You're Not David


Sunday school from August 6th, 2017


If you want to open up your Bibles, we're going to be in 1 Samuel 17 today, the story of David and Goliath.
Let's pray. Lord Jesus, as we open up your word, we ask again that you would send your Holy Spirit to open our hearts and our minds, so that we may know what it is that we are to believe, confess as well as do, in faith towards you for the forgiveness of sins, of hope in eternal life and love to neighbor.
We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. 1 Samuel chapter 17, the story of David and Goliath.
If you've heard bad preaching on this, the sermon goes something like this. Are you experiencing distress in your life?
Are you having troubles? Let me explain to you, brothers and sisters, what that could possibly mean.
Are your children disobedient? So give me a witness by saying amen. Amen. Are you having problems paying the bills?
If so, give me an amen. Yes. Right. Right. Exactly. Is the boss at work treating you poorly?
Do you not have a boss? Maybe you've been let off of work, fired, canned, sacked, and now you can't even pay your own bills.
Or maybe, well, your spouse is just not that fun to deal with. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that, whatever problem, whatever distress you find yourself in, that is your personal
Goliath. Now remember, this is just metaphor.
We don't want to harm people. But see, this story of David and Goliath is all about you, you.
It's you. It's all about you. Learning how to step out in bold and audacious faith, pick up five smooth stones and slay your
Goliath. Is everyone with me? Yeah. Yay.
Yay. There is much rejoicing in the land. Yay. Anyone see the problem with this approach?
I missed. I'm not good with the sling. It's not about us.
Now, we're in this story. If you were to look at it typologically, we definitely are in the story.
But we have to place ourselves in the right place. Because of our sinful fallen nature which our old
Adam has this really great capacity to stick us right in the center of things and make me the hero yeah so it's all about me but see the thing is it's not about you this text is really about what
Christ has done for you and so last chapter last week when we started looking at how King David now has come onto the scene
King David he was anointed by the Prophet Samuel he wasn't even invited to his own anointing ceremony and he was out keeping the sheep and he's a
Bethlehemite you see started to kind of get the idea of what's going on here and so finally he is invited to his own anointing ceremony
Samuel anoints him and does he immediately set up court and begin making laws and rules no okay so we learned that after his well anointing he's not yet coronated and so what we're looking at here is that this is all in type and shadow pointing us to Christ major pinnacle character in Scripture that really typologically exemplifies much of what we find in the story of Jesus and so during this period of David's life we're going to see that David just like Christ in his incarnation and him his humbling of himself he had a mean difficult experience persecution suffering debt all this kind of stuff but the typology in here is just absolutely just rich when you see how it connects with Jesus and you can kind of connect the dots and say wow here's
David and Jesus is his son son of David his son and Jesus is going to sit on the throne of David forever so as we look through this it's important that we kind of keep all of that in mind this is telling us something about Jesus it tells us something about David as well and all of these stories actually took place in time in history and so they will teach us the importance of faith they will show us the consequences of sin show us how
God is our ever -present help in time of need and things of that nature and we can kind of look how this all works out and it's important to note here that 16 and 17 are not told chronologically we get some details about David at the end of 16 which then are kind of expanded upon in 17 but 17 takes place prior to the end of 16 so this part of the story is told non -linearly if you would does that make sense let's continue now then now the
Philistines gathered their armies for battle they were gathered at Succah which belongs to Judah and encamped between Succah and Azekah is
Ephas Damim and Saul and the men of Israel were gathered and encamped in the valley of Ella and drew up in line of battle against the
Philistines and the Philistines stood on the mountain on one side Israel stood on the mountain on the other with a valley between them and there came out from the camp of the
Philistines a champion named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits in a span
I feel bad for Goliath he would have done very well in the NBA if only he had lived later he had a helmet of bronze on his head he was armed with a coat of mail and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze and he had a bronze armor on his legs and a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders the shaft of a spear was like a weaver's beam in his spearhead weighed 600 shekels of iron and his shield bearer went before him and he stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel why have you come out to draw up for battle am
