F4F | Lance Wallnau's Biblical Cheez Whiz

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebrough.
I am your servant in Jesus Christ. And if you have a friend that thinks that Lance Wallnau is like the best thing since the invention of Cheez Whiz, yeah go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell. We're going to be taking a look at the stuff that he tries to pawn off, pass off as biblical teaching.
Now a little bit of a note here before we get started. If you have not yet watched the video titled, and this is what it's titled,
A Pirate Christian's Guide to Understanding the Old Testament Part 1.
Pirate Christian's Guide to Understanding the Old Testament Part 1. We'll put a link to it down below in the description.
Then you need to pause the video right here and you need to go and watch it. Here's the idea.
Is that the Bible teaching that would normally go inside of an episode is in there.
So that's where you got to go look for it. And this will be just comparing and contrasting to what
I said in that video. We'll do a little biblical work, but if you want a more complete analysis, you're going to have to watch that video first.
So pause the video, go watch that thing, and then come back because the primary issue here is, as you will see, in fact, let me pull this up here.
There's Lance Wallnau in his home studio. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I have one of them myself.
The name of the video is The Anointing of the Scepter of Esther and What it Means for America.
So we will note that the scriptures are about Christ, and I assure you that nothing in the story of Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, nothing in those books is about the
United States. Not one thing. But we're going to listen to Lance Wallnau as he tries to take us down the primrose path to try to weave into current
American history and the angst and turmoil that exists between conservatives and liberals and socialists and capitalists and the wall and things like that.
None of those texts have anything to do with that. It really is about Christ in one way or another.
It's not about Trump or the current Congress or anything like that. So that's what we're going to do.
Make yourself comfortable. Let's get to it, shall we? Here's Lance Wallnau.
What weird music to start off with. I want to talk to you about the supernatural power of prophetic timing revealed in the book of Esther.
You see, already I can't take him seriously. The supernatural power of prophetic timing found in the book of Esther.
What are you talking about? You know, I'm a graduate from seminary.
Yeah, I've been to seminary. I know Greek. I know Hebrew. I've studied systematic theology exegesis, hermeneutics, pastoral care.
You know, I've done all that stuff and I never took a class talking about the supernatural thing about prophetic timing in the book of Esther.
Never saw a single reputable scholar that any of my seminary profs referenced talking about such things.
So already we've got a problem here. Revealed in Nehemiah, revealed in Esther, because those chapters in the history of the
Jews struggling for their existence are exactly prophetically where we are right now. As America is in its great battle and the church is in the throes of understanding its responsibility and how to respond, how to pray, how to engage.
Yeah, now, so one of the
Bible twisting techniques that false teachers engage in is a
Bible twisting technique known as eisegesis. E -I -S and then
Jesus, G -E -S -I -S. Anyway, the eisegesis means to read into the biblical text stuff that ain't there.
Yeah, so what Lance is doing here is by reading
American history into the book of Esther, into the book of Nehemiah, into Ezra and Daniel, he's engaging in eisegesis.
Wait till you learn what his justification is for doing this, because he does believe that his justification for doing this goes all the way up to the top.
And by top, I mean God himself, but we continue. We're going to talk about the scepter of Esther and what that symbolically means, what the anointing is that is the scepter, what the signet ring anointing is.
The what? The signet ring anointing. Yeah, I don't know what that is.
The power of decrees are as they go forth. The power of decrees. Yeah, I'm not a god nor am
I royalty. For or against you. And all of that is in the study we're doing right now.
So I look forward to sharing this with you in the story of Esther. And so where are we?
I want to show you the sequence that we've been looking at. Where are we?
Now, a little bit of a note here. Those of you watching this outside of the
United States, maybe you live in Oz, maybe you live in the Netherlands, maybe you live in the
United Kingdom or one of the nations of the Commonwealth or maybe Barbados or Nigeria or something like that.
You're going to note here that you could care less about anything he's saying, because United States politics has never seemed to factor into your reading of the
Bible. And really, there's very little chance that it will.
And that's good. That's really good. So you're going to note here that to a
Christian believer outside of the United States, this sounds looney tunes. Red's a good color for this.
