Spiritual Transition to the Gospel from a Pocket Camera

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Alrighty, so this is the part where we do the spiritual transition game. The purpose of the spiritual transition game is to train ourselves to transition from the natural world to the spiritual world.
In other words, so that we don't have to pray and ask God for opportunities to share the gospel. We can actually make them with any conversation, anything that we have going on.
Tonight I've been asked to transition and this is those who give me the transitions are those who watch live
Monday nights, 8 o 'clock Eastern time. They watch the Striving for Eternity Academy and they give me the things.
I have no knowledge until maybe seconds before we do this that I know what
I'm going to transition to and today I'm going to have to transition to the gospel from a pocket camera.
Now I know some of you are going pocket camera, wait a minute, what's that? Because you have these devices and it acts like a camera and you don't understand the days when we used to have separate cameras.
If you want to take pictures, you have to actually bring, well, you bring a digital camera, but if you're really old school, you had to actually have film in it.
Do some of you remember that where you, you know, 35 millimeter film and if you opened it up and exposed and ruined the film, yeah,
I actually remember the first time I got a digital camera, my wife and I were in Alaska and I just gotten it for the trip and she still used to 35 millimeter film and I am like taking pictures of everything.
I mean, hundreds of pictures and she's like, you're wasting film, don't take pictures. I'm like, I could just delete it.
I mean, I had lots of extra, you know, cards to put in. She's like, you're going to waste film.
There is no film and if I don't have room, I just delete some things. So you know who needs those pictures of the flowers and slugs and different creatures that I took pictures of.
We'll just delete those and find more. Nowadays, people don't even think they put it on a phone and they just snap, snap, snap.
I mean, there are people that are just picture happy. You couldn't be like that when you used to have the old school type of cameras.
But what you'd have is with this small pocket cameras, really small cameras that you'd have to so that you can carry it around because you don't want to have a big bulky camera.
I don't know. Do you remember those times when you had to have a separate camera? It shows us how technology changes, but you know what's really amazing?
Even though we see so much change in our culture, in technology, we've come to expect lots of change, regular change.
And yet, do you ever notice that there's some things that never change? The human nature.
It doesn't change. It really doesn't matter how old we get.
It doesn't matter how much technology advances. It doesn't matter how much the culture advances. Have you noticed the one thing that's consistent is human beings continue to violate
God's law. We continue to sin. You know, it's because of the fact that we sin. We think we're more advanced and we're smarter than everyone before us, but the reality is we're still the same criminals in God's sight.
We break His law. We lie. We steal. We use His name in vain. And God will judge us.
And because He's infinitely holy and infinitely just, He will give us an infinite fine. And we will be punished for everlasting.
Not because we don't accept Him. We'll be punished because we're guilty criminals. And the reality is, is that God made a way of escape.
So that even though we're guilty criminals, God Himself came to earth. He paid the fine so that we could be set free.
God paid the fine on the cross. So even though people think that we don't need old bronze age error myths, that's how they like to argue it, and yet the reality is the second after you die, you need that.
And it's not a myth. And it's not from a bronze age. Jesus Christ died on a cross to be a payment of sin for you and I, that we might be set free.
That we might have the righteousness of God. And He takes upon Himself our sin.
Do you know that today? My challenge to you is to repent. Turn from whatever you're trusting in for your good works or for your being a good person.
Trust in the good work of Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross. Because even though pocket cameras change, all the technology changes, one thing won't change.
Ten out of ten people die. You and I are going to face God. It's appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. How will you do on judgment day?
Will you be found as having Christ's righteousness or will you be punished by your works?
That's the question. I pray, pray that you would repent and believe in Jesus Christ today, that you might have eternal life.