You Must Be Born Again | Sermon 10/23/2022

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John 3:1-10 In the wake of the temple cleansing a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews named Nicodemus approached Jesus by night. He has come as possibly a genuine inquirer or a challenging skeptic and representative of the Jews. Or he may be a bit of both. He acknowledges that Jesus is a Rabbi and a teacher from God as no one has done the signs Jesus has done during His time in Jerusalem. What is an acknowledgement or formal nicety will later become a profession of faith. Likely knowing Nicodemus’ thoughts, Jesus answers him with His authoritatively revelatory formula, “truly, truly”. What is about to be said is truth. Whatever the Jews have thought was necessary to see and enter the kingdom of God falls utterly short. One must be born again. This word “again’, (ἄνωθεν) has a duel meaning: “again” and “from above.” What is clear is this is a new birth that no man can initiate. Jesus then restates verse 3 in verse 5 by parallel: to be “born again” is to be “born of water and spirit.” This should draw the reader’s mind back to all the passages about the Spirit being “poured out” in the New Covenant; that we will be sprinkled with clean water and given a new heart. Dry bones have received living water and come alive. One must be regenerated and cleansed by the Holy Spirit through Christ’s atonement and the Father’s election to enter the kingdom of God. There is no side door by which one can come. The natural, the flesh will only ever produce that of its kind. To become born again, to become a child of God, to enter to the kingdom of God the Spirit must transform a person. The Spirit begets that of the spirit. Just as the wind does whatever whenever, the workings of the Spirit are mysterious. Something supernatural has occurred to the natural. And so Jesus questions Nicodemus on his high credentialed teacher status. What the read finds is Jesus is the true Teacher, the true Ruler of the Jews, and not just Jews but all.


John chapter 3. The title of this sermon today church is
You must be born again You must be born again. We're going to be in verses 1 through 10 today of the gospel according to John chapter 3
And starting in that first verse here now the inerrant and infallible words of the living and true
God Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the
Jews This man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi We know that you have come from God as a teacher for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him
Jesus is in answered and said to him truly truly I say to you unless one is born again
He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old?
He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born. Can he? Jesus answered truly truly
I say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the
Spirit is spirit Do not be amazed that I said to you you must be born again
The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it But do not know where it comes from and where it is going.
So is everyone who is born of the Spirit? Nicodemus said to him how can these things be?
Jesus answered and said to him. Are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things?
Thus ending the reading of God's holy inspired word. Let's pray quickly church Lord I would ask you please to Speak through me today
Lord to impart by your spirit Lord the application and true interpretation and knowledge of these passages here
Lord By the same spirit who illuminated and made these holy scriptures God, please
Do a work today among your people as you've done in me and as you're continuing to do And Lord, I would ask you to help me to speak in a way that is helpful and clear and let it always be true
I pray this in Jesus name. Amen. So I remember when
I was saved about ten years ago. I Would go with a group of young men
Down to Tempe, Arizona They were with a group that was called Jeremiah cry. I don't know too much about it
I'm sure some of you have heard of heard about it. It's a open -air preaching ministry
Jeremiah cry ministries and I would join them as a new believer on the streets in Tempe Arizona on Mill Avenue preaching the gospel
Now if you've lived in Arizona for any amount of time You would likely have heard of this street called
Mill Avenue It was only a few blocks away from Arizona State University and from the dormitories there it is a one -mile stretch of bars pubs
Strange shops sexual shops the cultic shops just all these crazy sort of things on this one -mile stretch and students at Arizona State University or people
Pretty much all over the valley would come On Friday Saturday nights or during the week and they would treat it as a rite of passage
To go to Mill Avenue and get drunk for the first time Okay Now a
Friday night on Mill Avenue is pretty crazy. It's chaotic. It's crawling with young people
And it's got crowds that can form people just everywhere You could see
Police presence there, of course Making sure things aren't getting out of hand and it can be very productive for the gospel
That's what we found. In fact, I remember I was so nervous I was street preaching for the first time and I was on like a little ladder and I was
Preaching John chapter 6 and it was just amazing because even a guy across the road in a bar with blaring music
He came right out and he came straight to me He said I I just heard everything that you said and I want to talk about that And so just kind of things like that would happen every once in a while People would hear the truth and they'd talk and sometimes they were inebriated sometimes they weren't but We would preach the gospel and I remember one time
I was not preaching but I was handing out tracts while someone else was going and I was handing out tracts and this older guy comes up and He's kind of stumbling and say sir.
Would you like a Let me give you a gospel track here. Do you know the gospel? And he goes no, thanks
I'm already born again I'm born again And as a new believer though,
I had not really heard that phrase before even though I've read John 3 at that point I said, what do you mean sir?
