Are You Suffering? We have a Conference for You


Striving for Eternity is going to host a conference in 2019 on dealing with long-term suffering like depression, anxiety, and long-term struggles. It will be in NJ in March and keynotes speakers will be Justin Peters and Frank Mullis. Stay tuned to Striving for Eternity as we will be adding details soon. Rapp Report Daily 0220 This podcast is...


Welcome to the Rappaport Daily Edition, where we provide a quick Biblical interpretations and applications.
This is a ministry of Striving for Eternity. So we're talking about what to expect with Striving for Eternity in 2019.
And we're doing this right now on the 2 -minute daily feed. And we're doing that, I do want to say up front again, for the last time this week, that we have created a new feed called the
Rappaport Daily. That is where we're going to do, from now on, all of the weekly
Monday through Friday 2 -minute podcasts. So make sure you can keep subscribed to this one to get the weekly ones, the hour -long shows.
We'll have those weekly, those Monday through Friday 2 -minute ones on a new feed.
So go and subscribe to the Rappaport Daily. Now, here's something you can expect. One of the things we're going to be doing this year is in March, we're going to be having a conference on dealing with long -term suffering.
Depression, anxiety, physical ailments. We're going to be doing that in New Jersey. And we're going to be primarily trying to focus on one of our speakers,
Pastor Frank Mullis. Now, we're going to have Justin Peters is going to be one of the keynote speakers along with Pastor Mullis.
But we're also going to have a local pastor from New Jersey. And we're going to have Colleen Sharp from Theology Gals that's going to do a breakout session to the ladies.
And so we're going to be having that in New Jersey. Be expecting to see some news about that in January.
But the purpose of this is really to help people learn to deal with long -term suffering.
And from Striving for Eternity's part, we want to promote and get people to see one of our other speakers that's out there,
Frank Mullis. He's a great speaker, and we want to highlight that. So that's something you can look forward to this year.
This podcast is part of the Striving for Eternity ministry. For more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church, go to strivingforeternity .org.