F4F | Tak Bhana Claims Miracles Are the Norm for Christians


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that you need to be performing miracles as a
Christian and that this is normal and that you got to be you know getting on with it, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and don't forget to ring the bell.
You've been taught false doctrine. Now, case in point, we're gonna be heading to a place called
Church Unlimited as we listen to Tak Bana explain to us about the God of miracles, the
God of miracles, and along the way he's gonna be twisting God's Word and making kind of the standard charismatic and narismatic claims, narismatic,
N -A -R, narismatic claims as it relates to supposedly signs and wonders being normal in Christianity in the
Bible, and in fact, miracles are actually rare in the Bible, but we'll let
Tak Bana explain. Here we go. So not long ago the
Holy Spirit spoke to me. Have you heard me talk about that he's the God of miracles and he wants to take miracles to another level in our church.
Yeah, see already we're off to a bad start. So yeah, he's claiming that God the Holy Spirit spoke to him that God the
Holy Spirit wants to take miracles to a whole other level there in their church. Really?
Really? The Holy Spirit told you that? The one I share, coming in you'll hear a few more today, but in the
Bible as you read through the Scriptures, miracles are the norm. It's, it's, it's, they're not. Yeah, no, they're not.
So this is a false narrative, and this is a very common false narrative within the charismatic and narismatic churches, that miracles are the norm.
Let's just kind of walk through this. Noah performed zero miracles. Abraham, zero miracles.
Isaac, Jacob, zero miracles. Mm -hmm. Yeah, the first guy to really be a miracle worker is
Moses, and we learn from Exodus chapter 4 that the purpose of the signs that God gave
Moses was to validate the fact that he was sent by God.
Now after Moses, Joshua, yeah, after the fall of Jericho, not so much on the miracle side.
Miracles kind of disappear, you know, and you know, they come back again with none other than the school of the prophets,
Elijah and Elisha, again authors of Scripture. Fascinating.
And then they kind of taper off again. Yeah, after Isaiah, not a miracle worker.
Jeremiah, definitely not a miracle worker. You know, you think of Malachi, you think of, you know,
Zephaniah and Haggai and Obadiah and these guys. Nehemiah, not a miracle worker.
Now you get a little bit of God's miraculous intervention to help with Daniel, but Daniel himself, not a miracle worker.
Neither was Shadrach, Meshach, or Abednego. And so, fascinating. And then they totally taper off, disappear again until Jesus shows up on the scene, and then
Jesus' signs and wonders are the, you know, the testimony to validate his claim that he is none other than the
Son of God in human flesh. And so, then Jesus gives miracle -working power to his apostles.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, you think of the Apostle Paul and his ability to, you know, bless handkerchiefs and stuff, but we learned from 2
Corinthians 12, 12, and 13 that these were the unique signs of an apostle.
And so, taqbanah for him to say, oh, in the Bible, miracles are the norm. No, they are not.
That's patently false. The exception. And tragically, we have accepted the gospel with limited miraculous power.
And it's almost like we've given ground to the enemy, but we've got to take back the gospel with limited miraculous power.
I think Jesus rising from the grave on the third day after he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, that would be like, you know, not a limiting miraculous power gospel, but like the ultimate miraculous power gospel.
You know what I mean? Because miracles are the domain of Christianity. Miracles are the heartbeat of the
Church. No, they're not. They're not even the heartbeat of the Church in the
New Testament. Yeah, what he's saying is false. Miracles are our zone.
Miracles are where we operate best, or where God wants us to operate best. The signature of Jesus is miracles.
He went around... Yes, the signature of Jesus is miracles.
In fact, let's go ahead and pull this up. I want to take a look at John, I think
I want 20 or 21, and I think it's at the tail end of 20 that that yeah, here we go.
John chapter 20, verse 30. Jesus did many other signs, and semeion in Greek is the same word used for miracles.