What do you mean by that? He said I don't need that junk I'm already born again. Give it to someone else and I just There's a little bit incredulous.
I didn't know how to respond to that. No, okay Now if you look up some statistics on Christianity in America You will find according to some studies
That it says only about 25 % of all Americans are evangelical Protestants Evangelical now
Protestant, of course is much larger in the u .s. That kind of classification because of course
Processing classification can include even things like Mormonism Jehovah's Witness things like that anything that represents a post
You know Reformation sort of time that's not Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic or something and so But evangelical says only 25 % at a lot of different polls and studies
We know it's interesting 25 % evangelical but get this
About 40 % some studies say 40 % of Americans think that they are born again
That they are born -again Christians Okay now in the late 70s presidential candidate
Jimmy Carter announced I'm born again people Wow then without even ceasing his publication
Pornographic magazine publisher of Hustler Larry Flynt proclaimed he was born again
But he kept going with his magazine Actor Tom Hanks recalled in an interview
That when he was in high school, he had a quote born -again experience He said he grew up being exposed to many different religions
Hanks then said the major religion I was exposed to in the first ten years of my life with because was
Catholicism Then my stepmother became a Mormon My aunt whom I lived with for a long time was a
Nazarene and in high school. All my friends were Jews in 1997
Actor Charlie Sheen came out and said I'm a born -again Christian. I'm a born -again believer using that phrase
Less than a year later Sheen was back to old ways He was in the year immediately following and the years proceeding that he was in and out of rehabilitation centers for drug and alcohol abuse and living a life of debauchery
And today it would appear that he doesn't follow any sort of religion if you look it up And if I were to continue though in this sort of list and I would give you famous people's
Names of who've claimed that they're born again. You would be shocked.
You think I was lying about some of these people Wait, they actually claim that they're born -again believers.
Do they actually claim that and You would be shocked
But the question is what is being born -again What is a born -again
Christian? The Cambridge Dictionary defines born -again as this
Born again is used to refer to someone who has decided to accept a particular type of evangelical
Christianity especially after a deep spiritual experience someone who has decided
They initiated I guess they accepted something More than that.
It says that they had some sort of spiritual experience. What does that mean? That was the catalyst of being born again,
I guess But I would submit to you church that this glorious phrase has been robbed from the church
It's been robbed for decades of its true meaning it has lost in a sense its beauty and awesome nature how because they divorce it from Its origin they divorce it from John 3 and more than that They divorce born again from the one who makes people born again.
They divorce it from Jesus Christ the righteous That's the problem if you remove
Christ and The way he articulated born again, you lose the power behind it because what we will find is
Being born again is fully initiated fully performed and fully sustained by only one and that is
God Almighty So, let's see where this comes from truly
Verses 1 & 2 let me Remind us of some things though if you remember from last week
Jesus his disciples his mother and brothers all went to the Passover celebration in Jerusalem Jesus we saw found animals he found merchants and money changers conducting business in the temple courtyard and He drove them all out and he rebuked all of them
Cleansing the temple the first of two times now if you call
He was questioned and culturally shamed by the temple authorities in that process
But something was later than narrated to us by the Apostle John That revealed what happened the rest of the week of the
Feast of Unleavened Bread It said that many observed the signs that Jesus was performing and they had a belief
But we learned that it was shallow it was a shallow belief that belief was on the basis of his signs and not in him as the person
Jesus Christ He did it said that he did not entrust himself to them
We talked about the Greek that that meant he did not believe they're believing He knew
He knew he needed no one to testify to him concerning man it says that he knows what's in men's hearts and So this accountant
John 3 is immediately in the wake of all that the temple cleansing the the questioning of the
Jews and the Explanation that Jesus knew all men and that they are believing was shallow
Now we're on this Immediately verses 1 & 2 now there was a man of the
Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews This man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi
We know that you have come from God as a teacher for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him now there was a man and That's kind of the connection point.
We were just told about men who didn't have full belief and now a man has come his name is
Nicodemus and What a man to approach Jesus He is about to be completely stunned
It says that Nicodemus was a Pharisee and as I told you before Pharisees were very serious about their faith in God and That faith had its basis in the attempt at perfection of God's law
And it's been said that on the Sabbath that they would not carry more than a than a gulp of milk
Nothing larger than a gulp of milk in their mouth lest they be carrying something and working on the
Sabbath In the Gospels, we see that they wouldn't even save one of their own donkeys if it were to fall into a pit
They blast Jesus and rebuke him because Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the
Sabbath These are Pharisees. I Feel like if you were to ask a
Pharisee for a minute of their time after 60 60 seconds, they'd be like time's up They're like one of those guys, you know, it's like, okay, we know you stick to the law the numbers
All the traditions of the elders that are extra biblical. They're they're outside of the Bible. They're on top of the
Bible those things were observed strictly by the Pharisees In the
Gospels, they are often the group most antagonistic to Jesus John calls
Nicodemus though an Arcanine ton Judean He was a member of the highest legal legislative and judicial body among the
Jews Nicodemus is part of the Sanhedrin And it was likely that Nicodemus came from a wealthy aristocratic family with great influence
This is Judea's top dog This is the guy who's taught the law.
