The Most Important Christian Teaching?


Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good..." Sermon link:


Hello, just a brief video here about the most important Christian doctrine. And I'm saying that other than the gospel, it's obviously the gospel that's most important.
But other than that, right, maybe the second most important Christian doctrine, it has to be the sovereignty of God.
And here's why. It's the most broad, it's the most widespread.
If that's true, if God really is sovereign, then that touches everything.
It affects everything. It changes everything because God is actually sovereign and in control of everything.
So the sovereignty of God is the most, aside from the gospel itself, which is the most important thing.
If a person doesn't believe the gospel of Christ, crucified and risen, you know, grace alone, faith alone, and Christ alone, the
Bible alone is our authority. How do we know the gospel? It's in the Bible, right? So other than that, the sovereignty of God is the most consequential, most important doctrine there is.
And if I could summarize it, maybe in one Bible verse, there are other verses that talk about God being sovereign that call
Jesus the sovereign or the king of kings. But the most important verse that expresses that truth and its application or what it means for us is
Romans 8, 28, when it says that God causes all things to work together for good.
And think about it. If that's true, if God is causing all things to work together for good, and it's obviously not just for the good of all people.
It's not for the good of Satan. It's not for the good of people who hate God. No, the full verse is
God, depending on the translation, God causes all things to work together for good to those who love him, right?
And to those who are the called according to his purpose. If that's true, if every single thing, even the bad things that happen, which
God is not the author of sin, and I'm not saying some people might, but I'm not saying that.
You can listen to my sermon, The Absolute Sovereignty of God, make it very clear. It's not that God causes everything to happen.
If somebody does something evil, if a criminal harms somebody, does something evil,
God didn't make them do it or anything like that. So people leave comments and try to get into that whole
Calvinism thing, and I don't think Calvinists believe that, but that's another, I don't even want to get into that.
But if that's true, that God can even use those evil things to work together for the good of his people and to work together for his own glory.
If God is causing all things to work together for good, if that's true, and the
Bible says it, Romans 8, 28. If that's true, that changes everything.
I mean, that in and of itself, if you can have faith in that one verse, everything else should fall in place, because whatever happens, whatever has happened in the past, whatever might happen, because there's a lot of people that are anxious and worried about what could happen, what might happen in the future.
Yeah, but if you just trust in that one verse, if you just trust in God's word, that one promise in Romans 8, 28, then you know what?
It's all going to be okay. So I really do believe this, the sovereignty of God is the most important Christian doctrine.