and You can't do it by yourself
Part of being called by Christ is you're also being called into Christian community
And in the Christian community in the Church of the Living God You'll find a variety of gifts you'll find a variety of Specialties and and giftings and strengths that will complement you in your weakness
This is why as Christians we have to remember what we've been called into and it's a lifestyle of discipleship
What is discipleship? Discipleship essentially is this That you walk alongside other brothers and sisters
Who make up for your spiritual weakness and you learn from them you walk with them
You grow with them you do life together and that's what's so beautiful about the
Christian Church It's not just a service you come to you sit down sing a few hymns go home
But it said that we are intent on Living out authentically our
Christian life our Christian worship Not only Sunday to Sunday, but day to day in the context of Christian fellowship and believers
This is discipleship. And this is what Calvin is is also demonstrating in the quote that I just read that we need each other
We need each other more than you think More than you even possibly realize When you're down When you're struggling when temptation comes knocking who should you call
Should be the brothers and sisters Should be the pastors. It should be those whom you know, love you dearly in the body of Christ That you're not alone in your suffering in your struggles.
Then we don't go to God's people with a Shame and say I'm struggling of this
And then you have this fearful expectation of judgment But instead knowing that you're gonna be embraced you're gonna be loved you're gonna be supported and you're gonna grow ultimately in holiness
Because when we do life together We're stronger together and we grow into holiness together.
That's the beauty of Christianity of church of being part of the body of Christ this measure that Christ offers and gives to his people
To each of us is given different gifts for the benefit of all Paul uses the word grace here in the sense in which we find it in chapter 3 verse 2 and chapter 3 verse 7 8
It's the privilege of a special calling and the service of God the word implies that there's no place for boasting the word grace means that it's it's all
God not you and There's no room for boasting in grace because nothing that originates from you
It all originates outside of you into you for you and for those around you and that's the power and the grace of Christ None has anything
Other than what he has received unmerited favor unmerited grace
In verse in chapter 4 in verse 8 Paul Writes the following he says therefore it says
When he ascended on high He led a host captives and he gave gifts to men
What an interesting text I did a lot of studying on this a lot of research on this topic
And I want to share with you some interesting things that I found If you're following along in the insert in today's teaching
Paul quotes from the Psalms. He's quoting from the book of Psalms Specifically Psalm chapter 68 and if you can't please turn to Psalm 68 and keep a finger in Ephesians As we're going to be going back and forth just a couple times
So we can get a greater understanding of what it is Paul saying what the psalmist Was saying in this context in Psalm 68 and let's look at verse 18
Says in Psalm 68 verse 18 You ascended on high leading a host of captives in your train and Receiving gifts among men even among the rebellious of the
Lord. God may dwell there Notice the difference from Psalm 68 verse 18 and how
Paul quotes it and attributes it in Ephesians chapter 4 Well first, let me break this down in Psalm 68
It's a victory hymn composed by David to celebrate God's conquest of the
Jebusite city and the triumphant ascent of God unto Zion represented in the Ark of the
Covenant If you recall the story in Scripture in 2nd Samuel where where David?
Conquers the holy hill and Jebusite city and now he's bringing forward The the tribute to the
Lord he's bringing forward the Ark of the Covenant and he's making a procession to the holy hill to the holy mountain
This is in Psalm 68 is representative of this event If you're following along in the teaching
Paul quotes from the Psalms where David ascends and receives gifts or men notice again what verse 18 says you ascended on high leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men it was common in ancient times when a king would conquer a city and there be a
Victorious procession and part of that victorious processions that people would lay down gifts lay down peace offerings to the newly
Enthroned King or the conquering King and Psalm 68 gives us this imagery
You ascended on high leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men even among the rebellious
Even the the enemies of God even those who are not soul on the kingship of David They're they themselves are laying down alms and giving
Homage to the king that the Lord God may dwell there the Lord God one there's this very
A verse that gives a connotation of Zion of God's dwelling place God's Habitation amongst his people again
The context of Psalm 68 is a victory hymn composed by David as he ascends the holy hill and and God is
Ascending with him represented by the Ark of the Covenant The context again is that is
Psalm is is David's victory and God's ascent over the mountains of Bashan Now I want you to look at in if you're still in Psalm 68 look at what it says in verse 15.