This is the guy who has the connections He's got all the networkings and he's got the status and he's in a place of power
Throughout the fourth gospel. There will be allusions to the prologue in chapter 1 as there has been
But here we can consider this in John 1 17 It said though the law was given through Moses But grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
And so what you see here is a standoff today You have the law through Moses being represented and you have grace and truth being realized in Christ and they're going head -to -head today
It's an allusion to the prologue It says that this man came to Jesus by night he came by night
Now scholars have considered What Nicodemus' angle is here?
Many have argued that Nicodemus witnessed the temple cleansing and the signs
Jesus performed during the week and that he was a genuine seeker Those shallow believers we mentioned earlier he would be one of them
He's a semi faithful inquirer coming to Jesus under veil of night.
So the Jews wouldn't see him We do see in later chapters
Nicodemus kind of defends Jesus Against the
Jews Saying that he needs to be rightly Judged according to the law not having conspiracies made against him to entrap him
But then we see a completely total a total transition take place and especially chapter 19 of the gospel
According to John which we'll get to in a year, right? John chapter 19, we'll see that after Jesus has been crucified
Nicodemus spends tons of money. I mean tons of money and he gets he gets aloes and he gets frankincense or is it myrrh myrrh and aloe
I believe is what so to basically prepare Jesus's body and It demonstrates that he is faith in Jesus at that point.
So something changes for Nicodemus But we're not there yet Is he a seeker or is he something else?
Some other scholars have argued that He witnessed that all that Jesus did and was sent
Officially by the Sanhedrin or at least a group of Pharisees to challenge Jesus Nicodemus if anyone can stump this guy you can sort of thing you see at night
It's been recorded That lively debates took place in the evening at night between rabbis of different schools of thought
Is is Nicodemus trying to Investigate and win an argument with Jesus or is he looking earnestly for answers to questions he has
I'm not sure it might be even a little bit of both Okay, we don't know
Maybe he was officially sent But the Pharisees don't realize that he's actually considering if this man is the
Messiah Maybe he was sent by the Sanhedrin, but he's coming To look like he's questioning him.
But in his mind, he's possibly thinking maybe this is the Messiah We're not completely sure
He does say Do you see that? rabbi
We know that you have come from God as a teacher he says we as if he's a spokesperson of others
But this is a big deal He is an older Ruler of the Jews with more experience under his belt and he comes to a young rabbi named
Jesus and he addresses him with respect from what we can tell We know that you have come from God as a teacher for no one can do these signs that you can do
Unless God is with him This of course wasn't a confession that Jesus is the eternally existing
Logos, but God was with Jesus in a supernatural way. That's what Nicodemus is saying
Kind of like a Moses or Elijah. He's recognizing that Jesus can do supernatural things
But he doesn't say that Jesus is the Prophet or the Messiah he says he's a teacher from God But again considering Nicodemus is high status this is a big deal
But this is far from a profession of faith. Not yet If he's genuine
He's being respectful if he's investigating on behalf of the Pharisees looking to challenge
Jesus after the shaming of the temple cleansing Because that didn't work
Then this is simply niceties that men do When men of status are around each other they flatter one another they make niceties.
We are not a hundred percent But something happens He's not even able to bring up his inquiry he gets stopped short of his question.
He doesn't even say a word Jesus knows all men he knows exactly why
Nicodemus is there and He either in this moment answers his questions or brings something completely new to the table that Nicodemus wasn't expecting
But if you look down verses 3 through 5 We'll see what happens Nicodemus hasn't said a word.
He's literally walked up to Jesus verses 3 through 5 Jesus answered and Said to him truly truly
I say to you Unless one is born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old?
He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born can he Jesus answered truly truly
I say to you unless one is born of water in the spirit. He cannot enter the kingdom of God By the way on that last verse verse 5
Where it says one is born of water and the spirit That article the isn't there it literally says in the
Greek Born of water and spirit and that'll make more sense in a little bit. Okay but the authoritative
Revelatory formula is used by Jesus. I preached on this recently. Amen.
Amen Truly truly I say to you listen For what
I am about to say to you is truth You and all men need what
I am about to say essentially Unless one is gonna say a nothing.
We're in verse 5. I'm sorry verse 3 Verse 3 unless one is gonna say a nothing.