I not a Philistine and are not are you not servants of Saul choose a man for yourselves let him come down to me if he is able to fight with me and kill me then we will be your servants but if I prevail against him and kill him then you shall be our servants and serve us and the
Philistine said I defy the ranks of Israel this day give me a man that we may fight together when
Saul and all of Israel heard these words of the Philistines they were to spread this made and greatly afraid so there's this trash -talking nine -foot tall giant of a man with ginormous armor who is pretty much undefeated the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world and rather than have both armies go at it and have there be much bloodshed which by the way fighting battles was a very dangerous thing in this sense you lose ten percent of your male population in a battle it can have devastating effects on your economy for decades to come keep that in mind so this idea of kind of like let's do this man -to -man that that's not a bad idea now note the way the offer is being made if I win you become our slaves if you win will become your slaves will see whether or not when
Goliath hits the ground and loses his head whether or not they make good on that promise so think of it this way the setup is kind of the perfect set up the ultimate story of good versus evil it's a great story good versus evil story and you've got this really wicked evil guy really terrifying really strong nobody can beat him and nobody in Israel is dumb enough to go against this fellow yes well that see guys like that they they had their own pit crew so you know that's kind of the idea of it this way if you're wearing armor you need a pit crew to help you and so a shield bearer armor bearer was like an important thing that that yeah no no no this this is basically saying look how amazing
I am right look at my amazing armor look at how tall I am look at this my spear my javelin my sword
I even have a shield bear before me yeah come on send me your best guy and nobody in Israel's got anybody like this so this is the ultimate showdown of good and evil and the entire army of Israel is doing what peeing yes they've they've wet themselves they feared greatly so Goliath comes out and some poor fellows legs getting wet terrible now if you want to know where you are in this story that's where you are that's you that's me we are totally powerless against the devil so think of Goliath if you would it's kind of a stand -in typologically for the devil himself nobody can go against this fellow and win that's the idea so what do we need in a situation like that we need a
Savior we need a Messiah just so happens that we have one now in David because David has been
Mashiach it's a terrible way to say it by the way but he has been Mashiach he has been anointed he is the
Messiah and he's gonna step onto the scene so now David was the son of an
Ephrathite of Bethlehem in Judah named Jesse who had eight sons in the days of Saul the man was already old and advanced in years and the three oldest sons of Jesse had followed
Saul to battle and the names of his three sons who went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn next to him
Abinadab and the third Shammah David was the youngest the three eldest followed
Saul note here did God choose through the sons of Jesse to go with the firstborn or last last born it's an important theme in Scripture the last will be first first will be last so he is the least he is not the exalted he is the least exalted so the three eldest followed
Saul David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem so there is the anointed but not yet coronated
King of Israel still a shepherd running errands back and forth between dad and his three older brothers this doesn't sound like a kingly thing to do does it so we're seeing if you would seeing a picture of Christ in his humility and it says this for 40 days the
Philistine came forward and took his stand morning and evening hmm 40 days hmm how many days did it rain during the flood 40 how many years was
Israel in the wilderness 40 how many days was Jesus tempted in the wilderness by the devil hmm hmm
I think this might have something to do with all of that you pay attention to the markers the signs are telling you that something's going on here so Jesse said to David his son take for your brothers at Ephah of this parched grain these ten loaves carry them quickly to the camp to your brothers also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousands see if your brothers are well and bring some token from them
Saul and they and all the men of Israel were in the
Valley of Ella and I love this because this is almost tongue -in -cheek fighting with the Philistines how much fighting is going on maybe they were trash -talking they were fighting with the
Philistines yeah everybody in Israel thinks oh man the army of Israel they're out with the
Phil they're fighting with the Philistines no they're not no they are not but that's kind of the fun part of that so David rose early in the morning left the sheep with the keeper took the provisions and went as Jesse had commanded him and he came to the encampment as the host was going out to the battle line shouting the war cry yeah that'll get him yeah shouting the rebel yell and Israel and the
