Baptists Worshipping Black People - And Other Things

AD Robles iconAD Robles




so my day is completely ruined I Woke up this morning, and I I fired up Twitter, and I saw in the trending news a something said that said
Mr.. President, and so I clicked it hoping it would be something funny related to Donald J.
Trump, but it wasn't It wasn't maybe some of you were tricked by that too, but as it turns out today is
Joe Biden's birthday alleged President -elect, and so I share a birthday with Joe Biden Nah, just kidding.
I don't care about that, but yes today is my birthday and Well, I mean at least to me. It's more important than Joe Biden's birthday, so all all is well today
I'm planning on playing some Mario Kart with my kids, which it's so funny my three -year -old playing Mario Kart He's just he's so adorable and like he's at the point where like certain things will scare him in the game
So like the other day he was playing and there was like a big like eel in one of the levels And he dropped the controller and ran screaming, and I was just like what in the world's going on anyway
He's over it now He's he found his courage, and he's able to to drive on top of the big gigantic eel and not be scared
He's very proud of himself. He's not scared at all. He says so that's good But a couple things a couple pieces of housekeeping before we begin today first off My brother my biological brother some of you know him on Twitter as MD Robles He actually has the
Rona. Yes. He's been sick for a few days He got a test and it turns out he has the
Rona. There's a little mini outbreak in his church and so Prayers for him and prayers for his church that it doesn't get too much worse and all of that kind of thing
He's feeling okay. He's just got the malaise and all that kind of stuff. He's feeling sick. You know what
I mean, but That's about it prayers for him in the meantime He was supposed to preach this weekend obviously that's not gonna happen
And he's a little bummed out because he can't go to Thanksgiving as well and all of that kind of thing But he's in good spirits so prayers for my brother and all of that the other thing
I wanted to say is that yeah the the al moeller video from yesterday if you didn't see it
I highly recommend you watch it, and then I also did a live stream
Yesterday as well Responding to some comments that I think there were critical comments of me.
I'm grateful for them, but I think they missed the mark I don't think that they're actually interpreting al moeller correctly
I think that the comments that were critical are actually interpreting al moeller the way they hope al moeller was speaking
But I'm fairly certain that that's not exactly what al moeller was saying regarding social media and regarding his little his little cronies his little room
His little power structures and stuff like that I think my interpretation is way more accurate, and I have to say that I've heard from a lot of you
I've heard from a lot of southern baptists that say that not only was my interpretation correct of al moeller's
You know tirade against social media and against the little people of the southern baptist convention not only was
I correct But it's actually worse Than I thought one of the things people brought up a couple of times is the idea that That he's pretending like the southern baptist convention always reaches the right the right
Solutions when they're in the room together so to speak, but then privately he's doing his own private meetings and secret
You know maneuverings and stuff like that like like the biggest example that I can think of that people keep reminding me of is
Resolution 9 so he's like privately against resolution 9 then they pass resolution 9 and then he speaks out against resolution 9 publicly
But that's okay because it's the great al moeller the great emperor al moeller He's allowed to do that kind of stuff
But if founders ministry does that well all of a sudden the tone and the tenor of this I'm very troubled by it like you see like it.
That's how it is for for the mafioso It's okay for them to do something, but it's not okay for the regular people to do something al moeller
We don't play by your stupid rules Anymore al that that's just it we see what you're doing.
It's what's good for the goose is not good for the gender well al We don't play by those rules anymore We're gonna stay on social media, and we're gonna stay doing what we're doing because we see the fear in your eyes al
Anyway, let's jump right to it today, so I've got some more stuff coming But I wanted to talk about this article from the baptist news .com
It's an article called white evangelical church stands in the way of racial justice And that sounds pretty scary.