Oh Mountain of God Mountain of Bashan. Oh many peaked mountain mountain of Bashan Why do you look with hatred?
Oh many peaked mountain at the mount that God desired for his abode? Yes, where the
Lord will dwell forever The chariots of God are twice ten thousand thousands upon thousands and the
Lord is among them. Sinai is now in the sanctuary There's a mountain there that you it may just go right over your head
But it's the mountain of Bashan Now, why is that significant? Why why does the psalmist bring it up?
What what what does it? Well, how does it correlate to Ephesians chapter 4 or brother in the mountains of Bashan was a place just north of the
Holy City closer to the boundaries of Syria and the mountains of Bashan have a spiritual implication is fairly close to Mount Hermon, which is another mountain in the
Old Testament that has spiritual military implications But one of the things about the mountains of Bashan is there was always conflict on this hill who controlled the hill
Because who controlled this hill had a lot of geopolitical implications in the times of Israel even actually till this very day
It has implications for military control and power in Israel But no no less different even back in ancient times.
There was a lot of conflict over who would control this hill Now in the ancients before the the conquest of the land the mountain of Bashan was a place in which the
Rephaim Dwelled now if you know what that Hebrew word Rephaim means it means the Giants in the scriptures where we are confronted with stories of Giants in the land and Mountain Bashan was one the place where the where the
Giants dwelled And we see that when God says in verse 15 of Psalm 68
Oh mountain of God mountain of Bashan He is claiming it as his own He's saying this mountain which was at some points
Ruled by the Syrian forces others by the Assyrian forces other times by other
Gentile powers But God claims is as it's as his own and he says this mountain is my mountain
He does in verse 17. He claims that Sinai another mountain which is in Arabia That mountain is also his and it's his sanctuary
But then in verse 18, there's an ascension on high And he's giving us a connotation of Zion that even
Zion all the mountains all the peaks all the nations are his It all belongs to him
That's the implication and why done why then does Paul quote from this text?
What's he trying to get at? What's he trying to invoke in us? one final point on the context of the of the psalmist is that the
The ascent that we see in verse 18 to Zion demonstrates
God's Supremacy over his enemies and the authority vested in God's anointed one
David The reason why there's this declaration of the mountain Bashan being his is because God is demonstrating his supremacy
Over the nation's over the false gods over the Giants He's Demonstrating his power over them and the one specifically even in his anointed one in this case in Psalm 60.
It's David David is his anointed anointed instrument to display his supremacy as the true king of Kings and the king upon his ascent leads a captives as a show of victory and receives gifts from men even the rebellious as a show of Yahweh's Lordship and Presence on his holy hill even
Zion now back in Ephesians chapter 4 Paul says in verse 8 again.
He's therefore it says Quoting from the Old Testament Psalm 68 when he ascended on high He led a host of captives and he gave gifts to men in the first instance in Psalm 68 it's the
People who give gifts to the king But in this instance, it is the king who gives gifts to men
What an interesting change. I want you to write this down if you're following along the insert Jesus gives gifts to men
And he does so as he's operating as the greater David.
I want you to write that in there. He is the greater David Jesus gives gifts to men as a greater
David for the unity of the faith now, we must note however an important change In the words that are used between the psalmist and between how
Paul quotes the psalmist in the Hebrew The psalm has words which speak of God receiving gifts or the king receiving gifts among men but Paul says he gave gifts to men
Obviously the subject now being Christ himself being the one who is being recognized as the one giving gifts to men as the one who has
Ascended on high to lead a host of captives Jesus is doing so because he is the greater
David Now when you look at the story in 2nd Samuel once you turn there if you can to 2nd
Samuel we see the context in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 of Of what the psalmist recorded in Psalm 68
Where you have the ascent of the king and the king is heading to Zion And notice what it says though.