Philistines drew up for battle army against army David left the things in charge of the keeper the baggage and ran to the ranks and went and greeted his brothers as he talked with them behold the champion of the
Philistine of the Gath Goliath by name came out of the ranks of the Philistines and spoke the same words as before and David heard now this is just a great motif this idea that there's a there's
Psalms where God hears his children's cry for help against their enemies and there's this wonderful song where literally
God rises from his throne and smoke and fires coming from his nostrils and he comes down to earth because he's heard the cries of his people that's kind of what's going on here the
Messiah has now just heard you see it
David heard this time so all the men of Israel when they saw the man they fled from him and they were much afraid the men of Israel said have you seen this man who's come up surely he's come to defy
Israel and the king will enrich the man who kills him with the great with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel hmm so the man who kills
Goliath gets a princess in marriage and no taxes that's
I think that's a that's a big bonus by the way I'd love that one but remember what
Jesus says in the new earth it with the sons of the kingdom they pay no taxes so we know we're coming to a tax -free existence eventually not quite there yet but notice the motif
I mean this is not what all of our fairy tales tell us Prince Charming comes in slays the evil person the the wicked witch the evil
Maleficent the dragon or whatever and who does he win as a result of conquering this difficult powerful evil foe the hand of the princess in marriage you see it it's all over the scriptures so this is what
Jesus does he conquers the devil and God the Father gives him a bride in marriage the
Bride of Christ that's us you see it similar motif going on here and David he said to the men who stood by him now
I'm gonna note this I'm gonna tell you this up front and then you'll see it as we walk through the text David this text says is going to say these words several times at least three and so he's not talking to somebody in order to continue to get clarification what he's about to do is to basically see if he can boost the morale of the troops around them so that somebody maybe himself would even have enough courage to do what is necessary to overthrow this evil blight who is
Goliath so David says to the group in front of me shouting this out what shall we get done for the man who kills the
Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised
Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God so think of this is like Mel Gibson and Braveheart in that big speech that he gives right before that battle right he's got the blue paint on his face and he's got his sword his long broad sword out and you know it's like who's with me for Scotland you know that kind of that's kind of what's going on here they will not take my freedom that's kind of what's going on here so the people answered him in the same way so shall it be done to the man who kills him now
Iliad the eldest brother heard when he spoke to the men and Iliad's anger was kindled against David and he said why have you come down and with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness
I know your presumption and the evil of your heart you have come down to see the battle and David said what have
I done now was it not but a word and he turned away from him toward another and spoke in the same way and the people answered him again as before so he does it again who what shall be done for the man who kills this
Philistine is really kind of trying to rally them at this point so the when the words that David spoke were heard they repeated them before Saul and he sent for him and David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him your servant will go and fight with this
Philistine and Saul said to David you're not able to go against this
Philistine to fight with him you are but a youth and he has been a man of war from his youth but David said to Saul your servant used to keep sheep for his father and when there came a lion or a bear and took a lamb from the flock
I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth and if he arose against me
I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him your servant has struck down both lions and bears and this uncircumcised
Philistine shall be like one of them for he has defied the armies of the
Living God and David said Yahweh who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the band from the hand of this
Philistine and Saul said to David go and Yahweh be with you now a little bit of a note here
David here is drawing on an experience that he is unique to him if you think about it so up to this point the scarlet thread of the bloodline of Jesus Christ has come to this point and no further
David has no sons none it's come to this point and no further if David is killed what happens to us we're done so God has miraculously provided so that David's life he's able to be protected in ways most people are not in fact this kind of harkens back to Samson as far as his strength who's able to grab a lion by the beard and smash it in the face and kill it
I don't know anybody who can do that no UFC fighter on the planet you don't put him in the cage with a lion he'll lose and yet this is what's going on and it's not lion it's lions and bears plural so and as his vocation as shepherd the wild animals learned you don't mess with David's sheep because he has literally a
