Matt Slick Live: July 1, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 07-01-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Review of Last Week’s Debate on Faith vs. Works Is There a Difference Between Committing a Sin and Practicing Sin Is Mary Blessed or Are Those Who Hear and Keep The Word of God Cessationism Debate Now Available Can Roman Catholics Be Saved Despite RCC Official Doctrine Does The RCC Accept Islam As It Is July 01, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, and your list of Matt Slick Live.
Hey, if you want to give me a call, as usual, just dial 877 -207 -2276, and you can get in line and we can talk.
It's easy. And if you want, you can email me at info at karm .org.
Info at karm .org. And all you have to do there is put in the subject line, radio comment or radio question, and we can get to the month's
Fridays. Now, speaking of Fridays and stuff. This Friday, Thursday and Friday will not be on the air because it's the holidays.
So, you know, we're going to work it. They will have some replays on.
It will all be on today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. Alright, alright, alright, alright.
What I'm probably going to start doing on the first and third Wednesdays of each month is interview a specialist in a certain field.
And I'm going to call it Karm Talks. I'm working on developing a channel inside of the Karm videos and things like that, so I'm probably going to end up doing that.
And so we'll have some guests on, so I'll give you more information about that later. Also, the debate that I was in last week is up and running.
And maybe I can get it by the time of the end of the next break. I can go through there and hopefully get it figured out.
So, let's see. I think that's working. Everything should be working. Everything should be working.
I don't know if it's not working or why or what, but there you go.
We'll just see it figured out. Alright, like I said, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
We have nobody waiting right now. So yesterday I went to the
Roman Catholic Church again. And so it was interesting.
It was. Okay, let's see.
There we go. We almost always have problems at the beginning of the show. So I went in there with a friend of mine.
It was the second time I'd been to this particular church. Now, if you're a Catholic and some people say,
I'm going to end up becoming Catholic, that's never going to happen. I'm going to tell you, the service is really nice.
I can see why people would like to go into a service where everything is structured. You stand up, sit down, kneel, you do all the things at a specific time.
It gives a person a sense of purpose and connection. And they believe the
Roman Catholic Church is the true church. And so they willingly submit to it and the things with it.
Well, a couple of things were interesting. Actually, more than a couple. The music was really nice and the service was pleasant.
It really was, I'm being honest. And they had a girl singing something. Oh, man, her voice was good.
Wow, it was just beautiful. And the acoustics in the room were really good. And so I could see why people, 200, 300 people were there.
And they were just obediently standing up, sitting down, kneeling, chanting.
And I just kept looking around and shaking my head. The deception that is so prevalent around them and they don't care.
They don't, they're not interested in the truth of the Bible. They think they have it.
And the priest got up and did his stuff. And what was interesting was,
I should have brought the paper, but I didn't. Let me see. What I'm going to do is recite a little bit of the
Nicene Creed because there's something very interesting. They recited the
Nicene Creed, which was done in 325 A .D. And so they have a paper, kind of a magazine thing, printed up each week, really nicely done, it's in color, and they have money.
It's really good. And so they recited the
Nicene Creed and it really stuck out to me. This is the Nicene Creed. Now, they're all sitting down, or are they standing up?
I think they're sitting down. And it says this, We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.
Everybody's reciting this because it's in their paper, their work, their paperwork, everybody has. We believe in one
Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, light from light, true
God from true God, begotten, not made of one being, with the Father. Through Him, all things were made.
No big deal. And then, right before the next sentence, there's a parenthetic statement.
Bow when repeating the following sentence. So I read it and I looked up to see people were bowing and they bowed their heads down.
And this is what the sentence says in the Nicene Creed. For us in our salvation, He came down from heaven.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, He became incarnate in the Virgin Mary and was made man. Then they looked up again and continued.
For our sake, He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered death and was buried. The third day,
He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures. And it goes on. We believe in the Holy Spirit, etc.
Now, what I found interesting was that they bowed their heads in the very sentence that Mary is mentioned.
And it really stuck out to me. I was flabbergasted.
Because you'd think that you're going to bow your head. You're going to bow your head to, we believe in one
God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son eternally begotten of the
Father from God of God. Okay, bow. But it says, For us in our salvation,
He came down from heaven. By the power of the Holy Spirit, He became incarnate in the Virgin Mary and was made man.
That's when you bow. And I watched and He did. So to me, just my opinion, just my opinion, is that it was a display of idolatry to Mary.
Now, that's just my opinion. Maybe I'm way off. I don't know if this is done across Catholic churches, where they bow.
I don't know if it's just here at this one I was at. I don't know. So I can't say it was, wasn't, or anything.
But I did notice that it was really interesting. And here's something else that was interesting. The Bible commands us when we take communion, take the bread and the wine.
That's what the command is, bread and wine. And so there's a process called intinction.
And intinction is where they take the bread or the wafer and dip it into the wine. It's called intinction.
Then they hand it to the person or give it to the person. And in the
Mass, you take the element, the bread, and you put it on the tongue of the person because you don't want to drop it.
Why? Because it's actually the body of Jesus. You don't want it on the floor. So they don't receive it by their own hand.
Someone gives it to them. And so last night, this happened before, two or three weeks ago, before when
I had gone. And they did the same thing where they did not have the wine.
They only had the bread. And I noticed that. And I thought, why is it you're not taking the blood? Because the blood is what cleanses us of our sins.
And they're not taking the wine, just the body. And I thought, is there a spiritual significance here?
Are they denying the blood of God? I just was wondering. So I asked an usher.
And I said, can I ask you a question? And he says, sure. He's really nice. And I said, why is it they're not taking the wine also?
And I wasn't going to get argumentative. I was not going to argue. But I asked him. And he said, it's because they don't have enough volunteers to administer the wine.
And he said, during the day, they have plenty of volunteers to do that. So they do the bread and the wine.
But in the evening, they don't have enough volunteers to do both. So they just do the bread. And I said to him, just one comment.
I said, but isn't the command in Scripture to do both? And he says, well, like I said, they don't have enough volunteers.
And I let it go at that. I didn't want to argue. But the command is to do it for both.
And so what I saw was a compromise of the command of Christ based on convenience.
You see, if you're giving communion, and let's just say that the two volunteers are going to help distribute it are sick that day.
Well, then you just say, everybody, it's going to take longer for us to go through this. Please bear with us.
And people are understanding. It might take five or ten minutes. Okay, so what? And you go through and you administer it that way because that's the command to do both.
I just thought it was interesting that it was okay to admit the blood. I just thought that was suspicious.
And so I did a video on this a little bit. I just got on YouTube. Not YouTube. I got on Facebook.
And I just kind of vented a little bit politely. And now I need to go to a morning service to see how they do it there to see if there's anything different.
And it's really kind of strange because I go to the church, my friend. And everybody's sitting, standing, kneeling, bowing.
And I'm doing nothing. Just sitting there. And I'm watching. I'm not going to participate in their idolatry and their stuff.
And so there I am. And they're nice. No one accosted us. No one got mad or anything like that.
But I will say this. I asked my friend, Bill. And I said, they're not very sociable here, you know.
You don't come to say, how are you doing and where are you from? They don't do that. He said, that's right. He noticed that too. They just come in, do their duty, and then they leave.
Well, these are subjective observations. It doesn't mean that all Roman Catholic churches are like that. I can only tell you that's the one
I experienced. And I thought it was interesting. Especially when it had in the liturgy the command,
I guess you could say, to bow when they're saying that one sentence that includes
Mary. And also, at the church, I noticed that they have a large statue of Mary, bigger than life, and little
Jesus in her arms. So Jesus there is seen as helpless and in the protective arms of Mary.
And then above the altar, Jesus is on a crucifix, on a cross, the figure.
And this is interesting stuff because, I'll get to that. So he's there, and he's also helpless there.
To me, this stuff is important. And I go, and I look, and I learn, and I wonder.
I wonder what is going on that they would do this. And I can't see.
Well, the reason is simple. Well, they can't see because they're blind. Because they don't have the truth.
Because it's a religion. It's not of God.
I firmly believe, and I'm not saying this, you know, I wasn't molested as a kid.
I'm not a priest who did something wrong or beat up by Catholics. Nothing like that.
It's just very simple. The Roman Catholic Church is a false religion.
It's a false church. It teaches a false gospel. It has a false priesthood.
And a false Mary. This is what I believe. Anyway, there's a break.
If you want, give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. What I'm doing right now is updating the connections for the debate that I had last weekend in Salt Lake City.
Okay, there it is. So if you want to watch it, there's a couple ways to find it. One is to go to karm .org
forward slash debates. And you can just look for, do a search for charismatic. It has a list of all kinds of stuff.