Should we do red? Yeah, let's do red. So in the sequence, we have the era of Jeremiah prophesying.
And so Jeremiah prophesies and he speaks about his 70 years. Yeah, the 70 years of exile for the impenitent idolaters of Israel.
Yeah, in Babylon, right. That's God's judgment. Picked this number 70 based upon the fact that they did not celebrate the proper
Sabbath for the land and the Jubilees properly.
So yeah, God kind of tallied all that up for him. Daniel has to go into prayer and intercession.
We saw that in Daniel, chapter nine, and he literally gets angelic warfare going on in the heavenlies.
Yeah. Yeah. You know, angelic warfare in the heavenlies and stuff.
Well, yeah, you're kind of leaving out some details. Gabriel comes in and this is kind of amazing because Gabriel, when
Gabriel comes in. Gabriel, right. Okay. Gabriel was the angel that also appeared to Mary.
Yeah. He says that there's going to be a period of years and then the wall will be built in troublesome times.
So there's a wall that's going to be surrounding Jerusalem. By the way, what's the prophetic meaning of a wall? It's when
God is restoring boundaries. What?
When God is restoring boundaries? Okay. God is restoring the sovereignty of a nation.
When God is restoring definition. And look at how the left is smashing the definition of what a male is, what a female is.
Yeah, I assure you that the wall of Nehemiah has nothing to do with any of that either.
You know, to say so in the Pirate Christian's Guide to Understanding the
Old Testament, we noted that Jesus said something very interesting in John, chapter five, and that he was saying this to the unbelieving pharisaical
Jews. You diligently search the scriptures. This is John 539, because you think that in them you have eternal life and it is they that bear witness about me.
And yet you refuse to come to me that you might have life. So in one way or another, the scriptures are going to connect back to Christ.
And Jesus and Trump are two totally different dudes. And yeah, so what he's doing here by trying to read
American politics into what he considers to be a prophetic pattern revealed starting with Jeremiah all the way up to Nehemiah, well, yeah, it doesn't work that way.
The scriptures are about Jesus. What a marriage is, definition of what freedom is, what free speech is, the definition of religion itself is going to be challenged.
What I'm saying is the walls restore the boundaries. So what we have here is we have
Jeremiah. The sad thing is that many of the problems that he's identifying are really problems.
They're deadly problems to the Republic of the United States, very deadly, deadly problems to the church and to the
Republic and all those types of things. But he's not really offering any kind of a biblical solution here.
He's engaging in biblical wackerdoodlism. Yeah, it's a category.
I made it up, but it's a category. And prophesies 70 years, but this speaks of the prophets who prophesied.
Daniel goes to intercedes, and like I just said, Daniel has an angel that comes, breaks through and says, all right, you broke through.
What? Where did the angel say to Daniel? All right, you broke through.
And notice he took this pen and he kind of pointed it towards the wall.
Daniel didn't break through Nehemiah's wall. What is this?
The prophecy of Jeremiah is now fulfilled. What's going to happen? Cyrus comes to power.
Most people don't realize this, but Cyrus, who I'm saying is a secular ruler who comes into power for the sake of God's people.
This is Victor Orban in Hungary. This is Bonacero in Brazil. These are the secular leaders like Donald Trump in the
United States. So we got lots of Cyrus's running around out there. Who accomplished three things.
The three things that Cyrus accomplished was the protection of religious liberty for Christians and Jews, including a good relationship, a better relationship with Christians and Israel.
It's going to be economic stability and protection from terror.
Those are the three things that Cyrus accomplished that. Could you show me in the biblical histories where Cyrus overcame terror?
Cyrus boasted of having accomplished. After Cyrus comes along, we have a decree.
He makes this decree, and this decree commemorates the fullness of 70 years. Just like Donald Trump made the decree at the fullness of 70 years in the existence of the state of Israel.
You see the 70 -year connection there? So Trump makes a decree, and it has to do again with Jews and Israel.
And so we have an embassy established. Netanyahu even comes. You're engaging a full -blown eisegesis here of the
American patriot type. Nothing wrong with being an
American patriot. It's just that American patriotism can't be read into the prophecies of scripture.