God -given supernatural ability and from this God -given in he knows its supernatural ability he derives from that there is no way
God's gonna not let me conquer this Philistine just like he protected me there he's going to protect me here we don't know best guess best guess 1516 how do you talk sense to a kid who sounds like he's ready to commit suicide yeah
I know that's kind of the stakes are pretty high and yet sells off fine go Lord be with you I mean you can't you can't beat his logic but notice what his logic is based on true faith true faith so now let me kind of pull this back we do not have these experiences however we have real promises from God so when the devil comes along and says there's no way you're a
Christian you are going to burn in hell I saw what you did you say thank you for reminding that I mean that I'm a sinner
Satan good news is Christ died for sinners he only died for the ungodly by reminding me that I am one of them you are assuring me of the great promise of the forgiveness of my sins one by Christ on the cross see how that kind of works hang on to the real promises that you have it's a good story though great story so go
Lord be with you so then Saul clothed David with his armor let's see if we can get this to work he put a helmet of bronze on his head clothed him with a coat of mail and David strapped on his sword over his armor and he tried in vain to go for he had not tested them and David said to Saul I cannot go with these for I have not tested them so David put them off and then he took his staff in his hand hmm staff it's kind of a
Moses thing going on there took a staff in his hand chose five smooth stones from the brook put them in a shepherd's pouch his sling was in his hand and he approached the
Philistine for all intents and purposes David may as well have been unarmed he's got five rocks a shepherd's pouch and a sling against the human tank
Goliath Jimmy the Greek at this point was taking bets and nobody was laying money down for David everybody can see how this was going to end it was not going to end well it was going to end with these words and thus perished
David son of Jesse totally unarmed so the
Philistine let's see here so the Philistine moved forward came near to David with a shield bearer in front of him and when the
Philistine looked and saw David he disdained him for he was a youth ruddy and handsome in appearance and the
Philistine said to David am I a dog that you come at me with sticks and the
Philistine cursed David by his gods the Philistine said to David come to me and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field and then
David said to the Philistine and pay close attention this you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin but I come to you in the name of Yahweh saba oath the
God of the armies of Israel what's his real weapon in the name of God the name of God in the name of Yahweh saba oath this day
Yahweh will deliver you to in into my hand I will strike you down and cut off your head and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the
Philistines this day to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know that there is a
God in Israel and that all this assembly may know that Yahweh saves not with sword and spear for the battle is the
Lord's and he will give you into our hand ah Yahweh what saves this is a salvation story the battle belongs to the
Lord salvation belongs to the Lord and he's gonna give you into our hand almost as if he's talking to the devil himself when the
Philistine arose and came drew near to meet David David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the
Philistine and the Philistine and David put his hand into his bag took out a stone slung it struck the
Philistine on his forehead the stone sank into his forehead and he fell on his face to the ground that was quick it was like a total non -event now a little bit of a note here
Garden of Eden I will put enmity between you and your seed and her seed he you will bite his heel he will crush your head you see it he's about to have his head cut off and all of this is type and shadow to what
Christ is going to do to the devil Goliath falls by a head wound and then has his head cut off and you can almost see the devil sitting on the sidelines going oh no oh no
I know what this is about it's not an accident but notice again the battle itself was a non -event dead the end there was no round two the bell had just rung on round one two seconds in Goliath is dead
I mean Wow exactly boom it's exactly like that yeah the end yes we'll talk about that in a second hold the thought
I think that I think the church fathers are very helpful here but that'll be my next point before that point though I want you to consider the similarities now from this
New Testament text to what we just read so far I mean was this not the ultimate showdown between good and evil
I mean if you were to do a movie on this the the directors would insist that the battle last a wee bit longer you can't do a movie like this because like evil just fell over without even a fight it just doesn't happen that way usually the hero and the villain have to you know they get all bloodied and they fight and there's explosions and there's blood and there's guts and there's fingers and oz and ooze and pals and biffs and bangs and all that kind of right this was just dead the end it's similar to this