And you can do that. Or you can just go to CARM and just put in the search engine debate for the charismatic gifts for today.
And you'll see the article that I wrote about it. And I put my opening statement up there.
And you can check it out. And so there's a comment. You can watch the YouTube video.
You know, there it is. So you can check that out. May the Lord bless you. We have nobody waiting right now.
So if you want to give me a call, you can. 877 -207 -2276.
Now, so I did release an article related to Roman Catholicism here.
Since nobody's calling, I'll just continue to talk about Roman Catholicism. And I did research on whether or not there's a
New Testament priesthood. The way the Roman Catholics have it. And the answer is no.
There isn't one in the same sense as the Roman Catholic Church. Now, there's a priesthood. But the true priesthood is of Jesus.
What I did was I went through and I found five different words that are dealing with priest, priestly office, priesthood, etc.
Archireus, Hierateia, Hieratoma, Hieroteo, and Hierous.
It's hard to pronounce these Greek words sometimes. And so what I did, I found out that there are four categories.
Jewish priesthood, the priesthood of Zeus, the Melchizedek priesthood, and the priesthood of all believers.
Now, what's interesting is 1 Peter 2 .5 says you also as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house.
And that's a holy priesthood in 1 Peter 2 .9. So in both of those, Peter is telling us that there is a priesthood.
But it's not the way the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church is. I think that is really interesting.
Because in my opinion, the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate false church.
And that all who believe in it will go to hell. I do. I believe that.
And I can never see myself recanting from that statement. Because the Roman Catholic Church does preach a false gospel.
Now if you're Roman Catholic and you want to talk to me about that, call me up and we can talk. I won't get mad or anything.
We can talk and go through what the scripture says, what the Roman Catholic Church says. This is a serious business. And I think the
Roman Catholic Church and the East Orthodox Church are both part of the great apostasy.
Alright, alright. Let's get to Cliff from Miami, Florida. Cliff, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, what's going on my brother? Hey man, just doing radio, answering questions. What's up buddy? What do you got?
Quick question, man. What's the difference, if any, between practicing sin and Romans 7?
Before I do... Yeah, go ahead. We all sin, even as Christians.
What the Christians do is fight against it. The unbelievers don't fight against it.
That's the difference between life and death. We struggle. Let's say you're my neighbor, right?
And we go out and we see movies together. We go shooting together, fishing together. Let's just say that either one of us goes together and says,
Man, dude, look, I got this problem, man. I've been struggling with this sin thing. And I say, okay, let's talk.
Or you say, yeah, let's talk. We talk about it and say, man, I want you to hold me accountable. Okay, and you go, yeah, no problem.
That's just loving on each other. And that's a demonstration of truth in the regenerative work of God within us that we're fighting against our sin.
But you could have another neighbor who's practicing all kinds of sin and has no conviction about it, no struggle with it.
And he's a practicer of sin. That's the difference. Okay?
We struggle with it. They don't. We're alive. They're dead. Okay? That help?
Yeah. I got you. Okay. All right. Yeah. That's it.
That's all I have for today. All right. All right, man. Well, good. God bless, buddy. Okay.
Hey, is there anybody else on the line? There's one person, but they're not on yet.
They're working with the producer. What do you got? I haven't caught the show in a couple days, man.
Have you talked about the debate? Yes, the debate I had on the charismatic gifts.
I just did a little bit ago. If you want to see the debate, watch it.
In fact, Andrew, he just called me a half hour ago. He goes, Hey, we got the debate up. And I'm going to cross -link to something he did, his position and stuff, because we're friends.
But if you want to check it out, what you could do is just go to CARM. Let me see.
I'll go to the CARM homepage. And then you go down to the homepage debate slick versus rapid port.
You click on that, and it'll open up. I'm doing it right now because I've modified. And then just to the left of the picture, you can watch the
YouTube video. I'm clicking it right now, and it's opening up. There it is. There it is.
So, okay. No, I'm about to pull that one up. That's not the debate I was talking about. I was talking about the presidential debate.
Oh. Yeah. I saw that. I watched the whole thing, and it was really bad.
Obviously, Biden is incapable. Yeah, it is. And the
Dems are having conniption fits, what they're going to do. But you know what's interesting? What if somehow
Biden wins anyway? Because remember, you know what Stalin said?
It's not how many people vote. It's who counts the votes that matters. Yeah. I want to answer that, but we're on YouTube, and I don't want to get you completely pulled off.