He cannot see the kingdom of God This word a nothing Actually has a double meaning okay that this is very important a nothing has a double meaning it says here in our translation it says again
Truly truly I say to you unless one is born a nothing it says again But in the double meaning it also means born from above from above So one must be born again and born from above To see the kingdom of God This stays right in the theme from the prologue until now
We saw the logos was there as the creator not anything that was made was made apart from him he was the one through whom the light and the life came and He's here to recreate
I've been preaching that over and over again every week. He's here to recreate He's going to take the old things of men
And he's going to make them into heavenly things Generation has already occurred but regeneration
Must now occur among men to see the kingdom of God This teacher of the
Jews has been teaching others for decades on how one can see the kingdom of God But all that he has taught
Which is perfect obedience to the law and precepts of God are shown to not be the ticket of entry
So many are looking for he's been teaching this with authority and with confidence
My young proselytes my young disciples. Do you want to know how to enter the kingdom of God come listen to me?
He's been saying this and teaching this Nicodemus most of his life but he's
Found to be wrong here you must be born again in Jesus's day
Jews expected to get into the kingdom simply based on blood What Jesus says is the opposite of what they expected?
There is a kingdom coming it is here and now and it is into the future
Here in now and into the future. It is an everlasting kingdom
In that kingdom there will be a king in the line of David and he will reign forever He will not cease to be on the throne.
He will never be removed from it and His reign won't last only a lifetime his reign will last in eternity
One might say well if the kingdom is now Won't those not born again see the kingdom right now won't they see it
And They can see it in some ways, but they can't see it in many ways Okay Unbelievers cannot see the kingdom of God on earth for what it is in their eyes
What they see is a threat to their way of life This harkens back to actually
John 151 remember Jacob's ladder He says you will see angels ascending and descending upon the
Son of Man. You will see the heavens opened up Only through Jesus will you see the heavens
Only through Jesus will you see God you must be born again though to see that kingdom
John Calvin comments on this verse saying this I thought this this was an astute observation
John Calvin says by the phrase born again is Expressed not the correction of one part
But the renovation of the whole nature hence it follows that there is nothing in us that is not sinful for if Reformation is necessary in the whole and in each part corruption must have spread throughout
That is to say church One thing about you cannot be changed
Okay, you just can't fix this only You can't just fix that you can't fix this part or just this part
What Jesus is saying is you need complete renovation you are sinful throughout and Removing one part of you won't remove that sin.
You need to be fully changed You can't simply do certain things in the natural body and expect to be a part of a supernatural kingdom
All of you all of me needs new birth So with all of me
Nicodemus is talents with all his skills and teaching knowledge of the law his virtue and Observance of God's commandments.
He is still not able to enter the kingdom of God simply by those merits. Yes, even
Nicodemus Who's done all those things cannot enter the kingdom of God based off of those things?
He needs something else even he needs something else Nicodemus says how can a man be born when he is old?
He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born Kenny So the question is is this man genuinely confused or is he trying to respond in a hyper literal way as Maybe some sort of debate tactic or a sarcastic sort of way again
That kind of goes between is he a seeker or is he some sort of scent inquirer?
Either way no matter which one it is. I think it's clear. He doesn't understand
Ganesh. They are nothing He needs new birth and birth from above Now how is such a transformation possible how can
I simply start over he can't I can't you can't Listen my friends you cannot start your life over You cannot start it over you cannot go back into your mother's womb whatever you have done in this life, you will give an accounting for and Either you or Jesus is going to pay for what you've done
The debt payment is either our life given for all eternity or it's
Jesus's life Eternal life given on one day. It's one or the other You must be born again
There's obviously a future element to what Jesus is saying being born again will only be granted after his death burial and Resurrection, but the call has been given 2 ,000 years ago and It's been printed
For the last 500 according to our best tracking those words You must be born again have been printed over 5 billion times and probably said and spoken more than even that It's all throughout this world.
You must be born again Jesus answers again though in verse 5 if you see that Truly truly
I say to you Unless one is born of water in the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God so believe it or not
These verses in John 3 have been hard for people to interpret for many centuries You're like I can see that it was difficult for me as well
Christians have argued the correct meaning of these particular verses Okay, and there are at least four schools of thought and I just want to mention them to you
Then I'm going to as I always do give you what I believe is the most biblical and faithful to the text so here's the first First some have argued
We're primarily talking about in verse 5 when it says unless one is born of water and the spirit
He cannot enter in the kingdom of God and that really the most disputed part has been what does the water mean?
Okay, keep that in mind. Here's the first one first one some
Have argued that John the Apostle added water to the original manuscript To the original account so as to give reference to the
Christian ordinance of baptism however, there is no evidence of that and it doesn't fit the context and Baptism would have absolutely no relevance to Nicodemus in the moment and you got to think you'll read this and We as Christians as baptized believers
We often read baptism into water and spirit It's just a natural thing because we have come after the fact we have we have come after the
Holy Spirit has been given We were baptized and so we often read baptism baptism into that But if water is baptism, how is it not mentioned in John's gospel again?
