Is Brandon Biggs a Prophet? Predicts Trump Shooting on Video in March - "Bullet flew by his ear"


We examine the supposed fulfilled prophecy of the failed assassination attempt made against former President Donald Trump, are these charismatic prophets the real deal or could anyone have done this? Also, we look at the question of whether or not Trump is already "saved" or should we be praying to that end?


What was the failed assassination attempt against former President Trump? Was it really prophesied by one of these charismatic prophets?
Well there's a video that's getting a lot of attention right now and there's a man self -identified prophet he claims
God spoke to me God told me this and God told me that and this video is getting a lot of attention.
So we're going to show it and we're going to use discernment to determine is this a true prophecy.
So it's yeah a lot of lot of people are talking about this and here's what you have to understand within the charismatic
Pentecostal movement they believe that there are modern -day prophets and apostles. So God is not just speaking to us through the
Bible God is speaking to people all over the world. God is constantly giving new revelations new visions new words and this man claims that God spoke to him and he is now supposedly among a lot of people he he is a prophet and he specifically mentioned this
Trump shooting and yeah he gave details and and let's just watch it and we'll see whether or not this is actually a true prophecy watch this came out in March.
Okay, so this is not recent and this clip has been sent to me by oh, I don't know hundreds of people and this is
I mean this is a very his language here is very very eerie in terms of how accurate his word is here.
So let's go ahead and play it. All throughout Oklahoma and they were raising up these torches that look like fire and they were bringing forth a new patriotism upon the nation and it was coming it was being birthed and it just kept spreading like fire all throughout
America all throughout and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the
Lord he got radically born again during this time frame. I'm talking people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what
I saw coming and then I saw people interceding when he and I see him. I saw him winning the presidency through great the
Lord show me would go clear into the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff but there would be a stop to it and their things would start to break free come toward the fall and then
I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash.
Okay so Dr. Brown that's very specific to say the least language about an attempt of Raising his ear.
He said blew out his eardrum. I haven't heard reports of that whether his eardrum or not. Okay so the first thing I'd point out he said that Trump's eardrum was blown out that did not happen and he also said that the bullet went by his ear it flew by his ear.
Well it actually hit his ear so he wasn't correct about that and the eardrum being blown out.
I mean that just flat out did not happen. So here's what you have to realize. Number one the
Bible says in Deuteronomy 18 it gives very specific criteria very specific guidelines for what constitutes a true prophet or a true prophecy and if it does not come to pass as the person has said in ancient
Israel I mean that was a capital crime. Okay they would be stoned and obviously we don't live in a theocracy.
We don't live in a time where that would happen but God's word is very clear. False prophecy is extremely serious.
There are literally millions of people who predicted that Trump someone would try to shoot or kill
Donald Trump millions of people. Not everyone says that you know God told me and then they're on video ahead of time with you know specifically what they what they said.
Now this will get a lot of attention because he said he mentioned the bullet going by his ear and that all the people who want to believe this will believe it.
But it again it didn't go by his ear it hit his ear. But more importantly the eardrum was not blown out.
It's just not it's not an accurate prophecy. We need more than that.
And of course he goes on to talk about how Trump will get reelected and then he prophesied this massive economic collapse which again you know if there wasn't an economic collapse in our future that would be a miracle because we're spending money we don't have or so far in debt.
People are flooding into this country and we don't have the means to support them all with the social programs and inflation.
So I mean there probably will be an economic collapse. But you know this type of prophecy is not completely accurate and it's it's still vague enough where it's just not something that I put any stock into whatsoever.
Now I do want to say because a few people commented on yesterday's video and I said my number one takeaway my prayer is that Donald Trump this
God would use this event to soften Donald Trump's heart and that he would come to saving faith in Christ a few people said listen he's already a
Christian he's already saved and I want to respond to that because listen we don't act as judge over someone's soul you me anyone else you know we we don't get that final say but as a pastor and this would be true for your your church pastor deacons elders whoever the leadership is when someone comes they want to become a member of your church the pastor will have to examine number one their profession of faith and they'll look okay are you baptized and have you been a member of another local church or did you just come to saving faith recently
I mean these are things we look at so someone number one has to have a credible profession of faith does
Donald Trump have that I don't know I've never heard it I I have heard him say that he's never asked
God for forgiveness and that he doesn't have to that's what I have heard so that's why I said that and is
Donald Trump baptized member of a local assembly where he has a pastor and there's oversight listen
I don't know but I stand by the first statement there has to be a credible profession of faith so I go by what
Donald Trump says about himself not by what other people say I remember I think it was James Dobson that said maybe to back in 2015 that Donald Trump he said said the sinner's prayer he saved he's born again well but it was after that that Trump said in an interview that he's never asked
God for forgiveness so who do I believe James Dobson or Donald Trump it's not that I don't believe
James Dobson I did Donald Trump say something similar to a sinner's prayer maybe he did and I want to hope for the best but I also remember when
Rick Warren said that Obama was a you know Christian back in 2008 also
Billy Graham said that he led George W Bush to Christ and then after Billy Graham said that I saw
George Bush on ABC News where they asked him do you believe the Bible is literally true and he's like no no
I don't believe that then he said Muslims are going to heaven all religions have their own path to God so we have to go by what the person says their own profession or lack thereof and then of course their lifestyle
I well I want to be supportive of and hopeful that Donald Trump will this will have a real impact on his life so I want to be supportive of that I want to pray to that end you know
I'm not one of these pastors that are overtly political and talk about who needs to win the election in church
I'm against that type of the thing but I'm not one of these people that have
Trump derangement syndrome either so obviously Joe Biden's platform it's like the
Ten Commandments in reverse so I don't support that but my personal opinion whoever gets elected it's the system it's the bureaucracy it's the deep state even if Donald Trump were on fire for Jesus he was saved and he tried to enact
Christian laws and Christian principle I don't know that he would be able to do it because the system we saw how they undermined him last time so I don't actually think that this election is going to make that big of a difference but I do pray
I still pray that this event would have an impact on Donald Trump's life and all just for these people who are following after these charismatic prophets and getting all excited because this guy supposedly received a word from God and and he predicted the you know
Trump assassination plot and this and that listen there are true prophecies but they're in the
Bible and whether you like it or not the Bible does not predict some end times revival where America is going to turn back to God the
Bible does not predict that instead the Bible predicts a great apostasy in the end times a great falling away second
Thessalonians to the whole book of Revelation Matthew 24 Jesus in the
Olivet Discourse I mean things are going to get worse and worse and worse and then the end comes
Jesus said when I return will I really find faith on the earth in the implication is well he might he will find faith but it won't be much because there's going to be a great falling away
Paul explicitly said that in his letters to Timothy yeah second
Thessalonians to the coming of Christ is not going to happen until the falling away comes first I mean read it so don't buy into these charismatic prophets if you want a real prophecy if you want
God's Word read the Bible and let's pray for Donald Trump amen thanks for watching and until next time may the