Hey, just do it anyway. Say it. What do you got? I don't care. That's a stupid state of what
I can say. Uh -huh. I mean, there's not many things that could happen. There could be war.
There could be a civil war. Yep. If that happens, yeah. A lot of people are ready.
There's a lot. Yep. They might assassinate Trump because they don't want him in.
They might get somebody else. I just don't know. It's hard for me to believe, seeing what they did last time.
It's hard for me to believe that they will let them back in, knowing all the stuff that they did to the man.
If they put them back in the office, they just have to understand what's coming. It just has to come.
That's right. They're afraid. And no extradition is going to save you from what has to happen.
You know what I mean? It does. It needs to happen. Half of Congress and Senate need to have charges brought against them.
Treason. Absolute treason. Yeah. Uh -huh. And not just half, but there's a lot,
I'm sure, who have been involved with that. The Russiagate, this is what bothers me so much, the lying media.
They just said, Russia this, Russia that. And I haven't heard of any of them coming back on and saying, hey, we apologize for the false information that we gave.
While they're accusing Trump and his campaign of disinformation, and they're the ones guilty of it.
This is the evil of the left. Yeah. And with all that...
Hey, we've got a break. We've got a break, buddy. Oh, okay. All right. Okay, hold on or call back. Okay, call back. All right.
Got to get in line. We've got to go. All right. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it's easy.
Just dial 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Claudius from Raleigh, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Yes, sir.
Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. I have two questions for you, sir. Okay.
Because I tried to make a donation on Saturday and Sunday at the end of the second quarter, end of half year.
I was not able to go through. I don't know why. Do you have any knowledge?
Anybody, any other person complain? You have a donation from, I think, from $5 up to about $5 ,000.
Any time I choose a donation, it would take me to the website so I could fill up and make my donation.
Well, here, let me just tell you that we've been having problems. And I literally, during the break, sent a message to the guy who he and I are going to rebuild the donation page.
And I wrote him and I said, as soon as you're ready to do this, because he had the last week off, we know there's an issue, and we're going to go in and revamp it.
We've already had a big discussion. So all I can tell you is that. The other way, if you want to send a donation, which we really do appreciate, the other way to do it is just to go to the page and just mail a check to CARM at the
PO Box. There is no number you can call and somebody can take your donation over the phone?
Yes, you can, but we're understaffed. And so you have to leave a message, and then we have to get back to you on that.
Oh, okay. We don't have a full -time staff. I'm the only full -time staff that works in this ministry here in America.
It's just me. And we have full -time guys in different countries.
We support them. But as far as this goes, it's just me. My wife, she helps.
She's part -time, and she does a lot of the stuff like what you're talking about. And she'll help people out.
So if you email and say there's a problem, then she can generally get back to you.
But it takes a day or two sometimes because, well, it's just, let's just say her health is challenged.
So this is how we are. This is what it is. We're just doing the best we can. Okay? Yes, sir.
My second question is I'm on Luke 11, 27 to 28.
Okay. 11, 27. Oh, yeah. While Jesus was saying these words, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said,
Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts of which you nursed. And he said, On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.
Yes? Okay. Yes, sir. So what's your question? I was surprised about that answer.
And that tells me that, like, the Catholic Church, they raised
Mary so much. And now we see over here that the most important thing to Jesus is about spreading the gospel.
Right. There you go. It's not Mary. Absolutely. You got that right.
And it's something bigger I learned because that was from Jesus' own mouth about spreading the gospel. Because that's when the disciples, when he's leaving the disciples to go out and preach the gospel.
Even though Mary is a hearty mother, he's telling her that spreading the gospel, there is nothing to compare.
I agree. Thank you very much, sir. I agree with you. So good stuff, brother.
I'm glad you point out those verses. Luke 11, 27. I will call a number so they could call me or something so I could make a donation because we need to be making donations.
There should not be a problem. Yes. Let me just tell you, and for everybody else out there, we have just an insurmountable amount of work we need to do with the website and corrections and little things, editing things that we've got to get in.
We've discovered SEO, search engine optimization failures that when we converted the site over and SEO changes.
So we have to update stuff that were on that project. I also have to work at producing articles and videos.
And so it takes a lot of effort to produce all that information. But I've also got to get in and fix the store.
And we have a lot that we have to do. There's just a lot going on. Excuse me, sir.
