F4F | Debunking White Christian Nationalism - Part 1


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F4F | Debunking White Christian Nationalism - Part 2

F4F | Debunking White Christian Nationalism - Part 2

Welcome to, well, this isn't really an installment of Fighting for the Faith, and let me explain why.
This is a video pointing you to a video, and it has to be this way, and the reason being is this, is that we are going to be covering the
Bible -twisting and false doctrines and teachings of an ideology known as white
Christian nationalism, and as a result of that, we cannot post the video here on YouTube, because the
YouTube algorithm doesn't make a distinction between those who are criticizing a hateful ideology and those who are promoting it.
So by merely playing the soundbites that are necessary to do the teaching so that you now know how to defend yourself and your family and your church against white
Christian nationalists, especially the Mollerites, that if we played those soundbites here at YouTube, we would risk losing our entire channel as a result of that.
So we can't do that. So we're going to be good stewards of the gift that God has given us in our YouTube channel, and we are going to say that this episode of Fighting for the
Faith is up, and you can view it by following the link below. It'll say, this is the link to watch the full video.
This is going to be the first installment of multiple installments on this topic, because it's too big of an issue to deal with one episode.
It's just, it can't be done. In fact, I'm kind of thinking through, having just recorded the first installment of this, we're probably looking at four, five, six episodes dealing with white
Christian nationalism. That may be where we're going to end up going with this, because it's that big of an issue.
But the first installment, it does not disappoint. We really go hard after the
Bible twisting that's involved in white Christian nationalism, especially the Molerate version of it, so that you can start to be able to think biblically and critically against this ideology that is posing as Christian piety, but is anything but.
So again, go to the link down below and watch the first installment of our debunking of the claims of white
Christian nationalists. Again, you'll find this helpful. So until next time, may God richly bless you, grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross.