I'm Back From Bowling (Florida)

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All right, everybody. Welcome back to the channel. I'm back. I told you I had some things to do. You know, a lot of people were saying, where are you?
What are you doing? And in the last video, I said at the end that I had some things to do. And it's as simple as that.
I had things to do. You know, I just I went bowling. This is the other magical thing about bowling alleys. You know, you know, there's no concept of time there.
You know, I went to the bowling alley, you know, after that video. I thought I was there for an hour. And two weeks later, here I am.
I spent two weeks in the bowling alley. Now, just kidding. I went to Florida, actually. I was in Florida for a couple of weeks and I was there for a wedding in the
Fort Myers area. And I didn't tell anybody because I knew some I know people in the Fort Myers area in Cape Coral and all that.
And I didn't want them to be mad because I didn't have time to see them. I was going for a wedding and it was the schedule of the key for the wedding, you know, that kind of thing.
And I didn't want people to be upset with me for not visiting them. But it came out that I was there anyway. And Matt Williams was upset with me, you know.
So there you go. There you go. But I kind of want to move there. Florida is awesome. And the
Fort Myers area in particular, I've never been there before. And it was really awesome. So I don't know.
What do you think? Should I move to Florida? That would be that would be something, you know, I'm a New Englander. There's no question about that.
I grew up here and I've always been up here for the most part. You know, I lived in New York for a while. That doesn't really count as New England, I don't think.
Although New York, York is in England, New York's in New England, I guess anyway. But it was awesome.
I was I was in January and I'm fishing, I'm fishing, you know, and just normal fishing, not ice fishing, just normal fishing.
And I caught a few fish, you know, it was fun. I could have some good times in Florida, I think. I don't know. I mean, maybe
I should do it. Maybe I should just move to Florida. Although real estate, you know, these days, I don't know. I don't know, man.
But yeah, I was at a wedding. It was it was it was a cousin of mine. And it was one of the one of the closer cousins that I had when
I was growing up. And it was a beautiful wedding. You know, it was a beautiful wedding. And my cousin, you know, he had he had gone down a dark path for a while.
And there was even some, you know, demonic manifestations that that happened.
I'm not going to go into too much detail in his life. And he actually found the Lord after that, you know, and all that was put to an end.
And he married the girl that he was actually dating at the time when all this crazy stuff was going down.
And and she stuck with him through the whole thing. And after, you know, they came out of that situation, he told her, hey,
I'm a believer now, you know, we got to do we can't do the things we used to be doing. And she was like,
OK, just like that. Like she's just like, sure. And it required a lot of changes in their lives, as you might imagine.
You know, again, I'm not going to go into too much detail, but she stuck by him and they got married the other day.
And it was just a wonderful, wonderful thing. Although it might have been a mob wedding. I don't know. There might be some mob connections at some somewhere along the line.
I mean, I don't know for sure. So, you know, I'm not going to say anything, but there were some things being said, you know, that, you know, that may have had undertones.
You know, I don't know, but it was all good. It was beautiful. It was a beautiful time. And so, yeah, you know,
I did I did that. Oh, I also met a cousin of my mother's who I had not seen since I was a baby, apparently, and a huge Trump guy, very big
Trump supporter. In fact, the kind of Trump supporter that they had to talk to beforehand and say, hey, you know, this is a wedding.
You know, maybe you don't get into politics, but he did it anyway. You know what I mean? And we were talking about Trump for a while.
You know, good stuff. Good stuff. I'm very, very happy to know, you know, there's a lot of good Puerto Ricans out there. You know,
Puerto Ricans aren't all Democrats. You know, we're not all crazy. But yeah, big, big Trump supporter.
Very good stuff. Very good to see people that I had not seen in quite some time. And some people are doing well, some people not so well.
But, you know, we're all catching up and having a great time. It was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. So I did that. And then
I took a mini vacation after that, you know, and that was fun, too. You know, spent some spent some time in Florida and a different part of Florida, you know, and good time.
Good time. Saw some wildlife, you know, alligators, things like that. You know, this is good.
It's good. But a lot of stuff has happened since then. You know, a lot of stuff. So a lot to catch up on.
Let me know, because I don't really know what you guys are interested in, you know, because there's a lot of things to catch up on. We got Dusty Devers.
You know, everyone's loving on Dusty Devers right now. They're loving on him, you know, even Big Eva. That's why I use the term loving on him, because I want to make sure
I can be understood by some of these guys. You know, they're in support of his of his bill to ban porn, you know, and sexting.