Matthew 4 Jesus was led up by the
Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and after fasting 40 days and 40 nights he was hungry tempter came and said to him if you are the
Son of God I'm sure you are Jesus command these stones to become loaves of bread and Jesus answered you know it's written man should not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God Wow the devil was resisted with just a verse from Deuteronomy anybody can do that then the devil took him to the
Holy City set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the Son of God throw yourself down for it is written he will command his angels concerning you he's misquoting
Psalm 91 on their hands they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone oh yeah again it's written you should not put the
Lord your God to the test it's like a non -event so again the devil took him to a very high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory and he said to him all of these
I will give you if you fall down and worship me and Jesus said be gone Satan it's written you shall worship the
Lord your God and serve him only Wow so then the devil left what just happened here okay defeated non -event kind of defeated despite despite the fact
Jesus had was not at his physical best Jesus wasn't going to the gym every day he hadn't eaten for 40 days so he was thirsty he was tired he was hungry he was starved he was at his weakest and the devil comes along and he just goes lick devil tries again lick dies again but like no human being has been able to stand up to this guy and Jesus just did it at his weakest you kind of get the idea here big picture of how the ultimate fight between good and evil isn't even much of a fight it's amazing when you kind of think about it now the question came up about the five smooth stones what are we gonna do with those five of them five smooth stones hmm
I can tell you what the church fathers did with him how many wounds did Christ sustain five two in his hands two in his feet one in his side you wanna know what the five smooth stones are we have them embroidered on our altar cloth there's five crosses on the altar cross cloth when you go up there and take a look those are the five smooth stones the wounds of Christ that's what defeated the devil you see it and it's a good way to put think about it as it points us to him not to us now the story continues so there's
Goliath face down on the ground so David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone struck the
Philistine killed him there was no sword in the hand of David David ran stood over the Philistine took his own sword drew it out of its sheath killed him cut off his head with it
Phyllis and the Philistines they saw that their champion was dead of course they turned themselves in as they agreed to right no they fled weasels didn't even keep their own promise the devil devil never keeps a promise that he makes by the way because he's not promising you anything so there it is the headless
Goliath it's a picture of Christ crushing the head of the serpent it's a salvation story and it's all type and shadow pointing to Jesus so then the men of Judah of Israel Judah rose with a shout and pursued the
Philistines as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron so that they the wounded Philistines fell on the way from Sha 'a
Raim as far as Gath and Ekron and the people of Israel came back from chasing the Philistines and they plundered their camp
David took the head of the Philistine brought it to Jerusalem and put his armor in his tent and as soon as Saul saw
David go out against the Philistine he said to Abner the commander of the army
Abner whose son is this youth and Abner said as your soul lives
O king I do not know and the king said inquire whose son the boy is and as soon as David returned from striking down the
Philistine Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand and Saul said to him whose son are you met young man and David answered
I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite good stuff and there's more so now you can kind of get the idea of this the story of David and Goliath is a snapshot picture and typology of Christ's victory over the devil for us to save us from our enemies the
Philistines are the stand -ins for the demonic horde and things of that nature but now the story is going to take a decidedly interesting turn in that God who has left
Saul is going to humble the one who exalted himself
Saul while exalting the one who is humble David you can start to see
Saul's gonna be on the descent David's gonna be on the ascent it's a fascinating story as soon as he had finished speaking to Saul the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul
I hate to say this but liberals within the visible church I refuse to call them
Christians that they believe that this is implying that David and Jonathan had the erotic hots for each other and it's not true that's not the kind of love they had for each other is not that kind of love and the
Hebrews actually quite clear on this instead it says Jonathan loved him as his own soul
Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father's house then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as his own soul and Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him gave it to David notice this
Jonathan is a prince he's the crown prince of Egypt of Israel he's the crown prince of Israel and he gives his royal robe and his armor to who
David now a little bit of a note here what do you do with this who in the New Testament is the disciple whom
Jesus loved John isn't that interesting isn't that interesting so David's best friend the one he really loved is
Jonathan the disciple whom Jesus loved is John you see it it's like these parallels it's too good to not to not see it so you think oh my goodness are you kidding me nope
I'm not kidding it's great so Jonathan strips himself he humbles himself and he gives his armor and his robe even a sword in his bow and his belt to David the anointed but not yet coronated king of Israel David went out and was successful wherever Saul sent him so that Saul set him over the men of war and this was good in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul's servant as they were coming home when
David returned from striking down the Philistine the women came out of all the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet
King Saul with tambourines with songs of joy and with musical instruments and the women sang to one another as they celebrated
Saul has struck down his thousands but David his tens of thousands and Saul was very angry not kind of sorta he wasn't miffed he wasn't perturbed he was in a rage and this saying displeased him he said they've ascribed to David ten thousands and to me they've ascribed thousands and what more can he have but the kingdom what an astute observation yes indeed so Saul eyed
David from that day on important to note this in the ancient world the idiom for somebody who has jealousy they didn't have the word exactly that worked out that way oftentimes they would say that person has the evil eye the evil eye so jealousy is the one who has the evil eye and so here we've got
David eyed David Saul eyed David from that day on he's got the evil eye
I'm looking at you so the next day a harmful spirit from God rushed on Saul he raved from within his house while David was playing the liar and he's singing the
Psalms to him as he did day by day Saul had a spear in his hand and Saul hurled the spear for he thought
I will pin David to the wall but David evaded him twice now I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty sure that these working conditions would not be considered suitable by OSHA standards we need to talk with HR at this point my boss is trying to kill me to file an employee complaint so Saul was afraid of David notice the fear fear isn't is a terrible terrible thing there's no faith here in Saul all that's left is fear doubt anger jealousy rage these are not the fruit of the
Spirit these are the fruit of the flesh so Saul was afraid of David because Yahweh was with him but had departed from Saul so Saul removed him from his presence made him a commander of a thousand it's like I can't even look at you anymore
I'm gonna make you a commander over a thousand maybe Lord willing you'll die in battle that's kind of the gist of what's going on here so made him the commander of a thousand and he went out and came in before the people and David had success in all of his undertakings for Yahweh was with him and when
Saul saw that he had a had great success he stood in fearful awe of him but all of Israel and Judah loved him loved
David for he went out and came in before them and then Saul said to David here's my elder daughter
Mara now David is gonna do something very interesting here and you're gonna learn from the next piece of this that what
David lacks is what's called the bride price so he he technically can't afford the bride price for a princess so that's kind of an issue and so in an honor culture you can't you don't want to you don't want to dishonor yourself by speaking so directly and saying listen
I appreciate the offer but I can't afford the bride price so David's response is kind of what happens in a negotiation it's kind of you have to kind of think of this through kind of a
Middle Eastern negotiation tactic going on here so he says here's my elder daughter
Mara I will give her to you for a wife only be valiant for me and fight Yahweh's battles for Saul thought let not my hand be against him but let the hand of the
Philistines be against him and David said to Saul whom I who are my relatives my father's clan in Israel that I should be son -in -law to the king now that's a that's him basically saying listen
I can't afford this okay without saying I can't afford it you don't speak that directly in an honor culture but at the at that time when
Marib Saul's daughter should have been given to David she was given to Adriel the
Mahola fight for a wife kind of interesting there's a there's a motif there of women who were betrothed but not given kind of a fascinating thing but we'll overlook that because that's a little tough to tease out now
Saul's daughter Michal loved David and they told Saul and the thing pleased him so there's a daughter number two
Michal and she's got the hots for David of course David is like a celebrity in Israel at this point so everybody knows about David everyone's singing his praises and Michal every time