You don't see a phrase like you must follow me. You must be born again and and be baptized.
He doesn't say Something like that to be to see the kingdom of God This would also seem like baptismal regeneration is a valid idea, but that would disregard the gospel of grace
If Jesus were to say you must be baptized and You must be cleansed by the
Spirit You must be born again and you must be baptized to enter the kingdom of God that is adding a work to the gospel
You must be this to see the kingdom of God so it just doesn't work
Okay The second interpretation is similar. Some have argued that what
Jesus meant by this is John's baptism of water and Jesus is baptism of spirit
Okay that a baptism of repentance is needed for spiritual birth
But if this is what Jesus Meant why does Nicodemus have such an incredulous response?
Because he was one who knew about John. He knew about John's baptism. So why is he so surprised?
This too would make baptism a requirement to enter the kingdom of heaven and to be saved So the third interpretation and one of the most common interpretations is this
That water and the Spirit are speaking of two different births two births
One is referring to a man needing natural birth and that man also needing spiritual birth the water would then point to the amniotic water that breaks before childbirth and We are people who have natural generation that needs spiritual regeneration
But we're gonna see some issues with this one as well. But first off One of the issues that I have seen that's just the easiest for me to find is in my research
There are no other biblical references to being born born of water to mean natural birth so one of the things
I do when I'm Studying scripture and I'm preparing for the sermon is I look to see if this is replicated in scripture
And I don't see this at all replicated in scripture that water is meant to be natural birth.
Okay Carson Says that there by the way are no ancient sources
No ancient literature during this time that would picture natural birth as from water either
So we have no account of this in the Bible or outside during this time. Okay?
So that leads me to the interpretation that I think along with others is the most biblical and faithful to the text
The fact is verse 3 and verse 5 are parallels their restatements
The second one in verse 5 has a restatement with expansion. Okay, let me get to that Born again
Which remember that word anothen born again also means born from above Would be the same as born
From water and spirit born again equals born of water and spirit
Those are two blocks that are of the same thing Why?
Because Jesus used that word Anothen as I said is two meanings in one
Born again and born from above we need to look at water and spirit as two meanings in one as well
The Greek says Ganesh a heck who to toss chi pneumatis that literally means born of water and spirit and What I want to highlight in saying that Greek word is the ek ek which is of in verse 5 that preposition
That preposition ek right there truly truly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit that word is
Coordinating water and spirit together It is making them into one block to be used in a singular fashion
That is how the original language would use that preposition. It doesn't say of unless one is born of water and of Spirit it is bringing them together as one thing
Okay The creation account was so strong in the prologue remember that Jesus was there as the eternal
Son of God Creating in Genesis 1 Jesus was there at the beginning creating and now think back to what it says in Genesis.
This is amazing remember water and spirit Genesis 1 says the
Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters This is talking about recreation creation happened the
Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters in Genesis 1 and the whole Point of the prologue until now is that Jesus is coming to create again and so once again, you see the combination of water and spirit in the action of Recreating a people new
Okay, that is all on purpose The Spirit in the
Old Testament is used in conjunction with life often as well The Spirit is to be poured out and bring blessing righteousness and regeneration even that phrase
For the Spirit to be quote poured out is an image associated with water and that is
There are dozens and dozens of passages in the Old Testament scriptures that said the
Spirit will be poured out poured out just like water
God says in Joel chapter 2. I will come about after this Is the promise of the
New Covenant I will come about after this and I will pour out my spirit on all flesh
Isaiah 44 says this for I will pour out water on The thirsty land and streams of the dry ground.
I will pour out my spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants and One of the references that most speaks to this truth
Church is Ezekiel 36 If you want to turn there you can I'll just say it briefly though Ezekiel 36
It says this in verses 25 to 27 God Says then
I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols
Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit Within you and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh
I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will be careful to observe my ordinances
That is speaking directly To the promise of being born again in my opinion.
I Believe that the water Signifies the cleansing of the natural man the cleansing that he receives by way of the
Holy Spirit That is what the water means It is the cleansing of the natural man from sin that the
Holy Spirit performs upon a man or a woman. I Think Ezekiel really spoke to this actually if you look at that Ezekiel 36 as we just said you have the water you have the cleansing.
I will sprinkle clean water on you I'll give you a new heart I will put my spirit within you and cause you to obey my statutes
But then Ezekiel 37 the very next chapter speaks of a resurrection it says that the the valley of dry bones will come alive again a
Resurrection will come and then if you move on from there Ezekiel 40 through 48 speaks of the rebuilding of a temple
Which is which is of course critical in John chapter 4 our very very next chapter where Jesus speaks about temple worship and then even to the
Temple cleansing where Jesus comes and says he's the new temple and eventually he's going to make us into the temple of God the church
So you have all this imagery from Ezekiel resurrection language
Not to mention to tie It ties to the living water verses later
Living waters. I will give you living water springing up to eternal life. Those are not that's not a physical thing.