You know and as a non white I was very interested right away because I'm like Well if all these white folks are out here standing in way of my justice
I would like to know about it, so I wanted to see what the supporting evidence for something like that was
And so this guy Robert P. Jones looks like a dandy He definitely looks like a dandy
And he's writing about how the white evangelical church is the most powerful force for hindering racial justice
And it's so funny his evidence for this is Absolutely hilarious obviously the the first and foremost that they bolded it here the editors bolded it so that you would make sure to jump
Right here. Can you believe this think about how evil white supremacist? I'm sorry white evangelicals are 76 % of white evangelicals supported
Donald Trump in the 2020 election I mean, why would you need to write anymore? I mean that proves it right there in the way of racial justice because Donald Trump His policies are all about racial injustice
I mean he's trying to put black people back in shackles as far as I know I mean
Why waste any more words? I mean all you'd have this article should only be this sentence 76 % of white evangelicals supported
Donald Trump Let's look at some of his other evidence though because it actually gets even better It makes an even stronger case for this kind of thing.
Here's the bullet points here I love the bullet points because it again it draws your eye your attention Right away.
Here's what he says. He says 59 % of white evangelicals believe that immigrants are quote invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background a view shared by only 30 % of all other religious
Americans and 31 % of the country I Mean that's that's open and shut case right there white evangelicals are evil
Seven and ten white evangelicals continue to see the killing of unarmed black people by police as isolated incidents
Rather than part of a pattern for how police treat African Americans in contrast among all other religious
Americans the country as a whole only 43 % agree with this assessment. I mean that sounds pretty damning
Here's the third one over the last five years polling has found a ten point drop in the percentage of Americans who deny racial
Bias in policing but white evangelical Protestants have remained unmoved Lastly, he says one only one quarter of white evangelicals believes
Trump's decisions and behaviors have encouraged white supremacist groups around the country Compared to six and ten who are not white evangelicals who believe this about Trump I mean clear -cut case right guys like white evangelicals
Why are you so satanic like you guys are just evil at every point now a smart person
We know a stupid person might be convinced by something like this a smart person will realize that all that this guy did
Was compare what white evangelicals believe to what non white evangelical believes?
So none of this has to do with reality like like he says well more white evangelicals believe that Police shootings of African Americans are isolated incidents as opposed to a pattern and then then non whites believe that okay
That's a nice interesting tidbit, but what's what what matters is what's true?
Are they isolated incidents or is this a pandemic because that's what I see from a lot of woke church people
They say well, it's it's an epidemic of cop shooting black people. Okay, so you believe something and I believe something
Let's figure out what's right It doesn't matter like what color my skin is like like my skin is lighter than your skin and you believe something different So why are you the standard just because of the color of your skin or let's why don't we compare this to?
To the truth because if white Americans believe something that's true and the majority of black
Americans believe something that's false Then they're the ones that need to change you see what
I'm saying so like every one of these evidences It's just comparing what whites believe versus what others believe
Not comparing it to reality That's the problem you need to compare what you believe to reality like why are he why is this guy making non whites the
Standard of truth because he wants to make it seem like the white evangelical church stands in the way of racial justice
Racial justice as defined by people not as defined by reality
This is the problem like we can't just find black the black answer to things and say well
That's racial justice and so you need to acquiesce to that No see Christians have a standard of justice It's in the scripture
God gives it to us and so we should compare what we do Compared to what God says we should do and that's how you know who's standing in the way of justice
Not by comparing what whites believe versus what blacks or Latinos believe this is all very interesting to know
But to me all of these things prove that Latinos and blacks probably need to change what they believe to better match
Reality that's what it tells a guy like me, but you know who knows I'm just a yokel on YouTube But anyway, this is the kind of thing man like like this article is great because it's a very good
Avatar for like basically what the woke church is all about they essentially want you to acquiesce to them as opposed to Acquiescing to reality a
Christian can't do that a Christian needs to be devoted to what's actually true Not to what the blacks say is true now sometimes what the blacks say is true is actually true, and that's fine
There's nothing wrong with that, but I don't play partial games with the truth They see I have to I have to look into the situations.
