Dec. 24, 2017 Deliverance Foretold and Accomplished by Pastor Josh Sheldon


Dec. 24, 2017 Deliverance Foretold and Accomplished Isa. 7:1-17 Pastor Josh Sheldon


Bible's back just a couple of chapters from where Dale read to you in Isaiah This morning.
We will look at Isaiah chapter 7 verses 1 through 17 Which is where of course
Matthew in what Dale read to you from the gospel of Matthew he looks back to this incident
Which will be our text for the preaching this morning And he says that this was done in order to fulfill what was said by the
Prophet here is that passage Isaiah chapter 7
I'll read verses 1 through 17 in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham king of Uzziah king of excuse me
Let me start again in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham son of Uzziah king of Judah Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Romalia the king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to wage war against it
But could not yet mount an attack against it when the house of David was told Syria is in league with Ephraim the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as The trees of the forest shake before the wind and the
Lord said to Isaiah go out to meet Ahaz you and Shear Joshua your son at the end of the conduit of the upper pool on the highway of the washers field and Say to him be careful be quiet Do not fear and do not let your hearts be faint because of those two
Smoldering stumps of firebrands at the fierce anger of resin and Syria and the son of Romalia Because Syria with Ephraim and the son of Romalia has divide devised evil against you saying let us go up against Judah and Terrify it and let us conquer it for ourselves and set up the son of Tabeal as king in the midst of it
Thus says the Lord it shall not stand and it shall not come to pass
For the head of Syria is Damascus and the head of Damascus is resin within 65 years
Ephraim will be broken to pieces so that it will no longer be a people and The head of Ephraim is
Samaria and the head of Samaria is the son of Romalia If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all
Again, the Lord spoke to Ahaz ask a sign of the Lord your God. Let it be deep as shoal or high as heaven but Ahaz said
I will not ask and I will not put the Lord to the test and He said here then
Oh house of David Is it too little for you to weary man that you worry God weary my
God also Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign behold the
Virgin Virgin shall conceive and bear a child as you call his name Emmanuel He shall eat curds and honey when he knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good
For before the boy knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good the land whose two kings you dread will be deserted
The Lord will bring upon you and upon your people and upon your father's house Such days as have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah the king of Assyria you know, there's a constant and recurring problem in the affairs of men and It's simply this that men mankind.
I mean men in the most general generic sense the most ubiquitous way I can say it Mankind needs deliverance
We need to be delivered. We we could just as easily say we need to be saved
From something saved from any number of things from the ravages of disease that were introduced into the world through sin
From enemies who seek to destroy us or others for their own advancement because of their own avarice
We need be saved from violence perpetrated by wicked men on helpless victims That we meet need salvation that we need to be delivered is
Nothing new whether the crisis is spiritual or of a more mundane nature whether it be global dilemma
Or just a difficult neighbor It's deliverance that we need.
I just read to you from Isaiah one of the more dramatic crises that came upon God's people
Judah and This is Syria zero Israelite alliance against the small nation of Judah And when
I say that zero s -y -r -o that refers to Syria and We could say
Israelite or Ephraimite Ephraim being a synonym for Israel this Two -nation alliance against the small nation of Israel what we call the southern kingdom
Where after the civil war that occurred? for Rehoboam Solomon's son
They split and ten tribes went to the north that's Israel two tribes stayed in Jerusalem.