Both of those things are wonderful. And, you know, I have not always been on the ban porn bandwagon because I still you know,
I like a lot of you guys know. I kind of I kind of grew up in this libertarian kind of mindset where banning things was not necessarily the right move.
I'm on the banning porn bandwagon right now. But I'd be willing to exchange, you know, banning porn for, you know, actually, you know, enforcing laws against adultery.
You know, adultery should be a capital crime. That's what I believe. I think the Bible is very clear on that.
But even if you just look at nature, you know, adultery being sort of a a capital offense.
I think it makes a lot of sense, you know, when you consider that the family unit is like the primary unit of of government as God conceives of it.
And that's and that's actually the only government that I care about, you know, government as God conceives of it. I think that our nation could do well by outlawing adultery again.
I mean, a lot of states it is outlawed, but it's just not enforced. But we should do that. I mean, because, you know, a man that put it this way, a man or a woman that will betray his wife or husband, as it were, will literally betray anybody.
They're not fit for for any kind of contract, any kind of obligation, any kind of responsibility.
It's just not, you know, your wife or your husband, if there's one person on planet
Earth that you're going to be loyal to, it's going to it should be your spouse. And if you're going to go out there and commit adultery against your spouse,
I mean, that's that's, you know, I mean, again, there's just really no you're you're you're you're committing treason against our social order, our governmental order.
Like that's that's a treasonous act. And that's why the Bible takes it so seriously. And I think that even in nature, you know, just the natural law, you could you could come to that that belief just through natural law as well.
Yeah, it's it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a high crime, treason, you know what I mean? So anyway, so there's that.
And, you know, I think I'd be willing to trade the banning porn for the banning adultery, because really, at the end of the day, it's a very it's the same thing.
You know what I mean? It would not be a lot. I mean, I guess there would be some porn because a lot of couples do that.
But but yeah, I mean, you know, hey, there you go. We're getting a lot of love for Dusty Deaver. A lot of people are saying that's not
Christian. Now, I'm still against Christian nationalism, but Dusty Deaver is the Christian nationalist who wants to ban porn that everyone's calling.
That's not a real Christian nationalism. I'm still against the real Christian nationalism. These guys, it's just unbelievable.
But it's a it's a great success, though, when you think about it, because the everyone's talking about the
Overton window. I mean, we have forced that thing so far afield. There's a lot of work to do. We cannot relent, but we have forced it so far afield that even like little worms like like Griffin Goolidge, Griffin Goolidge.
He's not really a worm. He's more like a grub. Griffin Goolidge is more like a grub. But even grubs like him are like, you know, they have to support it.
They have to basically we're setting the agenda now. You got to understand we're setting the agenda now and they're being for their hands are being forced in a lot of ways, not every way, but in a lot of ways.
So that's good stuff. I could talk more about that if you're interested. I'm certainly, you know, in the comments section, let me know if that's something you're interested in.
Also saw a new Doug Wilson article that that some people said that I should comment on.
It was about about a Blake Callens article about, I guess, is a church in the
CREC that is very, very racist. You know, it's like it's like a Klan rally church, you know, and I don't really know too much about it.
I do know some of the people at that church, and I think I've got good relations with them.
I don't really talk to them ever, but they seem like good people. So there's that. And I guess
Doug Wilson is is is lending his pulpit or bully pulpit, not really the pulpit pulpit, but the bully pulpit to to Blake Callens work is very the very sophisticated work of Blake Callens.
You know, the crack, the crack reporting of Blake Callens is is now getting the support of Doug Wilson's bully pulpit, at least in some ways, because he can't do it totally.
Because Blake Callens also thinks that Doug's a kinist and Doug's church has lots of kinists in it and misogynists and, you know, they're pro sex abuse and all that stuff.
So you can't support Blake Callens in totality, I guess, because Blake Callens is
I will give Blake Callens some credit, though, because he put me in an article about how, you know,
Christians online have like some kind of financial incentive to be incendiary or something like that.
I mean, I just skimmed it. I didn't really read the article because I respect my time too much for that. But he put a tweet for me, a couple tweets, actually.
There's one about me being an anti -Semite, which is which. OK, who cares? And also he put one about me comparing
Karen Swallow prior to to a clown. And I DM 'ed him because I was very
I was very upset about that because he actually misrepresented me and I was very upset. He said that I compared
Karen Swallow prior to a clown, which is untrue. I didn't do that because he makes it seem like I'm somehow against just clowns and generic clowns in general.