That's not physical birth Living waters. There is a spiritual cleansing. I will give you living waters
We'll see eventually forgiveness of sin as The lame man a promise for forgiveness of sin as the lame man washes in the pool of Siloam in chapter 9
We'll see the washing of the disciples feet with water pointing to the future cleansing of their souls of their whole selves
Okay And so we just look at the text Just look at that text
Jesus is saying This you must have something that you don't previously possess you must
Be born again, you must be born of water and spirit unless one is born of water and spirit
Why would Jesus say you must be born from your mother and you must be born spiritually to enter the kingdom of God?
You must be born from your mother to enter the kingdom of God doesn't fit here. It has to be something else
It's not natural birth for water Water and spirit is something you need because you have yet to receive them
Nicodemus You have yet to receive Water and spirit, but you must have them to be born again
And not only can you not see this kingdom unless you're born of water and spirit, but you can't enter it either
You see that he says see then enter What is proposed by Jesus is a radical transformation
And nothing less Does this sound impossible to you?
Good it should It's impossible for you and I to manufacture this and that's how
Nicodemus felt This is only possible with God. It is that is 100 %
Jesus's point This is a new birth It's from above and from a cleansing of divine water and spirit
This radical new birth can only take place by the sovereign election of the
Father the forgiveness of sins and removal of guilt performed by the Son and the Regeneration of the
Holy Spirit in other words being born again is a trinitarian act
And it's not that dictionary definition described earlier. It's not a decision you make
It's not some sort of decision Okay It's not something that you just start and stop.
I'm born again. No, I'm not born again. I'm born again That's not how it happens
When God makes you born again, there's no going back. It's supernatural
Even you can't undo an act of God you can't undo what
God has done and rotten you you can't Do that If we can't create an act of God if we can't manufacture it
Then we certainly can't undo one and do you see this goes once again back to John 1 12 and verse 13
This won't be by blood This won't be by flesh and this won't be by the will of man this will be of God of God and by God he alone will make us children of God and let us enter the kingdom of God That was
John 1 12 and verse 13 He will make us children of God.
He will make us born again into those children If Nicodemus or anyone could have done this themselves then
Christ didn't need to come Nor would we need to be born anew if we could do this ourselves
But that's not the case We must have this new birth and only
God can perform it Because the natural man is spiritually dead. That's what the
Bible says He needs God to perform a resurrection for him.
We are all as if we are Lazarus in a tomb Dead unable to come forward and only by Jesus's power.
Can he make us alive again? That's the image We were spiritually dead we need a new heart we need a new spirit and God performs it and That means by the way, every time a sinner repents and turns to Christ that God did it
All the angels rejoice at that person's choice No He doesn't reach they don't rejoice at the choice when a sinner repents and turns to Christ They don't look at their they don't look down so to speak at the sinner who repented they turn their eyes to the one on The throne and said you did it again you
Oh Lord you saved again It is you who did this all the glory be to you for this person who has turned
Jesus continues on He expands on what he just said look at verses 6 through 8
That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit
Do not be amazed that I said to you you must be born again The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it
But do not know where it comes from comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the
Spirit? So in verse 6 Jesus says that which is born of the flesh is flesh.
He is finally in a way answering Nicodemus's confusion in verse 4 about being born a second time in his mother's womb
This is not flesh in the same way by the way that Paul makes it out to be Which is the very negative way of Sark's which is flesh
This is once again flesh being used in kind of the natural man sort of way, you know, not spiritual just natural flesh
That is how we ought to take it But it's like creation in a way
All things were made after their own kind after this kind and this kind so flesh begets flesh
Spirit begets spirit it comes forth from each one and they can't mix
They can't mix in that way They come after their own kind all whom are of the flesh can only bring forth that which is flesh
Think about it even even the most amazing things that the prophets did like Elijah they did it
Not by their own nature not by the flesh, but they did it only by the Spirit of God and Some of us keep trying to do this sort of thing even in our own walks with Christ We want to fix something in our lives or we want more self -control
Or we want to stop sinning in one area of life And we often try to solve it with the things of the natural man the flesh
If only I make the better schedule if only I have the better Accountability partner if only
I read the better book if only I follow the better program If only I do this if I if only
I do that then I'll stop sinning in this area We keep adding the natural man. Those things aren't bad.