I was expecting to when I read this account to read something other than I read and it says in 2nd
Samuel chapter 6 and And we'll look at verse 17 through 19 it says and They brought in the ark of the
Lord and set it in its place inside the tent that David had pitched for it and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the
Lord and when David had finished offering the burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the
Lord of hosts and Distributed among all people The whole multitude of Israel both men and women a cake of bread a portion of meat and a cake of raisins to each one
Then all the people departed each to his house You see based upon the reading from Psalm 68
I would expect that people would be gifting David but in 2nd Samuel we see that it is
David indeed gifting his people in this victory This victory that that David had over the
Jebusites He he is not only demonstrating that he's the victorious one, but he's sharing in his victory with his people
Which is what Christ has done with us Christ is
The one who has ascended over sin and death He's ascended over Hades over hell itself and he shares in his victory and the spoils of war
By gifting you and I just as King David gifts the
Israelites in 2nd Samuel 6 So even Christ the greater David gives his people not just cakes of raisin or a portion of meat
But he gives us with spiritual power from on high to live out the holy calling to which you have been called amen praise
God back in our main text in Ephesians chapter 4
Hopefully it is seen clearly why Jesus gives gifts to men. He's the greater David, but now it says in verse 9
I want to just put this out there this some theologically hard things in here that we have to contend with verse 9 says and Saying he ascended.
So now Paul is taking the verse in Psalm 68. He's giving us an exposition of the text
He says in saying he ascended What does it mean but that he had also?
descended into the lower regions of the earth so now we are getting into the territory of Christ what seems to be his death burial and Resurrection.
He is pointing by means of the psalmist that if he ascended there's a connotation that he must have also descended and where did he descend to Well, the scriptures give us the answer to where he
Descended again. I know I'm making you go back and forth through God's Word, but I want you if you can turn to Acts chapter 2
So we can see the fuller picture of what it is that Paul is
Attempting to teach us by means of the inspired Word in Acts chapter 2.
We see the Apostle Peter Preaching this important message of Pentecost and he says in verse 29
Of Acts 2 he says brothers. I I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch
David So we've mentioned David David is the subject of the Psalms in Psalm 68.
He's the king who ascends but notice what Peter says about the patriarch David that he both died and Was buried and his tomb is with us to this day
Verse 30 but being there for a prophet and knowing that God has sworn with an oath to him
That he would set one of his descendants on his throne. He foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the
Christ That he was not abandoned to Hades Nor did his flesh see corruption this
Jesus God raised up and we are all witnesses Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God and having received from the
Father the promise of the Holy Spirit He has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing for David did not ascend into the heavens notice the language both
Christ and David Descended Both were in Hades both were buried in their tombs were there publicly
David's tomb could have been visited in the days of this writing Both men descended but notice only one
Ascends verse 34 again says for David did not ascend into the heavens But he himself says the
Lord said to my Lord sit in my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool
There is one greater than David one whom David calls Lord and psalm 110 and 30 in verse 36
Peter concludes this thought saying let all the house of Israel Therefore know for certain that God has made him
Christ both Lord and Christ Messiah this Jesus whom you crucified the language that Peter is using and that Paul is also
Using in Ephesians chapter 4 is to demonstrate the supremacy Lordship grandeur of Christ and that not only is he the one who descended but he is also
Ascended and because of his ascension and his resurrection power He's able to give us all that we need for life and godliness isn't
Jesus marvelous Isn't he the greater David the greater Moses to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess unto the lordship and glory of God the
Father This Jesus is incredible and it's the Jesus who ascended over all things including death
So I want you to write this if you haven't already Christ descended at his death to Hades We see that in the what's implicit in the text in Ephesians 4 and what's explicit in Acts chapter 2, which is 28 through 36
But now Paul puts a nice bow on this idea he puts a
Wonderful exclamation mark at the end of all these things in verse 10 of Ephesians 4 in our main text and it says
He who descended Is the one who has also?
Ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things
Christ is Ascended think of what that means the implications for that statement
David himself as glorious as Important as he is a redemptive history.