Clowns can be quite delightful. And in the tweet, what I was doing was it was around the time when it came out that Karen Swallow prior, you know, with that whole
Tom Buck thing. And she's a little snake. And, you know, I don't know why Tom trusted her, but he did and and all of that.
And my tweet had Karen Swallow prior looking like a dark lord and then
Pennywise the clown. And I said, who do you trust more, Karen Swallow prior or Pennywise the clown?
And that was what it was all about. It was about trustworthiness between Karen Swallow prior and Pennywise.
But he made it seem like I was saying that she's just a clown. She looks like a clown, which, you know, in retrospect,
I should have used the new Pennywise because she kind of does look like the new Pennywise, you know, a little bit.
But I use the old Pennywise because that's the Pennywise I grew up with. We all grew up with that Pennywise. So the old
Pennywise, it was really more about who's more trustworthy. And so I my message, Blake, because this is
I cannot let something like this stand. I have to I have to make sure to correct the record.
I said, hey, Blake. And he said, yeah, Eddie, because, you know, we got like a bat phone, you know,
I, you know, call him right up. You know, I just pick up the phone. It instantly connects to Blake because he's a very, very important reporter and important voice in this whole controversy.
So I picked up my bat phone. I said, hey, Blake. He said, hey, Eddie, what's going on? I said, hey, I got a phone to pick with you.
I need you to correct the record. He said, sure. And that's the credit I got to give Blake because he was very open to correcting the record.
In fact, he did it immediately. I said, hey, in your article, you said I compared Karen Swallow prior to the clown.
That's not true. I compared her to Pennywise, the clown, the demon clown. He's like a demon.
And I think I think in the book he's actually a demon. So I said, correct the record right away.
And he said, right away, sir. And he corrected it immediately. So I got to give him a lot of credit. He does have some scruples.
He did not want to misrepresent what I was saying. I wasn't saying she's like a clown. I was saying she was like Pennywise.
And it's a debate whether she's more trustworthy than Pennywise, the demon clown, the shapeshifter who you can't trust with anything.
So there's that. I'll give Blake a little credit there. You know, Blake is not necessarily known for his accuracy.
But in this case, you know, I corrected the record immediately and he and he immediately obliged.
He changed the article. And I have to say my hat's off to you, Blake. I appreciate your scruples.
Thank you very much. But I did want to say this, you know, if you want me to do the whole
Doug Wilson article about like no enemies on the right and all this kind of stuff and about some of the kinism, racism, you know, whatever.
I'm glad to do it. I'm glad to do it. But I did want to say this just to make it clear, because I don't want anyone in Moscow to think that I'm against them because I'm not.
You know, I know that Blake Callens has has ironclad proof that Moscow, Idaho is full of kinists and full of misogynists and racists.
And God knows what else he said. I mean, he probably said some more things than that. But I wanted to say this, that despite the ironclad, you know, completely true reporting of Blake Callens, you know, on Doug Wilson and all the kinism that he supports in his church,
I still support you, Doug. I still support you, you know, Blake. Blake, again, Blake is known for his accuracy and his totally ironclad conservative bona fides.
He's known for this. I got to say, I still support you. I'm still on team
Doug Wilson and Moscow. I'm still into the Moscow mood, despite the the indisputable evidence of kinism and misogyny and supporting sex abuse and all that stuff that Blake Callens has has heroically,
I would are heroically uncovered and ferociously reported on. I mean, he knew it would cost him dearly to come out against Doug Wilson, and he did it anyway.
I got to say, I still support you, Doug. I'm still on your team. You know what I mean? You're not my enemy. You're my friend.
You're my friend, guys. You all are my friends, despite the fact that you obviously and clearly and indisputably harbor kinis, racist, misogynist and all the rest.
I got to say, I mean, you know, it's it's it's it's very, very interesting. But let me know.
Let me know if you want me to let me know if you want me to go into that article a little bit more.
I'm glad to do it. I'm glad to do it as a friend. What in the world? To Super Mario trivia where you can computer, you know, about Mario.
Stop. What in the world was that? I don't know. I don't know.
Don't like it, but I don't know. Anyway, yeah. If there's any other topics that maybe I missed, let me know.
I'd be glad to cover anything at all. People were saying they wanted some more Jets content. I mean,
I don't really I don't really follow the Jets. You know what I mean? I mean, I do during the season. You know, I like to enjoy the the the failures of the
Jets. You know, I'm a Jets fan, but I do enjoy the failures of the Jets, but I don't like I don't do offseason stuff.
Like I'm not into the intrigue of who they're going to sign or what they're up to. I don't do any of that stuff. That's that's too much for me.