They're good, but they cannot be Separate from what God has told us to do
Because when you do these things you're going to get fleshly results when you do these things only
We need we need God To help us deal with the jealousy with the gossip
With the lack of self -control with the anger We need the Spirit to assist us and that's why prayer is more necessary than you think
Your best tactic in battling your sin Will always be to ask
God to act by way of the Holy Spirit You have all these programs we have all these books
But we are not getting on our knees and going God I can't stop doing this unless your spirit helps me to stop doing it by the
Empowerment of the Holy Spirit is the only way I will stop doing this thing or that thing
We need to be praying more that that's what it points to Ask your God to bring forth his spirit to help you to fix these things
That's your biggest tactic run to that first then add all the other things.
Okay? so The Spirit brings forth that which is spirit it says
By the way, what that doesn't mean is that the Spirit makes people spiritual people
The Spirit doesn't make us spiritual, okay the
Spirit Bringing forth that which is spirit is to say a whole new thing is made.
We're not just made Spiritual we're made completely new what comes forth forth from the
Spirit is spirit He gives us a whole new nature We are no longer children of wrath, but children of God And so the kind of birth you and I need is not
With our mothers and fathers again. It is from our Heavenly Father My last comment on verse 6 is that although there is a contrast between flesh and spirit
Do you get how John has shown us how this can be remedied who can bridge the gap between flesh and spirit
Here's flesh and here's spirit. How can that be remedied? Jesus Spirit made flesh
He is the bridge between flesh and spirit He's the only one that can make people who are natural who are fleshly come forth and be of the
Spirit That is the whole point of what's happening here He can make fleshly man into spirit changed children the incarnation the coming of Christ is the solution
Part of the solution. That's why he's here But then Jesus tells
Nicodemus in verse 7 not to marvel or be astonished It's not hypothetical now, do you see that do not be amazed that I said to you you must be born again
It's not hypothetical anymore Nicodemus now has the duty to respond
He's got to have some sort of change take place to enter the kingdom of God and the Greek word by the way for you
And verse 7 is actually in the plural It means everyone it means you and me
Everyone in the whole world everyone who's been created must be born again They must be born of the water and spirit, but then if you look at verse 8 here's something a bit more parabolic
It's a little It's it's a little hard to interpret Verse 8 says the wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it
But do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit Jesus tells
Nicodemus why? Jesus tells Nicodemus why he should not be surprised about this new birth
But what exactly is Jesus saying here? the thing is the wind and the spirit share an
Unseen and mysterious quality. That's what he's trying to relate here in this analogy
The power is there though The result of them working are their wind or spirit
I Don't know when the spirit Will do something next
I don't know what he will do next just as much as I don't know when the wind Will change that's what it means one commentator says this concerning this verse
The point is that the wind can neither be controlled nor understood by human beings But that does not mean that we can't detect the winds effects
We hear it sound we watch the swaying grasses We see the clouds scutting by we hide in fear before the worst windstorms.
So it is with the spirit That's Jesus point We can neither control him nor understand him.
But that does that does not mean we cannot witness his effects Where the spirit works the effects are unmistakable and undeniable
That's the point of verse 8. This is a mysterious thing You Yourself are a mystery to the world
You're a mystery to the world something Supernatural has happened to your natural self the
Holy Spirit and dwells you but not others The power of sin has been broken in you while others are still enslaved to it we are different in the most amazing and peculiar way
And only God could have done that only God could have and lastly this also shows us in verse 8
That those who are born again The effects of the spirit in the life of a person will be visible
The wind blows and you see the effects you see the the flowers moving you see the tree swing
When the wind works you see its effects. The point is when the spirit works in your life, we will see the effects
It'll bear fruit People will be befuddled How can this be?
How can this person be so changed? How is she different? We knew her before what happened
You've maybe even heard that in your own life you're so different now your old friends will say
But ultimately being born again changes you Changes how you act changes what you look like it will be outwardly seen and For the man that I gave that gospel track to who seemed to not care or know about God But said he was born again.
I didn't see the effects of the wind I didn't see the effects of the spirit in his life
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope he's saved But there's going to be an outward manifestation
But going to our final verses verses 9 and 10 There's finally a response from the man
Nicodemus finally speaks. He says how can these things be? How can these things be?
Jesus answered and said to him are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things? And I'm certain there have been very few moments in the life of Nicodemus When he's been so desperate in his questions
He's almost speechless The representative of the Jews has lost his words before the representative of God No doubt
Nicodemus as a teacher of Israel has taught many people how to enter the kingdom of God Following God's commands his right dedication to God performing the necessary sacrifices, etc, etc.
But no That's not enough now Not anymore. It's possible.
He has picked up the analogies and symbolism from the Old Testament with water and spirit. It's possible
But he may be like I get it But how do these things happen? And we're going full circle now in verse 10
Are you are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things? how did this section of Scripture start
Nicodemus started by acknowledging that Jesus is a rabbi and a
Tadaskalos a teacher a rabbi and a teacher from God and by God and now we see
Jesus saying are you aren't you a teacher of Israel? John's made it clear to us
Nicodemus is high status. And once again, we see the role reversals The humbled is exalted.
