Osteen Says There's A BIG TRANSFER Coming Your Way!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about good old Joel Osteen. But before we begin, let me establish, this is not meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
For those of you who don't know, Joel Osteen is probably the foremost health and wealth and prosperity gospel teacher in the world today.
I know he is in the United States. He has a ginormous congregation that calls itself Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.
I recently had the displeasure of watching a sermon of his in which he made a pretty astounding claim.
Watch this. I want to talk to you today about a transfer is coming. We all have dreams and goals we want to accomplish.
We know God's put it in our heart, start a business, build that orphanage, to send our children to college, but we don't have the means to do it.
We don't have the resources, the position, the influence, seems like we're limited. But the scripture says the wealth of the ungodly is laid up for the righteous.
One version says it will be transferred into the hands of the righteous. You may not be able to accomplish your dreams on your own.
What's in your heart is too big for your bank account. You have the vision. You want to leave your family better, but you don't have the position.
The good news is a transfer is coming. So Joel Osteen rightly recognizes that you probably have goals and you probably have dreams, but you cannot accomplish them on your own.
But don't worry because Joel also says that a transfer is coming. A transfer.
There's a big transfer of wealth, status, health, influence, etc. Everything good coming your way.
How great does that sound? And to prove this, he quotes Proverbs 13 .22, which says this, quote, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous, end quote.
Well, I guess that's all there is to it then. Joel Osteen is correct. If you're truly righteous, you're going to be filthy rich and leave an inheritance for all of the generations that come after you.
And if you're poor or if you're just middle class, well, then you must be one of those wicked people whose wealth got transferred to someone who attends
Joel Osteen's church. I mean, Proverbs 13 says it right there, right? The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous.
End of story. Easy there, cowboy. Let's look at the context. The passage does not say any of that, and I can prove it to you.
First, we have to note that this comes from the book of Proverbs, and we must understand what a proverb is if we are to rightly understand the book that is full of them.
Proverbs 1, 5 -6 says this, quote, let the wise hear and increase in learning, and to the one who understands, obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles, end quote.
So we need to understand the sayings and the, quote, riddles of the wise. But let me ask a question here.
If the literal meaning of every proverb is directly applicable to all Christians immediately right now, then why would we need understanding to grasp these sayings?
Shouldn't it be painfully obvious to all of us what these things mean? Why are these called the riddles of the wise?
Why not call them the list of promises and guarantees of the wise? Well, because it's not that simple.
And the irony here is that Joel is quoting from the book of Wisdom, yet he demonstrates precisely the kind of foolishness that the book warns about.
The Hebrew word for riddle there is chida, and if you do just a brief study on it, you will find that it means one of these things.
Riddle, difficult question, parable, enigmatic saying or question, perplexing saying or question.
So these proverbs are not meant to be seen as an easy formula, two plus two equals four, all the time.
No, they're meant to be meditated on, chewed on, studied diligently, contextually applied.
This is what the book of Proverbs actually says about itself. It doesn't say that these are obvious sayings, but that they are enigmatic sayings that you need wisdom to apply.
Joel Osteen, well, he doesn't care about any of that. He wants to give you a cheap 20 something minute motivational speech every
Sunday. So with that said, how do we understand the passage he quoted? If it doesn't mean what he said, then what does it mean?
How do we understand this? Well, Proverbs 13, 22 ends by saying, quote, the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous.
Does this mean that there's an imminent transfer coming into your life? No. Look at the section just before that in the verse.
It says, quote, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, end quote.
So by Joel Osteen's standard of interpretation of this passage, if you do not leave a large inheritance, not just for your children, but also for your grandchildren, then you're not good.
You're not being a good person. You're not following the Bible. But in Matthew 19, 21, Jesus tells the rich young ruler to quote, sell what you possess and give to the poor end quote.
But how can you leave a large inheritance if you give away your money? Is Joel going to claim that Jesus Christ was telling this man to be unrighteous?
Of course not. Let's read another proverb. Proverbs 30, verse eight says, quote, give me neither poverty nor riches.
Feed me with the food that is needful for me. Lest I be full and deny you and say, who is the
Lord? Or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God, end quote. But wait,
I thought we were supposed to be expecting and asking for eagerly wanting a transfer of great wealth.
Why would any wise person like the one writing this proverb ask for neither poverty nor riches?
I thought a large transfer of riches was already on its way to us, according to Joel Osteen. Interesting how that works.
Proverbs 30, verse 17, quote, the eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother will be picked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by vultures, end quote.
When's the last time you heard Joel Osteen preach on that proverb? Probably never. So should every child who's scorned their mother or father or disobeyed them be fearfully waiting for ravens to pluck out their eyeballs?
If they see a black bird circling high above in the sky, should they start running for their lives? Obviously not.
This is simply a principle meant to convey the biblical truth that scorning one's mother and father will not lead to good things.
But of course Joel Osteen wants to pick and choose some particularly prosperity gospel sounding proverbs and use them as promises of God, which of course they were never meant to be.
The wealth of the sinner is says Joel. It's coming your way. Really?
Well, Jesus was the most righteous person who ever lived and his righteousness, well, that enraged the people into killing him.
He died poor and homeless with virtually all of his closest friends abandoning him. Paul died without a wealth transfer.
Peter died without this wealth transfer. Are you more righteous than all of these people? Are you privy to some super secret information that they were unaware of?
And if so, where did you get this information, Joel? And why did God give it only to you and not to his chosen apostles?
These are good questions, but Joel Osteen and his followers can't answer them. They're too busy thinking about money.
You see, there have been many righteous men throughout all of history who did not leave a large monetary inheritance to their children's children.
There have been many dedicated Christians who have not received this big wealth transfer because you're not guaranteed a wealth transfer as a
Christian. Yet, at the same time, the proverb Joel Osteen quoted is still true because all of God's word is true.
For one example, the wealth of the wicked lazy man is very often as a general rule stored up for the righteous hard -working man.
Just as Proverbs 13, 4 says, quote, the soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied, end quote.
Again, this isn't a universal guarantee. It's a quick and fast general saying that requires context and wisdom to apply and understand.
When you do not understand the Proverbs correctly, it leads to disastrous conclusions. Indeed, the book of Proverbs says that itself.
Proverbs 26, verse 9 says, quote, like a thorn that goes up into the hand of a drunkard is a proverb in the mouth of a fool, end quote.
So you can use a wise proverb in a foolish way. That's exactly what happened here. You see, the truth is the
Proverbs are principles for wise and holy living. They are not ironclad individual promises that you can use to accomplish all of your wildest dreams.
And until Joel Osteen understands this, he will continue the foolishness and continue deceiving thousands of people.
And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from some high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Joel and for his deceived congregation that they would stop this falsehood by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's word.
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