That's Judah the nation of Judah and So we come in Isaiah 7 the historical incident
That Matthew looks back upon when he says this is what was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ Behold the
Virgin shall conceive and bear a child in that day
Isaiah's day standing before the king soon after that that was fulfilled in that first initial sense and Matthew looks back and said here's the ultimate here's the final the birth of Jesus Christ And here's the incident here is the historical record of what he is looking back upon this invasion or this not an invasion, but this this alliance this axis if you will between these two nations
Syria and Israel Came about seven hundred and thirty -five years before the birth of Christ and The entire incident though incident might be too small for such a huge problem
It's the prehistory if you will of the birth of Jesus Christ And so I thought it good in this
Advent season to look at this text and particularly Isaiah 7 and With this close out this short series
We've done on the Advent and let's look and see what it was exactly that was fulfilled and ultimately fulfilled pre -typified if you will back then to be completed in the
Lord Jesus Christ I Think the first thing we have to do and this is the way to approach any sort of dilemma
The first thing we have to do is understand just what the problem is If we don't know what the problem is we'll attack it in all kinds of different ways
That address all kinds of problems, but maybe not the problem that we want to solve
So what is the problem or what are the problems? Well at the outset we know that Judah this smaller two tribe nation of the south is under threat of invasion by this alliance of two nations
So at the outset, they're terribly outnumbered. They would be outnumbered by either one of those nations of their own
And of course if you look at a map and you see where Syria is coming from you look and see where Israel be coming from They're caught in a terrible pincher site type of movement that they can do nothing about they have no
Military resources to go out and meet this and stop either nation from coming together
Meeting together making a massive army and coming against this small nation of Judah So to say it's a problem understates the case
Judah had been on this up -and -down cycle for centuries as they Alternated between good kings and pretty good kings and some kings who were better than awful and some kings who were downright evil
The current king this a has who the Prophet Isaiah came to He fits very well into that last category a downright evil king
So what is the problem that needs to be addressed? Well on the material level? You got these armies coming
And it's known what their objective is to take out Jerusalem to take out
King a has which means put him to death and Install their own king who would be a good ally for them later someone who cooperate with them.
That's the problem and The problem is that Judah this nation under military threat is
Led by a king who is downright wicked He doesn't lead well the
Proverbs says where there is no guidance which under him they had none You can read in Chronicles how he left the temple phone to disrepair and he used what was left of the temple for Idolatry type of worship where there is no guidance of people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there's safety a has was a weak leader
And in a way him being a weak leader was a good thing Now it might sound funny to your ear, but how could it be good that a king is a weak leader he was good
Because if he had been a good leader He would have led them more
Effectively into his style of worship into his ways So thank
God he was a weak leader and that the entire nation didn't follow him and those who were kind of stepping into His type of worship weren't fully and completely immersed in it though Even stepping and put your toe in the water to test it out is a terrible grievous sin against God But had a has been a strong effective charismatic if you will type of leader
I Believe Judah would have plunged into that much quicker Second Chronicles 20 says of him he a has did not do what was right in the eyes of the
Lord as his father David Had done, but he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel he even made metal images for the bells and he made offerings in the valley of the son of Hinnom and Burned his sons as an offering
According to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel and he sacrificed and made offerings on the high
Places and on the hills under every green tree better that this king who would have led them in these ways
Better that he be incompetent Because if he had been other than that, this is where he would have led them
So they're in bad enough shape already without taking this final plunge And he was as weak militarily as he was spiritually
They have a lot of problems here in Isaiah chapter 7 is not just two nations coming at them's two nations coming at them who are far more numerous than they are strategically better located
He's a weak leader in any case and his spirituality is of the worst sort militarily
He was completely incompetent His great -great -great grandfather Ahaziah had won back to Judah a land called
Eloth You can see it there in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula He had won it back from Syria, but under Ahaz's weakness
It went right back into their hands So here he is Isaiah 7
Warned of this impending attack by his kinsmen in Israel and their alliance with Syria Syria being traditionally enemies to both nations, but now allied with one of them
And what does he do? What does he do? What do we do in times of crisis times of surprise
Events swirling about us so quickly that we can't stop. We can't gather ourselves. We can't think through the situation line up the options
We just have to act right now. And what do we do then? We fall back on the old patterns
We fall back on what is familiar to us And I would suggest as we'll see a has did we'll get to that in a moment
We fall back on what we can see and touch The invisible
God is just that he is invisible and we walk by faith We walk by faith not by sight and how difficult it is
When crisis comes upon us To keep our eyes fixed on heaven to be looking to the cross of Jesus Christ What did
Ahaz do? Well, he did what? C .s. Lewis says we all do when
Something unexpected comes upon us our first reaction our instinctive response shows what the nature really is
Shows what's really behind us This is what
Ahaz did Ahaz When warned of this crisis coming upon his rule
He led by falling back on his nature So what happens first?
Well first it says in the scripture that his heart shook like the trees of the forest shake before the wind
That's a very colorful. That's a very informative description Think of the sequoia tree the largest tree on the planet
And because a few hours south of us in Sequoia National Park name for that tree We have them and you can look at them.
Obviously their trunk is enormous I don't have the statistics for you.
It's enormous and looking up and trying to see the height of it You can almost fall over backwards. It can make you dizzy to see it and yet that enormous majestic tree the largest living plant on the earth
It sways in the wind It goes back and forth It's unable to resist this force
But the picture here in Ahaz in Isaiah Of their hearts fluttering like the trees in the wind
It's something different than that huge majestic tree It's a much smaller tree.