Too much for me. So there's that. But let let me know anything, anything at all. Let me know what you want me to cover.
I'm glad to cover it. I'm feeling very refreshed. You know, I one of the benefits of being in Florida is there's a lot of Puerto Ricans everywhere.
And so I got I got a chance to hang out a lot of Puerto Ricans at the wedding, of course, but also just around, you know, just those are my people, man.
You know, I love them. I love the Puerto Ricans. They're they're they're wonderful. And, you know, there's that.
And yeah, yeah, there you go. By the way, you know, it's definitely not the case that the guys in Pella, is it
Indiana, the CREC guys that the council is talking about? It's definitely not the case that they're the kind of kinest that like, you know, attend like me, like they're like kinest like me.
You know, the kind of kinest that has no problem attending a wedding between a
Puerto Rican and an Italian, you know, or a Dominican and Italian. That's kind of kinest I am. Like, I'm the kind of kinest that that is very glad to go to a wedding between two different ethnicities.
It's definitely not the case. Now, it can't be because Blake has told us Blake has told us that some of those guys actually even think that different ethnicities might have different attributes to like that.
That's the real he you know, he called, you know, the bat phone goes two ways. He picked up the bat phone.
He said, hey, I've got I've got a good one for you. This is this is the kind of people that you are hanging out with. And I said, whoa,
I'm very I'm very concerned. Tell me about it. And I really was. I'm not even I'm not even joking.
I was really concerned because, you know, when Blake picks when Blake has something on someone else, I know it's the truth because this guy is, again, inscrutable, inscrutable.
I don't know. I think I went to public school. I don't know what that word means. Sorry, guys. I was trying to sound smart, but Blake Blake has the reputation of facts are facts.
I mean, it's as simple as that. He just he just presents the facts. Simple as that. It's like the whole Kogan thing. It's just a fact that is a meme that everyone who who who tweets whole
Kogan note is is is is a Nazi, basically. So I hate Jews, of course.
So he picked up the phone call. I got something. I got some I got some hot stuff. And I'm like, OK, what? He's like, yeah, you know, some of the guys over there in Pella, they were saying stuff like like maybe different ethnicities have different attributes like intelligence.
That was the big that's the big one. And I'm like, I was thinking about it's like, oh, man, that sounds pretty, pretty, pretty evil because like, you know, some some ethnicities like you can't say that, like like just because like it's obvious that, you know,
Samoans, for example, Samoans are physically massive people, more massive than than than Mexicans, let's say, you know, or Mexicans are shorter than other people or things like that.
You can't say that stuff. That's all that's racist. That's evil. You cannot say that stuff.
And I got to say, as a Puerto Rican, you know, you know, the research, you know, that some of these guys would would would would would be all about would say that, you know,
Puerto Ricans on average have different IQs than white people or Asians, you know,
Chinese people, whatever. And, you know, you can't say it, though. I mean, I like there's no way that I like if I said that, then
I would be probably the biggest racist around. I could never say that. And so, you know, he picked up the phone.
He's very concerned. And I said, well, thank you very much. Thank you very much. But the thing is that, you know, I've read that research, too.
You know, it's it's really not a big deal. It really isn't a big deal. You know what I mean? You know, people do have different attributes, and it doesn't mean that I hate those people.
I don't hate Samoans for being physically more strong than I am. You know what I mean? I don't hate
Mexicans for being short. I mean, Mexicans are short. I mean, what can I say? I don't hate
Asian people because they're better at math than me. I mean, allegedly, I don't know. My dad was a nuclear is a nuclear engineer,
I should say. He's a nuclear engineer. You know, the math, the math gene, though, it skipped me.
You know, I'm one of those Puerto Ricans that doesn't understand math. I'm the guy at the table at dinner and like the bill is one hundred dollars.
And I'm like, how do I calculate an 18 percent tip? And I'm on the I'm on the phone, like trying to calculate an 18 percent tip on one hundred dollars.
These days, though, one hundred dollars is like one burger. You know, I don't know. I don't know. I'm very glad that they have those things that automatically put the tip in there for you, because for a guy like me,
I used to sweat that out, you know, and I'd always ask my white wife, you know, can you do the math on this one?
And she would do it because. Anyway, let me know, let me know what you want me to do videos on, because I'm glad to do one on the
Doug Wilson article, if you guys would find that helpful, you know, and again, I'm not I'm not Doug's enemy.
You know, I'm not going to I disagree with Doug on a variety of topics, you know, but there you go.
There you go. I guess that's it. I got to get back to work. I hope you found this video helpful.