Signs and miracles are synonymous. So Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book, but these things are written, so that you may believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you might have life in his name. Now, important to note, Jesus himself makes it clear that of any man born of a woman, that there was none greater than John the
Baptist, and it is noted of John the Baptist, he performed no miracles, no signs.
So what Takbana is saying here is this is a false narrative that then is going to be used to twist the
Scriptures, because of course, the immediate question is, well, why aren't you working in miracles?
What's holding you back, bro? You need to get out there and operate in the signs and wonders and stuff.
Doing good, healing all who are oppressed of the devil, and setting people free, and releasing them. He is a
God of miracles. If you need a miracle in your life, listen up, receive faith, because God's got a miracle waiting for you.
It's not far away. Yeah, this is manipulation. Don't be disheartened. Don't be discouraged.
I'll get to it shortly, but God can do all the miracles, whatever you need. A day without a miracle is a boring day.
Would you say that? Yeah, that's pretty much every day for every Christian, by the way, and I would even say that's the everyday life of Takbana, because when he claims he's performing miracles on a daily basis, he's lying through his teeth, and we'll even do a little fact -checking on one of the stories he's about to tell here.
So a day without a miracle is a boring day. Again, where in Scripture am I told
I'm supposed to be performing miracles daily, and where is it taught that, oh, you know, it's a boring day.
Something's wrong with your Christianity if you're not performing miracles. A day without a miracle is a boring day.
I declare over your life and mine, no more boring days.
Yeah, he declared it, so that fixed it right up. I mean, since he declared it, I mean, you're gonna be operating in the miraculous like, you know, fish swim in water, apparently.
We want a Christianity that is so exciting, so powerful, so dramatically life -changing that the world loses all of its appeal, and we run after God with passion and fire.
Again, the Christianity you're describing is not promised to Christians at all. Yeah, like nowhere.
You are sounding like a raving fanatic, by the way. The kind of Christianity I'm interested in, and I'm sure you are as well.
So I'm gonna share with you five keys to seeing a miracle, and I want you... So apparently it's all up to you.
Five keys to see a miracle, and watch what he does with like key number one, which is proof that this guy is a false teacher, extraordinaire.
Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and try and discover which point is for you. You see, there's many keys to miracles, and maybe
I'm gonna share one that you thought, man, that's the one I need to push in on, because there is a miracle waiting for you.
So please don't listen for a great message and great points. Listen for the voice of the
Holy Spirit. Yeah, I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to me when
I read God's Word, the written Word of God. Because in God's Word is a power to bring breakthrough.
See, the voice of God, you know, you can hope... You'll notice he's pointing us to something other than the actual voice of God, a voice that isn't the voice of God.
2 Timothy chapter 3 will help us out here. 2 Timothy chapter 3 will help us quite a bit, and here's what the
Apostle Paul writes to young Pastor Timothy in 2 Timothy chapter 3, verse 14.
As for you, Timothy, continue in what you've learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you've been acquainted with the sacred writings.
And let me make that a little bit bigger. The sacred writings, grammata, talking about, you know, actual sacred writings, the scriptures, right?
Which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture,
Greek word here, graphe, again, writing. All scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
Now notice, Taqbana isn't pointing us to the written Word of God. He's pointing us to some internal thingy that we're supposed to be hearing, you know,
God's supposedly talking to us, oh, this is God, and I'm trying to tell you something.
Yeah, okay, God. Yeah, that's not God, by the way. That's something different. Think and push and pray and all the rest of it, but when you have a voice, the
Word of God, then faith comes by hearing, and that's what releases a miracle. So listen carefully.
So listen carefully. So if you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit out there, and then you can hear his voice, then that'll release a miracle.
No biblical text says that either. I'm tuning in. What is the key to my miracle?
The first thing we need to do is take all limits off God. Psalm 78 41. Yes, again and again they tempted God and limited the
Holy One of Israel. So apparently, key number one, you got to take the limits off God.