Think of a quaking aspen Which doesn't just bend with the wind the way a sequoia does but it gives in entirely to the wind
It's just shaking. It can't do anything about it. It can't stand there. It's tottering It's bending and giving way and surrendering if you will to the wind
And this is the picture we have here. So what's his first response? He's scared
He's frightened And what happens next? The people follow him
You see the king being scared and frightened you're going to be too If for no other reason it's the king who has to call the army to arms and he's too scared to do so And second we find
Ahaz Trying to find ways out Trying to find an escape route
And again, here is where it becomes so important. We walk by faith not by sight He's walking by sight and has no relationship to faith because he's going to walk to things he can see and touch
He makes an alliance for himself and with whom? with Assyria Now understand there's a difference between Syria and Assyria two completely different nations
Syria as we have it today Well, that conflict is going on even now
S -y -r -i -a that's Syria. Assyria. It only sounds the same capital a
S -s -y -r -i -a So listen carefully because if I switch back and forth you have to know which one i'm talking about Two entirely different nations syria and assyria ahaz goes to Assyria a rising power and known for battlefield success
And beyond battlefield success known for the extreme cruelty with which they treated conquered people
They ruled with an iron hand the tortures that they Foisted upon people even after their surrender even after they've been completely conquered
Are almost legendary and in fact the the kings of assyria Boasted about it.
We have archaeological evidence where they listed out in gruesome detail the tortures that they put on people
Just to show the survivors Not to mess with them And we have these steels where they actually boasted of these things.
This is assyria With whom the king of judah the king of god's people of all people went and allied himself with Ahaz seeks help from them leading the only way he knew how
Not calling people to trusting god But calling them to quake Like the trees in the wind
And to go with him to this nation this awful pagan idolatrous violent wicked cruel nation add the adjectives if it's a bad adjective it will probably fit
Assyria and that's where he goes I want to ask you for a moment
Have you ever wondered? Why? When ahaz is told by god
Well through the prophet isaiah, but isaiah known to be a prophet of the lord a true prophet
Isaiah who knew his way around the royal palace and had access to the royalty during his entire ministry
And here he is telling him ask for a sign ask for anything you want Ahaz knowing that he's hearing from a prophet of the lord.
Have you ever wondered why he wouldn't ask? He disobeyed the lord to his face
Deliverance is promised to him and all he is told to do is choose a sign
Any sign he wants in order to satisfy himself to give him confidence that god's word of deliverance
From this dilemma is a true word And that god will as he does with all his word
Fulfill it he will do as he promised Have you ever wondered?
Why he didn't accept the offer and ask for a sign? I mean has anyone else ever been offered this by god?
God says in essence i'll do whatever you say and think of this the lord god the creator
Has in a manner of speaking and I choose my words carefully Put himself under the authority of this wicked king says, okay this once You tell me what to do
And i'll do it now. It's not exactly that way. God never gives his power or his sovereignty or his glory or his holiness to another
But in the literature as we're reading this thing as you are reading this for the first time 800 or so years ago
When it was written Sorry longer than that, but long time ago You are reading this not in a theological sense that god
Doesn't put himself under anybody's authority. God has just said if you say it, I will do it
And he demurs He won't do it The lord god is speaking to one of israel's worst kings an idolater who sacrificed his own children to a foreign god
Just told him that the alliance against him won't be successful And he won't do it
Have you ever wondered why? well, we need to turn to second kings chapter 16
Second king 16 just one verse is going to explain this to us And here's the reason ahaz didn't go to Didn't ask for the confirming sign.
He didn't want that sign. Here's the reason why and here's the reason why dear ones We Don't go to god
Here's the reason why so often we will not ask so And this is upon hearing of this syrian israelite threat
So a has sent messengers to tiglath pileser king of assyria as i was saying before this is where he went for his help
Saying I am your servant and your son Come up and rescue me from the hand of the king of syria and from the hand of the king of israel who are attacking me
And when I was back in high school back in the 70s Gangs were really a big problem It's not just unique to this day today
And if one gang or a member of that gang who was a member in good standing of that gang took a dislike to you
We only had a couple of choices you could stand up and defend yourself against that one But that meant against that one and all who stood with him
Or you can allow yourself with a gang and put yourself in that group So that to get to you they'd have to go through all of them
This is what ahaz is doing He's really just looking for another gang a bigger gang a more powerful gang and there was nobody at that time in that area more powerful bigger a more protective kind of gang than assyria
So why didn't ahaz ask for a sign Why don't we We have a dilemma before us
When we have choices to make that we know are important choices Choices to make that we know the lord god in his scripture has addressed.