I'm sorry the Humbled is exalted and the exalted is humbled, right?
That's what's happening here And ultimately what Nicodemus just lost in this dialogue was the title of teacher of Israel He's no longer fit
Because he doesn't even know these things he doesn't know how to enter the kingdom of God And if he doesn't know how could he be fit to teach the people of God?
on How to enter the kingdom of God? He's got to change himself The teacher has become the student with Nicodemus So church the theme of recreation continues on in the gospel according to John the eternal
Son of God created before he Creates now again and We must see the contrast that John has purposefully been trying to show us
Nicodemus is a man Jesus is the monogamous they us Nick Nicodemus came came by night
But Jesus is from the light and he is the light of all men Jesus is from above and Nicodemus is from below Jesus is the true teacher and rabbi and Nicodemus is the failed teacher of Israel.
That's the contrast and so we must be born again We must be born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom of God there is no other way
There is no side gate Jesus calls himself later in John the door and the way he is the door the gate.
He is the way there is no other And now people say though all the time
Well, I can find a way to please God myself. I could do it myself. I could do that.
I could be a good person I Could do all of that But even scripture speaks to that Romans 8 says
The mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God for it does not subject itself to the law of God For is not even able to do so and here it is and those
Who are in the flesh cannot please God? Those who are in the flesh cannot please
God and that's right We need radical transformation wrought by God through Jesus Christ Only then will our works be pleasing to a holy
God Paul tells us in the letter to the
Corinthians Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation the old things passed away behold the new things have come
Being born again is not just a religious experience or a spiritual experience, okay
The old things are dead that's what it means the old man the old woman is dead new things have come
And the one who is born again repents from sin and repents again and repents again and repents every day
They run to the one who changed them and save them and who will in turn preserve them And as I finish
I want to just give you a quick story I Remember in seminary as I went to specific classes
I You know we're creatures of habit, I think I see most of you sitting in typically the seats you always sit in That's what we do and so in seminary.
I would go to my desk where I typically sat and there would be Eddie I Was in my early 20s
Eddie was in his mid 40s possibly middle -aged man, and we would always sit next to each other
I Would go out of my way, and he would go out of his way to to be desk mates to sit next to one another and so I Was very fond of Eddie and I went
That school year seeing that he was a good man of God He was a great man of God only of course by what
God did not by what Eddie did But it struck me one day that I had never asked
Eddie. I said Eddie by the way How did you get saved? You know what did the
Lord do in your life? And so Eddie we're at a break We're at like a lunchtime break, and we're sitting at our desk waiting for the professor to start again
And Eddie tells me what happened in his life And he tells me Wade When I was just a few younger years younger than you 19 or so I forget what he said he said
I grabbed a gun and I went to a convenience store, and I robbed the convenience store, and I took that gun
By the way at this time I'm already shocked at what he's telling me He said I robbed a convenience store, and he says
I took that gun and I killed the young clerk. I murdered him I killed a man and I was just I Didn't know
I couldn't believe it Said well, how are you even here? And he said that's the thing that's the amazing thing is
Despite what he had done He spent
At least I believe two decades in prison he went to prison for many many years
He told me and When the trials would come up For whatever reason there there wasn't enough evidence even though he
He gave his testimony. He said he murdered the man There was some issues in the actual trial and so the judge had to throw it out completely
It was unbelievable He was set free He was declared not guilty by a judge
He was miraculously released from prison for good But in prison here's the thing
He heard the gospel of Jesus Christ He heard the gospel in prison, and he got saved and not guilty
Was pronounced by the eternal judge upon Eddie's life And he was a changed man
He was someone who is undoubtedly born again and Eddie After this
Would go back to prison But now not as an inmate Eddie went back to prison through his church doing prison ministry to bring the gospel to inmates in Arizona It's just amazing
It's amazing and he even though he was late in his he was in his mid -40s
He he got a wife and he has children and he's a changed man He murdered a man
But the Lord made him born again And that's what our Savior does Amen, that's what our
Savior does Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord, please bless the message that went out today
Lord I pray God that it was true that it was faithful to your word and God that it honored you
Lord I pray God today you would encourage your people who are born again
That they would see the glory of what it truly means to be born again that they've been made completely new
They didn't see it with their own eyes because the flesh has nothing to do with it It was something that the
Spirit did It's something that you did Lord. You gave us new natures. You gave us new hearts and you put your spirit within us and you
Sprinkled us with clean water. You poured out your spirit on us And you made us new
We thank you for creating again Lord Jesus for recreating for making us new