You want to see miracles? See, you're probably not experiencing miracles. First thing you got to do is take the limits off God, and this is where it helps to know the original languages and know a little bit about the translation traditions that have come to us in the
English language. Psalm 78 41. We're going to begin by taking a look at Psalm 78 41 in the
English Standard Version, and let me get my Hebrew up a little bit here.
English Standard Version, so Psalm 78 41, and we're going to note that when you read it with a modern translation, it doesn't say limited
God. Here's, in fact, let's apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
Those are your three rules for sound biblical exegesis, and let's note here what's going on.
So God is kind of recounting His time with the Israelites in the wilderness, if you would.
In spite of all this, they still sinned. Despite His wonders, they did not believe. So He made their days vanish like a breath, their years in terror.
When He killed them, they sought Him. They repented and sought God earnestly. They remembered that God was their rock, the
Most High God, their Redeemer. But they flattered Him with their mouths, they lied to Him with their tongues.
Their heart was not steadfast toward Him. They were not faithful to His covenant. So this is recounting the history of Israel now.
Yet He, being compassionate, atoned for their iniquity and did not destroy them. He restrained
His anger often and did not stir up all of His wrath. He remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that passes and comes not again.
How often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness and grieved Him in the desert. They tested
Him again and again and provoked the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember
His power or the day when He redeemed them from the foe when He performed His signs in Egypt and His marvels in the fields of Zoan.
He turned their rivers to blood so that they could not drink of their streams. Now a little bit of a note here, as we're listening now to this historical narrative, this recounting of God's wonders and, you know,
Israel's rebellion against them, we read through verse 41, and it didn't say anything about limiting
God. In fact, let's take a look at what's going on. They tested
God, and again, and provoked Him, tevah. Here's the Hebrew verb, tevah.
They provoked the Holy One of Israel. Now, tevah, by the way, in Hebrew, mark on the forehead, it's basically to provoke
God, to anger Him, to, you know, get Him upset.
That's what tevah means. Now, what's interesting here is that there is a translation, and I mean one, where it uses the word limited, and it's in the
King James Version, and this is not a good translation of the Hebrew tevah.
And you'll note that Hebrew studies has changed a lot since the time of the
King James Bible, and here's what it says, "...yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the
Holy One of Israel." So here, the King James is, you know, basically taking the word tevah and, you know, making it limited, but that's not what tevah means at all.
And so we'll note then that you really want to know what's going on here, do a little comparative study.
In fact, a little bit of a note here. If you're not sure about what a word means, sometimes you can get at it by comparing several good modern translations.
So we took a look at the ESV, and in the ESV 41 translates tevah as provoked.
Let's take a look then at how it's translated in the NASB. NASB is a very, very literal translation, and here's what it says, "...and
again and again they tempted God and pained," pained or provoked, yeah?
"...the Holy One of Israel." So the NASB is translating tevah here as pained,
ESV as provoked, and both of them are getting at it, I think, fairly well. And then you take a look at the
NIV, the original NIV from 1984, "...again and again they put God to the text, they vexed," vex, pained, provoked.
But all of those are legitimate ways of pulling the Hebrew word tevah into the English language.
Limited, by the way, is not a good way at all, it's very confusing, which is one of the reasons why
I'm not a big fan of the King James, because its Hebraic scholarship is lacking, you know, the
Hebrew scholarship of 400 years ago wasn't as far along as we are today.
So you'll note that all the major translations of the modern era, you know, new translations translate tevah as vexed, pained, provoked, that gets at what tevah is all about.
So what Takbana is doing here is he's just proof texting. So key number one, if you want to experience a miracle, is you got to take the limits off God, but Psalm 7841 doesn't say anything for real about putting limits on God, that's not what the
Hebrew is saying at all. And you'll note reading, we read it out in context, that it wasn't saying that by doing so they were limiting
God and His ability to perform miracles. Far from it. God was performing miracles despite their unbelief and atoning for their sins despite their unbelief, and their behavior vexed
Him, pained Him, provoked Him, that was the point here. So what
Takbana here is doing is pulling a fast one. In our hearts, I've discovered my how -to, so easily limit
God. We just put all these restrictions on them, maybe from our history, our background. Okay, I'm gonna back this up just a little bit.
Let's take all limits off God. Psalm 7841, yes, again and again they tempted God and limited the
Holy One of Israel. In our hearts, I've discovered my how -to, we so easily limit
God. We just put... Yeah, no. No. See, you know, it's not like...
How do you limit an all -powerful being? God is all -powerful.
Nothing is impossible for God, you know, except for lying and things like that, you know, and so how do you limit
God? Whoa there, God. I gotta put some limits on there. You got all this power. We're gonna have to cite you for speeding with your power, you know.
Too much power in a construction zone here, God. Yeah, this is ridiculous.
All these restrictions on them, maybe from our history, our background, our upbringing, or whatever it might be, but we keep putting these limits on God, and you hear about some miracles, yeah, well, yeah, they're like, of course that happens in Africa.
Yeah, that happens in China and India, but it doesn't happen here. Friends, I believe that the
God of Africa is the God of New Zealand. I believe... There is only one God, but you're twisting
God's Word and putting a heavy burden on these people to perform miracles that they can't perform.
I believe the same power is available wherever God's people are. The people in Africa do not have more
Holy Spirit power than us. They have the same Holy Spirit. They have the same Jesus. We're all in the same domain, so we can all expect the impossible to happen, right?
No, we can't expect the impossible to happen. God doesn't promise us the impossible, doesn't promise us the ability to operate in signs and wonders the same way the
Apostles did. Those were the signs of the Apostles. Our own lives, you know, one reason we don't see extraordinary miracles is because we assume they won't happen.
We just, you know, they just... Says which biblical text? Which biblical text says that miracles can't happen unless we assume they can happen?
Hmm? I don't know of any biblical text that says that. In fact, you know, quite frankly, when
God parted the Red Sea for Moses, nobody saw that one coming, and God was basically saying, move forward, and you know, and so it wasn't because of their belief that God parted the
Red Sea, you know, and then Jesus is resurrecting from the grave. A little bit of a note here, when you read through the
Gospels, Jesus tells his disciples straight up, guys, I'm going to Jerusalem, gonna be handed over to the
Jews and the Gentiles, they're gonna crucify me, I'm gonna die, and on the third day rise again, and they were scratching their head going, huh?
What does he mean by that? Yeah, Jesus didn't rise from the grave on the third day because the disciples expected him to.
In fact, they didn't. So what this guy's saying is straight -up false. Too hard basket.
So we don't expect it to happen. God wants us to change our thinking. We need to break the shackles off our minds that limit
God's power. There are no shackles that can limit God's power. Go ahead and limit
God. Try it. It won't work. You know, good luck on that, by the way. Our circumstances.
If our prayers do not intimidate us, they're too small. You should pray and pray and get frightened.
If they don't intimidate us, they're too small. When the disciples came to Jesus and said,
Jesus, teach us to pray, Jesus said, alright. When you pray, say, are you ready? Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Note, when
Jesus taught us to pray, we are to pray for, are you ready? Daily bread.
Notice Jesus didn't say, now make sure, boys, when you pray, it's got to be intimidating what you pray for.
So don't pray for that daily bread stuff. I mean, anybody can have that. I mean, pray for something outrageous.
Pray for a lifetime supply of bread. Nope. Jesus said pray for daily bread.
So what this guy is saying is false. Straight up false. Because when Jesus taught us to pray, he didn't say what he's this guy's saying.
He taught us to pray for minuscule things, like daily bread.
It should scare us, because that honors God. God loves big prayers.
Where in scripture does it say that? He's a very big God. How big is
God? Exactly. And how do I know my prayers are big enough?
You see, this is straight up false. It limits God. Matthew 9 29, according to your faith, be it to you.
So there's a boy has no fingers on one hand. So now he just quotes
Matthew 9 29, totally out of context, according to your faith, let it be to you. And now he's telling a story.
He's gonna regale us with a story. And okay, we're gonna note a few things about this story.
There was a person, we don't know the name of the person, there was a child who was born without digits.
No fingers at all. No thumb. And we're gonna hear him,
Takmana, say that he went to a healing service. We're not sure which one. What day? You know, strange, this is the story, because all of the details that give you the ability to validate and verify it, they're totally missing.
So let me back this up just a little bit. Watch what he does. When our faith is too small, it limits
God. Matthew 9 29, according to your faith, be it to you. So there's a boy has no fingers on one hand, literally.
Which hand? What's the boy's name? What country does the boy live in?
Are there photographs of this child, this boy, with his hand with no fingers?
I'd like to see the before and after photos. We live in the days when people have cell phones, you know.
They got smartphones. Everyone's got a camera in their pocket. I'd like to know some of the details here of this story.
Five stubs. Pretty awful, really, if you think about it. And so he goes to a healing meeting.
Which healing meeting? Which country was the healing meeting performed in? Who was leading the healing meeting?
What year was it? The first act of faith, I believe, is that someone actually prays for the guy.
Someone? Who? What's his name? Who's the fellow who prayed for the guy?
It was me, and there was a prayer line, a healing line, and I was walking down the line. I see in my corner's eye, there's a guy down there with no fingers.
I would pretend I didn't see him, and I'd go in the other direction. Now note here, what
Takbana just said is actually quite embarrassingly true. He just admitted that if he were doing a healing line or a prayer line, and there was a fellow with no fingers in the line, he wouldn't make eye contact and would go the other way.
Why? And this is something that Benny Hinn does, by the way. You show up at a Benny Hinn Revival Healing Service, and you're in a wheelchair, or you have a visible physical illness, you know, or malady or handicap, you're gonna be sent to the very, very, very back of the room, and then when it comes time for everybody to come up and receive their miracle, you're gonna be ushered out of the building.
Yeah, this is well documented. You can find this on YouTube, by the way. Video documentarians have recorded this phenomenon, and it's quite simple, because Benny Hinn only heals people of invisible ailments.
Yep. Not visible ones. And so Takbana here is saying, yeah, if the guy shows up in my healing line, and he's got no fingers,
I'm not gonna make eye contact with him. Listen to what he says. This is quite the confession.
Healing line, and I was walking down the line, and I see in my corner's eye there's a guy down there with no fingers.
I would pretend I didn't see him, and I'd go in the other direction and find someone that's just got a headache.
Right, because nobody can see a headache. Because you put it in the too -hard basket.
You think that's not gonna happen. So I think the fact that they prayed for him was amazing. So he was prayed for, then he turned and he walked away.
As he was walking away, they heard pop. Who's they? Who heard pop?
Who heard pop? You said they heard pop. Who's they? Another pop.
Another pop. Another pop. And another pop.
You're lying. You made this up. And this boy's got five brand new fingers.
What's his name again? Show me the website where the before and after photos are of his...
Was it his right hand or left hand? You didn't say. We'll just say it's his right hand.
Show me the before and after photos of his right hand without the fingers, and then now with the new fingers.
Which healing service was this? You note that this is how the scam works. So he's twisted
God's Word, and now he's claiming that proof that what he's saying is true are the miracles that occur at healing services and places like that.
And yet this miracle is held up as proof that this is true, yet we know none of the details.
And that's the common denominator in the charismatic movement.
No details. No names. No before and after photos. No anything at all.
You've got to trust the man of God who's preaching the Word to you. But I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him, and the reason
I don't trust him is because he's twisting God's Word very obviously. So I think you get the point.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.