This is nuts. Comes to the United States, prime minister of Israel. I was going to say
India. Israel. And tells President Donald Trump, you're a modern -day
Cyrus. You are what Jewish people remember you, even though Bill Maher forgot because he's an illiterate
Jew when it comes to his own history. Doesn't even know his own history, but he thinks he's an intellectual commentator on all things evangelical and faith.
What hubris this guy has. Yeah, he said that unironically.
Yeah, I'm no fan of Bill Maher either, but hubris
I think would be at least outweighing. So who has more hubris here?
Is it Lance Wallnau or is it Bill Maher? I'm going to go with Lance Wallnau.
I mean, the hubris to think that you can just read current American politics into the
Bible. Yeah, that takes a lot of hubris. Anyway, Trump comes along.
70 -year cycle is complete. He makes the proclamation regarding the embassy move.
And as this happens, we are now hitting this line here. Boom, this green line here.
This is the line. We're hitting the green line. Yeah, I can't make any sense of what he's drawing here.
For the reset in America. Will we have a reset or will we not?
These prophetic things are taking place during the feast. What? So the decree of Cyrus and the return of the
Jewish exiles from Babylon to Israel is a prophetic timeline talking about the reset of American politics?
Yeah, I just have to ask, does Lance Wallnau live in Colorado where they have unfettered access to marijuana?
I just have to ask. The Purim, which we're going to talk about today in this broadcast.
What happens? The president here makes another decree. The Golan Heights, the boundaries, the boundaries.
You get at the wall. Yeah, the wall. The boundaries, man.
Yeah, this isn't biblical teaching at all.
I don't know what this is. Surrounding Israel are being restored. The capital and the boundaries.
This is prophetic fulfillment. Capital, government, boundaries. Boundaries, man.
Boundaries. This is what the wall is. It's about sealing the border, the boundary, and protection of the modern nation state that the
Soros and various other dark money machines and activist organizations pursuant to the formation of the
Democracy Alliance, etc., that they're all about dissolving the sovereignty of nations and creating a kind of a global Babylon where, trust me, those elites rule.
Global Babylon, man. Reset work for America. If you're going to go with global Babylon, go to the book of Revelation.
At least you'd have a chance at it, you know? Because the next stage, right after Cyrus, is this guy
Zerubbabel. See, right after we're done with the
Cyrus phase of American history, after the reset, because boundaries, man, we're going to be entering the
Zerubbabel phase.
Cyrus says, return to your lands, Zerubbabel goes. He's the governor of Judah. He leaves with Jonathan, who is the high priest's son.
So you have a unique collusion of... Collusion, man.
I wonder who Lance is colluding with. ...the government with the believers at that time.
So you have Jonathan, who is the high priest, it's the priestly and the political working together, but the priestly and the political, catch this, this is so, forgive me for saying it this way, it's so profound, and it was a
Jack Hayford statement. The priestly, the political, and the prophets got together.
Because Haggai... They did? Hang on a second, he said because, and then he said Haggai. I'm backing this up.
The priestly, the political, and the prophets got together. Because Haggai comes along and starts to prophesy.
The prophet comes into the mix, and the... Because Haggai.
Boundaries, man. Boundaries. The prophet says, stop being intimidated, stop delaying.
Build, build, build. Sell, sell, sell.
The government and the believers began to build, which led to the chapter which we covered yesterday, which has to do with Ezra showing up.
Right, you know. So after the Zerubbabel phase, and Haggai says, build, build, build, then, you know,
Ezra shows up. Boy, I bet your mind's blown, you know. You'll never be the same after hearing this stuff.
Ezra comes along and completes the structure of the house of God, which is made up of people.
So as the temple is built, Ezra comes along and begins to lay out the word of the
Lord to the Jews that they've been intermingled and compromised in terms of peace and prosperity.
They were compromising for a false peace just to be left alone, and they were pursuing the prosperity of the wrong system.
And so when they got circumcised in the heart, they repented. The joy of the Lord came. There was an outpouring of the
Spirit. Even physical, like, rain was taking place. The Levites talked to them about the meaning of the word.
They had a revival, a restoration, and the beginning of a reformation.