Is the address in the website you have to write a check? Is the address somewhere in the website? Yes. At the bottom of the website, there's a
P .O. box. And people just send checks and stuff to the
P .O. box. And it really does help us a great deal. Thank you, sir. You're welcome.
All right. Well, thank you very much. All right. So what we're going to be doing with the donation thing is we hope to get a new page.
And then what we want to do is fix it so that there will be a new login feature on the
CARM website. So that anybody who has signed up, taken the schools, made any donations can go in to that function.
Log in and see all the information and everything that they've done. This is one of the things we're going to be working on.
And it's not easy to do. So it just takes work, a lot of work. And, you know, at my age, at 67,
I'm always teaching myself new stuff. Like, okay, how do we do
SEO? All right. How do we do WooCommerce integrated with the
API inside of the website? Blah, blah, blah. You know, and how do we format this? It's just, you know, just a lot of work.
And it's just what it is. I'm not complaining. It's just how it is. And I'm trying to do more videos. And let's just say that's a challenge.
It's a lot of challenges. And I'm smiling when I'm saying it. I'm not complaining or whining. It's just how it is because there's so much to do.
And just to, you know, praise God, we have Charlie Spine. He helps send stuff out to the social media stuff.
He does that. And then we have Joanne. She runs a prayer ministry. And that's a huge help and very important.
We have Laura. She helps do SEO stuff. And she's pretty good at editing.
And so I'll write an article and it's perfect. And then she'll find a grammar error in it, you know.
And I'll go, how did you find it? It was perfect until you saw it. So we do that kind of thing.
And she will point out things. Because, you know, it's a fresh set of eyes, you know. And I even use grammar checkers.
And then I can find more stuff because you can't read your own stuff and edit your own stuff. And that's okay. So the
Lord is really, he's blessing us. In fact, since we're talking about karma a little bit, I think
I'm going to just do a little bit of an update on what's going on with it. Not a big deal because we have nobody waiting right now.
No callers. So if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
And I want to hear from you. Or you can send me an email. I mean, send the email to info at karm .org,
info at karm .org. And put in the subject line, radio comment or radio question.
All right. A page view on a site is you go to three pages and look at three different pages.
That's three page views. That's what a page view is. So you can have one person go to three pages or five pages.
That would be three or five page views. Or he goes to one page. That's one page view. So we've had 250 million, well, actually 254 million, 558 ,532 page views.
New visitors, and this means their IP addresses from the computers and MAC addresses and things like this.
It means that each individual computer. We've had 163 ,425 ,168.
How about that? As of yesterday. And in returning visitors, this means people coming in, they see the site, and they come back.
And they spend time on the site. 91 ,608 ,913. So we're averaging, new visitors, we're averaging about 31 ,000 a day.
Returning about 17 ,000. And 49 ,000 in page views on a daily basis.
So, praise God. This site's reaching all over the world. And we're grateful that God has given us this ministry.
So we also have the site being developed in Portuguese and in Spanish.
We have those also. So you can check those out too. And we thought we were going to be doing one in Turkish, but something's come up.
And so that's going to be on hold for a bit. So there you go. Not a big deal.
And January 1st. So there you go. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I think what I'll do is after the break, I'll get to some questions, comments and questions in the mail, emails.
And if you are interested, like I said, in the debate that Andrew Rappaport and I had on the charismatic gifts, just so you know, we weren't there to win.
Because we're friends. We were there to inform. And you can check that out. Go there.
And I'm going to look about, see about downloading it and putting it up on the CARM .org debate area.
And so we have our own little setup there. There you go. And that was at mrm .org
at the Utah Christian Research Center. It's really good. We had a good time. There's the music.
So after the break, we'll be on the last segment of the hour. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get with Gil from New York. Welcome here on the air. Hi, it's a pleasure calling you.
I'm also blind, and I listened to the show for the very first time. And I wanted to share a scripture and just share my testimony.
Just make a comment on what you said. I am enjoying the program, though. In Matthew chapter 5, verse 16, it says,
In the same way, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father which is in heaven. My testimony is this. I didn't know how to read well most of my entire life.
I wasn't interested in reading. My reading improved. I also learned how to play the piano because I have ringing in the ears, and there's no cure for that.
And at the health food store, they gave me the Bibles and stuff. And I also got a verse meaning that I suffer from ringing in the ears.
It's Psalm 119, verse 71. It says, It was good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn your decrees.