Why don't we? Why didn't ahaz? It's very clear here He didn't
And I have to say I don't think we do because of the same reason we don't because of what
Drove him not to is simply this he had already decided what to do He'd already gone to assyria he'd already sent this message to this pagan violent cruel king the one boasting of the tortures
That he inflicted upon people He'd already decided And gone there
How easy it is to run to man? Who we can see? And not to god who we can't how easy it is to claim god as our god
And then trust in something other than him when it really is when the chips are down When it's really important Because we've already decided what to do
We don't want to hear the truth proclaimed from a pulpit We don't want to go to a pastor and ask for counsel
Or ask a brother or sister because we've already decided That i'm going to do this little cheat on my taxes
Or abandon this relationship And I don't want to hear it from a brother or a sister or a pastor or anyone else
Who will show me the right way because i've already decided that this is the way i'm going to do
So I will not ask for a sign I won't tempt the lord. It sounds so pious
I already have in my mind what the lord has told me to do and I don't want to hear anybody object to it a has
Has this promise centuries before paul wrote it to us? No, temptation is overtaking you that is not common to man
God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability But with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape
That you may be able to endure it. This was handed to ahaz by god himself Now god, of course knew all things
About ahaz and this alliance he was trying to make with assyria and yet says you don't have to give into that temptation
I have given you a way of escape What is the way of escape?
Well, it's twofold It's my word. You just heard that that alliance will not stand
And it's ask for a sign Whatever you want to confirm that word to give you confidence
That I will do what I said. I will do you can ask he was given a way of escape
And as we so often do He says but i've already decided what i'm going to do
I'm going to this king this tiglath pilosar Whom I can see I can touch
I can watch his horses assemble And the spears and the swords and the shields that his men will carry
That's where i'm going I Have already decided what to do.
That's why he didn't take the sign. That's why he wouldn't ask god You see faith is an easy road when everything is smooth and easy
It's the hard path that tries us. That's when our true colors show If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all
Does that not ring through the centuries to us today? If you're not firm in the faith, you will not be firm at all
If you don't look to the scripture, you won't follow the scripture If you don't ask for counsel in many counselors, there's safety
Of a pastor of a brother of a sister My goodness to bend our knee and ask the lord with our scriptures open
You will not stand at all you will be joining ahaz If you're not firm in faith
You will not be firm at all that as a warning to all of us For the christian there is faith or there is failure.
There's nothing in between For from god's eyes without faith his pleasure is impossible because all that is not from faith is what?
Sin This ahaz this king for whose sake the prophecy of emmanuel god with us was given
For his sake the hope of a virgin birth was first heard Not because he was good not because he repented or sought the lord or anything like that second chronicles chapter 28
Beginning of verse 22 says this of him in the time of his distress. He became yet more faithless to the lord stop
In the time of our distress when we don't take that first step towards the lord and we take the easier path
The path we can see and touch and smell and hear we go that worldly way
It's a hard one to come off of dear ones It's hard to step back our pride says no
I chose this i'm staying on this I've got a plan. I've got a way to accomplish these things
Very hard To come backwards Or better yet even just to turn around and walk back and get onto the other path
He became yet more faithless to the lord this same king ahaz For he sacrificed to the gods of damascus that had defeated him and said because the gods of the kings of syria helped them
I will sacrifice To them that they may help me But they were the ruin of him and of all israel
This is the incident. This is the surrounding context of isaiah 7 which I read to you earlier He's offered a sign anything.
He would see the lord do to confirm his promised deliverance and he demurred Hey gideon asked for a sign and he received several you remember with that cloak
And the dew here and the dew there and it's wet and it's dry god Did it and gave him that confidence?
He went forth He finally obeyed hezekiah asked for a sign and the sun died went back a few degrees.
He believed and he went forth in confidence When god proves himself was a which is a condescension of his grace.