And what does this have to do with the United States and its current political climate?
Ezra has to do with the restoration of the house of God. And Nehemiah comes along with his wall -building project, and he completes the reformation that has to do with the boundaries of the city.
You could say the church, the house of God, is where the move of God takes place that activates the capacity for the recovery of the nation.
That activates the capacity of the recovery. What's the cash value of that sentence?
I have no idea what you just said. Back that up here.
It's where the move of God takes place that activates the capacity for the recovery of the nation.
That activates the capacity of the recovery for a nation. That's what I thought. He ain't saying nothing.
The reset is we are stalling right here, right now. Whoa, that's helpful, man.
Look at that graphic, man. Wow, yeah, that's as clear as...
Well, as clear as 18 Wheeler's front windshield at dusk in South Dakota during the summer months because of all the skeeters.
It rains mosquitoes in South Dakota in certain parts of it just at dusk when they come out.
Yeah, you kind of get the idea. Wow, is that a mess. Where is the move of God, the
Zerubbabel? Right now we're in the chapter of these things coming together. We are.
What chapter is that? Of what book are we talking exactly? That's why I want to hit Esther today.
I want to go to the subject of Esther. It's because Esther falls into this timeline. You see, this is the drama that's going on in Israel.
But while that's taking place, parallel to that, we have the book of Esther. Right. Now, I told you he was going to explain where he, well, has the authority to come forth and teach in this way using these biblical texts this way.
Here's the explanation. If what I'm teaching and what I'm saying makes sense to you...
It doesn't make a lick of sense. Did you see your drawing? How could it make sense to anybody who has a mentally sound brain?
It's because it's coming out of a fresh revelation. I believe the Lord's saying that...
Ah. You see, the reason why he's teaching this is because he has a fresh revelation from God, you know.
It's there. The major game right now isn't seven mountains of culture.
It's not politics. It's not America. It's an assault on sovereign nation states.
Literally, you're living in a time when nation states are being attacked. Patriotism, nationalism is actually being branded as fascist.
Well, that's true. And so far, you've proven that given the dire circumstances and the very deadly enemy that we're facing, modern -day fascism, you're not really giving us anything to help us here.
Like, not at all. In fact, you're kind of like the last guy I would go to to look for an answer when it comes to the very real problems we're facing in Western civilization.
God, what is happening? I agree. What is happening? What is happening to the church that they think that this is biblical teaching?
Well, what we're covering in our Bible studies, what we're covering in our news broadcasts, what we're covering on social media is the rise and fall of nations.
And you're right now on the front lines of a redefinition of the conflict. I don't know if you know it yet, but life on Earth is going to be changing.
So how much are you charging for that? Hot mess. Over the next two to three years, radically, because nations are rising and falling depending on whether the people of God can exert their influence through a sustained pattern of persuasion to maintain or expand their freedoms and right to exist.
Sheep and goat nations are being formed right now. We're in the moment when nation -states... You don't want to be part of them goat nations, man.
That'd be bad. ...rising, and nationalism, patriotism, and the emergence of Cyrus rulers are actually on the front...
There's more of them. Wow, there's a whole bunch of Cyruses out there. ...page of the morning news every day, but nobody's given us a language to interpret the template.
This series will do it for you. You'll never misunderstand what's happening in the news once you...
I'm pretty sure after listening to your teaching, they'll never again understand the news and their
Bible. I feel like your teaching is like taking people's brains, sticking them in a blender, and hitting the frappy button.
Will it blend? Well, yeah, it did. Sorry, your brain will never work again, but yeah, we answered the question.
Will it blend? This is bonkers! So, there you go.
I told you the biblical teaching to accompany this installment of fighting for the faith is the
Pirate Christian's Guide to Understanding the Old Testament, Part 1. You need to watch that.
You really need to watch that, because that'll help you recognize that this guy is so far off.
He's clueless about what the Bible's teaching, yet he's selling DVDs and teachings with hand -drawn doodles that make no sense.
You'll never not know what's going on in the news. No, you'll never know ever again what's really going on, because it'll mess you up bad.
So, if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video...
That was a mess. Down below in the description. Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.