He is not ascended Moses as great and important as he is as not ascended
You as important as you think you are Are not ascended Christ is
Ascended he is above all Things and the
Bible says about this Jesus that in him all things hold together consist are
Have being have movement have life and breath all because of the sovereign lordship of King Jesus This Jesus is above all things write that in there in the last bullet point
Christ is now ascended far above all things This is a statement an absolute statement sovereignty
Authority and power Know this beloved
That if you are in him today Who has ascended? Above all rulers authorities powers and principalities if you have come to know him
By which all things will be subjected to the power of his own will If you've come to know him
Who is indeed the first the last the alpha and the Omega the first fruit of the resurrection?
That nothing in this life Nothing in your personal Struggle will be greater or more powerful to overcome the
Ascended One even Jesus Christ our Lord That's good news
That's fantastic news that your struggles your finances your marriage your problems your successes are all under the ascension of the
Ascended One Jesus Christ Knowing this we ought to have confidence
Confidence that we have received indeed The grace of Christ's gift to you and to me
That if he is for us Who can be against us and that's not to say like maybe some of the prosperity preachers that that can be meant to take that you can take that to mean that that nothing can
Be difficult in life because of that that that God would just make life smooth and easy That if God is for us, that means no one can be against us.
No, that's not what it's saying Everything can be against you the powers of heaven and earth can be opposed to you yet What are they in?
comparison to Christ If Christ is for you if God is for you, so what if the world is against you?
So what is if Google's against you so what if the culture is against you so what if Everything in your life seems to be crumbling if Jesus is
Lord You have all that you need in him. He is truly all sufficient
There is no need That he cannot satisfy There is no thing that Christ Cannot overcome
Jesus Christ is Lord and he's Lord overall. That's the last word. I want you to write in there
Christ is now ascended far above all things that he might be Lord overall
The supremacy and the Lordship of Jesus Christ ought to be a comfort to you Similarly as Charles Spurgeon said about the sovereignty of God being the pillow in which every believer should lay his head
So ought to be the grandeur and the supremacy and Lordship of Jesus Christ That Jesus Christ is indeed sufficient and that when you are going through the trials of life as the
Apostle did Apostle Paul did many times in his short life here in Which he could say confidently and receive that revelation from the
Lord that his grace was indeed what? Sufficient it's enough it's enough
I want you to examine yourself this morning before we come to this table Every Sunday we come and we examine
Ourselves and we come before the Lord humbly and we partake of the Lord's Supper the Lord's table
But I want you to examine yourself for a moment Are these things true in you?
That Jesus Christ is truly enough Maybe you need to identify this morning some idols in your heart and the temple of your own heart
You need to examine what things have I placed on the altar that are out of God Remove such things
Now if you're not a Christian If you are still Not sure about the things that you've heard
If you're not quite sure of this Jesus from the Bible is the true Savior of all things and of all of all persons.
Can I tell you this? Examine your heart under the truth of God's revelation
That God Almighty has spoken. You've heard his words spoken to you from this pulpit You've heard the
Word of God open to you now recognize that Christ alone is the ascended
Savior far above all things even your petty mind
Because in comparison to the grandeur and the power of Christ all things in this physical world are but petty
Excuses in comparison to the glory and grandeur of Christ May you know him today?
And if you know him today examine your life under the calling to what you've been called and Celebrate the grace of Christ's gift to you and to me.
Let me pray Lord Jesus Indeed you are the ascended one the one who
Gives gifts to men in That your victory on the cross in that empty tomb and On that day in which you ascended to the right hand of God the
Father You gave gifts to men for the unity edification of your church
And that your church will stand to a time indefinite That no political system.
No kingdom of this world. No power. No principality can ever come against it
For you have said of your church that you will build your church and Not even the gates of Hades shall overcome it
And so Lord God, we thank you that you are the ascended one King of kings and Lord of lords and you've given us this great gift
Even the gift of your own son the gift of knowing you The gift of being in you and the gift of being equipped for sacred service
Lord Jesus keep us and bless us May we go forward with power and great authority as we subdue the nation's