No one calls him down from heaven No one requires him to do anything This brings with it responsibility
Responsibility to believe Responsibility to act upon what he has revealed of himself
You know the lord Can be markedly inconvenient Can he not? Our thoughts
And the ways they lead us are not his thoughts And they usually don't put us in the ways that he would have for us
The lord if we open our bibles God almighty if we should pray
Seek counsel He can really get in the way of things Ahab's wouldn't even ask
With the prophet of the lord right before him Because he didn't want to go there. He wanted to do what he wanted to do
No one here is in a position where god's chastising hand against us is likely to change the course of nations
But there are consequences when we who claim christ as savior fail to follow his word i'm not going to affect history
I'm, not going to be anywhere Except in a few records here at the church at home an obituary maybe
But I do affect my wife I do affect my son
I affect all of you who come to this place and call this your spiritual home we do affect people within a sphere
And the more authority the scriptures give us within that sphere the more our example
Has effect on those around us who are looking to us Be like king ahas
And go to assyria for help Well take assyria out put in a blank and filling go to any manly worldly fleshly ways for help
Well That's just proving that our heart is fluttering like a tree in the wind a small little sapling kind of tree
And we'll be followed that way As judah followed ahaz their hearts fluttered with the kings the lord through the prophet
Gives the sign that the king Wouldn't ask for It sounds so pious.
I'm not going to test the lord No, i'm not going to ask the lord I'm not going to put him to the test because i'm too holy
I'm too sanctified No I'm too proud I'm too arrogant.
I'm too determined to go my own way. I have no faith whatsoever
That's really how stark this is And so the lord Who of course knows all things?
And knew from eternity past that this incident would play out exactly as it did because he decreed it
And yet even knowing all that and the theology behind what I just said is absolutely correct
Even knowing all that had ahaz asked for a sign He would have gotten it. What could he have asked for?
I didn't make up any illustrations or or crazy things. He could have asked for it to present to you But what if he asked for the moon to go out of the sky for half an hour then to come back to it?
God would have done that with a snap of his fingers And ahaz could have seen that and said this alliance between my brethren in israel
And syria will not fail because I just saw the moon go away Perhaps he could have drained the oceans
And filled them back up anything Well, he wouldn't
And the lord then says here's the sign that was from eternity past ordained decreed
A sign so much bigger than those examples. I just gave you moons going away oceans being drained and refilled
Whatever the case here's something even greater Therefore the lord himself will give you a sign and here it is
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name emmanuel
In 735 bc this child must have been the prophet isaiah's son maharashala
Which is a name that means something about the plunder being taken speedily A reminder that the end of the threat that might have caused such damage in such plundering
The end of the threat had been prophesied and accomplished by the lord. So when the threat goes away when those nations are no longer there
They look back and say the lord Said this would happen. The lord said he would do this
The young woman who had that child If not ahaz himself would then look and say with that threat gone god with us
Surely god is with us because he gave his word And then he accomplished his word
And now we are safe god with us If the prophet says that god's ways are not our ways.
Here is one of the clearest examples Ahaz looking to man for help trusting into serious horses
So he's acting by looking for strength, how does god act? by child
By child ahaz did the expedient. He did even the logical thing And god says no do not go by say but by sight but go by faith trust the word
I have spoken to you look to the confirming sign that I have given trust me to do what i have said
The prophet said that the campaign against them shall not stand it shall not come to pass
Historically Even in the scriptures, but historically it didn't It did not stand it did not come to pass those two allied nations were defeated
Syria was conquered a few years later and after that in 722 BC israel was destroyed
And those were both by assyria God by his might by his providential mastery over every event in history brought them down just as he said he would and this
Is the context? That matthew borrowed to explain christ's birth
This is it He says all this took place to fulfill what the lord had spoken by the prophet
And then he quotes what the prophet had said behold the virgin shall conceive and bear his son and they shall call his name emmanuel god with us
When god accomplishes his word to you It gives you that way of escape
You can say god with us god with me God accomplish his word through me when we acknowledge
Much less conquer Some sin that has beset us for many years Is that not a confirming sign?
That god is true to his word that his spirit is in you if your faith is in the lord jesus christ
And you can then say with these people in 735 bc who saw the end of that military threat god with us god with me
All the promises of the word every time he accomplishes in you What he says he will
You can make this claim god is with us Matthew said all this took place
He's talking about the all the circumstances surrounding jesus conception and birth all this took place to fulfill what the lord has spoken
So mary's pregnancy taking place without any physical union with her betrothed husband, but by the holy spirit joseph's unwillingness to expose her to shame and public disgrace to exercise his right of divorce, but to do so quietly
That took place to fulfill what the lord spoke The angel's intervention and joseph's obedience
And his very name his name will be jesus for he will save his people from their sins
The first emmanuel was a token of god's promise to save his people from the zero ephraimite threat
To say that god used the occasion says too little God decreed all of it by his eternal will your word.