I got to get two or more witnesses I got to look at the scriptures and regardless of who's telling me What a situation is it has to acquiesce to reality in order for me to believe it
It's very nice when blacks and Latinos believe the right thing. I'm happy. I'm grateful for that I'm grateful one for when anyone believes the right thing
But I'm not going to compare my beliefs to the black beliefs and say well I got to start acquiescing to the black beliefs.
That's actually a sign that you worship black people If this is your standard of truth here what this dude is saying then that's a sign that you worship black people
Don't worship black people. It's a very bad guy Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless Yeah, really sad story actually
I wanted to say this before I finished So yes, today's my birthday yesterday was my anniversary and so my wife and I wanted to get you know a nice dinner
So we ordered out From one of our favorite restaurants in town and I live in a town. That's a you know
It's got a nice bustling little downtown area. It's it's really cool because it's a college town and there's like a strip it's like an old -school
New England downtown and There's this great restaurant that we love to order from and we've loved it even before we lived here
Anyway, so we order out, you know, they were happy to take her order. I go to pick it up yesterday and the restaurant is is dark and there's only like the doors locked and there's only the bar area is lit and There's a woman who's dressed in like almost like she's a chef or something and she's drinking at the bar
She's got a she's got a scotch or something She looks depressed as they open the door for me and they say oh, are you
Adam? And I go? Yeah, and he goes I'll go grab your food for you right in the back. We'll go get it and so I you know,
I nod to the woman at the bar and and I Say, hey, how's it going? She goes she goes it's going and I go.
Yeah. Sorry to hear that and she goes Yeah, I had one table today. This is a great restaurant. That's usually busy
There's usually people there that are gonna go to a show later. It's bustling. Usually she said I had one table today
We got to close early and she goes I keep telling the boss. We got to get on door dash We got to get on door dash and the boss actually comes during that and he goes
I can't go on door dash because they take 26 % and then I'd make zero money on the food And so they're like they start to like kind of argue in front of me because they're obviously stressed out and I'm telling you this
Restaurant has superb service. There's no way they would have an argument in front of a customer during normal circumstances
This is happening all over the country guys, and this is such Unbelievable nonsense this business is being brought to its knees a great
Restaurant is being brought to its knees by panic stricken politicians my governor in the live free or die state a
Republican governor in a state that's motto is live free or die tons of libertarians here just did a statewide
Mask mandate now. Nothing's gonna change for me because I don't submit to tyrants
Plus my city has already had a statewide a citywide mandate for masks and stuff like that and so nothing's gonna change for me, but the thing is like like But guys we're ruining people's lives
For a illness that you know Listen, we know how to handle this stuff when you're sick
You stay home when you're not sick You don't stay on like we know we've got a word from the Lord But even common sense tells you every flu season we did this
We know how to figure this stuff out guys, and it's just like like like these guys are just stressed out to the nth degree
There's probably what 50 employees of this restaurant that their lives are gonna be ruined going into the holiday season and and all for one all for what because the media wants you to be full of fear
So that the socialist paradise that they seek and desire can be ushered in by sleepy
Joe Biden and his his cohort Carnella Harris is it Carnella?
It's a camellia camellia Harris Camille Harris. It's Camille Harris. Yeah Camille Harris and her cohort they want us to be commies and so they have to bring us to our knees first So that we're begging for that check and they want you suckling at the teat of their government apparatus
That's what they want They're trying to bring as many people as possible to their knees and we're just rolling over and letting them do it
Unbelievable absolutely unbelievable. I walk into this ghost town of a downtown that used to be bustling and now there's businesses closed there's restaurants are closed and all this stuff and it's just Unreal to see that people are just willing to just let this happen
Unbelievable. I don't really know what to be what's to be done about it But the reality is make sure that you and your house are
Prepared make sure that you and your house can survive this this kind of thing and brothers if you're pastors
Prepare your church for this. They're trying to bring us to our knees so that we need them