And I personally believe, from what I know, that there are some
Catholics that don't know any better that might still be saved, even though they don't know the truth. I live in a nursing home with so many
Catholics who are not interested in the Bible, which makes me upset. But I do believe somehow, some way,
God saves people in ways we just can't understand. And I just wanted to share what you think of my testimony.
Yeah, I agree with you. Like I said, I'm blind too. Well, sorry that you're blind, but I also have ringing in my ears.
Yeah, I have both. I have that too. Mine's very loud, 80 decibels. Oh, man.
I've had it for like 30 years. Well, that's just what it is. By our afflictions, we look to Christ.
I agree with you that there are true Christians in the Catholic Church, but official Roman Catholic theology is anti -Christ.
Yeah, it's bad news. Yeah, yep. Yeah, and I also mentioned that I didn't know how to play the piano.
I wasn't interested in the keyboard, but as a result of the ringing, I pushed myself to learn the piano.
So I live in a nice nursing home where I have my keyboard and my Braille books. They gave me space for that too.
I don't know if you can see how big Braille Bibles are. It takes up a lot of space. I'm really thankful to Samantha.
She works here. She gave me a place in the library to put all my stuff, you know, since I've been here for a year.
And I just want to let my light shine for those people as well. You know, I ask that you pray for me too.
Well, we have a prayer ministry. So if you were to contact us or Joanne is listening,
I'm sure she'll put you on the list. And she runs a prayer ministry. Well, I hope I bless the listeners on your show.
Yes. Okay. Yeah, she'll be on the prayer list. Okay. And you can always email us.
Thank you so much. Yeah, you can email us too. All right. All right, brother. Well, God bless.
All right. Thank you. God bless you too. Bye -bye. All right. God bless. All right, now let's get to Nick from Ohio.
Hey, Nick. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you doing? Doing all right.
Hanging in there. A little melancholy with a bit of obstreperous kind of vituperation ready to bubble forward.
Okay. Hey, I loved your suggestion on Machine Gun Preacher. That was a great movie. Yes. Isn't that interesting?
Yeah. Uh -huh. So, okay. So I grew up Roman Catholic and I got saved and left about 25 years ago.
But I kept this book called Catholicism of the Catholic Church. And on page 23,
I'm going to call it section 841. It's talking about Islam and this kind of shocking.
It said the church's relationship with the Muslims. The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the creator in the first place among those who are the
Muslims. These profess to hold the faith of Abraham. And together with us, they adore the one merciful
God, mankind's judge on the last day. So apparently they believe that you don't have to believe in Jesus Christ alone to get to heaven.
Oh, no. They don't believe that you can believe in Jesus alone. That's actually the case.
Okay. They deny justification by faith alone in Christ alone. They add works. And so that's paragraph 841 that you're quoting in the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 841. Yes. Yep. And so also like when
I was a Catholic, you know, you prayed to Mary. And in Romans, it talks about those who worship the creature instead of the creator are turned over to a reprobate mind.
And I realize that is referring to homosexuality. But is it kind of the same thing? Yes, it is.
You see, in Leviticus 26, one in excess 20, verse three and four talks about not bearing making images that you would bow down to them.
So in the Catholic Church, what I see when I physically go there and watch, I see the people go up to the statue of Mary and bow down.
And they bow down at the altar, which is ultimately underneath the image of Jesus. So they're bowing down under images.
The Mormons do the same thing. They go into the temple. They pay a full 10 percent tithe. They bow down under the idol of Moroni at the top.
But nevertheless, so, yeah, they're of a reprobate mind. But they're under that judgment because they're believing a lie.
Yeah. So once someone's turned over to a reprobate mind, can they still get saved?
Good question. They can if God grants them repentance and faith.
Does he? That's the question. OK. If they're given over to a reprobate mind, as Romans one talks about, and that's in judgment of homosexuality.
That's what that is. That's right. Yeah. A lot of people don't know that. It's the one sin that I'm aware of in Scripture that when you commit it, you practice it, that God judges you now.
Not later. Well, later too, but now. And he gives them over to it. Yeah. It's bad.
OK. Well, I appreciate all you do, Matt. I try to listen to you every night. And thank you very much.
Hey, you're welcome very much. God bless, man. God bless. OK. Yep. Have a good evening. You too.
Thanks. All right. So it says in Romans one, verse twenty three, or twenty two, professing to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible
God for an image in the form of a corruptible man and of birds and four -footed animals and crawling creatures.