Oh lord says the psalmist is forever cast in the heavens The god's deliverance then made good his eternal word in time emmanuel god with us is this towering
Memorial to god's faithfulness and his care for his people The first emmanuel
Could only hint at the true and final emmanuel In 735 bc god was with his people from afar
He spoke to them through a prophet. He sent his word, but he did it through a man's mouth Inspired yes
And in erin yes, and yet it was still god Going through the conduit of a man
From heaven he sent forth his word and his will that the axis against judah would be done for But in the final emmanuel in the jesus christ
For whom the first emmanuel was given as a hint as a as a typical Word of what he would be what god would do finally with us as he is with us
In the final emmanuel he's not with us from afar speaking through the mouth of a prophet
In that emmanuel in jesus christ our lord He's with us in person
And here is the message of his deliverance the gospel of his son
Salvation A has refused to ask for the Confirming sign, but he got one anyway, which is the sign of emmanuel the sign of god with us the same sign
Whether you will ask for it or not has been given Jesus is that emmanuel he is god with us not mediated by the prophet
But as god himself as the word become flesh. He speaks not for god
As isaiah and the prophets did so faithfully do but he speaks as god
The eternal god has come to us in the flesh and blood person of his son. Jesus. This is the sign of emmanuel
I say to you You need to be delivered Ask for a sign
You may say to me. I don't need to be delivered I won't ask for a sign because I don't want it or i've already been delivered in this way
And I don't need your sign. God has given a sign He has sent his son jesus christ god in the flesh
The word the eternal word the word that was with god and always was god that word became flesh and dwelt among us
He's emmanuel and he is that final sign You'll not ask for a sign
Ahaz didn't ask for a sign he refused You don't want to see the sign
God Has didn't want to see the sign He went down in history as one of the worst most wicked kings of judah
The sign's been given the lord himself will give you a sign The birth of jesus christ by the virgin not just a young woman as in 735 bc
Physically virgin Mary God with us is his her son
His name shall be jesus That's greek for joshua. It means god is salvation All this was fulfilled to confirm that word
Or according to that word of the prophet his name too is part of that fulfillment god with us is god is salvation
The sign of emmanuel is god's word that for all who believe the gospel that jesus is that he embodies your deliverance
And that is as certain as was judah's deliverance from the enemies But the deliverance that god with us the ultimate the final one for whom isaiah 7 was only a preparation
Speaks not of deliverance from an army marching through the desert to come to your city knock down your walls and take you captive Jesus comes to bring eternal life
Not just deliverance here and now Not from an enemy who you can see and touch
But from the enemy of your soul Your adversary whether you know he's there or not
His deliverance is the final one god with us is a sign that god will do what he says
He will do he will deliver you if you will repent of your sins You need to repent The king can't do it for you.
I can't do it for you your mother your father No one can do that. You must repent of your sins
And god has given you the confirming sign in the birth of his son. Jesus You must put your faith in him
Your trust in him You must look and say god has given me the sign the sign of emmanuel
And that sign just as it was a sign of deliverance in 735 bc Is a sign of deliverance in 2017 today in a few days 2018
This is what it means that god is with us And he's with us in christ. Jesus our lord if you will but repent and believe the sign that he's given
You will be saved. There's nothing more important On any sunday much less the eve before what we call advent day or christmas day.
Nothing more important than this That you will acknowledge yourself to be a sinner in need of redemption in need of deliverance in need of salvation
Which is granted only to those Whose faith is in the lord. Jesus christ who is that sign and god has given the sign
That you may know his deliverance will come if you will but follow his word and repent and believe this gospel that jesus emmanuel
God his salvation came to bring us. Amen Lord god, we again.
Thank you for Time together in your word. We thank you father for You condescending to give us signs to confirm your word
And yet your word is enough. You've given us your spirit to open our eyes to your word
We have our bibles before us and yet father even in our life in the here and now you give signs to confirm our faith
And for these things we give you thanks I pray that we would follow you more and more closely as we go on in life