David comes into the city riding on his horse with his thousand behind him she's out looking out the path out the palace window going so Saul thought let me give her to him so that she may be a snare for him and that the hand of the
Philistines may be against him therefore Saul said to David a second time you shall now be my son -in -law and Saul commanded his servants speak to David in private and say behold the
King has delight in you and all his servants love you now then become
King the King's son -in -law and Saul's servants spoke those words and David's in the ears of David and then he kind of gives the same response says does it seem to you a little thing to become the
King's son -in - law since I'm a poor man and I have no reputation now he's getting a little closer to the truth not only am
I a poor man I have no reputation I ain't got the money for the bride price here so the servants of Saul told him thus and so did
David speak and then Saul said thus shall you say to David the
King desires no bride price except a hundred four skins of the
Philistines that he may be avenged of King's enemies what that's a weird currency okay yeah yeah let's let's talk about this for a second let's lose real just a little bit more now
Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines so so he can't afford the bride price he's politely saying this he said it once regarding Merab now he said it again regarding the call but Saul's gonna let him off the hook hey you want to marry my daughter the bride price is a hundred four skins of the
Philistines and he's thinking that this is gonna lead to David's death because here's how this conversation goes
David is walking down the street there's a Philistine hey Philistine I want your foreskin over my dead body that's the point because Philistines don't give these things up willingly just saying okay so the idea here is is that hundred
Philistine foreskins Saul's playing the odds and he's thinking there's a better than one in 100 chance that one of these
Philistines is gonna get the best of David basic idea here right so seems like it's like this is the perfect plot we're going to kill
David finally and think of it this way this little plot the scheme is similar to what happens when
Jesus after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem so you think Palm Sunday Jesus comes into Jerusalem and he spends a week in Jerusalem before he's crucified what's going on during that week the
Pharisees the Sadducees the publicans everybody's kind of trying to figure out how they can trap
Jesus in his words so that they can put him to death so they get together and say
I got it we got it we got it we're gonna go to Jesus then we're gonna say is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar so they go up to Jesus and say hey
Jesus you know we got a question for you buddy sure go ahead so is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not knowing if Jesus says yes everyone's there for the
Passover this is a great crowd if he says yes he's gonna lose favor with the crowd and so many of these people are oppressed and impoverished because of the
Roman tax system they might just stone Jesus but if he says no then they can have him arrested and saying this man is treasonous he's telling the people to not pay their taxes nothing in perfect he's dead so Jesus is it lawful to pay taxes or not there buddy
Jesus says have me a denarius and it throws a ting throws a denarius
Adam catches it in the air faces around whose face is that on the coin Caesars give the
Caesar what belongs to Caesar give the guy what belongs to God same kind of stuff here all right so the bride price under foreskin okay so David so when his servants told
David these words it pleased David I would not be happy anyway it pleased
David well to be the king's son -in -law and before the time had expired David arose and went along with his men and killed 200 of the
Philistines and David brought their foreskins which were given in full number to the king that he might become the king's son -in -law so he comes traipsed him back into Jerusalem he's got a bag or something hey you know that here's that bride price you don't want me to count that out for you here's one two oh it's a great story whoa all right so David brought there's foreskins which were given in full number somebody counted him out to the king that he might become the king's son -in -law
Saul gave me a call for a wife but when
Saul saw and knew that Yahweh was with David and that McCall Saul's daughter loved him
Saul was even more afraid of David so Saul was David's enemy continually then the commanders of the
Philistines came out to battle and as often as they came out David had more success than all the servants of Saul so this name was highly esteemed
I'm glad this is a descriptive text and not a prescriptive text yeah
I'm not sure I'm not sure what the application would be here I'm at a loss okay
I'm still reeling from from the details of this story just as it stands but the idea here is is that this again type and shadow pointing us to the life of Christ and Jesus went through these exact same types of schemes and attempts at taking his life and things like that and over and again
God rescued him and he even rescued himself by his own wisdom and the fact that the