Therefore, God gave them over in the lust of their hearts to impurity so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
For the exchange of truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever.
Amen. And that's Romans one, twenty five. So the exchange of truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature.
Now, the Catholics worship Mary. They say, no, they don't. Yeah, actually, yes, they do.
And I debate this with them. We define what is worship. And then they like to define it in nuanced ways so that the certain definition is only of God, but everything else they do makes it
OK. So they play the definition game. But worship in the
Bible is bowing down before, praying to, granting adoration to.
And they certainly do this with Mary. And so they're serving the creature rather than the creator.
And one of the ways I prove this is the case is by simply asking the
Roman Catholics if excuse me, if they can go to Jesus alone and pray to him alone because he's
God in flesh. And if they pray to him alone, not Mary, not anybody else, not to a priest, just straight to Jesus on their own.
And they ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins. Will he forgive them? And they have so much trouble answering the question because they're so brainwashed into thinking that you have to go through the church and its sacraments and the priesthood and its sacraments in order to be saved.
And it's just pathetic. It is. And so they pray to Mary, they worship
Mary, and they adore Mary. In fact, in 1531 in Guadalupe, Mexico, the apparition that the
Roman Catholic church says was really Mary. It really was Mary, they say. And this apparition said,
I am truly your merciful mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land, and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me.
I will hear their weeping, their complaints, and heal all their sorrows, hardships, and sufferings.
So this apparition, which the Roman Catholic church says was really Mary, says that you've got to love her.
And then again in 1531, the apparition says, are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not the source of your joy? No, Jesus is the source of our joy. Are you not in the hollow of my mantle and the crossing of my arms?
No. No, we're not. We're in the crossing of the arms of Jesus, not Mary. And then the apparition goes on.
Are you in the hollow of my mantle and the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? It's a rhetorical question.
You don't need anything more than Mary. This is blasphemy. And then in Fatima, it says,
I'll do the last two. There are three apparitions. Jesus wants, the apparition of Mary says,
Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish a devotion to my immaculate heart throughout the world.
I promise salvation to whoever embraces it. I mean, this is just blasphemy.
And then another one, this happened on July 13, 1917.
It says, sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially whenever you make a sacrifice.
Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of thee, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the immaculate heart of Mary.
So now you have to make sacrifices one way or another to undo the sins against Mary. So the apparition is demonic.
The apparition is now pointing them and people and the adherents of Catholicism to make reparations for the sins committed against Mary.
This is just blasphemy. And as Romans 1 .25 says, for the exchange of truth of God for a lie and worship and serve the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever.
For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions and talks about homosexuality here.
This is one of the judgments of God of serving the creature. Now they may say, well, the
Catholics aren't practicing that. Well, they are doing this. Just as they did not see fit to acknowledge
God any longer, it gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things that are not proper.
And there's a list of things that are not proper here. Some of them are pretty pagan. And the
Catholics will say, no, no, no, we're not guilty of all of those. Well, not all of them, but gossip and deceit and boasting and disobedience to God, unloving.
They are manifesting many of those because they put their faith and hope in the Roman Catholic Church and the blasphemous apparitions of Mary.
These are not real apparitions of Mary. They're demonic manifestations. So there you go.
We've got about a minute left in the show. And so I'm absolutely convinced the
Roman Catholic Church and the East Orthodox Church are apostate, false religious systems. It is sad.
Sad that people don't want to believe the Word of God. I'm recommending to you, if you're listening, believe the
Word of God. Trust in Jesus. Don't trust in anyone else. Don't trust in a priest.
Don't trust in your baptism to save you. Don't trust in your works. Don't trust in your church.
Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Go to Jesus. Ask Jesus, who's God in flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead.
Ask Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins. Turn from your sins.
Look to Jesus, to Jesus alone. Not Jesus and your sincerity. Jesus and your baptism.
Jesus and your sacraments. Jesus and your good works. Don't do that. Look to Him alone and ask
Him to save you, to forgive you of all of your sins. And submit to the
Lordship of His existence in your life and in your heart. And good works will follow because of this.
Ask Jesus to forgive you. Go to Him. He's the one you need. Not any church, or a baptism, or a set of sacraments, or a set of rituals, or a set of works.
You need Jesus and Him alone. Amen and amen. There's the music. I am out of here. May the Lord bless you by His grace.
We're back on the air tomorrow, and we'll talk to you then. Have a good evening, everyone. God bless. Another program powered by the