What happens when one leg is ACTUALLY shorter?

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope

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The Holy Nope Breakdown: Daniel Adams fails to heal girl’s leg.


At some point you've probably seen the leg trick. You know the old, Oh, you have back pain? Why don't you sit down?
Oh, what do you know? One of your legs is shorter than the other. Let me even those out for you. In Jesus name, of course.
How's your back feel now? Better? Hallelujah! But what happens when one of these quote unquote healers, or rather performers of cheap parlor tricks, encounters someone whose leg is actually shorter than the other?
What are you talking about, buddy? Oh, your leg? Daniel Adams has been featured on this channel before as a phony seer, healer, and deliverance minister because virtually every video of him is a steaming pile of nope.
You want Jesus to know it? What's wrong with it? Uh -oh. Oh, you have a shorter leg?
Can you sit right here for me real quick? Come here. We're gonna see your leg grow out. Let's see. Bro's gotta be sweating on the inside right now.
What's he saying? Father, I thank you for this girl's leg. I command this leg right now grow out.
All the way. Bones be recreated. Joints be recreated. Now. Now. All the way.
We may have gained like an inch. An inch. No change has taken place in the length of this poor girl's leg and if it looks like one inch has grown as she is sitting there, it's simply by the manipulation of the angle at which her legs are being held.
Todd White made this trick famous and others have followed suit.
And everybody watch this now. Say this in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Leg grow. Let it grow. Right now.
In Jesus' name. What are we gonna do?
Now it's longer. It is longer. Right. It's longer, right? It is longer. Say name and Jesus.
Name and Jesus. Even out. Even out. So what happens is either a manipulation of the angles of the legs or a pulling or pushing on the heel of one of the shoes to make it appear as though they are evening out.
And so it's an illusion paired with a psychosomatic response to the suggestion of the healer that causes a person to experience temporary relief from their back pain or whatever it is.
The documentary American Gospel demonstrates how the trick is done. Now we're gonna see Todd White's clip sped up quite a bit and looped back and forth.
Now this is where we can see what's really going on here. The leg on our right is supposed to be the short leg and this is the leg which should be miraculously growing but it's not.
Look at the leg on our left. That's where all the action is. That's what's actually being manipulated.
You can see that Todd is actually pivoting or shifting the foot of the so -called long leg so that the heels match.
Now he's doing this very slowly over time but it's painfully obvious when you speed up the clip. So it's a trick and I don't believe there's any way that Todd White or Daniel Adams or anyone who is doing this, who is performing this trick, this healing, can engage in this without knowing what they're doing.
They even did a follow -up interview with the girl and a friend of hers in which before, you know, she said it was a little change.
It's a little bit of a difference, huh? Is it a big difference or a little bit? A little bit of a difference when you're walking?
I think you got about an inch, half an inch right there. Now there's a big change that has taken place.
Of course, this is in response to leading questions and coaching. Her legs are hidden under the table and if they wanted to interview for confirmation that some healing had taken place, they would have just asked her to show her legs and how they've been healed or at least one -third healed as it was suggested.
Instead, this interview is for the purpose of saving face and anyone who is operating in the spiritual gift of common sense knows that this is fake and Christianity is ridiculed not for the proclamation of its message, the gospel, but for the cheap tricks that charlatans perform under the guise of Christian evangelism.
Here is atheist Darren Brown exposing how the trick is often performed. I'll show you how this works with my co -writer,
Ian Sharkey, who genuinely has arthritis and back problems. Classically, what spinal arthritis will do is it'll shrink as the muscles shrink, it'll shrink one of your legs back, which
I think in your case, it looks like it's on this side. Can I bring your legs out?
Excuse me. Nathan, do you want to come and have a look at this? Um, oh yeah, that's a good couple of inches shorter.
Can you see, Nathan, this leg here has shrunk a couple of inches. Can you see the difference between, if you look at the heels? See, now
I can feel that in my hand. I can feel this start to grow. It's like the foot is, look, you can see, you can see it's coming down to the length of the other foot.
Now you can feel that. Can you see this? Can you see that? That is, it's filling out. The calf is extending. The feet are now even. Those legs are now the same length.
And you can feel that subside, yes? Pain gone?
It doesn't, now stand up for me. Can you stand up? Run around, run around. Let me see, let me see. Just, just, easy.
How's your spine feeling at the moment? You're not making this up. The spine is fine. You saw that happen, didn't you?
You saw that leg extending. You saw it, yes? This is all based on something that I put a lot of emphasis on this foot here.
But as is what will be pretty obvious to most people at home, as whenever you see them do this on YouTube, there's always a point, they bring the legs up and they ask for the camera to come in.
And all that's happening at that point is they just loosen one shoe, not the shoe we're all looking at, but the other shoe. All the trick is going to be is while we're talking about this, this leg lengthening,
I'm just moving this shoe, just sliding it back on the, back on the heel. It's a very old, So I can say to you, you can feel this pain, can't you?
So why don't we do this? And I say, and that pain's gone, isn't it? I lower your legs. You honestly will say yes, but you're talking about this hamstring pain because of this.
It's nothing to do with your spinal pain. Absolutely. Likewise, when you stand up, you're not limping. There's no limping. Well, you weren't limping before.
No one said, you didn't say you were limping. You touch your toes, jump around. You could do those things anyway. Leg lengthening trick.
That is absolutely the mark of a charlatan. Mark of a charlatan. Now you would think that when this girl's leg didn't grow, that the family would have enough sense to admit that and to realize that Daniel Adams is a fraud.
After all, he didn't just pray for her healing. He commanded her healing with the authority and the anointing that he claims to have from Jesus.
Chris over at All Things Theology covered this clip a while back and got a comment from the girl's grandfather in which he indirectly admits that the healing
Daniel commanded into her legs did not happen. But nevertheless, his fraudulent practice is appreciated and welcomed as a part of the girl's healing journey.
It's incredibly sad that the result is entrenched deception. Can God restore to full strength and length this girl's leg?
Absolutely, he can. But he has not. And clearly, she's learning to live and thrive with her condition.
But this gives us a glimpse into the power that these false teachers have over the minds of those whom they have deceived.